Enneagram: personality type test and choosing the right job

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The test using the Enneagram was developed at the beginning of the 20th century by the Russian mystical philosopher George Gurdjieff, and in the 1960s it was refined by psychologist Claudio Naranjo. The Enneagram is a diagram of 9 graphic images - stars with 9 rays, symbolizing 9 personality types that have developed as a result of long-term observations of people's behavior. They are a reflection of our spiritual and mental development .

One or 2-3 basic personality types predominate in one person, which are influenced by some key fears from childhood. In fact, all 9 types are present in us , but on different scales. Therefore, we recognize ourselves in several portraits at once, but to varying degrees.

This method is not recognized by all psychologists, but it is interesting to get acquainted with it for the overall picture and understanding of oneself. After all, two important components of effective trading are understanding the market and yourself, your strengths and weaknesses.

The Enneagram helps you see the limitations inherent in your personality type. Their identification should be considered as points of growth and an opportunity to get to know yourself better . But in no case as shortcomings. Each person has his own unique hierarchy of strengths and weaknesses and his own proportion of the same qualities in different combinations. They are what make us unique and different.

Depending on our personal set of qualities and the environment in which we were brought up, we unconsciously form our own model of interaction with the world around us and people - in each test result you will find a description of the model that is inherent in you to one degree or another. They are also not final or rigid, because any weakness can be covered by a strong quality or tried to be corrected if you work on yourself.

This is also part of your trading, since the stock exchange requires not only your practical trading skills, but also work on your habits and character. Namely, what in our environment is called self-discipline.

How to take the test?

There is no need to rush to answer the question. Choose the answer that suits you best. Most likely you will fluctuate between 2-3 answers. There is an explanation for this; each of them has some correspondence to your character. Here it is important to understand which one quality (or several) predominates in him.

Therefore, choose the 3 most objective answers in your opinion and write them down on a large sheet of paper - arrange them in descending order of importance.

First, mark the option that best matches the most important fear for you - it will be the determining factor of your personality.

The second and third results are secondary factors.

You can write out the test results, print them, save them, and return to them when analyzing trading, analyzing deals, re-evaluating actions, rethinking strategy, etc.

The entire test consists of only one question that must be answered.

Decoding each of the 9 Enneagrams


Personality type: perfectionist

Too often you are overcome by doubts that you will not succeed, that you will not be up to par. You strive for excellence all the time, are punctual, hardworking and honest, and value a job well done. You really don’t like to be caught making a mistake, and every mistake is equated to defeat.

Too often you are forced to deny yourself joys and emotions so as not to become a laughing stock in the eyes of others. It is unthinkable for you to lose control of the situation or yourself - such a test is tantamount to humiliation. It is difficult for you to come to terms with the fact that human capabilities have limits. Because of this, execute yourself and others at the same time. In your desire to move forward and develop, you are ready for any suffering and asceticism, which you could easily do without.

Most likely, as a child you sorely lacked parental approval, and criticism from loved ones hurts you to the core. You constantly feel guilty for constantly failing to meet the highest standards in everything.

Being constantly next to a person who strives for perfection is very difficult. And most likely your environment is a separate space for work, where only you are. From this point of view, it is better for you to engage in trading not in a trader/brokerage office, but in a separate home office.

Key quality: desire for self-improvement.

The main incentive: the need for recognition, the desire to receive high praise for one’s actions.

What is your strength: the ability to endure, but provided that you have the ability not to suppress, but to pacify your anger.

What is your weakness: anger. Too much of your energy is spent on holding it back, and it is needed for life and trading.

Your Defense Mechanism: Because you have had a lot of demands on you since childhood in terms of how much you should live up to, you have developed a rather interesting reaction - you have learned to react in the exact opposite way of what is expected of you (in situations where you should get angry, you on the contrary, you show icy politeness).

What is the main difficulty: you live with the feeling that circumstances and people are suppressing you. Because of this, you cannot do everything as well and efficiently as you would like.

What principles do you follow in relationships: you are afraid of the manifestation of anger both in yourself and in others. You are too demanding of yourself and others. And you very often want to be right.

What people value about you: Your high ideals and amazing sense of duty.

What you should strive for: learn to let go of the situation and be tolerant of others.

How it would be better for other people to interact with you: more often approve of your actions, but without flattery. Let them know that your advice is valuable to them. Appreciate you for your punctuality and decency. Show that they accept any of your imperfections as part of you and even love you for them.


Personality type - helper

It’s good for you if it’s good for your surroundings! You really mean a lot to your loved ones and they often count on you. Thanks to this, you feel more confident and have a sense of meaning in life. You have amazing intuition, with which you can easily guess about people’s desires and are ready to help them realize them. People are the center of your life, so loneliness is unbearable for you.

Because you are too focused on others and their needs, you, needing the same thing, will give it to others to the last drop, and forget about yourself again. This usually means that as a child, your parents did not satisfy all of your needs - they didn’t even know about half of them, although they loved you very much. Because of this, you too often suffered from emotional loneliness and feared abandonment. Or maybe you are afraid now.

Key quality: love.

The main incentive: the need for self-sacrifice and to be appreciated for it.

What is your strength: humility. When you overcome pride, you will find advantage in humility and selflessness.

What is your weakness: disguised pride. By constantly sacrificing yourself, sooner or later you begin to feel indispensable.

Your defense mechanism: constant suppression of your own needs.

What is the main difficulty: low self-esteem, resentment and fear of appearing selfish. You find it difficult to accept that others will not do as much for you as you do for them.

What principles do you follow in relationships: only in moments of caring for others do you feel needed. And in general, you make a lot of physical movements in order to be the center of the relationship. In addition, it is difficult for you to build relationships with people who do not need your loyalty.

What people value in you: your ability to love, sensitivity, care, gifts.

What you should strive for: learning to devote time and attention to yourself. Perhaps trading, which requires some solitude for a couple of hours a day, will balance the need to be around people with moments when you need to be alone.

How would other people interact better with you: letting them know they appreciate your efforts, encouraging you to be your best self. Be open and not hide anything from you (you feel such things instantly and it hurts you).


Personality type: fighter

You are what is called an achiever because you are insatiably driven towards goals and results. And you identify with them. You cannot imagine yourself without action. Procrastination is not about you. You know how to be tireless, always organizing something, looking for additional opportunities to succeed. During forced pauses, you suffer from boredom. The ability to maintain a positive state allows you to maintain long-term interest in any activity and be stable. You are highly adaptable and a problem solver. Most likely, as a child you were praised and rewarded solely for your actions, but were not complimented on your personality. From which you concluded that people love you only for your success.

Key quality: you know how to achieve success.

The main incentive: the desire to be praised for the results achieved.

Where is your strength: your authenticity. As a fighter develops, his true nature emerges.

What is your weakness: suspiciousness. In an effort to avoid defeat and achieve your goal, you are capable of lying and resorting to tricks.

Your defense mechanism: Because you only identify with the actions that are expected of you, you always play a role instead of being yourself. Because of this, in trading you try to follow other people’s strategies and tools, which are completely inappropriate for your personality type.

What is the main difficulty: you have to learn to be spontaneous and live simply. When trading, get used to the fact that the market changes all the time and so do strategies. Instead of always putting yourself out there and comparing yourself to others, learn to analyze the markets and compare your actions, old and new - which of them are more effective.

What principles in relationships do you follow: you try too hard to be accepted in the environment that is significant to you. Concerned about their image. You attach too much importance to your activities, and emotions and feelings are suppressed, but the stock exchange will still provoke you to show emotions. This is the only way you can track them and start working with them. If, of course, you start :)

What people value in you: decisive action, reliability, amazing performance and passion.

What should you strive for: a state of inner peace and sincerity. Meditation will help.

How it would be better for other people to interact with you: do not show overly strong feelings. Notice your professional achievements, congratulate them on them, and help maintain an optimistic mood.


Personality type: romantic

The manifestations of any mediocrity make you tremble and horror. Ordinary life brings boredom, and you are not interested in reacting to everything calmly. You are looking for intensity in feelings and life, originality and creativity in everything you do. Surround yourself with beauty and aesthetics. You love to empathize with others in their emotions, although you have difficulty enduring them. You are passionate about artistry, you feel like you are on stage all the time. You feel different from everyone else. In dreams of a better world, go into dreams. You are an extremely sensitive romantic; you are afraid of close relationships, that is, you do not believe that they can last long. As a child, you experienced a lack of attention and recognition of your individuality.

Key Quality: You are creative.

The main incentive: the need to be different from others and to be appreciated for it.

What is your strength: the desire for balance.

What is your weakness: in search of your special place, you envy those who managed to achieve recognition. Emotions often overwhelm you, and this is incompatible with trading.

Your defense mechanism: feeling “superfluous”, experiencing any offense in silence, not admitting what you really feel.

What is the main difficulty: you are prone to depression, like to have your head in the clouds, doubt, and are afraid of being abandoned. You need to develop a calm attitude towards life and trading, otherwise your emotions will eat you up, and the exchange will eat up your deposit. And then there will be only 2 options: either you give up trading and leave forever, or you begin to improve your self-discipline on your own and go into serious training.

What principles do you follow in relationships: idealizing people, looking for romance where it may not exist. You like to be listened to, but don’t rush to close the distance. You are prone to mood swings and feelings of bitterness if you see and envy someone else's success.

What people value in you: creativity, passion and generosity.

What you should strive for: learn to overcome your self-deprecation.

How would it be better for other people to interact with you: never compare with anyone, don’t be afraid to express sympathy and sincere interest in you, share moments of joy.

The Enneagram Method: Tell us what you fear most and we will tell you who you really are

Fear of mediocrity - psychological type “romantic, individualist”

Such children have a developed imagination in childhood, a world of beauty and creativity. But the environment, parents, relatives and especially peers did not accept this side, they believed that all this was nonsense. For such children, the fantasy world has become much more attractive than the real world. And such a child seeks his fulfillment where he will be appreciated. Romantics do not want to live in an ordinary and gray world where there is no room for dreams.

  • Main quality: imagination.
  • Motivation: expectation of admiration for originality.
  • Positive trend: development of creative abilities.
  • Negative tendency: vanity.
  • Defense mechanisms: belittling other people.
  • Main difficulties: susceptibility to sudden mood swings.

Individualists are people with big ideas, creativity and genuine artistry. They are often treated as "drama kings", but their unconventional approach to life makes them effective and vibrant. They tend to avoid mediocrity and quickly become frustrated with everyday tasks. It is important for this type that the work be unique and meaningful (

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