What is indifference - How to overcome it yourself

Indifference is a part of a person’s emotional spectrum, characterized by a complete lack of interest, indifference to a certain topic, event or life in general. Indifference in character may be a prevailing feature or reflect an isolated case of a temporary condition; in total cases, it is not a separate feature, but a symptom of an incipient mental disorder or indicate a number of somatic diseases. This concept is synonymous with the word indifference, and at the same time it can concern both the sphere of relationships (when your loved one is not particularly affected by your life or psycho-emotional state) and the surrounding space (climate change, authorities, price increases, carnivals and holidays).

People’s indifference is most terrible in its total manifestation, when it begins to affect one’s own personality. In such a situation, it is no longer possible to justify the resulting state by mental exhaustion or trauma, selfishness, or the distribution of forces only on the main tasks.

When a person becomes indifferent to his own fate, further development comes down only to degradation. The reasons for such a strong degree of manifestation are the experience of serious stressful events and previous high overvoltage. Constantly living from a position of obligation leads to the fact that a person forgets how to want and desire; this mental function gradually atrophies and all that remains is life activity similar to a zombie.

Indifference to life contributes to the development of depression, arrest of development, both social and personal, and the destruction of significant social connections. The less interest a person has, the less he does, the worse his personal reality and direct participation become, and therefore indifference increases.

What is indifference

Indifference is indifference, a cold-blooded attitude towards the needs and problems that arise in a person’s life. Indifference has been identified as the greatest modern evil and must be addressed immediately because, unfortunately, it is taking root in our midst. Indifference borders on insensitivity and apathy and has become a widespread problem that can have negative consequences in people's lives. By distancing ourselves from the problems of others, we try to protect ourselves according to the principle: if I don’t see a problem, then it simply does not exist.

When considering the phenomenon of indifference, it should be remembered that a person’s choice is quite conscious, it is a complete avoidance of participation in activities that do not concern him. This is either a refusal to help or a failure to show support and compassion at a time when people are in dire need of help. First of all, it is the fear of debt that motivates this behavior. Interfering in the lives of strangers can result in undesirable reactions, and the kindness you show sincerely and selflessly can turn against you. But there is always a risk, and we are responsible for the consequences of every decision we make. Should we reject people who need us?

When we are faced with the indifference shown to us by others, we feel disappointed and stop believing in humanity, it is not easy to believe, how then can we help others when we ourselves did not receive help in due time. By refusing help, remaining indifferent, we risk ending up with a feeling of guilt that will leave its mark on our entire life. Why carry around the burden of guilt? When you can do good and live with the belief that everything possible has already been achieved.

But indifference and apathy can arise in absolutely any person, regardless of character and values. The reason for this behavior is sometimes simple boredom. Boredom can cause a lethargic state of depression; when experiencing it, a person does not have enough internal resources to help solve other people’s problems. If you can overcome boredom by doing something separate from work or school, it's important to find an outlet that fills you with positive energy and strength. It depends on your age, so you can look for a profession that brings you happiness at any time in your life, and also change it later.

Human behavior as a social being is strictly regulated by a number of hereditary factors. The interaction of a subject with society is a reflection of his traits.

To raise a caring person, parents should talk to their child about indifference in life, giving examples, discussing different situations and talking about how to show compassion, help each other and show understanding. Track your child's indifference by analyzing his interests and hobbies. If there are none, it is advisable to work together to find a favorite activity, because reactivity to people is possible when a person is harmoniously developed in all areas.

Indifference is apathy towards everything, including the feelings and emotions of other people

Is indifference an innate quality?

Indifference is a quality that defines a person as a heartless person who does not pay attention to the problems, sorrows and experiences of other people. Indifference is an acquired trait.

People are not born indifferent, but become indifferent under the influence of circumstances, examples and their own judgments. Indifference is the deliberate refusal to help someone with problems that do not concern or indirectly affect that person.

One person's indifference causes others to become indifferent. For example, someone who was not helped in difficult times and showed indifference will do the same to others. Because for many people, on the one hand, it’s easier to stay away than to take on solving other people’s problems and offering help. On the other hand, if someone has been rejected once, they will most likely do the same in the mirror and refuse to help others.

Indifference: an emotion or a way of life?

Indifference as an emotion can be equated to indifference. Indifference is a consequence of fear. Fear of problems that may arise if a person becomes involved in someone else's fate.

In fact, these problems have no place in a person’s life. They don't fit into his routine and don't fit into his schedule. Indifference has become a common factor in modern society. This is why there are so many cases of ambulances not being allowed through on highways and in courtyards, when people pass by, lying on the ground, and pretend not to notice the attacks and beatings on the streets and in the apartments of their neighbors. Indifference and fear of consequences are the two main criteria of this sad statistics.

Indifference and alexithymia

Sometimes indifference is associated with alexithymia - a psychological condition when a person is not aware of his feelings and experiences, and therefore does not have empathy. Such people do not understand the feelings and emotions of other people, they are not able to sympathize, empathize, sympathize.

Alexithymia may be congenital. A person is simply born with this type of personality, and already in childhood one can notice that he does not show empathy. However, most often alexithymia is an acquired condition. In such cases, it is only temporary and can be overcome by working with a psychotherapist.

How is alexithymia acquired?

  • after severe psychological trauma;
  • after experiencing stress;
  • after a long period of depression;
  • from an aggressive environment.

As with any psychological problem, indifference is caused, among other things, by parents. When a child does not receive enough warmth, adequate attention and love, he will have problems with emotions in the future. Often, parents, due to ignorance of the basics of child psychology, simply teach their child to hide their feelings. They also often discount their children's experiences as funny and unimportant, when to the child they seem like the end of the world.

What kind of person can be called indifferent

For an indifferent person, life too quickly loses its colors and brightness. And there is a reason for this, because they have to experience a lot of negative emotions.

An indifferent person usually exhibits a number of characteristics:

  1. Lack of empathy, lack of compassion.
  2. A state of apathy and despondency.
  3. Difficulties in understanding the states and emotions of other people.
  4. Limited social contacts, lack of interests and desires (people around them usually avoid an indifferent person and are reluctant to interact with him).
  5. The habit of speaking only on topics of personal interest.
  6. Protection from the emotions and feelings of other people.
  7. Being insensitive (discussing obese people in the presence of someone who has weight problems).
  8. Judging people without trying to understand the reasons for their behavior.
  9. Be excessively rude to staff (waiters, cashiers, operators).

Indifference is an exclusively acquired human trait

Examples from fiction

"The Overcoat" by Nikolai Gogol

In the story “The Overcoat” by N.V. Gogol portrays a society that does not care about a person like Akaki Akakievich Bashmachkin. He worked in one of the government departments and held a very low position, so insignificant that no one respected him. Hoping to change his life, Akaki Akakevich began saving money for a new coat. It seemed to him that with her help he would win everyone's respect. In the name of realizing his dream, the hero denies himself literally everything, even stops lighting candles in the evenings. And when he finally got his wish, he really attracted attention.

The news about Bashmachkin's new coat immediately spread throughout the department. Everyone came running to see the unexpected update, and one of the officials even invited Akaki Akakevich to his home. The main character could not deny himself the pleasure of once again presenting his elegant coat in front of everyone, so he accepted the invitation. This was the first time he was truly happy at a party. They noticed him, talked to him as an equal, smiled at him and asked his opinion. Bashmachkin never thought that he would ever see such a day. However, his happiness did not last long; on the way back home, he was attacked by robbers and deprived of his long-awaited coat.

In desperation, Akaki Akakevich asked for help, but no one paid attention to his problem. No one even wanted to support him, let alone help him. People just laughed at poor Bashmachkin’s misfortune; they could not understand that for him this was not just a thing, but the only hope for a better future. Terrible mental shock and human indifference affected the health of the main character, who soon died of a fever. It was the indifference of those around him that caused his death.

“The Gentleman from San Francisco” by I.A. Bunin

The main character of the short story I.A. Bunin, “the gentleman from San Francisco,” all his life thought only about his own well-being, lived only for himself and was indifferent to the fate of others. He didn't spend time with his family, didn't care about them, didn't care about raising his daughter. He remembered about them only when he earned enough money and decided to go on a well-deserved rest. However, his indifference led to the fact that his wife and daughter also stopped showing affection and care. There is no more love in their hearts for the hero of the story, because wealth cannot replace the lost attention and necessary support. Therefore, their trip on the Atlantis can hardly be called a family vacation, everyone was busy only with themselves, they didn’t even have anything to talk about.

All the consequences of selfishness can be seen after the death of a gentleman from San Francisco, his indifference turned against himself. When he died, everyone reacted as if nothing bad had happened. The body was placed in a lemonade box and then lowered into the hold so as not to disturb the public peace. There he continued his path, forgotten and no one needed. There was a party on the upper deck, music playing and dancing. Nobody cared that the man left. Now that the rich high-ranking passenger had disappeared, there was no need to be polite and respectful. From now on, he was just a cause of trouble for everyone around him, including his family.

G.H. Andersen "The Little Match Girl"

H.'s story. The story of H. Anderson shows what human indifference can lead to. The events described take place on New Year's Eve. None of the passers-by rushing to the festive table were interested in why the little girl was wandering barefoot along the snowy streets. She had no other choice, she did not sell a single match and could not return home, otherwise her father would punish her. In addition, the house was cold because they lived in the attic.

The girl did not need much to be happy; she dreamed of such simple things as a warm home, a delicious dinner and a New Year tree. There was no one to take care of her, only her mother and grandmother loved her, but they were already dead. In the girl’s soul there was only coldness and emptiness; she was surrounded by indifference. She was completely alone. No one bought her matches, no one invited her home, no one even helped her get up when she fell and lost strength.

G.H. Andersen wanted to show in this tale what human indifference can lead to. The girl died on the street, having burned almost all her matches in an attempt to stay warm. Her small body was illuminated by the New Year's sun, and people saw a frosty smile on her face. The last thing the girl saw was how her grandmother was taking her with her - to a place where there was no hunger, no cold, no fear.

Hero of our time" by M. Lermontov

The hero of Lermontov's novel “A Hero of Our Time” is indifferent to all the people around him, he is indifferent to the fate of everyone he meets on his way. He thinks only about himself and does not accept the moral values ​​of society. Grigory Pechorin can be safely called an egoist and an individualist. He puts himself above others and is unable to trust anyone.

Pechorin indifferently destroys the destinies of other people, trying to understand his own life. For example, he destroys Bela by acting recklessly. Gregory succumbed to his feelings, but as a result he never became happy. As soon as he won the love of an unapproachable girl, he lost interest in her. He became bored with her company and began to appear at home less often, so that she was not there when he needed her.

Another example of Pechorin’s selfishness is the sad fate of a blind old woman and a little boy, who, through his fault, were deprived of the most necessary things. For fun, he forced the smugglers to leave the city, and they fled, leaving behind “extra cargo.”

The main character of the novel is a very contradictory character: he condemns evil, but continues to commit it. The only thing he cares about is his personal desires. It was his indifference that forced Pechorin not to live, but to exist.

There are many examples of indifferent individuals in art and creativity.

His influence on life

Being an ambiguous and multidimensional concept, indifference also has different effects on human life. When the psyche or body is working at its last speed, when internal defense mechanisms no longer work, a person is at that level of overstrain, when there is a high risk that all anxiety, fears and experiences will transform into a disease, then the psyche turns on indifference as a fuse.

This is a kind of mental anesthesia that allows you to endure the hell that is happening and remain alive in it, gain strength and then engage in awareness of what is happening. Thus, a mother may become indifferent to the requests of her children in a situation where, if she does not get at least a little sleep, mental disorders will arise, and rescuers will remain deaf to the pleas of those who are in trouble when they themselves have worked on the last resources for several days in a row. Indifference performs a protective and saving function, but it is worth considering that such manifestations are only situational and after receiving the necessary rest or leaving threatening conditions, sensitivity and interest automatically return.

If sensitivity and interest are not a consequence of stress and constant companions can increasingly take over life, then this disrupts many of the person’s connections with his own soul and self-understanding, after which interaction with society is disrupted, then the professional sphere collapses, after which even the basic physical level of existence.

Now the indifferent attitude is progressing more and more, becoming a social trait - just recently, people ran to help someone who fell on the street, they opened the door for women with bags, they calmed crying children. This attitude is no longer applicable to strangers, everyone only helps their own people, and even then not always; if something happens, the majority passes by with an absolutely calm face. This also applies to neighboring countries and even regions - no one anymore thinks that deforestation in a neighboring city will also affect their ecological condition, because it doesn’t matter how others will live, and their own descendants too.

Passivity and aggression come where indifference appears, the behavior of elders is copied by children and, as a result, the world becomes increasingly distant in intersocial relations, because each behavior is reinforced in the next generation. Nowadays it is common to walk past strangers, it will be normal for children to ignore the problems of loved ones, grandchildren will not even care about family members, and great-grandchildren will cease to be interested in anything at all. And if on an individualistic level this leads to degradation and destruction of the psyche, then in larger processes it is indifference that is the root cause that triggers the destruction of all humanity.

Indifference is inextricably linked to the level of responsibility and the higher its manifestations, the lower a person’s ability to bear responsibility for his choices, relationships, the world around him, etc. One can equate low interest in the surrounding space to teenage infantilism, regardless of age. If a person is at a low level of personal development, then psychologically he represents a teenager who most often does not care about social norms and opinions, but who has many destructive tendencies. The infantilization of society leads to an increase in the level of indifference among all segments of the population.

Why is indifference dangerous?

Let's look at the dangers associated with indifference. Indifference and responsiveness are opposite concepts. While responsiveness can positively influence a person, revive hope for a solution, and give strength, human indifference pushes us towards despair and helplessness in front of a wall of problems.

Indifference, a phenomenon that destroys our society, the indifference of one, can affect everyone around. A child who notices indifference in relations with his parents adopts their behavior pattern and, most likely, will do the same in similar situations. An adult who feels the indifference of others may one day fail to help another, feeling resentful for the neglect experienced by his loved ones and society as a whole.

How often does society look through the prism of such global social problems as street children, domestic violence, and the fragility and vulnerability of older people. What happens if we find the strength to solve problems that affect more than just our own interests? Perhaps there would be less of the evil that we face every day absolutely everywhere.

In a moment of indifference, humanity loses the ability to empathize, loses touch with morality, which, in fact, defines us as people. These people are filled with even more negativity, envy and the inability to share not only the suffering of others, but also their joy. As a result, people find it difficult to show love; internally they may experience this incomprehensible feeling, but externally they may push away their loved one or even offend them. And all this turns into an inextricable circle. A person who does not know how to show love is unlikely to be able to evoke feelings of love in others, and this, in turn, will affect his life with even greater force and will lead to loneliness, because it will be very difficult to maintain even ordinary communication with such a person, not to mention creating a strong family.

Be careful not to take other people's problems too personally. This leads to depression, sadness and emotional instability. Compassion is wonderful, but even in this feeling there should be boundaries, you should not live with other people's problems. It is very easy to show participation and support, often these are simple things: helping a young mother with a stroller, telling a visually impaired grandmother the bus number, helping a lost child find his parents, or helping a person who is not feeling well.



As you know, this is a disease, and it may well deprive a person of not only interest in everything that is happening, but also the desire to live. Therefore, it is important to be careful, if a loved one suddenly “fades away”, you should not throw hysterics, scandals, or give arguments and facts of his indifference and callousness.

This will only aggravate the situation and can lead to the worst consequences - provoking suicide, as an attempt to finally get rid of suffering. You can learn more about this from the article “How to find a way out of depression yourself: the most effective methods.”

Punishment or manipulation

Yes, in relationships they sometimes resort to similar measures, ceasing to pay attention and give love even for the slightest offenses, wanting to “motivate” to obey and do only as the manipulator wants.

Something like carrots and sticks, they either shower you with gifts and compliments, or suddenly become indifferent, ignoring your presence until you realize your mistake and correct yourself.

Such traps are usually set by perverse narcissists or psychopathic personalities. By the way, this is also the behavior of a banal egoist, an egocentric person who believes that the whole world revolves only around him, and for him.


When a person is hurt, he sometimes has a great desire to be insensitive, so as not to experience disappointment, bitterness, total sadness, and so on. That’s why they become indifferent, people have the illusion that it’s easier to live this way.

For example, it seems that without thinking about where and with whom a loved one spends time, he will be calm and happy. But, in fact, by blocking negative emotions, a person deprives himself of pleasant, positive ones. Indifference can easily kill love; gradual distance and lack of emotions can defeat even the strongest feelings; they will simply fade away until they disappear completely.


This is a disorder in which a person is not able to feel and track his emotions, he simply does not understand what is happening to him, since he can only think logically, without resorting to sensations and intuition.

Professional burnout

When a person overextends himself at work, he does not have the opportunity to replenish his energy reserves and rest, which over time leads to exhaustion. He simply does not have the resources to feel interest, joy and other feelings.

Psychological trauma

Something may happen that will cause unbearable feelings that a person is simply not able to cope with at a given period, and in order to preserve the psyche, the body, as it were, “turns off” the emotional sphere, freezes it.

7. Alcohol or drug abuse

Over time, due to any of these types of addictions, the structure of the brain is destroyed, which affects the psyche and emotional sphere. By the way, an excessive amount of medications also leaves its mark on the ability to feel.

Mental disorders

Because of them, a person becomes detached and unable to experience any emotions or sensations, plunging deeply into his own inner world and fantasies.

Personality structure

He was born like this, callous, unable to empathize and generally worry, plus his parents were the same, which is why they didn’t teach him to care, be interested in something, be attentive, etc.

Scientific research into feelings of indifference

Scientific research on indifference has been carried out by both psychologists and philosophers. Fabry, Rubinstein and Spinoza studied indifference. Many agreed that indifference can be equated to apathy, emotional passivity, lack of interests and hobbies, and a decrease in overall activity.

In 1993, N. Fetiskin noted that students and schoolchildren are bored in many lectures and classes. Researcher I. Shurygina discovered boredom among music school students in 1984. And in 1989, A. Chebikin revealed the fact that students’ expectations from classes are not met, and instead of positive emotions, boredom or fear of the teacher arises.

“Emotional-motivational paralysis” is the dictionary definition of indifference given by Meshcheryakov and Zinchenko.

Indifference is basically characterized by the absence of any feelings and emotions, both positive and negative. A person does not feel aggression or irritation, he is not happy or bored. Often, after experiencing stress, a person experiences indifference. However, many researchers define indifference as a symptom of mental or physical illness. Indifference can be caused by hereditary factors, nervous breakdowns or exhaustion, endocrine problems, certain medications, bad habits and their consequences, as well as old age.

Signs of an Indifferent Person

Empty eyes, cold soul and inner loneliness. An indifferent person does not hear cries for help, does not see tears and suffering, and does not rush to help a friend. Psychologically, a person may be indifferent to others because he does not have a developed sense of empathy for others.

Indifference is a trait that characterizes a person who does not pay attention to the problems, pain and concerns of other people. People are not born indifferent, but become so due to life circumstances, examples and their own judgment.

Complete indifference is a deliberate refusal to help someone in solving problems that do not concern that person. Many people find it easier to be indifferent than to take on other people's problems and help them. On the other hand, if a person has ever experienced indifference from others, he may refuse to help others.

Reasons for indifference

There are many reasons for this behavior.

  • This may be the result of upbringing, exposure to a poor social environment, or selfish tendencies.
  • Prolonged feelings of stress and anxiety make a person emotionally depressed and incapable of further experiences. Such people are characterized by apathy and passivity.
  • Attachment to one's own problems, an unshakable belief that others cannot have such difficulties. All problems of other people are rejected and devalued; a person tends to be a constant victim and expects support only for himself. Very often, indifferent people do not consider themselves as such; many of them consider themselves gentle and compassionate people.
  • A large number of accidents experienced can cause any person to distance himself from the problems of other people. It seems that someone who has been through a difficult situation can help others. Unfortunately, this is not always the case.
  • A person who has not experienced such sad situations may simply not feel the pain of others. But such reactions are most often characteristic of teenagers, whose childhood naivety has already passed, and whose life experience is still insufficient. And this causes teenagers to use this behavior as a defense mechanism.
  • Complete indifference can also be a reaction of very sensitive people. They view this attitude as a way of protecting themselves from physical, mental and emotional harm.
  • For example, when such a person sees the difficulties and problems of others, but does nothing to help them.
  • Many people notice that people living in megacities are becoming more and more indifferent. The reasons may be a fast pace of life, constant employment, problems, lack of time and money.
  • Sometimes a person may simply get confused and not immediately come to help, feel bad and not react properly. Do not rush to judge others, learn to forgive and give others the opportunity to improve.

Indifference has many causes

In relationships and love

Many people complain that their partner has begun to show inattention and indifference. Indifference usually manifests itself:

  1. The partner forgets to call or write.
  2. Shows no emotion or interest during conversation.
  3. He constantly looks away. He looks out the window, at the ceiling, at the phone, but not at his partner.
  4. Behaves inattentively and does not respond to requests.
  5. Tries to end the meeting quickly.
  6. Shows irritation when partner tries to talk about their feelings, problems, or how their day is going.
  7. Does not behave tenderly and affectionately.
  8. Spends free time in front of the computer or TV, communicates with other people. Avoids communication with his significant other.
  9. Does not use the pronoun “we” in conversation.
  10. Shows an indifferent attitude in bed.

Attitude towards other people

A person who does not care about others may be unwilling to help, give in, or give attention to others. A person may be indifferent to the fate of others. Character traits such as ruthlessness and callousness are common.

We see examples of this attitude almost every day. For example, an elderly woman drops her bag and spills her shopping. No one comes to her and offers help.

In men

Among men there are often indifferent people. It has to do with how we raise boys. From childhood they are taught that they can withstand anything. Boys are not allowed to cry, grieve, or otherwise display negative emotions. This should undermine their masculinity.

Some boys take this idea for granted and become almost emotionless robots. In the future, it is difficult for them to build harmonious relationships, talk about their feelings, and express emotions.

On politics and the environment

People are often not interested in political issues, environmental pollution or mass animal deaths. They prefer not to get involved in a process that takes a lot of time and energy.

Other people are so concerned about the problem that they can't do anything about it. For them, the only option is indifference to what is happening. For example, a person buys a bag made of crocodile skin and does not think about the fact that the animal suffers. This means that he knowingly sponsors such activities.

Meaning of the word

Indifference is a multidimensional concept, which can simultaneously mean indifference to one’s own person and the continuation of life, and disinterest in loved ones. This can be a permanent personality trait (the most common option) or a consequence of difficult events suffered (then they talk about temporary indifference, from which it seems possible to remove a person, unlike a change in personality structure).

The more indifference a person develops, the more his qualities and nuclear structures become frustrated, since only motivational development is the key to maintaining an active and productive position. From the moment of indifference to what is happening around and to oneself, the destruction of personality and its degradation begins. When the time frame is measured in days, the consequences are insignificant, practically unnoticeable and can be easily corrected, but in a situation of prolonged stay in such apathy, irreversible changes occur. The most serious consequences of indifference are the emergence of personal and social maladjustment, which fit the classification of psychiatric diseases and are included in the practice of treating psychopathologies, as symptoms of schizophrenia-like conditions and psychopathic manifestations.

The opposite of such indifference has always been considered creativity and creative predisposition, as a way of active interaction with reality and restructuring of the space of the soul and the physical world. Artists and poets, composers and photographers can never complain that their day was boring or they need entertainment - such people are always looking for options for independent development, even while in a confined space.

There is not only personal indifference, as a variant of an independent tragedy, but also the indifference of loved ones - this is a separate influence of the echoes of such a manifestation of character. In the world of the cold and insensitive, nothing changes, but those who are constantly forced to feel useless compare their own presence to a bedside table or stool. Such interaction is perceived painfully and quite sharply by the opponent himself, and is traumatic for his psyche. It turns out that indifference negatively affects both the broadcaster and everyone who comes into contact with this person.

There are no studies where the harm and level of personal damage is greater, but others certainly have more opportunities to actively change the situation. If the indifference of a loved one becomes unbearable, then a choice arises - to go to a place where you are valued and worried about your successes and failures, or to stay close to such an insensitive person, losing through a lot of pain and your ability to feel, i.e. also become imbued with indifference.

Types of indifference and how it manifests itself

An indifferent person can show indifference in various areas of his and public life. Examples of different types of indifference:

  1. Self-directedness. A person doesn’t care what he looks like, what he says, or how he behaves.
  2. In family relationships. They are not interested in how people close to them live.
  3. In public places, during social interaction. People stop giving up their seats on public transport and turn away from those who ask for help. “Why are you giving instructions to this man, he’s probably some kind of drunk or wants to rob you.”
  4. To one’s own activities, to one’s own work. The employee is not attracted to the activity he is engaged in. He must make an effort to get up in the morning and go to work. If he does this without enthusiasm, he may be fired.
  5. Towards the environment. A person abdicates responsibility for participating in the problems of the world. It is better for him to ignore them.

Causes of apathy - what can cause a state when everything is indifferent

Such an imbalance can be caused by two reasons: physical or psychological.

Physical apathy is considered a mild, less problematic form. Overtakes as a result of any processes provoked by the environment: betrayal of a friend, unrequited love, unfair superiors.

As a rule, it does not last long and resolves on its own - without the help of medications or specialists. Simply, over time.

Psychological apathy is a more advanced type of detachment from what is happening. Caused by psychological problems and experiences. It can occur as a result of a series of physical influences: loss of a job, loss of a loved one, financial failure.

As a rule, psychopathy is “twisted” by the experiencer himself, resulting from careful “chewing” and thinking through his problems, sometimes insignificant.

Indifference: stages

A person reaches a state of complete indifference gradually, going through several stages:

  1. Indifference to animals and other living beings, lack of pity for them, lack of desire to help them.
  2. Indifference to strangers and strangers. Ignoring their suffering.
  3. Indifference to people of superficial acquaintance (colleagues, neighbors, etc.).
  4. Colleagues, friends.
  5. Indifference to loved ones and family.
  6. Indifference to oneself.
  7. Indifference as a psychological defense

Indifference: consequences

If a person does not know about his condition and does not do anything about himself or does not seek help, this will soon lead to negative consequences. First of all, interpersonal relationships will suffer. The person is no longer able to communicate with other people, he will stay away from them and develop a negative image of them. Their reputation will also suffer. The consequence of this will be social isolation and loneliness.

Self-indifference leads to health problems. A person does not see the motivation to follow his diet, his lifestyle. They are indifferent to new experiences, hobbies and interests. Thus, all sorts of dependencies can develop.

What to do?

First . If your loved one has changed, try talking to him about the reasons for the change. Maybe he has a serious problem that he is trying to hide in this way, pretending to be indifferent? It is only important to refrain from making claims, scandals, hysterics and other things, so start a conversation only when you realize that you are ready to hear the truth or have the strength to cope with it.

Second . If you are trying to influence your partner using perceived indifference, then think about how it hurts. Are you sure that you are deliberately ready to cause pain and sometimes unbearable suffering to your loved one? There are examples when they punished for treason in this way, but ignoring it does not relieve the suffering of the one who was offended. Even if it seems to him that he is not experiencing anything. Only forgiveness will allow you to free yourself. It is not necessary to continue to be together, but it is necessary to forgive in order to release the burden, take care of yourself, and move on.

Third . If this happened to you, try to understand what is behind your insensitivity? What are you hiding from, or, on the contrary, hiding? Only by realizing the cause can you find a way to heal.

Fourth . Work on your self-esteem, especially after encountering total loneliness as a couple, and in general. You will learn recommendations on how to increase it in the article “The best methods for achieving success that will help you finally believe in yourself.”

Fifth . Be honest and sincere with yourself, you shouldn’t put on a mask and play the role of a happy person if your soul is sad, you won’t hide from melancholy, but you won’t feel joy either. It’s better to have courage and look into the eyes of those emotions that you are avoiding; only by living through them can you free yourself and “break the spell.” If you are afraid that you cannot cope alone, enlist the support of your loved ones or a qualified specialist. The main thing is to act before the swamp of apathy sinks deep.

Sixth . In the case of psychological trauma, it will take time. Learn to simply be close to the one who has suffered, and wait without reproaching or putting pressure on him.

Society's indifference to people

Often society instills indifference in a person. For example, when parents prohibit a child from approaching a stray animal. They are dirty, have fleas and can become infected. After several such reprimands, the child will not want to feed the stray cat. The parental attitude will be stronger in his/her mind.

There are often cases when a woman does not allow her husband to intervene in a fight between teenagers on the street. She assures him that they will deal with him, and soon he himself gets punched in the face. It is in such situations that human indifference and reluctance to participate is formed.

The indifference of society to a person and the patterns of behavior enshrined in society lead to the following problems:

  1. Difficulty communicating with relatives and friends.
  2. Broken family relationships, broken marriages.
  3. Difficult relationship with the child.
  4. The emergence of a feeling of despair, powerlessness in the face of emerging problems.
  5. Impaired social interaction.
  6. If a child notices indifference, this can become a pattern of behavior in adulthood.
  7. Personality degradation occurs when a person loses the ability to empathize.
  8. A person develops mental and psychological problems (depression, phobias, increased anxiety).
  9. Psychosomatic illness.
  10. Death or serious health problems caused by premature intervention.
  11. Sometimes the indifference of society leads a person to commit suicide.

However, society is struggling with this problem. For example, there are criminal penalties for willful neglect of care.

How to deal with indifference and indifference?

Can you learn to deal with indifference and indifference? If these feelings have not yet become clinical, you can work with them and achieve positive results.

What ways are there to combat indifference?

  • Focusing on the positives and thinking about what they mean in life.
  • Connecting with family and friends, attending cultural events and participating in the community. These activities bring new excitement and an understanding that there are many interesting people and events around. And it's a shame to miss it.
  • An active and healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and adequate sleep. These are well-known concepts that no one pays attention to anymore. But one way or another, following these principles really works wonders. First out of effort, and then out of habit, people begin to exercise and eat the right foods. As a result, your mood improves and the desire to lead a new lifestyle appears.
  • Find a hobby or passion. A trip to a new city or country to gain a new perspective on life.
  • Training and acquisition of new knowledge, change of activity. Indifference is probably caused by the fact that a person has long denied his own desires and done what he does not like.
  • Participation in volunteer work. When a person sees that his work helps save someone or make someone's life easier, he ceases to be indifferent.
  • Pets help overcome indifference and apathy. Caring for them and communicating with them often brought people back to life.

You can try to cope with indifference on your own

Which doctor should I contact?

After identifying the cause of the characteristic symptoms of indifference, your doctor will refer you to a more specialized specialist. The following doctors treat this disorder:

Only an experienced specialist can diagnose the true cause of this disorder. First, he or she will conduct an interview during which he or she will ask questions:

  1. How long does indifference last?
  2. Have you had a recent head injury?
  3. Does the patient spend enough time outdoors?
  4. Is the person mentally or physically active? ;

The doctor's questions should be answered as accurately as possible. Treatment of disorders will only be effective if their cause is accurately established.

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