Art in all its manifestations brings beauty to a person, decorates his life, brings deep aesthetic
The term “social phobia” appeared in the early sixties of the twentieth century. This is what they call anxiety, fear,
Memory is one of the mental processes in the human body, thanks to which it accumulates, studies and
Obviously, this is not taught everywhere. At the very least, that’s not what they’re focusing on.
If you are haunted by anxious and obsessive thoughts, start pursuing them yourself, then they will become confused
Fear of women (gynophobia) is one of hundreds of obsessive fears. Most often the disorder occurs
Hello, dear readers! Yuppie subculture... It sounds somehow mysterious and evokes associations either with hippies,
Updated July 24, 2022 486 Author: Dmitry Petrov Hello, dear readers of the blog. Majority
Author of the material: Inna Trofimova writer, psychologist, gestalt therapist For unknown reasons, public opinion portrays a skeptic
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