Give Me Fire, Baby: How to Motivate Your Man

There have always been women who inspire men to do great things. In the Middle Ages, these were beautiful ladies for whom knights participated in tournaments. Now these are women - “muses”, serving as the main source of inspiration for poets, artists and other creative people. Every girl can become such an inspiration, regardless of appearance and figure. The main thing is correct behavior and sincere, genuine interest in what the beloved is doing.

The right motivation will help a man achieve his goal

Is it possible to motivate a man?

In order to inspire a gentleman to achieve feats, a woman, first of all, should not be obsessive in her desire to make a man the most successful person in the world. You need to act gently and wisely, especially if the chosen one is stubborn and has not been accustomed to obeying ladies since childhood. For proper motivation you need:

  • Actively use praise as a means of achieving your goal;
  • Never compare your life partner with other men, even if they have really succeeded in something. On the contrary, you need to tell your loved one that he is the best, even if this is not entirely true;
  • Actively use your feminine attractiveness and never deny your loved one intimacy;
  • Attach great importance to even the smallest victories and achievements of your life partner. This will help a man feel the significance and importance of his own personality.

These simple rules will help motivate even the most seemingly hopeless gentleman, who has been sitting on the couch for several years without work and prospects, to do great things. The main thing is to act gradually and not take sudden steps, so as not to scare off the chosen one with your persistence and determination. A woman’s task is to instill self-confidence in her chosen one and help him overcome the complexes that prevent him from achieving his desired goal.

Tips that don't work

  1. Both spouses should work in order to share expenses and responsibility for the household, then the man will trust the woman more and will be able to save “extra” money for vacation or apartment renovation. In our conditions, it leads to alienation and loss of male “authority”, especially since no one has canceled household chores and chores; a man’s salary is not enough for a governess, a cook and a cleaner.
  2. You need to endure poverty and instability, listen to any absurd promises, agree with any opinion, so that the pride of the obstinate male does not suffer. If a person is not ready, is unable to advance, has not taken a single step to improve the situation during the “control period”, for example, over the last year, there will be no miracle. Nothing will change, get ready to continue to suffer and complain, it’s your choice.

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The difference between motivation and manipulation

How to motivate yourself - set a goal and do everything to achieve it

Many psychology textbooks have been written about how to motivate a man. However, motivation should not be confused with manipulation. Manipulation always involves some kind of selfish goal: a woman wants to achieve her goals with the help of a partner. Motivation is a process when a lady helps her companion achieve his goals, not her own.

A man's success largely depends on his companion

Who do you need to be to inspire?

Every representative of the fairer sex should know how to inspire a man to succeed. In order to become a real muse, a woman must:

  • To be sexually attractive, desirable, seductive for your partner;
  • Have worldly wisdom;
  • Never insist on your own, be able to adapt to the character and desires of your partner if necessary;
  • Sincerely love a man and wish him only good, happiness, success, and selflessly.

How to get a man back after a breakup or better let him go - advice from a psychologist

If all the conditions described above are met, a lady can turn out to be a real inspiration who will help her spouse or loved one achieve success in absolutely all endeavors. It should also be remembered that if a lady wants to motivate her chosen one, she should under no circumstances put herself above him, even if in fact the woman’s social status is indeed higher (for example, she occupies a leadership position with a high salary, and her husband - ordinary employee).

Also, a representative of the fairer sex must be one hundred percent confident in herself, her strength and beauty. That kind of confidence is contagious. It is quickly transferred to the partner, and the man begins to understand that he really can do anything.

Interesting. The muses of famous poets and artists often have rather ordinary appearance. An example is the famous Gala, wife of the surrealist artist Salvador Dali. She was older than Dali and did not have the parameters of a model, but she inspired the master to create many paintings.

Family budget: 3 causes of problems

Let's look together at common problems that arise in many couples and think about how we can smooth out the rough edges.

  1. The first problem is that there is little or no money at all . As a rule, a family does not immediately encounter these difficulties: tension grows gradually, and only then does an emotional explosion occur, a protracted showdown and, as a result, divorce. This happens either because of the inability to distribute money, or because of the reluctance to change something in your life.

We will discuss what to do with this below. In the meantime, let’s talk about financial control. In fact, any way to keep a budget works very well - making notes in a special program, keeping a computer report or a balance sheet on a piece of paper attached to the refrigerator...

Such control will be useful at various stages of family life. At first, this accounting creates psychological discomfort due to a subconscious reluctance to be under control. But as soon as the first results appear, the mood improves.

  1. Stumbling block number two can be described with the phrase: “Whoever earns money is the boss in the house . As a psychologist and wife with twenty years of experience, I can say that this is the most difficult problem! In this case, grievances between the parties can accumulate for decades. When you communicate with such couples, sometimes you want to shout: “Where have you been before?” There is only one way out - talk to each other and discuss the difficulties that have arisen.

This problem often occurs during maternity leave. The husband becomes the sole breadwinner and his self-esteem rises sharply. He makes disproportionate demands on his wife: “Look after the child; be active in bed; feed me breakfast; put me to bed; clean the house and be as beautiful as a May rose.”

It is difficult to complete all these tasks. There is a proposal - to give the wife a salary. She will know that she can claim a certain amount, which she will spend only on herself with a clear conscience. Determine together the amount of the amount, as well as the date of its payment.

  1. Another reason for difficulties is the different scenarios of relationships in the parents’ families. For example, a young wife grew up in a very rich family, and the husband did the opposite. There is only one solution: an individual family financial management card. Get a special notebook (file on your computer) and make long-term plans - 5 years, 3 years, 1 year. This helps to calculate the required income and compare it with expenses.

Tips for everyone

  • Money loves counting, so I suggest writing down everything, for example, how much money do you need for personal expenses or hobbies? Often we cannot sensibly assess the needs of another. Therefore, it is useful to do a mini-test: let everyone, independently of each other, write on a piece of paper how much money their partner needs for such expenses.
  • Describe the pros and cons of your type of budgeting. A separate budget is becoming fashionable, which, from a psychological point of view, is not the best option, often creating the feeling that “nothing holds us together.” Discuss whether this path is right for you.
  • Remember the good formula - “save 20% for your dream”! This could be a vacation, buying something you both want, or planning a pregnancy. I want to emphasize: it’s for a dream, not a “rainy day.” After all, according to the rule of materialization of thoughts, if the brain is persuaded for a long time, then a “rainy day” will definitely come.
  • Treat money, and therefore the way you receive it, with respect.

How to properly motivate a man

How to interest a man by correspondence and is it possible to drive him crazy?

Motivating a man with a woman is a rather complex and time-consuming process. The main thing is not to be intrusive, so as not to provoke the effect of rejection. To do this you need:

  • Talk directly, avoiding hints, but without insulting your partner, even if this is not the most successful person;
  • Act systematically and daily;
  • Constantly instill in your partner the idea that he will succeed;
  • Never discuss the success of your spouse or partner with other people, even close relatives, in the presence of a man.

These simple rules will be of great benefit.

How to motivate yourself to earn more money

Not everyone knows how to motivate a man to earn money who has held a small position for a long time and is quite happy with this state of affairs. The answer is simple: you need to make the man himself understand that earning a lot of money and financial well-being will benefit him. Only by independently realizing the need to increase income will a former loser be able to change his old job to a more profitable one.

An ordinary employee under the influence of a lady can easily become a boss

How to motivate for success

Before inspiring a man to succeed, you need to think about whether he is able to cope with the tasks. The load must be within his strength. A woman should often repeat to her beloved that she believes in him, and success will not be long in coming.

How to motivate a man to take action

In order to motivate the chosen one to commit this or that act, it is necessary to explain to him what benefits will come from performing this deed. For example, in order to achieve a marriage proposal, you can argue for the need for marriage by saying that joint budgeting will help optimize financial costs, and having a child together will help improve the relationship. Men are practical people, therefore, having realized the benefits of something, the partner is unlikely to be stubborn.

The main thing is to find the right approach to your loved one

Praise is the best way to motivate a man

The most effective way to motivate men is verbal, through praise. You need to praise wisely. To do this, you must follow the instructions:

  • Do not be verbose and praise only on the merits;
  • Praise your husband or boyfriend not only for a specific action, but also for his character qualities (purposeful, stubborn, persistent), even if this is not entirely true;
  • You shouldn’t greatly embellish your masculine virtues, because your partner can easily suspect the falseness and insincerity of the praise;
  • You can combine praise with other types of reward (for example, a romantic dinner together at a restaurant or nice sex).

When choosing words for praise, you should remember the famous phrase from the cartoon about Captain Vrungel: “Whatever you call the yacht, that’s how it will sail.” If the laziest man is constantly told that he is a hard worker, he will certainly become one (but this will not happen right away).

On the contrary, if you constantly scold and humiliate the most purposeful and stubborn gentleman, he will soon turn into a weak-willed and helpless person. The power of words is very great and should not be underestimated. Verbal praise is an important tool for motivating action, which in 100% of cases helps ladies achieve their goals and motivate their loved one. This must be done delicately.

Praise always flatters male vanity

Answers on questions

How to motivate my man to give gifts?

For a man to start generously giving you gifts, learn to receive gifts with gratitude. When accepting flowers, a box of chocolates or a souvenir, express positive emotions and show good humor. A man will subconsciously remember the emotional reaction, feel significant, and he will want to experience this state again.

How to motivate him to marry me?

Let's start with an important note: a man must make the decision to marry HIMSELF. Remember the paradox that a woman’s strength is in her weakness and become for him the woman he wants to protect from life’s adversities. Think about the main female roles and try to change them periodically. Be either a caring mother, an ardent lover, or a devoted friend.

How to get a man to get off the couch and start working for the good of the family?

The advice is simple: do not scold or reproach a man. It’s better to ask him to get a job and find an effective incentive. Buying new things for him and paying for a swimming pool for the kid probably won't work. But a new spinning rod for an avid fisherman or the purchase of a new SUV for a car enthusiast may well become an effective bait.

Women's tricks in motivating the stronger sex

In order for a person to become responsible, persistent, and purposeful, a woman must always pretend to be weak, even if in reality she is not, and hide her success. This must be done without fail. Then the partner will want to protect her and thus develop important qualities: self-confidence, the ability to achieve one’s own and earn money for the family in order to live in abundance, perseverance and determination. This is a time-tested means of motivation.

Also, in no case should you be rude and insult your chosen one, even if he doesn’t succeed in everything. You need to praise and inspire for any, even the most insignificant, step forward, for any business. In this case, the man will understand that he is important to the woman, this is the right path to progress and the right movement forward.

You shouldn’t share your tricks in motivating your loved one with anyone. Of course, the partner shouldn’t know anything either. Let the man think that he achieved all his successes on his own, without the help of a lady, and let his partner have nothing to do with his great victories. Then he will become even more self-confident and strong in spirit, and his love for his chosen one will only intensify. These simple tips will help inspire any guy to do great things and receive his love every day. The main thing is to act according to the system and guide your husband through life without stopping him from going on his own.

Every lady has her own little tricks

Interesting. If your partner is very stubborn, you can, as they say in psychology, “go by the opposite” to achieve the desired goal. An example from practice: my husband was laid off from his job, and he has not found a job for a long time, he does not even want to work, receive money and support his family. In order to drive her partner off the couch, the woman, on the contrary, persuades him to rest and motivates this by the fact that a good job with big earnings is still very difficult to find. In 99% of 100, the stubborn person will certainly begin the search for a new position of money and wealth, guided solely by a feeling of protest.

It is not difficult to become a source of inspiration for a representative of the stronger sex; the main thing is to behave confidently and know your worth. Practical experience shows that such behavior can motivate a gentleman to do anything, including a marriage proposal followed by a trip to the registry office. Each man is a unique personality requiring an individual approach.

What not to do

  1. You can’t blame someone for family problems: “Because of you, we haven’t been on vacation for the fifth summer!” You can say: “Let’s go to our relatives’ dacha so you can rest a little.”
  2. You can’t devalue what you managed to get with difficulty: “Your salary isn’t even enough for braces!” You can do it this way: “I managed to save money this month, I invite you to a romantic dinner.”
  3. You cannot compare his achievements with others: “The neighbor has a cooler car and a more beautiful wife!” Only with himself: “This year you managed to get much more orders than last year!”
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