Trypophobia on the skin: mysterious visions or a real threat?

Trypophobia is the fear of cluster holes, that is, clusters of repeating round formations. In order to understand what it is, let's borrow examples from nature. Honeycombs, corals, etc. have such holes. But the most striking phenomena are lotus seeds, as well as the Suriname pipa, a frog that carries eggs with embryos on its back. There are many such eggs and they are all in round-shaped cells. If you look closely at the surface of our skin, you will notice that it is also covered with repeating circles - these are pores.

What is trypophobia

The second part of the word is quite clear. A phobia is fear, fear of something. And the first one, “tripo,” is a generatrix and means “hole, perforate, concentration of holes.”

A cluster of holes or bulges literally drives people affected by this disorder crazy. Trypophobia on the skin is caused by dermatological problems associated with any depressions.

There is no mention of trypophobia in the reference book for diagnosing mental disorders; this ailment has not been scientifically confirmed, for this reason it cannot be called a disease. This is the highest degree of disgust, its pathological manifestation, which cannot be controlled.

Recently, fear of cluster holes has become more common. The world first heard about it in 2004, and that’s when the first studies began. A professional description of this psychosomatic disorder appeared only in 2013. And in 2016, through laboratory research, it was proven that disgusting spectacles cause mental vulnerability and unstable functioning of the nervous system. They provoke visual discomfort, acting through the visual method of perceiving information.

Susceptibility to illness

The most common everyday things can trigger an attack of trypophobia: natural phenomena, food, animals, plants, insects, external manifestations of any diseases. What exactly will be the provoking factor for the fear of cluster holes is unknown. The most powerful impact is exerted by:

  • multiple passages of insects or their larvae, honeycombs, wasp nests;
  • corn cobs, ripe sunflower heads;
  • holes in cheese, baked goods, foam on milk or coffee, aerated chocolate;
  • Suriname tropical toad;
  • geological or architectural objects;
  • problematic skin, rashes, acne, enlarged pores, blackheads.

The first manifestations of fear of holes should not be taken lightly. Over time, it progresses, and attacks occur more often. Stimuli can cause visual hallucinations in the form of clustered holes on one's own body. Such visions provoke panic attacks, a desire to take off one’s skin or hide.


Since this deviation has not yet been sufficiently studied, it is difficult to name the exact causes of trypophobia. However, scientists still conducted research, and based on these observations, they identified the following risk groups:

  1. Unfavorable social conditions.
  2. Hereditary predisposition.
  3. Age-related or hormonal changes in the body.
  4. Unsuccessful treatment of dermatological problems.
  5. Congenital pathological disgust.

The fear of congestion does not depend on age or gender and can appear at any time.

Trypophobia, as a deviation, manifests itself in a person with unpleasant sensations on the skin when seeing clustered holes on something. The brain instantly begins to process what he sees and imagine that the same horror could be on his arm, leg or throughout his body.

Causes of phobia of holes and holes

The main researchers of the strange mental reaction to multiple holes, Arnold Wilkins and Jeff Cole, noted that the term “phobia” does not accurately explain the patient’s condition. The opinion of psychologists has come down to the fact that they do not see fear in this disease, but rather disgust and disgust.

If you type “What is trypophobia” or “Trypophobia test” on the Internet, you will be asked to watch a thematic video series on cluster holes. Any footage that graphically depicts hands in honeycombs or wide holes on the hands, face, and body in general will cause disgust and hostility even in a mentally healthy person.

Postmodern artists painted hands and bodies riddled with holes and worms, which looks more like a sick fantasy of the author than an aesthetic artistic masterpiece. And here the question arises by itself: what comes first – multiple holes that cause fear or such images created by someone’s fevered imagination?

It is worth noting that researchers at the University of Essex also identified signs of trypophobia. Thus, from the proposed pictures, where both cluster holes and other images were presented, they noted that the first made them feel disgusted, but the second did not.

British scientists interpret trypophobia as an “evolutionary gene” that we inherited to help us survive the sight of poisonous animals and insects.

Photo of a honeycomb.

General manifestations

It’s scary to think, but approximately every seventh inhabitant of the Earth sees a real and inexplicable threat in porous chocolate, honeycombs or lotus fruit.

The first reaction to seeing cluster holes, in any of their manifestations, is an alarming state. With further contact with the irritant, other signs begin to appear. This psychosomatic deviation can be expressed by the following symptoms:

  • growing fear, reaching the point of panic;
  • increased sweating;
  • overly pale or red skin;
  • skin rashes;
  • unstable heartbeat;
  • trembling of the whole body or just the limbs;
  • irritability and uncontrollable aggression;
  • urge to vomit;
  • muscle spasms, cramps;
  • acute headache;
  • loss of orientation.

A person suffering from trypophobia experiences a special, piercing, vivid feeling of disgust or disgust at the sight of a cluster of holes or tubercles.

Historical roots

About 15% of the planet's population subconsciously experiences anxiety, attacks of suffocation, dizziness and skin itching when cluster holes of biological origin come into their field of vision. The situation is even worse if the holes have any contents. Severe cases occur, including loss of consciousness, but such a reaction is rather rare than the rule.

The majority of people suffering from trypophobia, in the first seconds of visual contact with an irritant, feel disgust mixed with curiosity and anxiety, as well as a pathological desire to extract the contents of the holes. Where did this desire come from? All inexplicable things regarding human reflexes and instincts have their roots in the distant past. Likewise, the fear of holes has its own hypothesis of origin. It's all because of parasites!

All animals, to one degree or another, suffer from skin parasites. This was the case in ancient times. Man was no exception and was also subject to their attacks. Primates, our closest class relatives, still retain the habit of searching for and removing all kinds of garbage and parasitic insects from the bodies of their relatives. This adaptive reaction contributed to the development of trypophobia in humans.

But what does this have to do with the holes, and even the cluster ones, which are so frightening to some people? The reason for this is the small and, at first glance, harmless tumbu fly, which lives throughout the African continent. She can quickly and quietly lay eggs under the skin of mammals, including humans. The eggs hatch into larvae, forming an African tropical miasm in their location.

It looks, frankly, terrible. The larva lives and develops in its own hole on the skin, while several more individuals settle nearby. They breathe and move and look exactly like the worst pictures on the Internet about trypophobia. The sight of an extensive skin miasma can cause a strong aversion to clusters even in the most hardened and inflexible person.

All human behavior is genetically determined. Just keep in mind that over time, their reaction and behavior in general has changed a lot. If some, very few, at the sight of a cluster of pimples or blackheads have an irresistible desire to squeeze them out, then the majority of people suffering from trypophobia experience discomfort, nausea or suffocation.

Who are trypophobes?

▪️ Let's figure out who trypophobe is and what his main fear is. The fear of small holes seems funny, but not to a trypophobe. He sees danger in it, and experiences the whole range of negative emotions, from simple discomfort to loss of consciousness.

▪️Few ordinary people, seeing many holes in the ground, will stick their fingers there. After all, there may be snakes, spiders, or other dangers. He will simply turn around and walk away from this place. The reaction of a trypophobe will be slightly different.

▪️Most psychiatrists assure that trypophobes are ordinary people with extreme disgust. This is not considered a deviation, but with trypophobia, the disorder can progress. Only when the patient reaches a severe stage will psychiatrists take care of him, but not before. Progressive researchers call for stopping the disorder at an early stage, avoiding serious changes in consciousness that are difficult to treat.

Research results

It has been noticed that the symptoms of fear of holes are more pronounced in the afternoon than in the morning. This may be due to excess adrenaline and the body’s desire to use it up.

Scientists have found that all the unpleasant symptoms that accompany trypophobia are the brain’s reaction to potential danger. It is worth noting that any other phobia causes only fear, while a person suffering from a fear of holes experiences disgust and physical discomfort.

The attack is accompanied by the release of an additional portion of adrenaline into the blood. This leads to some dependence. A person wants to relive those vivid impressions again and again. For this reason, he strives to find some pictures on the Internet created using Photoshop. To get rid of such a disorder, you need to break this endless circle and return the individual to normal.

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You can call a doctor at home or make an appointment with a specialist by calling the hotline. We know how to restore your peace and joy of life, relieving you of phobias and obsessive states.

Treatment methods

Treatment of trypophobia manifestations on the skin is carried out through psychotherapy. These can be both group and individual lessons. The specialist selects the most suitable and effective method for each patient. The goal of therapy is to return to a normal mental state and gain mental balance.

First, the degree of development of the disease is determined. An appropriate diagnosis is carried out, during which the symptoms and causes of problem behavior are identified.

Stages of examination and identification of disorders:

  1. Detailed patient interview.
  2. Establishing the type and degree of development of fear.
  3. Exclusion of diseases with similar symptoms.
  4. Passing a test, based on the results of which restorative therapy is planned.

Testing is an important stage in the diagnosis of trypophobia, during which the patient sees pictures that can provoke fear of cluster holes on the body. At this time, the psychotherapist carefully observes his behavior and condition.

Despite the fact that a personal approach is important in eliminating this delicate problem, there is a set of actions aimed at improving the general condition. The following methods of influence are available:

  • replacement therapy that corrects behavior;
  • personality psychoanalysis, strengthening self-control;
  • change in perception of information;
  • taking antihistamines or sedatives;
  • treatment, including hospitalization with the use of medications that have anticonvulsant, anti-inflammatory and sedative effects;
  • hypnosis.

How to Diagnose Cluster Hole Fear

Considering that today it is impossible to diagnose “trypophobia” due to its not being included in the medical classification of diseases, the disease is classified as obsessive-compulsive disorder. Accordingly, diagnosis and treatment are the same as recovery methods for other types of phobias.

Today, the diagnosis of the condition is carried out by a psychotherapist or psychologist. The only difference is that the first has the right to prescribe drug therapy in the form of sedatives and stronger drugs, while the second does not have such powers.

It depends only on your symptoms which specialist is preferable to go to. However, it should be noted that even with a severe stage of the phobia, taking pills does not guarantee complete relief from the disease. In this case, it is better to find a good specialist who can correctly diagnose your condition and prescribe competent therapy.

Photo of a cellular plant.

Prevention methods

Unfortunately, it is not possible to prevent the development of such a phobia, but it is quite possible to minimize the likelihood of developing this disease. To do this you need:

  1. Try to avoid stressful situations.
  2. Learn to control your own emotions and switch attention at the right moment.
  3. Do yoga or meditation.

This, of course, is not a panacea for the development of a pathological fear of holes, but there will definitely be no harm from these actions. At the first signs of trypophobia, the best solution would be to contact a specialized specialist.

Should fear of holes be treated?

A person must answer this question for himself. It is advisable to treat a phobia if it interferes with life, causes discomfort and life seems hopeless. I have already written above about the stages of trypophobia. But as practice shows, even with a mild form of phobia, not only the mood, but also life in general deteriorates.

If you feel that you cannot ignore the smallest details that you associate with clusters, it is better to consult a psychologist. This is a sure sign that you yourself cannot cope with obsessive fear.

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