Test: Are you an introvert, ambivert or extrovert?

The online test for introvert and extrovert will allow you to better know yourself and your inclinations - whether you are more of an introvert or an extrovert. In their pure form, these extremes are extremely rare; most people are of the mixed type. Introverts have many traits that extroverts have, and vice versa. They manifest themselves depending on the degree of severity, character, upbringing and many other factors.

Jung's online temperament test will help you reliably determine your personality type. It includes only 20 questions, so it will take no more than 5 minutes to complete . It is suitable for all adults and equally informative for men and women. Often used by psychologists in high schools to determine the personality type of students.

Knowing your personality type will help you better understand yourself, your needs and desires. In the future, this will help improve social adaptation in any team. Determining personality type can also be part of the work of a practicing psychologist. This knowledge will help to reveal the patient’s hidden needs and realize them, finding their place in life.

Extrovert or introvert test.

Identification of Temperament.

To accurately determine character, it is also necessary to know the level of stability of temperament.

Find out how psychologically stable you are.

Is a choleric person an extrovert or an introvert?

Choleric is a temperament with stability scores above 12 (that is, more emotional) and on the entroversion scale with points above 12, that is, an extrovert. An extrovert is a sociable person who loves to be in society.”

Choleric is a strong temperament with an unstable nervous system. They also love to dominate, express themselves, they are energetic, but often lose control due to emotionality. They cannot sit idle, they are people of movement, without it they get bored.

Such a person often changes mood and is unpredictable. Choleric people often become leaders and entrepreneurs. Choleric is a temperament of strength, they know how to get their way and often become leaders.

Phlegmatic person

A phlegmatic person on the Eysenck scale has entroversion scores from 1 to 12 (that is, an introvert) and on a stability scale from 1 to 12 (stable psyche).

This is the calmest of temperaments. It is very difficult to get such a person emotional; they are slow and unhurried. A phlegmatic person is absolutely not characterized by mood swings and bursts of aggression or joy. They hide their emotions very well and it is very difficult to recognize what is in such a person’s soul.

Yet, despite the indifference, this temperament does not adapt well to a new environment, it is conservative, and does not like any changes in life.

Before making any decision, a phlegmatic person will carefully weigh and think through everything. Taking off and going on an unplanned trip is clearly not his style. A phlegmatic person does not like to travel at all because leaving his comfort zone is the worst thing for him.

A phlegmatic person is restrained, calm, slow, thorough and balanced; at the same time, phlegmatic people are good listeners; they are always ready to lend their shoulder to a friend, listen and give constructive advice. But they get tired of this, because they find their strength in solitude.


Melancholic - according to the “Eysenck circle”, has high scores on the stability scale, from 12 to 25 (not a stable psyche) and minimal scores on the extroversion scale, from 1 to 12. Thus, we can immediately conclude that this is a typical introvert (recluse) , with an unbalanced character.

Melancholic is a weak, passive type of temperament. Melancholic people are very sensitive to everything around them, which is why they make good painters, writers, and scientists. They like to be in solitude, noisy parties, dangerous journeys, risk, this is not about them. They are often thoughtful and even withdrawn. Melancholic people are not decisive and find it difficult to adapt; they often remember and, one might even say, live in the past.

Since melancholic people are very withdrawn, they try to keep everything to themselves, but due to their unstable psyche, they cannot do this. They are often very emotional and run away from reality. Any little thing throws such people off balance, and a seemingly calm and slow person turns out to have a real storm inside.

Melancholic people do not tolerate criticism, from the word in general. They take it too personally and as a place of motivation for such a person; criticism is more likely to cause tears and depression. Therefore, you should know that there can be only one motivation for a melancholic person, this is praise and approval.

A melancholic person has a very sensitive perception of everything, and therefore of beauty; it is from this that they draw energy. They are ready to create beautiful things, works of art and thereby inspire themselves and others.

Melancholic people love to think and analyze. They are born mathematicians and philosophers.

Emotional melancholic people can listen and support another person, since the inner world is very important to them and they will experience the person’s problem as their own.

Melancholic people are very kind, they will not refuse a request, they will feed homeless kittens and give alms.

You are an extrovert if:

  1. You love to be the center of attention, make toasts and congratulatory speeches - this is your element.
  2. You like to spend time in company and avoid loneliness, but you are uncomfortable in the company of introverts.
  3. During the day, you can make several appointments, go to the cinema in the morning, and go to a concert in the evening.
  4. It is much easier for you to tell the biography of a famous person than to memorize formulas and aphorisms.
  5. There is never a moment when you don't know what to do with yourself.
  6. It is important to you what impression you make on others.
  7. Every day the number of your acquaintances is only growing.
  8. You don't understand people who spend a lot of time alone.
  9. You love risk and decision-making is easy for you.
  10. You start to feel insecure when your phone is broken and you can't connect with the world around you online.
  11. You love travel and business trips. It's like a breath of fresh air for you.
  12. You always have a lot of funny stories in stock that you are happy to share with others.
  13. You always plan your day so you don’t forget anything, but you still don’t get half of what you planned.
  14. In each specific situation, you evaluate what is best to do and act depending on the circumstances.

How to take an online test

To complete the challenge, simply answer yes or no to 30 short and easy questions. To get an accurate result, do not get distracted and be as frank as possible when choosing your answers.

Start taking an online psychological test right now and determine whether you really are an introvert or an extrovert.

Test to assess introversion and extraversion


Full name of the person being assessed____________________________________
Age (full years) ____________________________________
Job title ____________________________________
Subdivision ____________________________________
Date of completion ____________________________________


Depending on whether you agree with the statements below, answer “Yes” or “No.”


Group A
1Your day is eventful: you can watch two films, a play, read a book and attend only one of five scheduled meetings
2The absence of a radio, TV and telephone in the house makes a depressing impression on you
3The number of your friends and acquaintances is constantly growing
4You remember faces, incidents, and biographies more easily than dates, formulas, and other people’s thoughts.
5You love cheerful companies and are completely helpless in the face of loneliness
6You love to joke, discuss the latest gossip, and tell jokes. As a rule, you are not confrontational
7You love speaking in public and prefer to be the center of attention.
8You are always up to date with all the latest events
9You quickly get along with strangers and are well versed in unfamiliar situations.
10Your decisions are often hasty
11Traveling to other cities gives you great pleasure
12You are not able to implement even a tenth of all your plans, intentions and ideas
13You don't really like people constantly worrying about your health, especially if you don't ask them to.
14It is vital for you to make a good impression on others.
Group B
1A decision that is important to you may be changed or postponed due to various events
2You enjoy reminiscing. Watching a good performance or film makes a strong impression on you
3You have few friends and are not attracted to unfamiliar companies.
4You remember a situation better as a whole; details often elude you
5Loud noise, laughter, music irritate you
6You prefer to wear only those things that you think suit you, even if there are only a few of them
7You like to be photographed, you like jewelry and beautiful souvenirs
8Do you like to cook
9You would prefer a company where you can go unnoticed (in privacy) to one where you constantly need to be in everyone’s sight
10It is difficult for you to quickly adapt to a new environment, situation, team
11You are quite a principled person
12You are a hypochondriac. Constant thoughts about your health and fear of getting sick depress you
13You are able to think about a question that interests you for a long time before making a final decision.
14Sometimes you are considered a little strange, but you don't pay attention to it

Thank you!

Key to the Introversion and Extraversion Assessment Test


The famous psychologist Mr. Jung divides people by character type into two large groups: extroverts (outward-facing) and introverts (inward-facing). Each type has certain character traits, both positive and negative.

The test for assessing introversion and extraversion allows you to identify an employee’s inclination towards one of two main ways of cognizing and analyzing the world around him, as well as expressing himself in relationships, including work relationships.

Key to the test

If in the questionnaire there are more positive answers to the statements of group A, the assessed person is a pronounced extrovert, if group B is an introvert.

If the number of positive answers in both groups is approximately the same, the person being assessed is an ambivert and is characterized by signs of both one and the second type.

Interpretation of the result

An extrovert loves an open, active life. We can say about him that when he takes the initiative, he always gets on stage to some extent. But he climbs not so much so that he can be seen, but so that he himself can see and evaluate more objects. He enjoys evaluating and nominating others.

An introvert does not push himself, much less others. He looks at everyone who is more active than him as someone who is engaged in self-promotion. After all, deep down in his soul, he also strives for greater activity, but he cannot take initiative until this is demanded of him in each specific case. Afraid of being inappropriately active.

An extrovert acts to become more valuable and useful to society. Be a higher quality object. If possible, indispensable.

An introvert acts only out of necessity, fulfilling duty and responsibilities.

Extroverts do not like duty and responsibilities - they love responsibility. For everything that is happening around them, they feel a responsibility that activates them and forces them to act. Take responsibility for work, people and everything else. But the concept of duty, responsibility for them is associated with violence.

Introverts don't like responsibility - they like responsibilities. They are happy to do what is considered their duty and responsibility, which allows them to be active, and they try in every possible way to avoid what is called responsibility. The very word “responsibility” resembles a sentence, a punishment.

In a company, an extrovert pays attention to others, tries to stir them up, and is pleased when people like it. If there is no one to pay attention to, it’s boring.

An introvert waits for someone to pay attention to him. If no one notices him, it’s boring.

An extrovert is an initiator, inspirer and organizer.

An introvert covers the rear - he finishes things started by others, even if he did not show enthusiasm at the beginning. He is more modest and calm, less believes in the significance and importance of what he does, and is more self-critical. And more self-centered.

Every extrovert is distinguished by a certain restlessness of feelings, a certain activity, something that drives him to act in situations in which the introvert only observes. He observes, while creating the impression of being absorbed in himself. But the introvert’s concentration is not immersion in himself, but in the relationships between subjects and objects of the external world. If an introvert, in his absorption, thinks about something, it is not about the problems of his inner life, but about the problems of relationships with other objects and subjects.

Relationship between the extraversion-introversion trait and sociability-communication skills

In classical psychology, it is generally accepted that extroverts are sociable people, and introverts are reserved. But in fact, logical extroverts and ethical introverts have approximately the same level of sociability. It’s just that ethical introverts, considering themselves sociable people, mistake themselves for extroverts. Conversely, logical extroverts may mistake themselves for introverts because they have a limited circle of close friends.

Ethical introverts, despite the fact that they are introverts, due to the presence of ethics, are very contactable and focused on human relationships, especially informal, unofficial ones. In their company, they can be sociable and talkative, and sometimes even be the soul of this company. On the contrary, logical extroverts, despite the fact that they are extroverts, can nevertheless be unsociable and non-communicative in an informal setting. Another thing is the production sector: here they are active and can have a large number of contacts. This is one of the pitfalls when determining the extraversion-introversion trait.

For an extrovert, the external world is an object, and the extrovert himself is a subject. An extrovert's attention is drawn to the outside world and its objects. The quality of the external world and its objects is important to him. An extrovert is tuned to changing the quality of an object, changing its properties. Therefore, the extrovert changes the external world and its objects, since the attitude of the extrovert himself towards them depends on their quality.

For an introvert, the outside world is the subject, and the person himself is the object. The introvert’s attention is turned inward, to his inner world, which reflects his relationships with other objects (including people) through the emergence of thoughts, feelings, sensations, and events. It is through them that the introvert evaluates the objects of the external world in the form of his attitude towards them (correct, good, pleasant, timely).

For an introvert, his relationship with the world, with its subjects, is very important. An introvert changes himself, his internal and external qualities. Since the attitude of the world, its subjects to himself, which for an introvert is of paramount importance, depends on them.

For an extrovert, the quality of the object is important. It is important to him how the world evaluates him as an object, and it does not matter how the world treats him, good or bad. For an extrovert, the attitude towards objects depends on their quality.

Extrovert: if the object is of high quality, then you need to treat it well. If I am a quality object, then I should be treated well.

For an introvert, the attitude towards the object is important. The quality of objects depends on your attitude towards them.

Introvert: If they treat me well, then I am a quality object. If I feel good about an object, then it is of high quality for me.

An extrovert, changing other objects, is very sensitive to the attempts of others to change himself: he closely monitors such attempts and stops them immediately. An extrovert changes himself if his object qualities do not correspond to the norm.

An introvert does not change others and does not attach importance to attempts to change himself - this is pointless, since he always changes himself anyway if his relationships with other objects are valuable to him.

It is important for an extrovert what actions, emotions, desires and ideas objects evoke in him.

It is important for an introvert what thoughts, feelings, sensations, and images he himself evokes in other subjects. What matters is the attitude of others and your attitude towards the world.

Practical advice from a psychologist

  1. An extrovert is an impulsive and emotional person. If you are such a person, find out what dangerous feelings and emotions are harmful to your health.
  2. An introvert likes to reflect on life and find flaws in himself and the people around him. If you are such a person, then use these 10 tips and learn to enjoy life regardless of external circumstances.

If you liked this online personality type test, recommend it to your friends and don’t forget to share your results on social networks.

You are an introvert if:

  1. You don’t remember the details, but you understand the essence differently.
  2. You have few friends, but those who do exist are your closest and dearest people.
  3. Making important decisions is difficult for you; you need to think about everything many times.
  4. You often indulge in memories.
  5. You don't like it when loud music is playing and there is a noisy company around you.
  6. You think that one big event a month is more than enough.
  7. You have few things, but you value and value each one very much.
  8. You love to be photographed.
  9. You are often told that you are too focused.
  10. You avoid unfamiliar companies. You like to be at home and do things that are familiar to you.

Test for introvert and extrovert online: start taking it

Just below you can take the introvert and extrovert test online. The results will be available immediately on the same page. In addition, you can also answer the questions presented in the Eysenck Temperament Test and compare your results. Find out your personality type now!

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Instructions: For each of the 20 questions there are 2 answer options. Check the one that suits you best. There is no time limit for taking the test, but try to pass it “in one go” without delay =)

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  1. No category 0%
  • You are a pronounced extrovert.
    Scores from 0 to 35 indicate introversion. From 36 to 65 – ambiversion (the so-called intermediate or indeterminate type). From 66 to 100 points – extraversion.
  • You are an ambivert.

    Scores from 0 to 35 indicate introversion. From 36 to 65 – ambiversion (the so-called intermediate or indeterminate type). From 66 to 100 points – extraversion.

  • You are a pronounced introvert.

    Scores from 0 to 35 indicate introversion. From 36 to 65 – ambiversion (the so-called intermediate or indeterminate type). From 66 to 100 points – pronounced extraversion.

  1. 1
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  19. 19
  20. 20
  1. With answer
  2. With a viewing mark
  1. Task 1 of 20

    What do you prefer?

  2. Task 2 of 20

    What books do you prefer to read?

  3. Task 3 of 20

    What would you rather allow in your work?

  4. Task 4 of 20

    If you do something bad, then:

  5. Task 5 of 20

    How do you get along with people?

  6. Task 6 of 20

    Do you consider yourself touchy?

  7. Task 7 of 20

    Are you inclined to laugh, to laugh heartily?

  8. Task 8 of 20

    Do you consider yourself:

  9. Task 9 of 20

    Are you frank or secretive?

  10. Task 10 of 20

    Do you like to analyze your experiences?

  11. Task 11 of 20

    When in society, do you prefer:

  12. Task 12 of 20

    Do you often feel dissatisfied with yourself?

  13. Task 13 of 20

    Do you like to organize things?

  14. Task 14 of 20

    Would you like to keep an intimate diary?

  15. Task 15 of 20

    Do you move quickly from decision to execution?

  16. Task 16 of 20

    Does your mood change easily?

  17. Task 17 of 20

    Do you like to convince others and impose your views?

  18. Task 18 of 20

    Your movements:

  19. Task 19 of 20

    You are very worried about possible troubles:

  20. Task 20 of 20
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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