The most general concept denoting the existence of man in all the diversity of his manifestations is

What is Self-Knowledge

The process of an individual understanding himself is called self-knowledge. A person comprehends his personality, abilities, both physical and mental, his own “I”. All this begins in infancy and finds realization throughout life’s activities. The results of self-knowledge are ensuring the integrity of the individual, as well as its development.

It is advisable to trace how it is formed in order to understand the aspects of this concept. Namely: the process goes through stages as the external environment is reflected when a person realizes his uniqueness. The three levels correspond to the same number of areas within which the personality is organized (stages of self-knowledge).

1. Biological: knowledge of oneself as a separate organism.

2. Social, reflecting the ability to study and acquire the ability to comply with behavioral norms.

3. Personal, associated with the ability to make choices, organize being and behavior. It is also the ability to make decisions.

Self-knowledge and personality development are categories responsible for the successful implementation of a person based on the results of his activities. The individual evaluates himself, acquires the opportunity to be objective, and forms a relationship with his “I” as an object of knowledge. Development is carried out if you have the ability to improve your potency on your own. It is accompanied by the desire to achieve the highest achievements and levels.

Self-knowledge and self-development of an individual are described by the characteristics that make up the scientific concept in psychology. Specifically this:

  • mental health;
  • personal potential capable of optimal implementation;
  • mental maturity and inner harmony.

These aspects act as a whole with the relationship between them. The result can be considered the efficiency with which the process of self-knowledge is realized. It begins in childhood and continues throughout life. And the heyday occurs in young years, characterized by an insatiable mind and thirst for impressions.

Means of self-knowledge

Knowing the methods of self-knowledge, a person begins to use means of self-knowledge that help him develop his spiritual world. Such tools help you better begin to understand yourself.

  1. The first means is self-report. You can start a personal diary or blog where you can analyze the changes taking place in your life.
  2. Cinema, books, theater. It is necessary to read, go to shows, developing spirituality.
  3. Attending social and psychological events. Trainings help you to know yourself better.
  4. Don't be afraid to consult a psychologist. This is not a doctor, he will simply help you understand yourself better.

The importance of self-knowledge in human life

In youth, a person sets high goals for himself, realizing that self-awareness is the path to enlightenment. By acquiring social status, duties and responsibilities, a person may lose the nobility of impulses that previously gave meaning to life. And existence itself becomes commonplace. At such a moment, it is important to be able to find positive aspects where previously only negativity was observed. This gives additional strength to accept these properties and plays a very important role in improving oneself. A person who is aware of himself as a person is familiar with his own characteristics, differences from others, and can make comparisons. All this will improve the understanding that self-knowledge is the path to enlightenment.

Self-knowledge and self-esteem

Self-esteem is one of the components of self-knowledge. A person evaluates himself and builds his own value system. Self-esteem can be normal (adequate), underestimated or overestimated.

It's no secret that arrogant people are too self-confident and have low self-criticism. Low self-esteem causes timidity, making a person withdrawn and shy. And adequate self-esteem allows a person to be confident in himself and evaluate his capabilities and strengths without distortion.

Self-concept theory as a stage of self-knowledge

When a person has formed an idea of ​​himself, it is called self-concept. It includes: the personal “I” and the social “I”. The first shows how a person sees himself. And the second is how other people understand it.

This theory is based on two aspects: the desire to come into harmony with oneself and the opportunity to raise one’s self-esteem.

Self-concept has 2 vectors:

  • objective is how we perceive ourselves in our lives;
  • aspirational is a desired image of how we want to be perceived.

A person will always strive for the desired image in his life. This image can be based on a person in the past and at the present moment. Now the person has achieved significant results. Over time, the distance between the desired and the actual will shrink until it disappears.

Types of self-knowledge

The process of self-knowledge occurs sequentially, through the following stages:

  • searching and finding any personality quality;
  • fixing it in consciousness;
  • analysis, evaluation and acceptance.

There are the following types of self-knowledge, corresponding to the methods of its implementation.

  • Observation of yourself, thoughts, behavior.
  • Analysis in relation to objects and characteristics discovered during self-observation. Connections between causes and effects are established.
  • Comparing yourself with others, comparison with standards.
  • Modeling one's own personality by mapping characteristics and relationships.
  • Detection of opposite qualities and awareness of them.

The path of self-knowledge comes to the last stage in the stage of analyzed characteristics. After all, qualities can include both good and bad sides. It is also customary to divide the process into three main types:

  • analytical, relating to the function of the mind and mentality;
  • creative, in which feelings are expressed;
  • spiritual, expressing the concept that self-knowledge is the path to enlightenment.

The use of one or another variety depends on the position, views and worldview. The stages of self-knowledge in the form of the above methods help to understand your inner world. And also get to know people.

Ways of self-knowledge

  • Self-observation is considered the beginning of the entire process of self-knowledge. During it, a person observes himself. Using this method, a person increases his awareness. Here you must focus on what is happening inside you, on what feelings you are experiencing.
  • Introspection. When you analyze yourself, you look at your behavior and reactions. You are trying to understand why you did what you did and nothing else. Psychologically, self-analysis is considered the most difficult.
  • Comparison. Here a person, willy-nilly, compares himself with others. This is their nature. As a result of comparisons, a person gets to know himself better.
  • Self-acceptance. Here a person accepts himself completely and without reserve. He is aware of his strengths and weaknesses and is ready to improve himself.

Methods and techniques of self-knowledge

The process of self-knowledge is carried out using the following means.

  • Self-report. For example, keeping a diary recording changes.
  • Familiarization with films and literature that contain images with which you can compare yourself, developing your own spirituality.
  • Studying the basics of psychology, both personal and social, becoming familiar with screening tests. A scientific approach will lead to literacy and a correct assessment of personal growth.
  • Psychological consultation with specialists will help identify errors and solve problems.
  • Activities related to training in psychology provide incentive and help organize self-knowledge of the individual.

What does this give? The realization of the goal comes - achieving a state of happiness in everyday life. And also an understanding of your purpose. The process of self-knowledge, realized by special means, is the form in which the psychologist carries out his activities. 1. Private consultation. In this case, an individual plan is drawn up for the client. And the latter gets the opportunity to open up to the maximum, understand the problems, and find resources to implement possible solutions. 2. Work with groups according to the type of psychological training. Relationships are built between members, in which the process of self-knowledge and studying the psychology of others becomes intense.

A person's exploration of himself begins from the moment he discovers differences with other people. Examples of individual characteristics are character, behavioral factors, chosen life goals. At what period do you need to choose a path of self-knowledge separate from others in order to move along it? It is necessary to go through the stages of introspection, comparison and personality modeling. After which you should combine the antipodes with negative and positive aspects and get to know other people, having the ability to compare and evaluate.

The stages will help you discover new things in yourself and strengthen your self-esteem. Having chosen methods of self-knowledge, we have the opportunity to use the means by which:

  • the improvement of spirituality and inner “I” continues;
  • self-test is implemented;
  • the importance of such activities is realized.

The path of self-discovery involves the use of various techniques, applied in the form of stages or theories. Let's list some of them.

Personal growth

This concept is considered a stage or a necessary process. Many comprehend the inner world, acquire spirituality through religion, unity with the Divine. This method involves humility, studying the rules of life according to the sacred scriptures: the Bible, the Koran, and other sources. Self-knowledge and self-development of the individual becomes a paramount task. Spiritual books lay out in very simple language the ways of finding your destiny. Written thousands of years ago, they are still very relevant today.

Judgments of self-knowledge here reflect:

  • desire to be healthy;
  • capability development;
  • unification of nature and spirit.

These aspects are combined into a single whole during the narrative. From birth, children fill their psyche with everything they see, learn and acquire the ability to distinguish themselves from others. Worldview is formed from the age of three, after which the stages of self-knowledge are realized in the form of the emergence of character with principles. And then a culture of behavior is developed. Feelings, analytical thinking, awareness of the environment and events appear. This list of steps is called personal growth.


A system of methods called esoteric involves the formation of a triple “I”. The peculiarities of self-knowledge in this case lie in the reflection of these unique images that make up the personality, interpreting the concepts of thoughts, dreams, aspirations for the ideal. Self-concept (or “I” - concept) preaches nepotism, culture in behavior and universal values ​​in self-knowledge.

When expressing the soul (“I”) in the material world, the goal is to create an ideal person. Self-knowledge is aimed at achieving this. Disadvantages are neutralized in favor of the comprehensive development of the worldview. Although the fight against them continues. Motivation appears. Some specific personality is used as a standard. Such methods of self-knowledge involve erasing the line between oneself and a given ideal. Universal human values ​​in this case presuppose finding one’s purpose while realizing one’s uniqueness. Evaluations and control in relation to oneself exclude a position below others. Social weight and self-esteem will increase as you approach the ideal.

Time stages

The peculiarities of self-knowledge in the method of applying time stages are to reflect the essence of the individual in relation to different periods. A person is determined in life and feels like a part of the planet. Self-knowledge and self-development of the individual involves going through the following stages.

Where to start self-knowledge

We all have different characters, behavior and purpose. When a person realizes his differences from other people, at this moment self-knowledge begins in a person’s life.

Most likely, the time has come to move on your way, the following actions will help:

  • Introspection. This is the implementation of a constant analysis of one’s personality, both internal processes and external activities.
  • Comparison. This process helps to find differences between the people around you and your inner world.
  • Personality modeling. Using this method, our emotions are formed, both positive and negative attitudes towards people are formed. Thanks to this, either conflicts between people or effective cooperation occur. Personality modeling shapes a person’s position in society and the world around him.

  • Unity of the Antipodes. Surely you have noticed that a person’s behavior manifests itself differently in different situations; it can be both positive and negative. We also behave differently with different people, although our character remains the same. One of the tasks of a person’s self-knowledge is to accept oneself and one’s character as it is, regardless of the people and circumstances around him.

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Throughout life, we not only compare our personality with others, but also evaluate everyone in our environment. With the help of the knowledge gained, you can study new people along your path.

At each stage of self-knowledge, a person discovers himself and his capabilities from new sides, thereby increasing his self-esteem. After determining the method of self-knowledge, a person attracts funds that help develop his spiritual world. These tools are important for understanding the importance of the process and self-examination.

Self-knowledge as a process of personality development

Universal human values ​​in development and self-knowledge tend to be acquired throughout life. A number of theories and approaches have been developed that assume the individual’s readiness for this process, including the gradual passage of its stages. First, the child learns to distinguish himself from others. Forming with age, he develops beliefs about himself. He also finds motivation that encourages him to develop himself and improve his life.

Self-knowledge determines the culture of behavior, the specificity of thinking and feelings. As a result, everyone can create a scenario of existence and improve it by changing the ways of realizing consciousness.

The result of self-knowledge. The process of self-discovery

In the process of self-knowledge, any person becomes a sadhu to a certain extent, because he learns through personal experience. Knowledge gleaned from various sources is applicable in practice; as a result of acquiring new experience through spiritual self-improvement, a person reaches a higher level of self-awareness. He not only better understands the laws of the world and interaction with people, but he himself increasingly feels like a part of this world, inextricably linked with all living beings and nature.

It is not without reason that one of the goals of the meditation method is merging with the Absolute, dissolving in it. A person understands that there is no loneliness in life, everything is interconnected. Each part of the universe depends on the whole, everything is in everything. The process of self-knowledge logically leads to this conclusion. You can understand this through logical reasoning, supplemented by spiritual insights gained through the experience of meditation.

Books for self-knowledge

To illustrate all of the above, a selection of books on the topic of self-development will be given here, which can be used both for independent practice of meditation and yoga, and while continuing to practice under the guidance of a teacher. For those who are just embarking on the path of self-improvement, we can recommend reading these books, and perhaps they will become a starting point for you on the main journey of your life - the road of self-discovery.

  • Patanjali "Yoga Sutras"
  • Sutras of Buddhism,
  • Sutra on the Lotus Flower of the Wonderful Dharma,
  • Swami Vivekananda "Raja Yoga"
  • Paramahansa Yogananda "Autobiography of a Yogi"
  • Swami Sivananda "The Power of Thought"
  • Swami Sivananda "The Science of Pranayama"
  • Sri Chinmoy "Meditation"
  • Mahasi Sayadaw "Satipatthana Vipassana Meditation".

The hardest thing is to know yourself, the easiest thing is to give advice to others


Self-discovery exercises

These exercises allow you to better understand yourself. Thanks to them, a person improves himself.

For example, you can perform the exercise “4 squares of the psychology of consciousness.” You need to divide a sheet of paper into 4 squares. In the first you need to write your positive traits and qualities, in the third you need to write what you think are negative qualities. Then you need to write in the adjacent squares the antipodes of these qualities, completely opposite. You need to be as honest with yourself as possible and understand that there are no absolutely ideal people and personality traits. You should improve yourself and focus on the positives while working on the negatives.

Books for self-knowledge

In conclusion, we invite you to get acquainted with a selection of books about self-knowledge. They will help those who are already engaged in the study of self-knowledge, as well as those who are just starting.

  1. Colin Tipping "Radical Forgiveness";
  2. Jen Sincero "NOT SY";
  3. Eric Berne "Games People Play" People who play games";
  4. John Gray "Men are from Mars, women are from Venus";
  5. Viktor Frankl “Say Yes to Life!”;
  6. Kate Peterson “Live and Learn”;
  7. Richard Bach "Illusions".

Developing Self Awareness

Depression - what is it in psychology

Different scientists have different views on the problem of improving this quality. For example, V.M. Bekhterev believed that self-awareness in a child is formed even earlier than consciousness. S. L. Rubinstein was convinced that self-awareness develops in the process of mastering speech and making the first attempts to act independently. Simply put, the onset occurs at the age of 2-3 years.

Self-knowledge begins with the child understanding the boundaries of his body. The stage begins in one year. We can assume that from this age self-awareness begins to form. A one-year-old child demonstrates independence in manipulating objects. A little later, self-recognition appears - this is the ability to understand that the reflection in the mirror is oneself.

Self-knowledge - studying your thoughts

Around the age of three, a child learns to use the pronoun “I”. He can also give himself the simplest characteristic – “good”.

Subsequently, the intellect is actively formed, thanks to which the ability to evaluate (first other people, then oneself) is acquired. Self-esteem still depends on the opinions of adults. A preschooler learns to be aware of himself in time.

The following neoplasms are typical for primary school age:

  1. Self-esteem tends to become more relevant and differentiated. A boy or girl distinguishes between his physical and mental traits, evaluates his own abilities based on the results of others.
  2. At the end of primary school age, the child increasingly describes characteristic behavior and can refer to thoughts and feelings characteristic of his inner world.
  3. Assessments acquire stability, objectivity, and begin to have not only an affective, but also a rational component.

In adolescence, self-awareness gradually becomes the same as in adults. This period is characterized by a large number of neoplasms, in particular the following:

  1. Two new forms of self-awareness gradually emerge: a sense of maturity and a self-concept. The teenager begins to feel like an adult.
  2. Interest in one’s own inner world, which leads to the complication of the processes of self-knowledge. Simply put, during adolescence, a person begins to explore himself.
  3. Self-esteem is generally low and unstable, but can be excessively high (as a compensation mechanism). One of the reasons for this is the attitude of adults as if they were a child, although the person no longer feels like one.

Important ! The process of forming self-awareness is not limited to adolescence. This is an endless process that continues until the end of life.

The structure of self-awareness and self-concept

Personality orientation - what is it in psychology, its types

As a result of self-knowledge, a person’s system of ideas about himself is created, called the Self-concept. This is a fairly stable formation, recorded in verbal form. The self-concept is divided into three components:

  1. Cognitive. It comes down to a person’s awareness (correct or not) of his characteristics over a long period of his life. For example, if someone considers himself strong, this does not mean that he is currently carrying heavy things. It’s just that in the process he realized that he was able to lift difficult objects. Moreover, perhaps he is not really strong at all. I just felt like this after the first successes appeared in the gym.
  2. Estimated. Based on perceived characteristics, a person analyzes their modality.
  3. Behavioral. The objective component of the “I” concept. Describes what actually happens.

Self-knowledge allows you to understand your true personality

Interesting. G.E. Zalessky identifies two components of self-concept: cognitive and motivational. The first determines the content of a person’s ideas about himself, the second determines a person’s self-esteem, goals, motives, and emotions.

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