How and where to find inspiration: examples, ideas, sources

The article explains:
  1. The nature of inspiration
  2. The importance of inspiration for human life
  3. 10 best sources of inspiration
  4. 5 good ways to catch inspiration

Everyone often has their own sources of inspiration; a lot depends on the person’s inner world. Some people can experience a creative surge after reading a book or watching a movie, others - while walking in the forest, and for others it’s enough to go online.

Inspiration helps us in work and personal life, in school and even in everyday life. True, it often happens that the desired feeling does not come, although right now, at this moment, it is needed more than ever. What to do in such a situation? There is only one thing - to persistently continue the search for inspiration, fortunately, there are many sources of it.

Where to look for beautiful inspiration

To be inspired by beauty, you need to be able to notice it, and there are many sources of beauty:

Nature. Any manifestation of it is wonderful! The earth's landscapes and elements fascinate and inspire. Modern people have the opportunity to be inspired by the beauty of nature without even leaving home. Photographers around the world capture and post online photos and videos of thunderstorms, volcanic eruptions, high waves, mountains, mighty snow, oceans, northern lights and much more. Of course, direct contact with nature is also important: walking, relaxing, just observing it.

Traveling and being on the way. Of course, while traveling you can see and learn a lot of new and beautiful things, but not everyone has the opportunity to travel as far as often as they would like, but every person moves around the area where he lives during the day. If you look out the window of a tram for a reason, but with the goal of observing the world around you, you can see beauty in the familiar.

Children. All little children are open, sincere, spontaneous, active and, in the end, just very beautiful, sweet, pure. Looking at how a child enjoys life and listening to what he says, you can find a lot of ideas for creativity.

Beautiful people. Man is also a part of nature. A person who is beautiful in body and soul, successful, wise, experienced, or simply loving and loved can inspire you to conquer any, even unrealistic, peaks.

Poetry. It contains harmony, harmony of thoughts and melodiousness.

Books. They not only inspire, but also motivate, stimulate imaginative thinking, develop intelligence and imagination.

Dancing. A way to find inspiration in the beauty of the body and its freedom, lightness, expressiveness, instinctivity, which are as natural as any other natural phenomenon.

Music and sounds. Music can change your mood, set you in the right mood, “switch” to feelings and intuition.

Movies. A good film can inspire just as well as a book, teach, suggest, guide, and give self-confidence.

Theater. The influence of live acting on the audience was well known back in Ancient Greece. The very word “catharsis”, denoting the cleansing, ennobling effect of a work of art, appeared in Ancient Greece to designate the audience’s experience of the highest harmony of theatrical tragedy.

Painting. The brightness of the colors and the play of the artist’s imagination delight and make you look at the world differently.

Humor. You can be inspired by someone else's positivity and ability to take life lightly.

Overcoming difficulties. By overcoming difficulties, you can discover the harmony, beauty and perfection of your own soul! Any victory, achievement, work on yourself inspires you to develop further and become better.

It is important to notice and celebrate your own achievements and how they improve your life.

Target. When there is something to strive for, meaning, motive, desire, love for what you need to achieve excellence in, inspiration will not keep you waiting.

Love (in the broadest sense of the word)

Perhaps the most beautiful of the inspiring and the most inspiring of the beautiful that can be found in the external and your own, inner world! Love inspires and is itself a creative process.

Read about where else you can find inspiration and how to keep it in the article

A wonderful example of inspiration. Fashion designer Liliya Khudyakova created stunning collages for the Fashion & Nature project.

What inspires you most?

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Competition as a part of life generates inspiration in our minds because every person has a cherished desire to win the race and achieve success. As you compete, your ambition will boost your brain's performance. This means that your imagination begins to produce a large number of ideas that will help lead you to victory. The main thing is to learn to cope with uncertainty and fears, because someday they can harm you.

How to Solve Problems Creatively

Create your life! Resort to unusual methods of solving problems, try to find several ways out of current situations at once. Moreover, this must be done right now, even if at the moment, as it seems to you, the time for this is not the most suitable. It is in such actions that success lies. Sometimes it is useful to “forget to turn on your mind,” without giving yourself the opportunity to come to your senses and think. This way the best ideas for inspiration are found - the brain is still “dormant”, but at the same time the creative flow opens up most widely. Surrender to him, open up and don’t be afraid.

How to do it? Remember how children behave. If a child is busy with something, then he does not pay any attention to those around him - he sings, dances, draws, tells a fairy tale. Children never evaluate, they just do - they do it creatively and with great pleasure. The assessment of others is not important to them; they simply enjoy the process itself.

Where to find inspiration? Try to “turn off” adult life and create a creative childhood for yourself. It is there that you will find sources of inspiration - non-standard solutions will come on their own. And always try to be as creative as possible. Found an idea, three, five? Be sure to make sure there are ten of them! This will open up new ways for you to achieve your goal.


The human psyche is an incredibly complex and often unpredictable mechanism. When people criticize your work, you can either make a breakthrough in your work or lose heart and inspiration to do something. Everything depends only on you, but if you have lost faith in your abilities for one reason or another, then only praise can solve the issue and fill you with inspiration again.

If you are a writer, you should read the positive comments from people who find your work useful, unique and enjoy reading each article. This will certainly give you a second wind to write again and again for people who respect your work and always look forward to your new works.

Inspiration is like a butterfly. The more you chase, the more elusive it becomes. People should not turn lack of inspiration into an obsessive problem, otherwise they will never find a way out. I hope my tips will be useful to you and will help you prevent a creative crisis in the future and find a source of inspiration .

What comes first is inspiration and the creative process

There are two opposing “camps” of inspiration theorists: some say that it must certainly come on its own, and the second - that it can and should be attracted into your life. Both versions work. And a debate on the topic “What comes first – inspiration or the creative process?” is as eternal as the debate about the primacy of the chicken and the egg. It is obvious that one follows the other, but how?

Fans of the first theory argue that inspiration must come first, and then you can start creating. And they try in every possible way to attract this very inspiration. We'll talk further about how they do this.

Followers of the second theory tend to think that “appetite comes with eating.” That is, we prepare a creative environment, sit down, start doing something, and the muse comes on its own, so to speak, drops by. The most interesting thing is that this method also works great in most cases!

So is it so important to find out the original source? Most likely, it is much more important to learn how to work both ways. Try it - who knows which approach will be closer to your soul?


To sum it up, we can say that there is no single way to inspire a person. Most people are not alike and are inspired by different things. You need to find out what works for you, and one of the best ways to do this is to think about what you did the last few times you felt inspired. Think about where you were and what you did. Look for common factors and include them the next time you need inspiration. Some ideas for inspiration have been described in this article. You also learned how to stay inspired.

What is inspiration

Inspiration is an emotional state in which there is an extraordinary increase in energy power. It is this that gives a person great efficiency. “Inspired” people confidently make decisions, achieve high results in their field of activity, becoming an “object” of inspiration for others.

What can bring a person into a state of emotional uplift, thanks to which wonderful insights come? There is no definite answer, because we are all different. But, there are a number of objects (phenomena), types of activities that can help most of us find a solution to realize our plans.

What leads to creative stagnation?

Let's first try to figure out why we give up. For many, this is banal laziness or procrastination. Behind them lie all the reasons for the inert state of man.

The following reasons can help you lose inspiration:

  • Sudden changes in life: deterioration of health, financial losses, loss of loved ones and relatives, etc. A person has left his usual comfort zone, he has to adapt to new conditions and deal with difficulties.
  • Psychological discomfort. This may be a consequence of the manifestation of the first cause. Finding himself in unusual conditions, a person can change his once established values, faith, and assessment of events and things. New sensations appear in the analysis of what is happening.

However, these two reasons that have led to stagnation in creativity can also become a source of inspiration. The desire to return to a normal way of life, reassessment of values, and overcoming difficulties leads a person to new opportunities. In search of new solutions to change life for the better, a person becomes a generator of ideas.

How to find inspiration

What can become a source of inspiration, what will give us a state that is characterized by the ease of movement of thoughts and images, their clarity and completeness, deep experiences, when all cognitive processes are particularly productive? People get inspiration from various sources.

Breaking your comfort zone, difficulties and challenges. When the comfort zone is violated, a person has a desire to return to a comfortable state again. Overcoming obstacles gives satisfaction and inspires you to new achievements.

Cognitive dissonance or psychological contradictions. Absolutely all people from time to time experience a state of mental discomfort caused by a clash in their minds of conflicting ideas: ideas, beliefs, values ​​or emotional reactions. If dissonance occurs, the individual will strive with all his might to reduce the degree of discrepancy between his two attitudes, trying to achieve consonance. This serves as a source of inspiration.

Sublimation is the switching of psychic energy from one state to another. According to Sigmund Freud, during sublimation, instinctive (mostly sexual) energy is switched into non-instinctive forms of behavior. In other words, sublimation is the transformation of erotic unsatisfied desire, feeling into creative activity.

Love is one of the most powerful sources of inspiration. Often love as a source of creative impulse is identified only with sublimation, but this is not always the case. Love is not always a reflection of sexual attraction. For example, a mother loves her child, and this is associated with the desire to care for and protect the object of her love. Many great achievements were made in the name of love, and poets were inspired by their muses, whose women they truly loved.

Reading. Books are a source of wisdom. Reading is a long-term investment in your development. By reading books, we constantly accumulate ideas, opinions, points of view, quotes and symbols, so that we can then begin to work inspired.

Trips. Trips to new cities and countries, like books, always bring new impressions, emotions and an excellent source of inspiration. Often the most interesting ideas come to us during long trips.

Nature. Its diversity and colors have inspired people at all times. In an urban environment, the influence of nature can be significant: just get out of the city and you will feel a surge of strength and emotional uplift.

Successful people. There may be successful people in your environment, try to communicate with them as much as possible, adopting their way of thinking and acting. Also, the success of world famous people can serve as an example and inspire. It could be a banal feeling of envy or, for example, sincere admiration - in any case, someone else's success can motivate us to work harder and better.

Music and other art forms. They evoke a lot of emotions and associations in us, help us break away from everyday life, and become a source of creativity. Painting, poetry (poetry), music, theater, cinema, opera.

Family and close friends are a source of inspiration, essentially love, but also a sense of kinship, something of one’s own. We are owners by nature and value our family and friends, are inspired by them, and do significant things for their sake.

Self-knowledge. Studying human nature, diving into our motives and emotions, often helps us learn a lot about ourselves, including how to motivate and inspire ourselves.

Sport. In a healthy body healthy mind. Sport affects our external beauty, and also awakens some physical and chemical processes in the body, which can give strength for creation. For example, an evening jog can energize you and inspire creativity.

Children. Communicating with children and participating in their upbringing, we often see ourselves in them. We rejoice at their successes as if they were our own; we are fueled by their irrepressible energy and their pure mind.

Memories. You can evoke the feelings you need for inspiration with memories; they can be different depending on what trace they left in your soul. The happiest moments of your life will help create a positive mood, and sad emotions will make you rethink what you experienced and start a new life.


Many creative people prefer to sip wine before or while attempting to create something magical. They sincerely believe that the nectar of the gods will open the door to their rich creative world. I agree that alcohol can inspire us, help us discover our talents and turn us into thinkers, but regular and excessive consumption can ruin our lives and cause addiction.

I think it's better to get inspiration from feelings. Feelings are an inexhaustible source of inspiration. Every person has the ability to experience a full range of feelings, from love, joy and gratitude to anger, hatred and resentment. I hope you have already noticed that both classical and modern literature have always been a reflection of human values, feelings and experiences. Even world-famous poets wrote about love in their works. This means that love is what inspires people to live and create no matter what.

Inspiration: how to find your way

Now let's move on to dessert: so many tips, how to find your way? For this:

1. Taste everything Work through these recommendations. If not all, then at least those that resonated with you the most. This way you'll understand what works for you and what doesn't, and you'll see results.

2. Stay in touch with yourself Your goal is not just to “stuff yourself” with useful things, but to find your own path to inspiration. Therefore, listen to your sensations and feelings.

3. Look for the good Try to see more positive things around you than negative things. Believe me, there is already enough bad, but for creativity, try to notice the good and collect it in your piggy bank.

4. Get rid of the old Psychologists recommend periodically putting things in order “on the table and in your head.” Carry out general cleaning in the house and take inventory of valuables in your thoughts.

5. Open up to new experiences Inspiration always brings a new impulse, something unusual, non-trivial. Therefore, try not to isolate yourself from new experiences - who knows what they will bring to you?

6. Ask yourself the question: “Who am I and why am I?” The question is eternal and therefore interesting. Live consciously, and then many things will happen “by magic.” Proven by the experience of many.

“I wish you a creative flight, a bright life and great happiness!” Anna Kutyavina for the website


I'm not a psychologist, but I am very interested in solving various issues that make human life more meaningful and complex. Unlike many people who try by all means not to linger on complex and sometimes even painful issues, I try to look at the task from different angles.

Psychologists say that difficulties, conflicts and dilemmas can serve as inspiration for morally and emotionally strong individuals. When we focus on difficulties, we experience some stress. In addition to side effects, stress and emotional tension activate the human imagination and heighten perception. These mental processes often find new and unusual ideas and make the mind more productive.

Creative ideas: where to look

It seems that with the search for inspiration, the picture has become a little clearer. But the situation often arises - how to start if there is no specific idea? Where can I get it from?

We bring to your attention a number of tips for finding new ideas for creativity:

1. Travel New cities and countries can throw up a lot of interesting new ideas without you noticing - all you have to do is write them down and then bring them to life!

3. Shake Up! If you work on a computer, take breaks periodically. Change traditional ways of behavior - for example, if you are used to walking to work on a noisy street, leave earlier, make a short detour and walk through the park. Or take the spoon not in your right hand, but in your left hand. Such “shake-ups” will force your right, “creative” hemisphere to work.

4. “Accidentally” end up at an unfamiliar stop Create some unusual conditions for yourself. Go to new places where you don't know anyone. Start communicating with a foreigner without knowing his language perfectly. Such non-standard situations will teach you to think and act differently, not the way you are used to.

5. Visualize If you have a specific creative goal - for example, a book or a painting - imagine it in great detail. Let your subconscious get used to this picture - and it will definitely materialize in life!

6. Divide the elephant into parts It is not always possible to immediately find an idea for a huge layer of work. Therefore, do not be afraid to divide all the work into many small components, which will make it much easier for you to find new ideas.

7. Study “other people’s” works If you are an artist, go to art galleries, if you are a poet, read poems by classics and contemporaries. Such activities will not only enrich you mentally, but will also probably give you a couple of new ideas.

8. Distract yourself When you feel that the process is not going well, switch off and do something else. You can do something around the house, start cleaning, for example. Or ride a bike. However, you may well come up with something of your own.

9. Switch to what you do well A little similar to the previous point, but not quite the same. If you can’t get your article right now, do something that you always get right. For example, knit a napkin. This way, you won’t dwell on failure - “yes, my article didn’t come out, but the napkin turned out!” — and you will still feel “good.”

10. Keep working An important point in any business - don’t quit what you started! Yes, you can be distracted for a while, but then keep working! Remember that nothing will come without effort.

11. Remember moments of joy Recall moments when you were happy and fulfilled. Return mentally to that state. And new ideas will definitely come to you.

12. Leave the computer and turn off the phone for a while. A large flow of information can either help in finding ideas or harm. Sometimes give yourself hours of “pure mind”, turning off all communications with the outside world. And ideas will not keep you waiting long.

13. Read! In fact, all successful creative people unanimously repeat: read as much as possible! Books are a source of not only worldly wisdom, but also inspiration.

14. Watch good films Watching inspiring films will also certainly set you up for new ideas, as will good music.

15. Refer to aphorisms and quotes Sometimes good ideas can be gleaned from the thoughts and statements of famous people; do not forget to use such an accessible source.

16. Do special creative exercises Many creative fields, such as writers, have special creative techniques. Finding them on the Internet will not be difficult. Why not try it?

17. Observe people, listen to them We often underestimate such an important and accessible source of ideas as observing other people. Look how they behave, what are they talking about? Completely unexpected discoveries may await you!

18. Get ready to exercise! And don't forget about your body. A healthy body means a healthy mind, right? Therefore, physical exercise will not only make your body resilient, but also refresh your mind.

19. Walk in nature Communicating with nature will not only give you strength, but will certainly fill your soul with joy. Sometimes you will be able to notice something that you had not noticed before, and look at the issue as if from the outside. And new ideas will come.

20. Write down vivid dreams It may seem a little strange to you, but interesting ideas sometimes come to you in your dreams. It’s better to write them down - maybe they’ll come in handy when?

21. Keep a diary And be sure to keep a diary of your thoughts and feelings. Believe me, this tool can become a bottomless well of ideas and inspiration for you. Even if it still seems that this is not the case.


Inspiration is a very subtle feeling that arises in a person on a subconscious level. Often it is impossible to control it, but you can try to achieve a comfortable state and peace of mind, thanks to which a creative impulse will appear. This is what we call inspiration.

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Author: Articles from readers (KadrofID: 10782) Added: 12/06/2017 at 19:16

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Inspiration: what is it and what is it for?

First, let's look at the definition itself. According to dictionaries, inspiration is a special state into which a person is able to enter, and the signs of which are the highest emotional uplift, a surge of energy and strength, and high creative productivity. Describing their feelings in moments of inspiration, many creators claim that they feel the state of a flow carrying you: you cannot always understand what is happening, you are not able to specifically predict the future and you are not aware of how much time has passed. That is, such a “wave” can last for five minutes, an hour, or a day, and, regardless of its duration, a person does not feel other urgent needs - the only one that remains is the need to create. You've probably heard that creative people, in a fit of inspiration, can forget about sleep, food, and not notice anyone or anything around them.

Also, in a state of creative inspiration, a person becomes very charismatic and strong, able to influence other people and lead them. In addition, in this special state, various enlightenments and insights often come to creators, ideas that arise from no one knows where. Most people say that in a burst of inspiration they notice the extraordinary ease of movement of images and thoughts; they become clearer and amaze with their completeness and brightness. Mental experiences intensify, become very deep and comprehensive.

Experts explain this condition by a special acceleration of all cognitive processes - perception, memory, thinking. For creative people, inspiration often feels like an obsession, as if something had “found” - a person is engaged in only one art, forgetting about everything in the world, until the moment the work is completed. If a person is thinking about solving some difficult problem, inspiration can come to him in the form of an unexpected insight: how is it possible, he thought about the question for hours, could not come up with anything, and then - once - a click, and the whole picture became clear, as good as day! All the puzzles came together, and I immediately understood how to do the right thing and resolve this issue.

All these examples are given here in order to clarify one simple truth: inspiration is needed not only by creative people. Often it will not interfere with even the most routine tasks, such as sorting through documentation or putting things in order in the apartment.

In fact, it is not so important what you need to do: write a poem, come up with a new business idea, prepare a presentation, or simply plan your work tasks correctly. In all these things, a breath of new strength and inspiration would not be out of place, right?

Why is motivation so important, or why awaken the desire to create?

Many of us sooner or later wonder where to look for inspiration when it is so lacking. This issue is especially relevant for creative people whose hobby is the main source of income. Any artist, songwriter, sculptor, designer or musician will tell you with confidence that until the muse comes to visit, “nothing will happen.” And, as luck would have it, she will come when she is not expected at all.

Of course, if creativity is not a person’s main area of ​​activity, the issue of a muse’s visit is not so pressing. If this is just a hobby, then you can wait for the arrival of the “capricious lady”

But for others who are looking for inspiration to create masterpieces in “normal mode”, it is extremely important to know the “habitat” of winged nymphs

To understand why inspiration and the desire to create are so important, you need to know what it is. According to reference books and dictionaries, inspiration is considered to be the state of a person in which he can only be at the peak of emotional shock or when he feels an incredible surge of energy

This state is characterized by high productivity.

Many creators compare inspiration to a wave that covers you headlong and carries you away, “switching off” your consciousness from everything that is happening around you. That is why people who are overwhelmed by such a wave can create for hours, without realizing their actions and completely “lost in time.” During a period of such creative upsurge, only one goal is important for a person - to create, while other pressing needs recede far into the background.

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Experts who study the phenomenon of inspiration associate the emergence of a creative state with the activation of cognitive processes in the human mind (this is when perception, thinking and other vital mechanisms are accelerated). While in this state, the creator feels a surge of strength and becomes more charismatic, able to influence the environment and perform tasks that seemed unrealistic to him in the “normal” mode.

This state comes suddenly and does not depend on our desires. It happens that it is difficult for a person to finish some project he has started. Hours, days, weeks and even months may pass before he is visited by ideas for inspiration from out of nowhere. And this is nothing more than an insight, because suddenly the puzzle comes together by itself, and you understand exactly how and in what direction to proceed.

Method No. 3. Give yourself permission to create

So, let's say you "caught" the idea, appreciated it and believed that you could come up with something cool and really worthwhile. What's next? At this point, it is very important to continue to closely monitor your thoughts. After all, right now doubts will begin to knock on your head:

  • “What makes me think that I will succeed?”;
  • “The idea is cool, but I will never implement it”;
  • “Creativity is not for me”;
  • “Maybe I’ll never come up with anything new again? I won’t put forward any idea?”

At the moment when you again feel unworthy, worthless and untalented, remember these words from the book by Elizabeth Gilbert and repeat them until the doubts recede:

We are all walking repositories of hidden treasures. I believe that this is a very ancient and very generous trick, a game that nature plays with people, to its and our pleasure: nature hides unusual jewels in each of us, and then stands aside and sees if we can find them.

If you are not new to the topic of the power of thought, then you know well how dangerous it can be to overestimate the importance of what you want. This is also true for creativity. If the search for inspiration and new ideas has become a major task for you, if you can’t think about anything else, then it’s time to loosen your grip.

Reduce importance!

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Don't take everything too seriously. If you want to write a book simply because you have something to say to this world, write it. Don't worry about who will publish it, how much it will cost, or whether it will be a bestseller. You will have time to think about this, but now just relax and enjoy the process.

Want to write a book? Compose a song? Make a movie? Paint ceramics? Learn to dance? Discover new lands? Want to draw a penis on the wall? Do it. Who cares? You are born as a human being, so do it with joy in your heart. (What I mean, of course, is that you should take it seriously—just don't take it too seriously.)

Let inspiration take you wherever it wants. Remember that throughout history, people mostly just got things done without making some big deal out of it. We do things because we enjoy doing them. You don't have to ask anyone for permission and you don't need anyone's permission to live a creative life.

Often we do not give ourselves permission to
express creatively , not allowing ourselves to create.
It seems to us that we are unworthy of more because we do not have special education or the necessary knowledge. These negative thoughts can lead us into a dangerous trap.

A common trap: instead of doing what our soul tells us to do, we suddenly decide to start learning how to do it, considering ourselves incompetent. The amount of educational content today is endless, and we risk becoming eternal students without ever creating anything of value.

Don't get me wrong, I in no way want to say that you don't need to study. Of course you need it! But don’t ask creativity to wait until you get another diploma, and then another certificate, don’t ask the flow of ideas to stop while you complete the next course. After all, inspiration may not wait!

Where to find inspiration for writing a book

This problem is known to many creative people. At one moment, X’s consciousness leaves all the developments that so passionately warmed the soul. Images remain in your head, there is an idea, but it is impossible to write even one sentence.

To get started, you can use standard phrases and familiar writing images. But you decided to create a new masterpiece, splashing out your emotions on paper. And at this moment a question arises that torments the soul of every writer: where to find inspiration?

Experienced people testify that lack of inspiration is a consequence of doing nothing. This state of mind occurs if there are only plans in thoughts, but internal resistance kills their implementation in the bud.

Start writing meaningless text, sentences that come to mind. Within 5 minutes you will begin to realize that interesting ideas are awakening in your head. The most difficult thing is to overcome internal resistance. To have enough energy for such a step, change your usual rhythm of life. Go outside to get some air. Enjoy nature: winter or summer landscape

It doesn't matter. It's important to change the situation

While walking, think about a plan for your future life or book. Perhaps you will come up with completely new ideas, inspired by the beauty around you. Another way to find inspiration is brainstorming, there are many ways to generate new ideas and everyone chooses their own. Meditation: calm down and discard unnecessary thoughts. Focus on just one topic. Brainstorm ideas. An effective way is to say each of them out loud. Ask yourself questions, what topics are interesting to write about? Say out loud the first ones you come across and argue, pronouncing your strengths and weaknesses. Write down everything new in a notebook so that you can develop it later. Find inspiration by reading books or blogs on a topic that interests you. You can learn a lot of new things from foreign resources.

What can get in the way of inspiration?

The reasons for its absence are directly proportional to the sources given above. Poor health, fear of experiments, poor reading, unwillingness to develop, surrounding oneself with unsuccessful people and an unloved job. Any of these points can deprive a person of vital energy and the desire for something new. What if there are several of them at once?

And don’t forget that nature also helps us “recharge.” Inspiration doesn't always come on its own. Set goals for yourself: when you have them, it is easier to move forward. After all, the muse comes only to those who want it and can use it wisely.

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