Family characteristics: recommendations for compilation, structure, how to collect information

Relationship in the family with the child characteristics

The beginning of a life together is always accompanied by conflicts, since there is always a clash of interests. Often, divorces occur precisely at the stage of confrontation, if the parties do not find the strength or desire to find compromises. 4) Rejectors - parents of this group are detached from the child, do not want to delve into his problems, pay attention to him, or notice his criticisms.

The emotional attitude is not clearly expressed; the element of rejection predominates. The child’s sphere of feelings and experiences is closed to them; they do not know their children well, but their ideas about the child are quite adequate.

Thus, a child raised in a tyrant’s family may develop tendencies toward sadism and mental disorders of various classifications. While in a traditional family, where relationships are close to ideal, as a rule, a calm, balanced child will grow up, with normal self-esteem, who will subsequently develop into a successful self-sufficient person. Naturally, it is impossible to live absolutely without conflicts.

Scientific Library of Ukraine

“Initiative is guilt.” At the same time, initiative adds to autonomy the ability to take on obligations, plan, solve new problems, and acquire new useful skills. Whether the child’s initiative prevails largely depends on how the parents relate to his expression of will, recognize and satisfy his right to curiosity, imagination, and creativity.

The orientation of society towards the development of market relations in the sphere of production, the computerization of the means of production and greater openness to the integration of other cultures into our culture put in the first place the desire of parents to see their child as a future businessman, programmer or translator. According to this, parents are concerned about instilling pragmatism, rationalism, and the will to win in their children. Often, through their behavior, they give children examples of aggressiveness, considering this to be an extremely important quality in modern living conditions (“If you don’t have time to grab something, others will do it”). At the same time, such personal qualities as kindness, the ability to sympathize and help others occupy a significantly lower place in the modern hierarchy of parental values.

Relationships in the family with the child characteristics

Therefore, the specific properties of a child’s personality cannot, in principle, be deduced either from the properties of his parents (either by similarity or contrast), or from individual methods of upbringing. This option is characterized by a less complete degree of contacts. Outwardly, the relationship is good, but some deep, intimate connections are broken, and a barely noticeable crack has appeared in the relationship between parents and children. The most typical reasons for this phenomenon may be the following: In most families, parents do not need complete unity of actions in raising children.

This applies to the content of communication, and the content of demands, and the tone of their expression, and the nature of rewards and punishments, and the expression of their feelings, etc. When the relationship between a father and mother towards children develops completely differently, then the essence and nature of their relationship with children can be very different: from the child’s need to communicate with one of the parents to complete alienation with the other.

The nature of the child’s emotional relationship with the parent

Satisfaction of the child's needs, care and attention of the parent. The child’s needs include vital basic (the need for nutritious food, warmth, sleep, rest, active movement, etc.), social (the need for protection and safety, love and affection, social recognition, business, personal and cognitive communication) and cognitive needs. It is a close adult who mediates the child’s contacts with the world; all the child’s needs are satisfied through the adult.

3. The reactive type of attachment is characterized by a very high degree of emotional intensity in relationships and lability and instability of emotional states. The child constantly expects confirmation of love from the parent, is very sensitive to rewards, and experiences an increased need for affection and approval.

Sample pedagogical characteristics for a student’s family

This puts psychological pressure on them, often causing aggression towards their peers.

Which more than once resulted in fights and taking away necessary things from other girls and boys. Residence address: Severoyuzhsk, st.

Korovogrivova, 33, apt. 2; tel. in a dormitory from ZAO Gazpromchik.

Only one room of 20 sq.m. is allocated for the whole family.

Which is not conducive to quiet studies, reading books and doing homework. The family is socially unstable, both parents are alcohol dependent. The sister was caught in a state of drug intoxication. She was detained by the police several times. The psychological situation in the family is tense. Parents are mainly busy getting money for drinks, paying little attention to their children.

Daughters look for replacements in older comrades, choosing them, unfortunately, based on their similarity to their mother and father.

This negatively affects the academic performance and education of children.

Parents hardly take part in the educational process of their daughters.

Characteristics for the mother of a child from school: registration procedure

To write it, use the following methods:

    Family surveillance. This is a visit to your place of residence. Purpose of the visit: to study the living conditions of the child, compliance with the necessary sanitary and hygienic standards, whether the student has an individual place for classes. Conversations with parents. Based on such meetings, it is possible to draw up a character portrait of the parent and determine family relationships. Conversations with teachers. This is necessary in order to hear their feedback on the performance of mother’s responsibilities in care and education.

We recommend reading: Additional from the state

Other auxiliary materials are also used, for example, social research and family diagnostics. What does the characteristic consist of? The document describes the place of work, personal qualities and character traits of the parent. Beginning of the text When compiling a characteristic of the student’s mother, the following rules are observed: The title (cap) is written in the center.

Types of parental attitude towards a child

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A study of the behavior and methods of parenting and the attitude of adolescents towards them. Determining the level of aggression, hostility, types of reactions and attitudes of teenagers. Assessing the relationship between parental attitudes and children's aggression in adolescence.

Characteristics of a parent: sample. How to write a reference for parents

It is important to note the parent’s occupation and his participation in material well-being;

  • from the socio-legal stability of the family - a socially stable/unstable family with prosperous/disadvantaged educational potential (indicate the reasons for these phenomena);
  • by type of relationship - harmonious, conflict, unstable.
  • When describing the psychological traits of parents that influence the upbringing of a child, you should pay attention to the following:

  1. parent's character traits.
  2. performing the function of emotional support for the child, the degree of interest in him;
  3. the nature of communication with the child (authoritarianism, democracy, liberality);
  4. (which areas of life are a priority for the parent);
  5. method of action in conflict situations (violence, compromise, conflict avoidance);

the parent should show how much the child

Characteristics of the relationship in the family with the child

It may not necessarily be performed by the same people.

For example, parents working abroad are formally the educators of their child, but in fact these functions are performed by another relative (grandmother, grandfather), who is in close proximity to the child. In this block, the profile of the student’s family includes a description of all the work that was carried out by specialists of various profiles with the family: conversations, consultations with a psychologist, social or medical worker, trainings, seminars.

It is worth mentioning all the cases when and by whom home visits were carried out, whether family members themselves sought help and what changes did (or did not) occur as a result of all the activities. Such relationships are characterized, first of all, by the general moral atmosphere of the family: decency, frankness, mutual trust, equality in relationships, the ability of parents to sensitively understand the world

My recommendations as a parent and psychologist

  1. Strive for a democratic style of education. In any situation, try to hear yourself and your child, learn to negotiate with him and discuss family matters. Even if he is still young, give him the opportunity to make age-appropriate decisions.
  2. Give the right to choose whenever possible.
  3. Set healthy boundaries: “hitting guys and calling them ugly names,” “no one should push you.”
  4. When expressing dissatisfaction with your baby, direct it to the action, and not to the child himself. Not “you’re a whiner,” but “I really hate it when someone whines.”
  5. Assign responsibilities in the family to the child in accordance with his age: water the flower, feed the cat. Let him get used to being responsible for his own affairs from an early age.
  6. Give your child more freedom, even if you are worried about him. Try not to tell your child phrases like: “you won’t cope,” “you won’t succeed anyway,” “you’ll fall.” It is better to support and talk about your faith in him and his strength.
  7. Explain to the child everything that interests him. Sometimes very unexpected questions are asked, in this case you can take a time out, but then be sure to discuss them in an accessible language.
  8. Do not use physical punishment under any circumstances and try to raise your voice as rarely as possible. These actions create fear in the baby and also demonstrate the powerlessness of the parents in front of his behavior.
  9. Spend as much time as possible in a cozy, warm atmosphere: read books together, hug, watch your favorite films and cartoons, walk and do creative work together.
  10. Try to maintain friendly relations in any situation, so that the child knows that no matter what happens, his parents will always support and understand him.

Characteristics of family relationships with children

Parents dream and hope to protect their children from troubles, warn them against dangers, and make them happy. Children understand this, but do not accept it.

The point is that the high thoughts of the parents are broken in this case by the low pedagogical culture of their implementation. The desires of parents to help their children, their sincere interest in them are not always accompanied by the ability to enter the world of children without pressure and imposition of their views, without nervousness and prejudice. In a democratic style, relationships are characterized by mutual love and respect, attention and care of adults and children for each other . In families with democratic style relationships, children are full participants in the life of the family, its work and rest.

Parents try to get to know their children more deeply, to find out the reasons for their bad and good deeds. Adults constantly appeal to the child’s feelings and consciousness, encourage his initiative, and respect his opinion.

Popular psychology

Children who have low self-esteem are dissatisfied with themselves. This happens in a family where parents constantly blame the child or set excessive goals for him. The child feels that he does not meet the requirements of his parents. Inadequacy can also manifest itself with inflated self-esteem. This happens in a family where the child is often praised and gifts are given for little things and achievements. The child is punished very rarely, the system of demands is very soft.

guardianship is a system of relationships in which parents, while ensuring through their work that all the child’s needs are met, protect him from any worries, efforts and difficulties, taking them upon himself. It is these children who turn out to be unadapted to life in a team; children lack independence and initiative; they are somehow removed from solving common family problems.

Characteristics for a family: samples and procedure for compilation

Based on the results of the visit, a housing inspection report is drawn up. A conversation with the student’s parents. This stage allows you to look at the relationship between the child and parents, to understand whether adults care about him.

This factor can be assessed by the frequency of adults attending parent-teacher meetings, their participation in the life of the school, and checking the diary. Important: To obtain more objective information from visiting the place of residence of the family being studied, you should not pay a visit alone. It is recommended to organize a visit accompanied by a school psychologist or social worker. Also, a representative of the parent committee can help in organizing a visit. The main part of the characteristics and, at the same time, the most massive, is the description of the social and psychological component of family relationships. Social characteristics of the family include:

Family status.

A family can be complete or incomplete, large or small.

An example of a description of the psychological climate

The main characteristics of the family also include the psychological climate. An example of filling out this column is as follows:

  • No disagreements were found in the assessment and interpretation of basic values.
  • The roles are clearly distributed. No one has any dissatisfaction or protest about the current state of affairs.
  • Family members do not show deviations from standard behavioral patterns.
  • There is no tendency to conflict or nervousness in relationships.
  • Family members feel some dissatisfaction with their social status. However, this does not affect relationships and psychological climate.
  • The process of resolving pressing or fundamental issues occurs collectively through a family council.

Family characteristics.

Sample characteristics for a family

You can assess the degree of parental participation in a student’s school life by their participation in parent-teacher meetings, checking his diary, and visiting an educational institution on his own initiative. To obtain a more objective picture, it is better not to study the family’s place of residence alone.

You can involve a representative of the parent committee, a social educator or a psychologist (especially in the case of dysfunctional families). The characteristics of the family should begin with basic, primary data about its members:

  • Full name, year of birth, education, place of work and position, contact numbers of mother, father or people who replace them.
  • Information about other family members (full name, relationship to the student, field of activity, contact information): grandparents, brothers, sisters and others.
  • Information about other people who are not family members but live in the area for a long time
  • Different types of family relationships

    Having understood the mechanism of their action and figured out what type of relationship a particular problematic family is in, you can try to find a way out and eliminate the problem. What are the characteristics of family relationships? Let's highlight 7 main types and consider each of the characteristics separately: This is the ideal type of relationship.

    It is quite harmonious and its main characteristic is stability.

    Love, respect and mutual understanding reign here.

    The spouses are united in their views on life.

    It cannot be said that there are no disagreements in such families, however, all the rough edges and corners are smoothed out calmly and to mutual satisfaction. Such a harmonious relationship between husband and wife is the result of their deep respect and care for each other. Such families are most often long-lasting and there are many reasons for this.

    The main thing is a positive example of the family in which the future spouses grew up. As statistics show, a child who grows up in a full-fledged family, where love and harmony prevails, subconsciously projects such relationships into his future family.

    Dependence of characters on the environment of upbringing

    Among the factors influencing the viability of a family and its prosperous existence, the following stand out: the level of upbringing, education of partners, instilled life guidelines, moral beliefs and principles, that is, those characteristics that a husband and wife receive from their parents, who are an example for them. The family’s ability to move in one direction, to constructively resolve conflict situations, and to its harmonious existence and development depends on whether all the above conditions coincide.

    As a rule, almost none of the above described types of family relationships are found in nature in a crystal clear form. Thus, brother-sister relationships are often mixed into the characteristics of a traditional family, and codependent relationships are often poisoned by manifestations of tyranny. This naturally complicates the task of a psychologist who has to solve the problem of adjusting the relationships of a single family. Makes it difficult, but doesn't make it impossible. Therefore, for the sake of the harmonious and comfortable existence of your relationship, you can and should contact a competent specialist. As they say, the one who walks can master the road. Therefore, having recognized alarming signs of disharmony in your family union, try to do your best to bring your relationship to a happy level. Yes, this is not an easy task, but the game is worth the candle.

    Family characteristics

    All family members show mutual respect, take care of each other, and help each other.

    Children feel the comfort and warmth of home.

    The family instills hard work and respect for the work of adults. Children are included in the family's work activities. A responsible and conscientious attitude towards learning is fostered. The family strictly adheres to a regime that promotes the successful learning of children. Children's studies are constantly monitored.

    Parents teach how to correlate spiritual and material values ​​in the family, and teach them the ability to balance their needs with their capabilities. Children are introduced to the cultural values ​​of the family. V.'s family has traditions in celebrating the birthdays of adults and children, respect for the woman-mother and people of the older generation is brought up.

    Children are taught hospitality skills. Parents are worthy role models for their children.

    The family leads a healthy lifestyle. IN

    Authoritative or democratic parenting style

    This style of family education is considered the healthiest. Everyone here is friendly to each other and can always count on support. Here they know how to negotiate, hear and listen to each other, show love and sympathize. Children's independence and responsibility are encouraged, and correct behavior in society is formed.

    Advantages of a democratic parenting style:

    • the child feels love and support;
    • learns to take responsibility and be independent;
    • has the right to choose;
    • can make age-appropriate decisions;
    • is not afraid to ask parents for help;
    • knows the rules of behavior in society;
    • clearly understands his own psychological boundaries and the boundaries of other people;
    • knows how to set goals and achieve them;
    • the child feels respected and learns to treat others the same way;
    • always open to new knowledge, skills and sensations;
    • less susceptible to the influence of negative companies;
    • the child has adequate self-esteem and is confident in himself and his abilities.

    Disadvantages of the democratic style:

    There is only one, but very significant minus. The democratic style of raising a child in a family requires a huge amount of love for your child, patience, respect and parental wisdom. If the adults themselves were raised authoritarian, liberal, chaotic, or protective, then they will have to make a lot of effort to develop this style of raising their children.

    Example phrases of democratic parents: “I understand your feelings”, “I believe in your strength”, “I know that you can handle it”, “let’s discuss this”, “let’s try together”.

    What are family relationships like to characterize a student?

    His visual memory predominates. He is quite smart and prone to abstract thinking.

    Andrei has clear, competent speech, there is a full range of knowledge that is stable in nature. From an individual conversation with Andrei (KOS questionnaire, study of temperament according to A.V. Belov’s questionnaire), it turned out that sanguine qualities dominate in him, he is communicative, polite, friendly, facilitated by the influence of family and university. He has organizational skills.

    Full name, year of birth, education, place of work and position, contact numbers of mother, father or people who replace them. Information about other family members (full name, relationship to the student, field of activity, contact information): grandparents, brothers, sisters and others. Information about other people who are not family members, but live in the same house for a long time (full name, field of activity, who the other family members are, contact information).

    Family and child: mirror image of each other

    Parents give their child a lot of effort and attention, but at the same time practically eliminate his independence by introducing various prohibitions and restrictions. It should be noted that a child develops fully only in those activities that arouse his interest and which he engages in of his own free will, and not on the orders of his parents. Limitation of freedom automatically leads to limitation of responsibility. The child ceases to feel like an active participant in family relationships, who is responsible for ensuring that each family member feels good. Adult authoritarianism interferes with the development of independence and forms selfish character traits. Another outcome is also possible: total control embitters the child - as adults they begin to rebel against parental influence and may make a complete break with the family.

    This is interesting: Justification for the registry error; sample boundary plan

    Psychological cruelty is so common that almost no person grows up without experiencing some of its manifestations. But, fortunately, in most cases it is not so strong and frequent as to cause irreparable harm to a person.

    How to describe family relationships for characterization

    But what all families have in common is, in most cases, a clearly expressed emotionality of intra-family relationships.

    Just a high degree of emotional closeness is a special level of quality of a real, strong family. A modern multi-stage family can successfully perform its functions if it harmoniously combines the psychological characteristics of family members of all generations, thanks to which they will be able to shape the personality of children.

    Domestic relationships are a system of mutual demands and expectations, which are oriented in all directions - from older to younger family members, and from younger to older.

    There are different approaches to classifying the styles of relationships between parents and children. For example, A. He has organizational skills.

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