Anxious and suspicious psychotype and features of its relationship with other psychotypes

The German scientist Ernest Kretschmer, famous for his achievements in the field of psychotherapy and medical psychology, actively worked towards the development of a theory about the connection between the typology of temperaments and the human physique.
And as a result of his research, the professor was still able to prove the relationship between the structure of the human body and his character. Promoting his theory, E. Kretschmer identified a new psychotype, called asthenic. Who this is, what its description and characteristic features may be, we will describe in detail below.


Asthenics are creative individuals. They enjoy research and hard mental work. According to psychology, people of this psychotype are focused not on the result, but not on the process. They give their all and, if they are not limited in time, the results surpass many people of their generation. People around them value them for their high moral principles, responsibility and hard work.

These people suffer from autonomic instability, which is characterized by:

  • fluctuations in blood pressure;
  • increased heart rate;
  • headaches;
  • sweating;
  • indigestion.

They are also characterized by insomnia and an acute reaction to changes in weather. Such people often have an increased reaction to bright lights, loud noises and sharp sounds. Tight clothes get on his nerves, as do noisy companies and sudden changes in surroundings.

Features of the character and temperament of asthenics

All asthenics are united by one succinct phrase - these are Thinkers. A characteristic physique leaves an imprint for both better and worse. These are people who do not let things take their course, are focused, like to calculate everything down to the smallest detail, are scrupulous, they do not like wasting time on empty chatter or being in the public eye. On the other hand, the vitality of asthenic people is reduced, so they get tired quickly, cannot work productively in a busy schedule, and their endurance is below average. They are at risk of early wrinkles, but their appetite does not affect their figure.

Asthenics have a high metabolic rate; they can eat any food, but they prefer sour, salty and sweet foods. At the same time, they are not threatened with extra pounds; in order to gain weight, asthenics must include large quantities of sweet dishes in their daily diet. Among the predispositions to diseases, people with this body type suffer from gastritis, gastric ulcers, and tuberculosis.

Each body type leaves its mark on the development or course of the disease. If, when normo- or hypersthenics contract tuberculosis, the disease proceeds without complications, then in asthenics everything is exactly the opposite: the disease often takes a severe form, and they take much longer to restore strength. An increased concentration of oxygen in the blood is typical for asthenics. From a medical point of view, body type helps determine predisposition or conduct early diagnosis of the disease, which helps to start treatment on time.

Regarding the character of asthenics, the combination of high pride and feelings of inferiority is inherent in both men and women. They are able to worry for a long time about rudeness expressed towards them, but they do not like to conduct an internal dialogue, draw hasty conclusions, analyze actions, analyze the situation in detail and delve into themselves. Asthenics also don’t like to stand out in the crowd, but they sincerely adore animals, so they often become pet owners.

Relationship between body structure and temperament

Studying the body configurations of the subjects, the scientist divided them into four main groups, correlating each with mental disorders that Kraepelin once described. The analysis showed that people with a certain body type suffer from the same diseases. Thus, in the course of developing his theories, Kretschmer found that individuals with a picnic physique are more prone to psychoses of a manic-depressive nature. At the same time, people whose body structure is leptosomal are more susceptible to schizophrenia.

Against the backdrop of the results obtained, the German professor had the brilliant idea that a connection with mental illness could be discovered not only by studying the physique. Thus, Kretschmer suggested that the leading features of each of the existing types of temperament may also be interrelated with the symptoms of mental disorders. This makes it possible to diagnose possible diseases in healthy people, given the lower degree of severity of their signs characteristic of pathologies.

According to Kretschmer, the distinctive features between the state of a healthy and a sick person are only quantitative. That is, for each of the psychotypes there are three variants of mental structure:

  • Healthy.
  • Psychopathic.
  • Psychotic.

In addition, each mental pathology is characterized by one or another form of psychopathic disorder, and it also corresponds to a specific psychotype of personality with no pathologies: cyclothymic or schizothymic.

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Thus, it turned out that people who have a picnic and psychosomatic type are more susceptible to mental disorders. If the severity of the cyclothymic temperament is excessive, a tendency to bipolar affective disorder may develop if a person has pathologies of a cyclical nature. In turn, if a person with a schizothymic temperament exhibits abnormal deviations, this is fraught with the development of schizoidia, which gradually develops into schizophrenia with the rapid acceleration of signs of the disease.

What kind of psychotype is this?

It is believed that physique is transmitted genetically, but already in childhood, under the influence of nutrition, physical activity, and certain diseases, changes in the natural genotype can occur. A similar relationship can be traced using the example of an asthenic personality type.

By definition, an asthenic (asthenia lat. weakness) is, in psychology, a defensive person (the opposite of an aggressive person), with such traits as instability and weakness of nervous processes, excessive impressionability and suspiciousness, against their background - rapid fatigue. Such individuals occur frequently, so a certain approach is needed to them.

For your information. The asthenic personality type is easily recognized by its characteristic external signs: narrow shoulders, weak muscle mass, thin bones, which creates a feeling of exhaustion. The face is angular, with pale skin and small features, for example, like those of the well-known Don Quixote.

Among the psychological characteristics of this type, in the first place is increased neuropsychic excitability, which distinguishes it from others.

For your information. Parents of an asthenic child or managers who have such an employee need to take into account one circumstance: the weakness and rapid exhaustion of asthenic children makes their work ineffective. This is a direct path to the development of low self-esteem, painful pride and suspiciousness.

An important feature is the susceptibility of asthenics to neurasthenia, therefore somatic disorders are superimposed on asthenic qualities: incomprehensible pain, restless sleep, malfunction of the intestines, increased heartbeat. As a result, the asthenic type is characterized by a high degree of fatigue and irritability, and a tendency to hypochondria.

This must be taken into account when communicating with him, avoiding sudden angry outbursts or emotional breakdowns due to unfulfilled projects

As a result, the asthenic type is characterized by a high degree of fatigue and irritability, and a tendency to hypochondria. This must be taken into account when communicating with him, avoiding sudden angry outbursts and emotional breakdowns due to unfulfilled projects.

Asthenics can be easily identified by their appearance

Psychologists note that the character of an asthenic person makes both him and those around him suffer. The grievances and disrespect that accumulate in his life a lot require an outlet. As a rule, irritation spills out on loved ones; he can become a domestic tyrant.

Physical Features

Asthenics are, first of all, thin individuals. Their constitution is characterized by underdeveloped muscles. Such people have fragile health and do not tolerate low temperatures well. Even in the summer, the legs and arms of asthenics remain cool. Both in childhood and in adulthood they are susceptible to various pathologies.

Recovery from illnesses is slow. Often such individuals suffer from sleep disorders. Asthenics are people with fast metabolism. Even eating desserts does not contribute to weight gain in such individuals. They are distinguished by characteristic external features: an elongated head shape, long limbs, narrow shoulders and hips. The skin of these people is usually pale and prone to dryness. They have a quiet voice, but despite this, they can be talkative.

As for taste preferences, asthenics prefer desserts, pickles, sour dishes, and hot drinks. Many of them love alcohol, which is a prerequisite for the development of alcohol dependence.

Anxious and suspicious in communication

For someone who is anxious and suspicious, love and friendship must necessarily be mutual. At the first meeting, asthenics usually do not show initiative; they look outwardly very restrained and logical. They suppress all emotions and direct them inside themselves, where an ocean of passions is already raging.

Asthenics tend to attribute negative thoughts and feelings to others, second-guess their loved ones, and suspect them of base thoughts and intrigues. Anxious and suspicious people are capable of experiencing deep emotional attachment to people; they are very sensitive to manifestations of rudeness and are impressionable.

Causes of asthenic disorder

Often, a pronounced organic asthenic disorder develops after illnesses or against their background, after prolonged stress. Experts consider this condition to be psychopathological and attribute it to the initial stage of the development of mental and neurological diseases.

Emotionally asthenic disorder must be able to diagnose and differentiate from ordinary weakness, as well as fatigue after any illness. A distinctive criterion in the distinction is the fact that after fatigue or illness the body can independently return to normal, adhering to proper rest, sleep and nutrition. And emotional labile asthenic disorder without complex therapy can last for months, and in some cases for years.

There are two main types of this condition: hypersthenic and hyposthenic.

The first includes manifestations with predominant excitation processes. Individuals suffering from this type are very active, overly irritable and aggressive.

With the hyposthenic variety, inhibition processes dominate. Patients quickly get tired, mental activity is marked by retardation, and constant movements cause difficulties.

The main clinical symptoms for these varieties are weakness, irritability, apathy, exhaustion of cognitive processes, autonomic disorders with disability, increased sensitivity to weather changes, anxiety, insomnia and dream disturbances.

The causes of these asthenic disorders:

- pathological disorder in the metabolic processes of the body;

- overstrain of higher nervous activity;

— partial supply of nutrients and essential microelements.

Various injuries and disorders of the nervous system, as well as somatic diseases, can lead to the appearance of this disease.

It is important to note that signs of the disease are often noted both at the height of the disease and immediately before the disease itself or already during the recovery period

At different age periods, all of these factors arise in the life of almost every person, but they are not always able to lead to such development.

Experts identify several groups of diseases that lead to this condition:

- diseases of the cardiovascular system - hypertension, arrhythmia, heart attack;

- neurological disorders;

- gastrointestinal diseases - dyspeptic disorders, enterocolitis, gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis;

- infectious diseases - ARVI, tuberculosis, food poisoning, viral hepatitis;

- various renal pathologies - glomerulonephritis, chronic pyelonephritis;

- diseases of the bronchopulmonary system - chronic bronchitis, pneumonia;

— various injuries, postoperative period.

Asthenic personality disorder, what is it? This condition often develops in patients who are workaholics and cannot imagine themselves without work. Because of this, they lack sleep and deny themselves proper rest.

Often, signs of asthenic personality disorder appear when changing jobs, moving and changing place of residence, as well as after prolonged experiences due to troubles.

This disease in medical practice is classified according to numerous criteria. This is required to determine the correct treatment regimen.

Organic emotionally labile asthenic disorder manifests itself after degenerative changes, infectious and somatic diseases, and injuries in the brain. Based on the duration of its course, this pathology is classified as acute or chronic.

It is difficult to identify the main specific causes of asthenic disorder in children, but it is possible to determine the factors that will provoke its occurrence:

- this is heredity;

- suffered severe emotional shock;

- lack of proper rest;

- unfavorable psychological climate in the family;

- high workload at school.

What factors prevent an ectomorph from accumulating muscle mass?

Asthenics, as you know, find it more difficult than other people to build muscle mass and develop its strength. There are reasons for this:

  • Firstly, initially there is a noticeable lack of muscle and fat tissue - their starting volume is significantly lower than normal.
  • Secondly, all asthenics have an accelerated metabolism (metabolism), which is why consumed carbohydrates are instantly burned without having time to transform into a fat resource. This happens even in a state of complete rest.
  • Thirdly, the muscles of an ectomorph are not particularly prone to growth due to anatomical and physiological characteristics.

A person with a hyposthenic physique is forced to make significant efforts and spend a lot of time so that his muscular frame acquires relief outlines. In addition, the achieved result fades away much faster than for people of other types of constitution.

To increase the volume of muscle tissue, you need an integrated approach. It involves adjusting your diet and choosing the right sports exercises.

The right foods for an ectomorph

It is advisable for asthenics to reduce the amount of high-fat foods in their diet. We are talking about pork meat, mayonnaise, fast food, chips, overly sweet and fatty desserts, sausages, whole milk, etc.

The menu is formed with an emphasis on proteins and other healthy nutrients. Their optimal ratio is considered to be: 1) complex carbohydrates - from 50 to 55%; 2) proteins (proteins) – from 30 to 35%; 3) healthy fats – about 15%.

You can satisfy an asthenic person’s need for carbohydrates with nuts, various vegetables, and rice. The source of high-quality protein in this case is poultry (turkey, chicken), eggs, and kefir. Olive and flaxseed oils, shrimp, mussels and sea fish are rich in quality fats.

By maintaining a balance of essential nutrients, a person helps his body synthesize in more or less sufficient quantities its own protein, which is necessary for the formation of the muscular frame.

What exercises should you pay attention to?

Training for asthenics should be combined with long periods of rest. This is due to the fact that ectomorphic people take much longer to regain strength. Excessively intense and frequent exercise can lead to exhaustion of the body, instead of making the figure fit.

The complex of mandatory exercises includes adequate strength training. Thanks to them, you can significantly increase muscle mass. Varieties and features of such exercises:

  • monotonous muscle work with free weights;
  • gradual increase in intensity of loads;
  • improvement of execution technique.

Endurance and strength need to be trained regularly, since muscle mass in ectomorphs is lost faster than it is gained.

Cardio exercise will also be useful, especially for eliminating stress to which asthenics are susceptible. In this case, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. Perform aerobic exercise for 15 (maximum 30) minutes no more than three to four times a week.
  2. The training is carried out in a “corridor” of values ​​from 60 to 80% of the personal maximum heart rate (or heart rate) in order to prevent burnout and loss of valuable calories.

It’s good to do yoga, Pilates, martial arts, tai chi. They help tonify and stretch muscles, optimize local blood flow and muscle trophism.


Due to increased metabolism, asthenics are slim, which is often excessive. For the body to look harmonious, nutritious (mainly carbohydrate-protein) nutrition alone will not be enough. It is necessary to play sports, but this also has its own nuances. In most cases, asthenics are not faced with the task of losing excess weight, but aerobics is just as necessary as strength training.

Anxious and emotive

The marriage of an anxious person with an emotive person can be called a lucky lottery ticket, since these two psychotypes are ideally combined with each other. Difficulties can arise only when the neurotic level of anxiety due to stress reactions increases and reaches the level of severe pain.

Ideally, the emotive and the anxious are tenderly devoted to each other. Their union is distinguished by extreme tolerance, goodwill, and a willingness to rush to each other’s aid.

The vulnerability of the anxious, coupled with the softness of the emotional, sometimes leads to family solitude. Such a marriage can safely be called long-lasting and happy, full of mutual support and deep understanding of each other’s inner state.

The sacrifice that is characteristic of both illuminates the family union throughout its existence. Streams of love literally erupt from the emotive, softening the anxious and suspicious manifestations of the partner.

Such a couple can be well illustrated by N. Gogol’s work “Old World Landowners”, in which both spouses lead an idyllic, somewhat secluded, but full of quiet tenderness life.

Both partners tirelessly confess their love to each other; from the outside, the couple looks very touching. If a child appears in the family, he is also surrounded with attention, full of cordiality and kindness. Having a child together further strengthens the union of the anxious and the emotional.

An emotive spouse, capable of creating the most ideal conditions for an anxious one, allows the latter to smooth out his sensitive personality traits, fully open up and literally “bloom.” Anxious, surrounded by love and devotion, the emotive is realized in the professional field, in the family circle and among friends.

Both partners fill their home with “cute little things” like flowers, art objects, exquisite music, since they are sophisticated natures, capable of feeling deeper and stronger due to their vulnerability.

Such a strong union turns out to be stable in the face of life’s adversities and troubles due to the inexhaustible mutual support of the partners. For the anxious, the family hearth becomes the stronghold thanks to which he successfully “licks his wounds” from contact with “this cruel world.”

Features of this type

Asthenics are physically weak people who hide their feelings. They remember unflattering statements in their direction for a long time and silently experience grievances. They are very unsure of themselves and susceptible to suspiciousness. They scroll through conflict situations in their heads, but do not try to find out the reason for the bad attitude towards themselves. Suspiciousness makes asthenic anxious, absent-minded and restless. This psychotype prefers loneliness. He is unsociable and does not suffer from lack of friends. Wants to live modestly and not stand out. In awkward situations, she blushes and becomes embarrassed.

Character leaves such an imprint on his appearance:

  • long arms and legs;
  • tall or short;
  • thin build;
  • narrow nose;
  • thin face.

An asthenic person has pale skin, cold extremities and weak adaptive abilities. He is physically intolerant and gets tired quickly.

The same cannot be said about the inner strength of spirit. The asthenic type has ambition, is able to work hard to achieve a goal and does not stop in the face of difficulties. Such a person has his own convictions, and he acts as he considers necessary and correct.


According to accentuation (strongly expressed character traits), an asthenic person has a schizoid or schizothymic temperament. His character consists of the following traits:

  1. 1. Modesty.
  2. 2. Complexity.
  3. 3. Suspiciousness.
  4. 4. Closedness.
  5. 5. Stiffness.
  6. 6. Scrupulousness.
  7. 7. Nervousness.

He is emotionally closed and does not consider it necessary to share his feelings. In difficult periods of life, it seems to him that he is insignificant in relation to others and has achieved nothing, which is why he begins to engage in self-criticism and belittlement of his merits. Self-doubt is expressed in shyness and indecisiveness. Experiences exhaust him and deprive him of strength.

Close people have to deal with his outbursts of irritability. Asthenic shouts at them and unfairly insults them. And after a surge of negative emotions, repentance comes along with tears and apologies. The reason for his irritability is dissatisfaction with his actions, as well as fatigue and a difficult period in life.

Unsure sprinter

A person with the character of an astheno-neurotic type - an asthenic - quickly starts up and quickly dries out. It’s like an airplane with too small a fuel tank: you can’t fly far, the route and speed must be carefully calculated, and you have to stop to refuel along the way. An asthenic person has increased excitability, neuropsychic sensitivity, and fatigue. Where a person with a different personality pattern is just starting to swing, he already reacts with all his might, and where it’s time to properly accelerate, he freezes and retreats into the background. At the same time, an asthenic person may feel “mentally tired” and feel strong nervous tension under the influence of fairly harmless stimuli. His only desire in this case may be the desire to quickly force everyone to get behind him.

At the same time, a person with astheno-neurotic accentuation is suspicious, impatient, irritable and at the same time prone to repentance. His grievances against the world around him can accumulate for a long time, silently layering on top of each other, only to then begin to break through the thick layer of self-doubt in the form of causeless (as it seems) outbursts of anger. After each such outburst, the asthenic person will regret and blame himself, which is why his self-esteem, already low, may lose a few more points.

Self-doubt is another characteristic of this type. An asthenic person is sensitive to criticism and evaluation; it is easy for his pride to be dealt a blow. At the same time, such a person may not be alien to vanity, which, due to the tendency to be a sprinter in everything, can be difficult to satisfy.

How to find out your type

There is a very simple and convenient way to find out what type a woman is. We measure the circumference of the wrist using a measuring tape. If the result is less than 15 cm, your type is asthenic, from 15 to 17 cm - normosthenic, and if the wrist girth exceeds 17 cm - hypersthenic. The Solovyov index is the name of this parameter.

We do not always have such a measuring tool with us. Often, just by looking at a woman’s hands, we can easily determine what type she belongs to. We can recognize women of asthenic physique by their characteristic thin, elongated arms and legs, narrow shoulders, and graceful long neck. Their faces also have an elongated shape. These are, most often, ladies above average height.

An asthenic woman is characterized by energy and lightness. The structural features of the body also affect the state of health. Asthenic is usually low hemoglobin, blood pressure is below normal. And often, due to the fragility of the skeletal system, women have problems with the spine. Asthenics often suffer from vegetative-vascular dystonia, frequent colds and stomach problems. They love warmth and really dislike cold. An asthenic woman can compensate for and develop missing skills, such as strength and endurance, by doing dancing, aerobics, and swimming.

How to determine which type you are?

The easiest way

– measure the circumference of a woman’s wrist below the protruding bone.

  • Up to 16 cm – asthenic build;
  • 16-18 cm – normosthenic;
  • More than 18 cm – hypersthenic.

You can do without a centimeter.

The thumb and middle finger of one hand clasp the wrist of the other hand below the bone.

  • Fingers cover one another - ectomorph.
  • Fingers touching each other - mesomorph.
  • Fingers not touching – endomorph.

This is possible through regular observations of your own body: for example, how quickly weight is gained and lost.

In fitness centers you can undergo special testing, which includes measuring certain physical data. This method is considered one of the most reliable.

Also, any trainer will be able to determine a person’s body type in two simple ways:

  • in the first - by measuring the width of the elbow joint bent at a right angle and comparing it with the indicators;
  • in the second - along the intercostal angle: the thumb and index finger are applied to the lower ribs in the lateral area, the resulting angle between the fingers indicates what kind of physique the person has: less than 90 o - hyposthenic;
  • 90 o – normosthenic;
  • more than 90 o – hypersthenic.

When hearing the expression “asthenic physique,” ​​not everyone understands what we are talking about. What signs does a person who is characterized in this way possess? Asthenic, translated from Greek, means weak. People of this type are underdeveloped, sickly, and have poor health. They find it difficult to tolerate cold weather. Even in summer, asthenics have cool feet and hands.

Let us consider in more detail the distinctive features of the asthenic physique and body type of this type.

Research by a German professor

Before Kretschmer could identify the relationship between temperament and body structure, and also identify three main types of temperament, he had to study many people. And it is worth noting that his works on studying the relationship between physique and personality make up the majority of all the scientist’s publications (and he has more than 150 of them).

Around 1918-1920, Kretschmer had several brilliant ideas that made the professor world famous. One of the most notable results of the scientist’s active work and research was his main work, published in 1921, a publication entitled “Korperbau und Charakter,” which translated means “Body Structure and Character.” Thanks to her, the whole world learned about the German psychiatrist.

In this publication, the professor described in detail the types of human physique and how physique and temperament are interrelated. After examining more than two hundred patients, Kretschmer was able to identify four main body types, three of which were clearly defined (leptosomal, picnic and athletic), and the fourth was less pronounced (dysplastic).

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The basis for this division of somatotypes was the results of studies of absolutely healthy people, as well as the diagram of the relationship of tissue structures in the body, originating from the three germ layers. Taking into account the degree of expression of a particular type of tissue (endoderm, ectoderm or mesoderm) and using a 7-point scale, Kretschmer derived formulas to describe “pure” character types:

  • 7-1-1 – picnic type.
  • 1-7-1 – asthenic type.
  • 1-1-7 – athletic.

Characteristics of asthenic personality type

When characterizing an asthenic personality, it should be noted that the psychotype manifests itself already from childhood. Psychologists note the low weight, slow growth, and poor appetite of an asthenic child. However, once he becomes a teenager, he can change dramatically and grow quickly. Therefore, the characteristics of an asthenic necessarily include his appearance: disproportionately long arms and legs, sunken sternum, pale skin and circles under the eyes.

Important! It is advisable for adults to know such features so as not to complain that the child looks sick. This is his constitutional type

An asthenic psychotype is the properties of a calm, slightly withdrawn, self-absorbed person. Often melancholic people have an asthenic temperament, adding to it traits of self-doubt, a tendency to overestimate their own strengths, painful pride, touchiness, and lack of contact.

Despite the inconsistency, the asthenic character has many positive traits: hard work, accuracy, attention to detail, commitment and decency.


Children of the asthenic type look very touching and defenseless, which often frightens parents. As a rule, they are thin, light-colored, and often have damaged skin. This appearance sets them apart from other guys. Due to low muscle mass, a child may appear weak, and due to low blood pressure, he may be “freezing”, as his hands and feet often get cold.

For an asthenic child, the support and help of parents is important

Important! In order to form a healthy person out of an asthenic child, you need to treat him adequately. It is undesirable to remake his type, this is unlikely to happen without moral and physical costs, it is better to show maximum care and love

All stress, especially emotional stress, must be strictly dosed; a clear daily routine with proper nutrition and sleep is useful.

At school, asthenic children quickly get tired due to the high sensitivity of the nervous system. They, unlike other psychotypes, read several streams of information simultaneously. So, while schoolchildren are listening to the teacher, asthenics have time to assess the situation in the classroom, monitor the time, changes in the appearance and mood of those around them. If you ignore the adaptive approach to them, then irritability and aggressiveness are inevitable. Over time, disturbing and suspicious ideas are added to this

Therefore, it is important for an asthenic child to feel the support of his parents and know that they will always help him, regardless of the situation.


To correctly characterize an asthenic woman, first of all, we must note her appearance: thinness, long neck, narrow shoulders, thin limbs, elongated face and thin nose. Such external data make representatives of this type light and graceful. An obvious plus of the physique is a minimal tendency to be overweight. Asthenic women are not only slender, but can also be short, which allows them to be called petite.

In the character of women, just like men, there is a tendency towards introspection, long reflection on the actions of others and one’s own reaction to them. For mental comfort, they need to be surrounded by loved ones.

Women of the asthenic type stand out among others with their grace and lightness


Representatives of the stronger sex cannot boast of muscle mass, so they often appear exhausted. The positive thing is that they are practically not obese and can quickly lose weight.

The difference in character is that an asthenic man is extremely sensitive to the opinions of others; he can be unsettled by any criticism or failure. The disadvantages are an incorrect assessment of the situation and a rush to conclusions. This often makes him distrustful and uncomfortable in unfamiliar company.

When communicating with men of the asthenic type, it is important to take into account their painful attitude towards rudeness, rancor and suspiciousness. True, they often try to hide their vulnerability and vulnerability behind ostentatious bravado, which is especially typical for young men

In old age, suspicion is added to the negative traits. Living with an asthenic person becomes difficult, as he makes unreasonable demands on loved ones. It is difficult for him to get along with representatives of his type, so he needs balanced people as partners and friends.

Asthenic in the work team

There are many good workers among the anxious and suspicious. They are hardworking and punctual, strictly follow instructions, rules and regulations. You practically won’t find asthenic people in leadership positions, because they try to avoid risks and responsible decisions.

Often such people underestimate their capabilities. But when performing a responsible task, they can show persistence and determination. Asthenics are suitable for those professions that require scrupulousness, monotony, and standard operations require a high level of responsibility, for example, a procedural nurse. Quite good teachers, supply managers, librarians, and archive workers make anxious and suspicious people.

For asthenic people, stability in the team, fewer reorganizations, reforms, and paid salaries on time are important. An anxious and suspicious person can work in one place for up to 10-15 years.

What body types are there?

What is asthenic and psychotype in general? It cannot be that a person’s inner world would not be reflected in any way in his appearance and expression of emotions. When you see a person for the first time, you can understand what type of person this person is after just 5 minutes of communicating with him. Errors are forgiven, but the first impression, as a rule, is not deceiving.

Depending on the specific composition of the figure, three types of physique with their characteristic signs of temperament are distinguished. These are asthenics - weak - characterized by a thin physique and an almost complete lack of emotionality. All their movements and words are precise, they are very attentive and slightly inhibited in communication.

Normosthenics are strong and usually very well built, for which they are also called athletics. They love to be first and dominate everywhere and in everything, so it is very difficult for them to find a common language with people of the same psychotype as them. Hypersthenics - heavyset people - experience minor weight problems, but diets are preferable for them to exercise. But they love to communicate with people and, most importantly, know how. Therefore, they solve problems in their personal lives easily and quickly, which can surprise others.

This classification is conditional; in life, body types are mixed and this is what makes a person individual. But it is still impossible to change your body type, so it is better to correct the type to which you belong.

Causes of asthenic disorder

Unknowing people believe that asthenicity in psychology is a disorder, since the characteristics of asthenics are similar to the manifestations of pathology. Psychotherapists consider a state of mental and physiological weakness, that is, asthenia, to be the most common disorder of our time. Its signs include:

  • increased fatigue;
  • intolerance to prolonged stress;
  • unmotivated mood changes;
  • decreased functioning of mental processes.

For your information. Each of the symptoms can be caused by various diseases, but together they represent an asthenic syndrome, which should not be confused with asthenic accentuation of character.

More precisely, asthenic syndrome is chronic fatigue syndrome. Its difference from ordinary fatigue is that the latter does not have a direct connection with physical or mental stress. The causes of asthenic disorder are the following: traumatic brain injury, hypertension, heart failure and other chronic diseases, physical activity, intense mental work, emotional shock.

Anxious and hysterical

For a beautiful, spectacular hysteroid, a withdrawn, anxious person is the most fallback option. If such a union took place, it means that everything is very bad for the hysteroid in his personal life. Most likely, he was faced with the frivolity and betrayal of hyperthymic, got burned in a battle with an epileptoid, or was tired of scandals with another hysteroid. For a hysterical person, marriage with an anxious person is a stable, quiet, calm swamp, in which the anxious person will be a faithful, loving and caring partner.

In this case, the hysteroid will only take for granted all the anxious feelings addressed to it. In addition, the anxious one will provide a strong rear for the hysteroid, who will not fail to do his favorite thing - attracting attention from the outside. In such an alliance, the anxious one is guaranteed to suffer from the imaginary and real betrayals of the hysteroid, his hysterics and whims.

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