Inertia of thinking is a psychological problem that prevents fantasy from taking off.

Psychological inertia, inertia of thinking, mental rigidity. These are all descriptions of the same phenomenon. Its essence can be defined as the inability to take new paths in solving problems. A person is guided by experience already known to him and tries to project the conditions of already solved problems onto a new question. Thus, we can talk about the stereotyped approach and thinking in general.

In changing conditions, when flexibility is at a premium, inertia of thinking becomes ballast, a relic of the past. In many ways, the blame for this phenomenon, its widespread occurrence, lies with educational institutions: schools, universities, which do not teach us to think and do not offer us to develop. The basis of education that exists in institutions of the post-Soviet space interferes with the normal development of the population. There are also subjective factors that also come more from mentality. This is traditionalism and conservatism in various forms, the essence does not change.

Is it possible to overcome the pathological inability to think in an original, new way? Yes, the issue can be resolved. But you will have to train, constantly learn and improve. This is not the fastest process.

Reasons for inertia of thinking

The pathological distortion of mental activity is due to several significant factors. It is worth saying more about them:

  • Features of education

Oddly enough, this is one of the main reasons. Instilling interest in everything around you and spurring the creative development of a child is primarily the task of the parents themselves. You also need to set an example through your own actions. If this does not happen, the child becomes lethargic and lacking initiative. This is a natural phenomenon. Research shows that the same negative results are found with the imperative type of education. According to the model “I say, you do as told, period.” This approach kills interest in the world and makes the child absolutely obedient. It deprives you of the ability to act independently and teaches you helplessness.

  • Tendency to trust others' word

As practice shows, this is a manifestation of conformism. The tendency to think and act like everyone else. To get an accurate picture of what is happening, a phenomenon or a process, you need to conduct a thorough analysis. If a person sees or thinks that he does not understand the issue enough, he would rather trust a competent specialist than start looking for a solution himself. The problem is that no one can check the level of professionalism of such a “specialist”. Accordingly, a person will perceive even false decisions as true and will rely on them. This is a very negative trait, so you need to fight it. Develop a healthy dose of distrust. This brings up another problem.

  • Lack of sufficient critical eye

Lack of ability to question others' words, actions, or decisions. Develops as a trait inherent in conformists. This is associated with the perception of any information as true, without a shadow of a doubt. The trait is negative. The opposite phenomenon, the other extreme, is no less destructive. Stubbornness.

  • Low creativity

Relatively rare. Every person has a creative spark, the only question is how to develop and fan it. Most don't strive for this. People are content with simple solutions and general answers. Upbringing and education have an impact. Inertia of thinking is a stereotypical trait. It deprives a person of individuality. Creativity can be developed. Really low potential can only happen if a person is sick. For example, congenital psychopathologies: oligophrenia, Down syndrome or other conditions of this kind that affect intelligence. Everything else is justification.

  • Features of education

A cornerstone at the level of state and society. Western countries, like developed Asian countries, have moved away from traditionalism in education. They strive to develop a core skill - the ability to think and analyze. This happens everywhere: this model is typical for schools and universities. As for the countries of the former Union, conservative tendencies are still strong here. They teach you to memorize a large amount of information, unconditionally accept the teacher’s point of view, and suppress any initiative. Accordingly, young people do not adopt skills. They become walking relays of someone else’s opinion, someone else’s position and nothing more. This has implications on a global level. Entire societies are being formed that are prone to absolute submission, trusting propaganda and manipulation.

  • Low propensity for cognitive activity and activity

It stems from laziness, unwillingness to work and study for the benefit of one’s own personality. Inertia of thinking is an inherent human trait. It can only be eliminated through continuous improvement. It is also necessary to obtain new information from several sources in order to form your own opinion and perception. When such incentives to stimulate intellectual activity are not enough, lack of initiative develops. It can also be an innate character trait.

  • Psychopathological conditions

They are relatively rare, but they significantly affect the general condition of a person and his cognitive potential. This may include diseases such as mental retardation, schizophrenia, dementia, Down syndrome, and other conditions.

There are also less dangerous pathological processes. They are not so obvious, but have a great influence on the development of inertia in thinking. This can include depression. Depression puts an end to initiative. It becomes the brake that hinders the development of intelligence. Including due to apathy, unwillingness to do or undertake anything. The issue is decided not by a psychologist, but by a highly specialized specialist. Depends on the specific diagnosis. In the case of congenital or acquired persistent dementia, nothing can be done.

  • Narrow outlook

Associated with insufficient cognitive interest and personality characteristics. You can cope with the situation, you just need to want to. Narrow outlook is associated with insufficient time that a person spends on his own development. The problem mainly lies here. The inertia of thinking gradually disappears when new paths and opinions are mastered.

  • Save time

In some cases, the root of all troubles may be simple laziness. Reluctance to waste time searching for your own answer. This is also due to low cognitive activity and reluctance to perceive new information.

  • Anxiety

Inertia of thinking, oddly enough, can be associated with an anxiety disorder. At the same time, a person may find the right, unusual solution, but he tries not to show his abilities, so as not to become an object of criticism. Or he strives for praise, knowing what decisions his superiors or teaching staff require of him. This is a negative trait and often goes hand in hand with social anxiety.

  • Inability to take criticism

The softness and tenderness of the personality organization is reflected. It is necessary to separate criticism and personalization. In the countries of the former Union, it is more customary to get personal, to rudely upset and humiliate a person, and not his creations. Therefore, the tendency to tell it like it is is more widespread than in Western countries. This is due to the peculiarities of the organization of society, the mentality of people and methods of management and teaching. In fact, everything may be fine with cognitive abilities.

  • Demonstrative behavior

The desire to stand out from the crowd with an original solution. The opposite phenomenon described above. In this case, the thinker literally reinvents the wheel. Instead of using available and effective tools, he tries to invent something of his own. It may well be that the problem is solved. But it is irrational and requires a lot of labor. Demonstrative behavior is typical for individuals with a narcissistic personality type.

Inertia of thinking is the desire to solve problems in old, stereotyped ways. The reasons are mainly psychological, related to the psychotype and development of the thinking subject. It is extremely rare that the factor concerns diseases.

Types of psychological inertia

There are many forms of the tendency to think in cliches.

  • Extrapolation. The desire to transfer solutions to similar problems without taking into account the features of the plot. An exaggerated example: if an apple is green, then all fruits are green. Of course, this is not true. But in the paradigm of the named type of inertia, this is the truth.
  • Analogy based on the functional orientation of the object. The habit that an object performs one task. For example, a knife cuts. The table acts as a support. The papers are secured with a paper clip.
  • Traditionalism in the way the object is used. A similar type of phenomenon. The point is pretty much the same.
  • Terminological traps. Terms that already exist contain in advance a way to solve a particular problem. A dropper is a medical product; its name indicates in advance the nature of its use, etc.
  • Inertia of one decision. A way of thinking in which the subject chooses only the path that came to mind first. This is the most dangerous type of phenomenon.

There are many more types of psychological inertia. This is only part of the possible list.

How does inertia of thinking manifest itself?

There are many signs of an abnormal condition. Among these are:

Problems with analysis. Complex tasks pose great challenges to the subject. Everything that does not correspond to the established pattern of perception unsettles us. Examples of such inertia of thinking: a doctor is faced with a difficult clinical case. He is lost and cannot make a diagnosis because he is used to dealing with other pathological conditions. Or a law enforcement lawyer is invited to draft a regulatory legal act. This is a new activity that the subject has not previously encountered. Professional examples. The same can be found in everyday activities, everyday activities.

Narrowness of intellectual activity. The low level of competence is reflected. Tendency to do the same thing over and over again. Most often we are talking about a type of professional deformation. Especially if the subject works with routine things that do not in any way contribute to creative activity and development. This can happen in almost any type of activity.

Focus on other people's experience. Perceiving someone else's experience as absolute truth. In fact, we are talking about one of the possibilities. But a person perceives an isolated incident as a general pattern. This is a kind of paradox of thinking; inertia in this case is obvious. The only way to cope with such a situation is to analyze other opinions and formulate your own vision. You need skill and a certain degree of courage, a willingness to step over your own habits.

Lack of sufficient critical attitude towards the words and actions of others. A logical continuation of the previous manifestation. The words and opinions of other people are taken at face value. Especially if the speaker is an authority in his circle. There is always the possibility of a mistake or simple lack of professionalism on the part of the speaker. The subject does not take this into account and draws incorrect conclusions from the situation. We need to develop independence. This is the only way to deal with the problem.

Haste. Decisions are made as quickly as possible. Often - in order to save time. This has a detrimental effect on the problem and its solution. The subject identifies the first way to accomplish the task that comes to his mind. He is not always the most rational and correct. This is not taken into account.

Patterned intellectual activity. Typical for a person with the so-called excellent student syndrome. During school or university years, such a subject is inclined to make decisions based on its consequences, but not rationally. Thus, the problem will be solved in the way that the teacher prefers in order to receive praise. This approach has nothing to do with efficiency. Then this pattern is fixed and becomes habitual. It is possible to escape from the trap, but it will require a remarkable willpower. The same thing, conformity and submission, is demanded in the workplace. This can become an obstacle to normal development and conditional “cure”.

In some cases - the desire to stand out from the crowd. This has already been said. In such a situation, the wheel is reinvented.

You can cope with the inertia of thinking. It will take some time of self-improvement and hard work.

Inertia in children

Inertness or slowness of mind, another synonym for inertia of thinking, is not always found exclusively in clinical cases. You can try for a long time to explain to your child that a whale is an animal, but using the experience he has already gained, he will insist that it is a fish and will not accept your words. You should not lose your temper; it is quite possible that the reason is not his behavior, his behavior is characterized by inertia of thinking.

It is quite difficult for children to get used to new rules, to cope with volumes of information, and then they begin to act according to already established rules, ignoring the changed conditions.

Diagnosis of the condition

It is not so difficult to detect an abnormal condition, a distortion of cognitive activity. It is also possible to independently determine the change. But it takes a certain amount of courage to admit the problem. As for objective diagnostic methods, one cannot do without the participation of a psychologist.

There are practically no special questionnaires. And they are only suitable for initial examination. Assessment in the field is much more effective. That is, using a standard problem book. As a rule, it consists of 5 incidents that need to be resolved. Based on the results, one can judge the ability for rational, non-trivial thinking. The oral survey method is also used. It is important to identify the features of the conditional patient’s logic.

If there is evidence of impaired intellectual activity, you cannot do without consulting a specialist in psychotherapy or psychiatry. Depends on the situation. The goal is to identify the primary pathological process that interferes with normal activity.

Diagnostic criteria and methods

People with speech rate disorders, including bradyllalia, need comprehensive medical, psychological and pedagogical diagnostics carried out by a specialized specialist. During the examination, the patient’s medical history should be studied in detail, which concerns previous illnesses and brain lesions, as well as the presence of disturbances in the rate of speech in relatives.

In certain situations, in order to find out the organic basis of the disease, it is necessary to conduct instrumental studies, including:

  • electroencephalography;
  • rheoencephalography;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • PET scan of the brain;
  • Lumbar puncture.

The study of oral speech involves assessing the structure of the organs of articulation and the state of motor skills, expressive speech (pronunciation of sounds, syllables, words, tempo-rhythmic side, voice characteristics, etc.). Diagnostics of written speech involves performing tasks such as copying text, writing from dictation, and reading. In addition to a diagnostic examination of speech function, a study of general condition, manual motor skills, sensory functions, and intelligence is carried out.

When making a diagnosis, it is necessary to differentiate this disease from dysarthria and stuttering.

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