Demonstrative behavior: what is it? Who is a hysterical person?

Demonstrative behavior in modern reality is not only not condemned by society, but is also a measure of social success. While some people dress completely normally, behave quite modestly and try not to attract the attention of others, other individuals do everything possible and impossible to be in the center of everyone's attention and demonstrate to other people their individuality, authenticity and uniqueness.

Demonstrative behavior that does not go beyond the bounds of decency is quite common. Thanks to this behavior, which, according to experts, is characteristic of most women and leaders with a charismatic personality type, you can easily and simply solve many life problems and tasks.

If a person, regardless of the desires and needs of the people around him, commits unreasonable, illogical or stupid actions in order for these very people to pay attention to him, then such demonstrative behavior cannot be called the norm. Very often, destructive demonstrative behavior becomes the reason that a person for whom “the whole world is a theater, and the people in it are actors” becomes disappointed not only in society, but also in himself! Such an individual, trying to find the meaning of life and attract the attention of others, begins to violate social norms and over time can turn into a cynical nihilist, offended by the whole world.

What is demonstrative behavior? What personality type is characterized by demonstrative behavior? How does demonstrative behavior manifest itself in children and adolescents? In this article we will look at these and some other important issues regarding demonstrative behavior and its impact on our daily lives.

Definition of hysteria

Hysteroids are those individuals who have emotional instability and a tendency to demonstrate, through which they seek everyone's attention. Often such people have hysterical psychopathy. This personality disorder has pronounced symptoms, namely: defiant behavior, emotionality, sudden mood swings, and suicidal tendencies.

Women with a hysterical personality type have leadership qualities, so they strive to show their superiority in everything. They are accustomed to showing perseverance and determination, not only in work, but also in their personal lives. To get what they want, they often make unconventional decisions and commit desperate acts.

The hysterical girl loves to communicate and can quickly find a common language with many people. When meeting her, many seem to be a cheerful, positive person who is not afraid to seem funny, is ready for bold actions and frankly expresses her point of view. But after talking longer, harshness and some inadequacy of reactions to various situations become noticeable. A hysterical girl can suddenly start freaking out, crying, screaming. It should be noted that this behavior is demonstrative and appears only if there are a number of people around.

Demonstrativeness Demonstrative

Demonstrativeness is the bubbling of the underside.
The desire of some gentlemen to be in full view of everyone is quite understandable. However, sometimes, in an attempt to quench their passion for fame, such people even climb to the scaffold.

In demonstrative grief there are many tears, but little pain.

We somehow decided not to recognize each other when we met. For some time they felt awkward during meetings, but they soon became rich.

They say that if you do not demonstratively and defiantly chase success, then success, fueled by indifference, will begin to chase you.

The worst revenge is to defiantly not take revenge. Your offender will wear himself out with the expectation of punishment.

Demonstrativeness as a personality quality is a tendency to show an obsessive desire to attract attention to oneself through exaggerated, external manifestations of emotionality, actions put on public display, or to cause them to resonate with public opinion.

Demonstration is a race for total attention. Demonstration is self-promotion, the desire to achieve what you want through “showing off.” The demonstrator subordinates every movement of his hair to the desire to attract attention. As a rule, demonstrators love only positive, interested attention to their person. Demonstration is cheap acting for the sake of one’s vanity. The idea of ​​“being visible” becomes dominant for the demonstrator. To be in the center of attention, he is ready to engage in self-deception, lies and inventions.

Demonstration, as long as it is within reasonable limits, is an effective way to solve many problems. It is common to most women and charismatic leaders. There is nothing wrong with this - any woman, according to her nature, strives to attract attention. Therefore, female demonstrativeness, in harmony with common sense and prudence, can be considered the norm.

An example of demonstrativeness was undoubtedly the Chairman of the Provisional Government of Russia, Kerensky, who in troubled times managed to jump from simple lawyers to the crest of the political power of revolutionary Russia. As his contemporaries noted, the mystery of this rapid ascent to the political Olympus is largely explained by the mastery of demonstrativeness, when it looked like courage, determination and self-confidence.

From Sukhanov’s memoirs: “Suddenly shots rang out. There is confusion among the people in the Tauride Palace. Kerensky rushed to the window and, sticking his head out the window, shouted in a hoarse, intermittent voice: “Everyone in their places! Protect the State Duma! Do you hear? I'm telling you this, Kerensky! Kerensky is telling you! Defend your freedom, revolution! Everything is in place! - “Why are you yelling?” - came from the yard calmly, clearly. - “Don’t you see, or what? We’re trying a machine gun.” It was funny and a little awkward."


Age stages

The first manifestation occurs at the age of 2-3 years. At this time, the child makes demonstrative scenes, cries in public and tries with all his might to achieve what he wants. He needs hysteria to get a toy or sweets.

A real hysterian always remains like this. Children of primary preschool age are characterized by a desire to speak in public, but this gradually fades away. This does not happen with a pathological personality type.

The second stage occurs during adolescence

At 13-14 years old, a child will try to look unusual and bright. This may also apply to behavior

Children smoke, drink alcohol and try their best to attract attention

It is rare for an adult to show the first signs of hysteria. Usually this character is visible from an early age. With timely help from a psychologist, behavior can be corrected. To do this, they use the recommendations of a specialist, and work on themselves every day. Sometimes group therapy helps, allowing people to understand each other better.

Rules of communication

Dealing with a hysterical person can bring certain problems, especially if such a person works in a small team. When interacting with such an individual, you need to remember that he is self-centered and likes to exaggerate his feelings.

When communicating, you need to ignore emotional attacks and mitigate conflicts. You can influence a hysteroid through his desire to be ideal. For example, in case of conflict, you need to point out that now it looks ugly.

If you need to communicate for a long time, then you should not remind about mistakes and mistakes, otherwise this will lead to serious worries and problems. Also, you should not try to convince him of something - it is useless, since such people are always confident that they are right.

Communication with a hysterical psychopath requires high stability and immunity from other people. Not everyone can withstand such emotional swings.


This girl's house is always clean. Her worldview should not be polluted by an unwashed dish in the sink or a sock that fell out of the closet. She is sociable, has many friends, often finds herself in the center of attention of the entire company, and easily joins a new team, but character flaws do not always allow her to fully retain the interest of the public.

The makeup, jewelry and clothing of these ladies are always on point and fully correspond to the latest fashion. Flashy clothes, a lot of acquaintances, the ability to adapt to others - all this is done on her part only in order to find herself in the center of everyone's attention. Often she does not get the desired result.

If a new acquaintance begins to admire her, then she will become close to him, but if over time this person emotionally cools off towards the “hysterical” woman, then she will not only move away from him, but will even begin to experience a feeling of hatred.

Ladies of this type of character are very feminine, but at the same time quite bold.

Ready to get involved in adventures and persevere. But all this is again due to the need for general interest. They are always noticeable in the crowd - they laugh loudly, cry bitterly, actively swear. Relationships with men are not easy for them. Due to the lack of a sense of responsibility, these girls often get divorced.

Demonstrative behavior of schoolchildren: causes, manifestations, methods of correction

Demonstrative behavior of schoolchildren: causes, manifestations, methods of correction


is that demonstrativeness, as a behavioral disorder, is a very common personal characteristic of the younger generation of our time, which can both help an individual achieve goals that are significant to her, and create many problems in social and interpersonal relationships, in particular educational institutions and family.

Demonstrative behavior

– emphatically expressive behavior with a conscious or unconscious goal of attracting the special attention of others without taking into account their needs and desires.

Demonstrativeness is a personal trait. It is based on an increased need for attention to oneself, the desire to always be the center of attention. Children with a high level of demonstrativeness are characterized by somewhat deliberate “theatrical” behavior and a love of jewelry. To attract attention, children can use a variety of means: antics, deliberate violation of the rules of behavior, emphasized “ideal” behavior, and even emphasized shyness, when the child seems to say: “Look how shy I am.” Such children have high emotional lability, i.e. . tendency to frequent mood swings, short-term and unstable experiences. Often, to attract additional attention, children “exploit” their illnesses: they emphatically demonstrate symptoms, behave as if their illness is much more severe than it actually is (aggravate). This applies not only to physical (somatic) symptoms, but also to psychological ones: they demonstrate their fears, fatigue, and anxiety. This tendency is fraught with the subsequent development of hysteria, in which, without any physiological reasons, painful symptoms arise, serving as a means for the hysteric to solve social and interpersonal problems.

Causes: (per slide)

Lack of attention from adults to children

Based on observations and diagnostic data on children, four main motives for “demonstrative” behavior can be identified.

Very often, the reason for this behavior of students is the need for special attention to themselves.

We all need attention from the people around us and don’t want to feel like an “empty place”; we want to feel like we’re contributing to the group to which we belong. However, there are children who always strive to attract attention with their behavior and are never satisfied with the attention they receive, demanding more and more of it.

Attracting the attention of the teacher or classmates in class, students do a variety of things: knock on the desk with a pen, stretch their hand endlessly, whisper, write notes, etc.

The question arises, what does the teacher feel?

observing this in his lesson. How does a normal person feel when he is constantly distracted? Yes, that's right - irritation. Indignation and indignation are easily born from it.

Hence the next question - what do you want to do?

Make a note. Sometimes read the notation.

What is the student's response?

Temporarily stops the prank (pay attention to this, if the student does not stop spinning or knocking after your remark - the motive is different), we will consider them further.

So, children attract attention in the lesson and the main difficulty of the teacher is how to give attention (after all, they have the right to it), without reinforcing the conditioned reflex “if you want attention, do it badly.”

Before the lesson, try to loudly emphasize “something” good about this student, offer to carry out an assignment: take out chalk, write a number, etc. (water a flower) and praise.

The next motive is power.

One of the main reasons for this behavior is the fashion for a “strong” personality, for being “cool.” Children and adolescents see only the external, effective side of power-hungry behavior. They do not yet know what wise people know: there is no method against scrap except another scrap. Fear is the flip side of power.

Many young parents believe that “cool” is a strong personality. A strong personality is a person who makes decisions for others.

However, a strong personality does not decide anything for others, but simply does not allow others to decide for her. You don't need to be aggressive to do this, just be confident.

Consider the teacher's feelings

observing power-hungry behavior: anger, resentment, resentment, often also fear.

The teacher's actions - what does he want to do?

This point is especially important for power differences and attention. You want to “kill the power-hungry with your own hands,” that is, to put it methodically correctly, to immediately stop the prank. In other words, when the fists are clenched, you are dealing with the “power” motive.

What is the student's response?

This reaction is also very typical - the student will stop the prank when he decides. He provokes you, you fall for the provocation, you lose your temper - this is exactly what he wanted.

He won and enjoys moments of triumph. Why should he stop?

Of course, you can forget about humanism and humiliate or scare him. But then you will make him an avenger. And “revenge” is a heavier motive than “power” for “bad” behavior.


Revenge is similar to power, but the reasons for “bad” behavior are deeper. If the power-hungry is simply testing you, then the avenger is getting rid of the internal pain that was inflicted, perhaps by you yourself, without noticing it, but most likely by someone else.

Unprofessional and unethical behavior of a teacher is often also a cause of retaliation.

The first-grader desperately took revenge on his good teacher for six months, until she decided to find out the reason for his hatred. He said: “You sent everyone for the magazine, even Mishka, even though he is stupider than me.” But not once!”

The Avengers don't just do dirty tricks, they choose what will impress this particular person. If the teacher loves flowers, you can “accidentally” drop a flower pot or cut them off with scissors.

If he demands punctuality, the avenger will be methodically late for every lesson. If the teacher talks a lot about decent appearance, you can specially build a suit that she will not remain indifferent to see.

What are the teacher's feelings here?

This is confusion, anger, indignation, resentment, fear. “How could this even happen?”

What would the teacher want to do?

“Either you or I will stay in this school, dear.”

Retaliating or running away is an ancient, primitive formula. It turns on at the moment of danger, and it is extremely difficult to change it.

At these moments the teacher forgets about humanism, that in front of him there is still a child, that of the two participants in the conflict, he is the one who is a professional teacher with a diploma.

What is the student's response?

It is the same as that of the power-hungry.

A particular problem is how to change the behavior of the vigilantes? A teacher’s personal problem: how to learn to forgive students who take revenge on them, how do you generally treat them?

One of the psychological subtleties here is as follows. It is necessary to separate personality (in this case, a person who is trying to survive by expressing internal pain through aggression) and behavior, that is, a person and what he said. An offense obviously needs sanctions, but a person needs support.

Avoiding Failure

These children, quiet in class, are quite obedient, but they don’t complete their assignments. This happens because they are afraid to again encounter a feeling of complete insignificance: after all, everyone except me succeeds!

In children, this motive is formed in the first years of school. A constant feeling of failure, that you did not live up to someone’s expectations: “I didn’t have time to make examples again! Why "4" and not "5"? You’re the only one, Petrov, late for school!” etc. - all this forces the child to defend himself: anger or despair in the first grade is replaced over time by defensive indifference or “boredom”. These are kids who don't care anymore. The most terrible motive, because with such behavior there is no chance of “surviving.”

What feelings do the teacher have in this situation?

At first it’s a pity, then, when over and over again attempts to study additionally and explain the material again lead nowhere, a feeling of professional helplessness arises.

What would the teacher want to do to improve the situation?

I would like to take the child to a psychologist and get an answer to the question “Why doesn’t he pull?” And the psychologist writes: “Intellectual development corresponds to age.” But motivation and the emotional side are launched during the learning process.

What is the student's response?

The student becomes dependent. He is ready to do anything: clean the classroom, carry desks, etc., but he still does not complete his assignments.

Strengths and weaknesses of demonstrative behavior (slide)

Like any human personality trait, demonstrativeness has its strengths and weaknesses. Let's think together what are the strengths of this behavior and what are the weaknesses?

Let's consider the principles of preventing demonstrative behavior (slide)

Working with students (slide)

Working with parents (slide)

Working with teachers (slide)

There are several strategies for pedagogical influence on students with demonstrative behavior.

1 Strategy “Minimizing attention”

This is paradoxical: by naturally reacting to students’ antics, the purpose of which is to attract attention, we seem to give them positive reinforcement in the form of our attention, thereby reinforcing their bad behavior. They begin to feel like they are part of the educational process, to feel like they belong to a group (class) only when they receive a lot of comments, and they perceive our angry sermons and threats as a form of special attention to themselves. Why support with attention such behavior that disrupts the lesson and distracts other students? The attention minimization strategy contains many techniques designed to reduce demonstrative behavior because it will go unnoticed.

Ignore this behavior. Often the best way to stop demonstrative behavior is to stop reacting to it. “No response” means the goal is not achieved through this action. When a student behaves demonstratively, ask yourself the question: “What will happen if I ignore his behavior?” If you answer yourself that nothing will happen except that he will lose your attention, feel free to use the technique of ignoring. After a few attempts, the student will stop behaving this way.

Make eye contact. “Look at them closely,” experienced teachers advise. - They know what they are doing. They know that I know what they are doing. And they know that this look means “enough is enough.” The gaze (without judgment) is all the attention they “gained” for their prank. No words - just a look."

Stand next to me. Physical proximity is another tool that can help minimize attention-seeking behavior. As you continue teaching the lesson, simply go and stand next to the student. No eye contact and no words. Children begin to realize that they are doing something wrong when the teacher is standing so close.

Mention the student's name. This technique allows you to simultaneously give a minimum of attention “as a reward” for demonstrative behavior and recommend that the student join in what you are explaining. The teacher does this by periodically inserting the student's name into the context of the lesson. It may sound like this: “Thus, the square of the hypotenuse, Vova, is equal to the sum...” Or: “Then, Igor, Peter the Great issued a decree about...”.

These simple techniques can be easily used with students who frequently misbehave.

Send a "secret signal". You can use some gestures, the meaning of which is known to children. For example, put your finger to your lips and say: “Shh.” Here is an interesting story from one teacher.

Once, talking with a second-grader Borey, who was very annoying in class, I asked: “What can I do to make you sit quietly while I am busy with other children?” Borya raised his crossed arms above his head, like a basketball referee does. "What does it mean?" - I asked. “That means the game is over,” Borya replied.

Always and everywhere now, when Borya was naughty, I made this sign to him - and he helped! I often added a wink to this main signal, and Borya smiled and calmed down, satisfied that he received at least two seconds of my attention only to himself. Time passed, Borya grew up. But wherever we met him, in the hallway or in the schoolyard, I winked at him and crossed my arms - it was our special relationship.

Make written comments. If you know that tomorrow you have a lesson in a class where there will be a student with attention-seeking behavior, prepare in advance a stack of identical notes with the following content: “Please stop doing what you are doing.” Simply place a note on the student’s desk when he or she is “dispersed.” There is no need to say anything - everything is written. This technique certainly works with students who read well and quickly.

Formulate “I-statements.” There are situations when your nerves can’t stand it and you just want to shout to the student who

Psychologists advise using the “I-statement” in these cases. This verbal statement provides specific information about the behavior disorder and how it affects you. Here’s an example: “Katya, when you whisper to Lena during my explanation, I feel very irritated because I’m losing my mind. Please stop!”

The “I-statement” consists of three parts:

Part 1. Contains an objective description of bad behavior that occurs here and now: “When you whisper to Lena during an explanation...”

Part 2. Names the teacher’s feelings at this moment: “...I feel very irritated...”

Part 3. Describes the effect of bad behavior: “...because I lose my mind...”

The “I” statement tells students only what we feel. If you are sincere in your words and intonation when using the I Statement, you will be able to influence many students.

2 Strategy. "Permissive Behavior"

The forbidden fruit is always sweet. This property of human nature has been known since the time of Adam and Eve. Therefore, the second strategy is not to prohibit eating the apple, but to destroy all the beauty of what was done by declaring the apple not forbidden.

Here are specific techniques for permissive behavior strategies.

Build a lesson around egregious behavior. Here is an example of such a math lesson.

Fourth grade students are obsessed with spitting tubes. They did not succumb to any educational methods. They spat during lessons and breaks. Then the math teacher said that since they loved spitting so much, he was going to teach them math exclusively using spitting. He made a target and a moving outline, drew zones on the floor to indicate different degrees of success, and ordered them to carefully record the results of their achievements. Pretty soon the kids didn't want to hear about spitting anymore.

This technique works well with curse words, which can be studied in the topic “Slang”, with inscriptions in English (names of rock bands and youth slogans) - in English, with shouts of memorable advertising slogans - in teaching spelling, punctuation and practical stylistics.

Take a demonstrative prank to the point of absurdity. Here is another technique used in the same situation of a mass epidemic of spitting.

The guilty students were given the task of spitting 500 times. After the first hundred spits, they already dreamed of only one thing - never to see spitting tubes again, for it was a boring and monotonous task that made their throats dry.

This technique is suitable for many boorish pranks: students who do not want to sit in their place must stand for the entire lesson, students who constantly chat or make obscene noises must record a full hour-long audiotape of their speeches or sound exercises and bring them to class tomorrow, etc. .P.

Ira endlessly taps her pen on her desk. Teacher: “Well, okay. Class, take your pens and tap them on your desk for three minutes. Let's start! The whole class joins in the prank. Ira knocks with everyone and does not receive any special attention. And Ira loses interest in this type of activity.

Use the "allowed quota". This technique is recommended by Dr. Rudolf Dreikurs in his book Psychology in the Classroom. The technique is that some kind of behavioral disorder is allowed, if it has appeared, but only to the extent that is agreed upon in advance and with the condition that this volume will decrease daily.

As an example of how this technique works, Dreikurs describes the following case.

Johnny hiccups loudly in every civics class at least ten times. One morning, before the start of classes, the teacher agreed with Johnny how many “hiccups” he would be allowed in each lesson, and also that every day he would hiccup less times than yesterday. And the teacher will see to it. Every time Johnny hiccupped, the teacher would simply smile at him and make a chalk mark on the corner of the chalkboard. When the “limit” for the day was exhausted, the teacher told Johnny: “That’s all for today!” So gradually the number of loud hiccups was reduced to nothing.

Skeptics may say: “What happens if the student continues his behavior after the teacher says, “That’s all for today”?” If this happens, leave this technique and use another technique from this chapter. Or re-analyze this behavior disorder from the point of view of its goal - perhaps the fact is that the true goal is not to attract your attention, but, for example, power. The “allowed quota” technique only works for attention-seeking behavior.

Teachers who have used this technique claim that students adhere to the "allowed quota" rule. Why? Because the special relationship between you and the student, your smiles, chalk marks - all these are signs of attention that the student needs so much. After all, these students do not need to assert their power over us; they do not want to overthrow anyone’s authorities. They just need a little attention so as not to feel like an empty place.

3 Strategy. “Do the unexpected!”

We can often stop students' "bad" behavior by acting unexpectedly. When we unexpectedly “throw away” something, we seem to say: “I see everything and know what you are doing, but I am not going to play your game.” The game requires at least two participants. When the teacher refuses to play, it is better to do it in an unusual way. Let's say, short bursts of laughter can defuse the atmosphere in the classroom better than anything else. The more humor you have in your class when a behavior problem occurs, the faster it will stop. Here are some specific techniques for this strategy.

Turn off the lights. This is an old, proven method that teachers have been using for a long time. When one of the students or the whole class becomes uncontrollable, simply turn the switch and wait for silence for a few minutes. There is no need to once again read an accusatory speech or lecture about how students behave badly, because they themselves understand perfectly well that they are violating the rules of behavior. In this situation, silence has a greater effect than loud words.

Use musical instruments. Music teachers often play a chord or several chords on the piano when a behavior disorder occurs. Instead of a piano, any musical instrument can be used, and not only in music classes.

Start speaking in a low voice. The results of a sociological survey of students of different classes are known. To the question “What do you dislike most about school?” most students responded, “Teachers who yell.”

Teacher yelling does not reduce the existing disorder and greatly reduces the students' self-esteem and inner freedom. When we begin to speak more quietly, students, on the contrary, listen and pay attention to us, and this distracts them from disrupting behavior. When we speak calmly, they also speak calmly.

Change the way you speak. Use an unusual way of speaking, change the pronunciation, the emphasis, or suddenly start speaking in a different language, maybe even a meaningless one. Whisper or sing words, speak in a monotone, high or low voice, change your tone. Some of these vocalizations will distract students from what they are doing by breaking the rules and will make them pay attention to you.

Talk to the wall or “to the portrait of Pushkin.” This technique works well in grades 5-7. When one or more of your students behave badly, turn to the wall and begin a monologue: “Dear wall, (Alexander Sergeevich!) You will not believe what is happening in my class now. Some shout out answers without raising their hands, others sit with their backs to me. Would you like to see a student launching paper airplanes from the back desk? Here it is, a young, unfamiliar tribe!”

If you decide to try this technique, notify the director in advance, otherwise he may decide that you are a candidate for a psychiatric clinic.

Stop teaching the lesson temporarily. Students know that the teacher is at school to teach. When you interrupt a lesson and “do nothing” for a few minutes, you are sending a powerful message to your students that it is time to stop the behavior. “Do nothing” can be done while standing at the board or sitting at the table. “Let me know when you're ready to continue with the lesson,” is all you need to say. The unobtrusive pressure of the elder will soon take effect, peace and order will be quickly restored.

4 Strategy. "Distract the student"

No one can do two things at once for a long time. And this is exactly what happens when a student misbehaves. So you can simply distract him by focusing his attention on something else. How to do this practically?

Ask direct questions. At a critical moment, it is useful to ask him a direct question: “Roman, what task did I just give?”, or: “Misha, what do you think about this physical problem?” Such questions both distract from “bad” behavior and direct the student’s attention to the lesson he is currently in. Ask for a favor. “Sasha, please collect your essays!”, “Masha, could you take this notebook to the teacher’s room right now?”, “Grisha, go to Marya Ivanovna at 8 “A” and ask if she could give us a colored chalk?"

Just don't use this technique often, as demonstrative children may decide that their "bad" behavior is rewarded with special assignments. But as a one-time measure it works very well.

Change the activity. If a lot of students are acting up at once to get your attention, change their activity dramatically to distract them from the behavior disorder. Ask them to clear their desks for a new activity, take out other books, listen to a new activity, and so on.

5 Strategy. “Bring the class’s attention to examples of good behavior.”

It is much more useful to pay attention to one of the students who is behaving well than to point out the “bad” behavior of the offending student. This will emphasize that good behavior deserves the teacher’s attention and respect, not “bad” behavior.

Thank your students. Thank and celebrate those students who do what you asked them to do: “Thank you, Sasha, for finding the right page in the textbook and looking carefully at the board!”, “Thank you, Olya, for having your hands on the desk and your feet under the desk." Such statements, addressed to the deskmate or friend of the offending student, should accurately describe the very behavior that we expect from the naughty student.

This technique only works if we describe the desired behavior in objective terms. General and non-specific statements like: “Thank you, Yulia, for being so kind” or “Thank you, Sasha, for doing what I expected” are absolutely ineffective, since these expectations of yours are unclear. Be careful to avoid thanking the same students too often, so as not to present them as “favorites” and incur ridicule from the class.

6 Strategy. "Move the students"

Students who need attention usually need an audience. When you remove these students from their audience, you are depriving them of the main reward, and this causes the students to become complacent. There are two techniques suitable for replanting.

Ask the student to sit in a different seat. Sometimes this is quite enough: “Igor, please change to an empty seat in the third row,” and continue teaching the lesson while Igor changes seats. This way he won't get the attention he wants. And it is possible that this type of attention on your part will be quite sufficient and will be perceived as a reward.

"Chair of Reflection" Some teachers place a special “reflection chair” in their class away from the rest of the class (it should not be in the field of view of other students). This chair should be different from the rest. You can buy it at a second-hand store and repaint it, for example, bright red. Any chair that is different from the others will do.

This chair is a place where the offender can think about how he will behave differently when he returns to his seat. Five minutes in this chair is plenty of time. The rest of the class should understand not to disturb someone sitting on the “chair of reflection.”

But it may be that when you tell the offending student, “Zhenya, please sit in the thinking chair,” he doesn’t go there. This does not mean that the reception is bad, it’s just that the student’s goal is different - power, not attention.

Now we invite you to undergo diagnostics, which allows you to judge the psychological and pedagogical readiness of the teacher to objectively respond to the demonstrative behavior of the student.

The author’s methodology “Pedagogical situations” consists of 14 questions. The questions themselves are presented on the slide. For each question you must choose one of the proposed answers.

Now rate your answers according to the given key.

Thank you for your attention!

Reasons for the formation of a psychotype

Most often, the hysteroid type is formed during puberty. At this time, the teenager is defining his ego and sexuality, and all measures of parental education are not perceived as a main subject worthy of attention. However, it is precisely the omission on the part of the parents that can become the reason that provoked the emergence of hysterical accentuation.

Therefore, in the future, a matured child will unconsciously enter into a destructive struggle with the opposite sex and try to seize total power over its representative.

Another drawback in raising a child that can create a hysterical personality type is associated with the parents’ desire to suppress emerging sexuality. They subconsciously want their child to always remain a child, and therefore they impose on him a characteristic model of behavior. At a certain stage of development of the adolescent’s psyche, this manner of upbringing has the opposite effect, which is consolidated and leads to the formation of a hysterical psychotype.

Also, hysterical psychopathy can develop already at puberty, and they are caused not only by upbringing and individual mental characteristics, but also by life circumstances:

  • stress, negative news, an accident with one of your loved ones can specifically affect a person’s worldview and mental development;
  • dissatisfaction at work, conflicts with colleagues, constant dissatisfaction with management - all this can cause the formation of hysterical disorder;
  • bad habits, namely the abuse of alcohol, tranquilizers, antidepressants, sleeping pills, play a huge role in the formation of the psychotype.

Personality type and inappropriate demonstrative behavior

What type of personality is characterized by inappropriate demonstrative behavior? Many experts argue that demonstrative and defiant behavior is characteristic of a hysterical personality type. Such people firmly believe in their uniqueness, authenticity and originality. They, demonstrating to others not only positive, but also negative qualities, admire their own uniqueness and want other people to think only about them every second and admire only them.

Hysterics who demonstrate demonstrative behavior need the total attention of other people. All other people, in comparison, are not worthy of total attention, and their desires and needs are something completely unimportant, uninteresting and rather secondary.

To attract the attention of others, hysterics use completely different means. Some people buy beautiful and expensive branded clothes, hand out fancy business cards to everyone and learn to “shoot their eyes.” Others dye their hair in all the colors of the rainbow, get tattoos, pierce their eyebrows, sunbathe topless, ask provocative questions to passing people (“Do you have an extra condom?”, “When was the last time you had sex?”, etc. .).

Any act committed by a hysteroid is viewed by him not through the prism of content, but only as another opportunity to attract the attention of other people. The hysteroid tries to constantly impress people in order to then enjoy his own impressions of how exactly people reacted to his next action or deed.

A person who is characterized by demonstrative behavior can be compared to an actor on the stage. He views all the people in the hall only as spectators. If there are no spectators nearby, then the hysterical becomes not only an actor, but also his own spectator. He, showing emotional liveliness, deliberate artistry, a penchant for fantasy, pretense and deceit, tries as quickly as possible to find at least a couple of viewers to whom he could demonstrate his originality and uniqueness. Very often, hysterics try to embellish themselves in order to rise in the eyes of the people around them.

For a hysteroid, it does not matter at all what kind of people surround him at one time or another. The more people he impresses with his demonstrative behavior, the more reason he will have to revel in his own greatness.

Although people with inappropriate demonstrative behavior want others to think good and not bad about them, they do not strive to do only good and pleasant deeds. It is very important for hysterics that their actions (both good and bad) attract the attention of other people. They can ask household members to answer an important call addressed to them, and then at the most inopportune moment shout practically into the phone: “tell this caller that I am not at home!”

A hysteroid can rightfully be called a very purposeful and active person. His goal is the attention of others, which the hysterical has to constantly attract and win. To do this, very often the hysterical person rehearses a speech alone with himself, learns poems by heart, denies himself little pleasures and saves on food in order to buy the next branded dress or suit, etc.

What is hysteria?

Many people confuse the concepts of “hysteria” and “demonstration”, considering them synonymous. But it is not so. In psychology, sometimes, to simplify the terminology, “hystericality” is called “demonstrativeness,” although in general the concept of demonstrativeness does not reveal the full meaning of hystericality.

The hysterical personality type is characterized by demonstrative behavior and the release of all emotions.

, but this is not the only feature. Such people not only show off their emotions, but also have labile emotionality, that is, they are very mobile in their emotions. In this regard, they are characterized by frequent mood changes.

Hysterical personalities place high demands on the people around them

, they constantly feel the desire to please everyone, and therefore are very afraid of mistakes. That is, these people will never take on difficult tasks, since failure will be the subject of alienation from those around them in relation to the “hysteroid”, at least that’s what he himself thinks.

Due to the fear of not being liked, this person often fakes his sincere feelings.

At the same time, the “hysteroid” is quite open in his own feelings: if he finds it funny, he laughs, if he is offended, he will definitely express this feeling through reproaches.

Even outwardly, these people try to look in such a way as to impress others.

They are elegant, clean from toe to toe, their clothes have an unusual cut and are usually very bright in color. The face is distinguished by lively facial expressions, which allows you to win over your interlocutor and involve you in your conversation. Often these people stand out at holidays - they actively participate in competitions and can be presenters. They are characterized by charm, charisma, and extraordinaryness, for which they receive the love of the public that is so necessary for them.

What is demonstrativeness in psychology?

Can every person with artistic ability who strives to impress an audience be considered a demonstrative person?

Let us consider in more detail what demonstrative accentuation means in psychology (the concept of “accentuation” was first introduced by the German psychiatrist and psychologist Karl Leonhard. Accentuation is defined as disharmony in character development, hypertrophied expression of individual traits, which makes adaptation difficult. Accentuation is not a pathology, but an extreme variant of the norm. In other classifications the term “hysteroid accentuation” is found

Any typology is quite arbitrary, however, when it comes to demonstrative personalities, everyone begins to nod understandingly and smile. Yes, we are familiar with these accents, because every person, to one degree or another, has a desire to please, to make an impression, each of us wants attention. BUT only a demonstrative personality will attract attention at any cost, without thinking about how this affects other people.

The characteristic features of a demonstrative personality are:

What rules are there to counter their manipulation?

Often answering these questions, many say that, of course, they knew that they might be being used, but it was very tempting to feel like the only one who could figure it out and help a person with such a difficult fate. Yes, the demonstrative personality talks about his life and his problems so interestingly and charmingly that you involuntarily get involved in this whirlpool of events and adventures.

Of course, a demonstrative personality also has attractive features. These are charm, lightness, emotionality, contact, expressiveness of speech, and the ability to make an impression. And, if, despite all the inconveniences of communicating with a demonstrative person, you still continue to do this, apparently, you have something to learn from him.



Hysteroid and psychosomatic disorders are closely related. Therefore, a person does not need to delay solving the problem, otherwise he may get chronic diseases.

The best treatment method is psychotherapy. During it, the hysterical person works through his complexes, fears, and problems. She learns to feel and understand other people.

Important! Psychiatry is only needed when the client has serious problems with the nervous system. Drug treatment is prescribed for insomnia, anxiety and other disorders

Sometimes you need the help of a family psychologist, who allows you to develop tactics for behavior with your partner and save the relationship.

Drug treatment is prescribed for insomnia, anxiety and other disorders. Sometimes you need the help of a family psychologist, who allows you to develop tactics for behavior with your partner and save the relationship.

Correction of a hysterical personality psychotype is carried out with the help of exercises and trainings. This is a slow process and requires complete dedication. Therefore, there is no need to delay treatment when the first symptoms of hysteria appear - the further it goes, the stronger the personality deformation.

Without timely help, a person dooms himself to constant conflicts.

It is impossible to say with certainty which therapy will be effective. In each case, the specialist chooses a special tactic of influence. Some people benefit from cognitive behavioral therapy, others from psychoanalysis.

Sometimes it is useful for a person to analyze examples of his behavior and realize what exactly he did wrong. This analysis allows you to better understand your problems.

A hysterical character can be both an advantage and a disadvantage. People with this personality type are capable of love and friendship, but only after correct correction of the perception of the situation.

Demonstrative behavior in adults

Demonstrative behavior in psychology means actions and actions that are clearly expressed in their manifestation, determined by the desire to attract attention and interest in one’s personality, regardless of the desires of society. This behavior can manifest itself in various psychopathological symptoms. So, for example, a depressed person will demonstrate a loss of interest in everything, a loss of meaning in life; a subject with delusions of grandeur will demonstrate his dominance over others, the value of his thoughts and ideas. Often the terms “hysterical personality” and “demonstrative personality” are used as synonyms for the term “demonstrative behavior.”

The main reasons for this behavior in adults may be the desire to obtain or demonstrate their personal status in society or the desire to be better than others (a kind of competition). This can manifest itself in the purchase of expensive accessories, demonstration of one’s skills and knowledge.

The main property of a demonstrative character is the enormous ability to displace a rational, critical view of oneself, as a result of which demonstrative or “acting” behavior occurs.

The main features that characterize an individual prone to demonstrative behavior are: boundless egocentrism, craving for increased attention and recognition, the need for any emotional manifestation in relation to oneself (emotional manifestation can be either positively or negatively colored). Such people cannot stand indifference to their person.

Many psychologists have come to the same conclusion that the essence of a demonstrative personality is determined by the anomalous ability to repress, the selective selection of impressions about the world in general and about one’s personality in particular. Such individuals will be pleased by what is aimed at embellishing them. And, conversely, everything neutral or opposite will simply be forced out of their consciousness and memory. Demonstrative behavior may be characterized by a conscious and intentional violation of the rules and norms of behavior accepted in society.

How to Deal with Demonstrative Personalities

You need to be able to communicate correctly with people of this psychotype. The advice of psychologists will help with this.

  1. Develop a neutral attitude towards your opponent’s desire to show off and demonstrate himself. Don’t show emotions about this, don’t focus on his behavior, don’t look for ways to overcome this behavior in a person.
  2. Even if you know that a person is lying and embellishing his achievements, do not expose him publicly. By doing this you will only offend your interlocutor by portraying him as a liar and a dreamer.
  3. Since demonstrative people like to fantasize and exaggerate, you should not trust them. Do not take everything they say seriously, try to check the information received.

In moderation, this accentuation of character does not harm either the person himself or the people around him. When communicating with a demonstrative person, you just need to take into account the characteristics of her character so as not to experience disappointment or negative emotions.


An adult tells the children about Echo, who lives in the mountains or in a large empty room; you cannot see it, but you can hear it: it repeats everything, even the strangest sounds. After this, the children are divided into two groups, one of which depicts travelers in the mountains, and the other - Echo. The first group of children in single file (in a chain) “travels around the room” and takes turns making different sounds (not words, but sound combinations), for example: “Au-u-u-u”, or: “Tr-r-r-r” , and so on. There should be long pauses between sounds, which are best regulated by the presenter. He can also monitor the order of pronounced sounds, i.e. show which of the children should make their sound and when. Children of the second group hide in different places in the room, listen carefully and try to reproduce as accurately as possible everything they heard. If Echo works asynchronously, i.e. does not play sounds simultaneously, that's okay

It is important that it does not distort sounds and reproduces them accurately

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