Essay on the Russian language on the topic “Business Communication”
Introduction Communication is the process of human interaction with other people as members of society, which occurs
Basic theories in determining personality structure in foreign and domestic psychology
General characteristics of personality theories Currently, there is no generally accepted opinion about what
Basic methods of self-regulation of mental and physical illnesses.
If you manage yourself, you manage your life! This immutable truth, which is relevant in our time,
General properties of analyzers, their significance in understanding the world
Analyzer is a part of the nervous system consisting of many neurons that perform perception, conduction and analysis.
Imagination as a mental process - The concept of imagination, its types, functions, mechanisms, physiological basis
The concept of imagination, its types, functions, mechanisms, physiological basis As a subject of action, a person not only
Adaptation and socialization: analysis of the general and special
The concept of social adaptation Social adaptation is an integrative indicator of the state of an individual, reflecting his ability
Prevention of social maladaptation in younger schoolchildren
§ 1. The concept of social maladjustment………………………………………………………4 § 2. Types of social maladjustment. Causes and consequences……………………………………………………………………………………….5 §
Starodubtseva N.M. Roles in the group and group processes
Do you know what role each person plays on your team and
How to stop your husband being jealous of his ex-wife and children
You have met the one and only man of your dreams. The world around was filled with new bright colors,
Psychosomatics and positive psychotherapy - Pezeshkian N. - Practical guide
FOREWORD BY THE AUTHOR TO THE RUSSIAN EDITION You can stand on your own point of view, but you cannot
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