Russophobia in 2022 - What are its causes and how to deal with it

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«In Russia there are only snowdrifts, Bears, vodka, pitchforks, All are only Russophobes and Slavophiles.»
— Notes of the Unknown. freedom of speech

The indignation of the people.
Vasya Lozhkin reveals the topic of Russophobia

) - a meme of the cultural crowd of this country.
It is used, in the best traditions, against any opinion different from the views of the above-mentioned crowd. It is formed from the words “Russian” and “phobia” (Greek “phobos”
- fear), which seems to tell us that anyone who disagrees with the creeds is afraid (and more often, hates) the entire people/country that they supposedly represent.

As a word, R.-phobia is a special case of “something”-phobia - one of the diagnoses-arguments in the Special Olympics: along, for example, with homophobia, ukrophobia or agencysmithism (more precisely, Judeophobia).

[edit] Actually

On the part of the culturalists, it is customary to attribute the subject to bearers of a wide variety of views, the difference between which the ascribers are not able to understand due to the narrowness of their own thinking or unwillingness to understand the diversity of these same views. This diversity is mainly represented by “Russian haters”, “Russian skeptics” and sausage emigrants.

Over the hill, in fact, many peoples are very skeptical of each other in general. less likely to meet an Englishman or a Frenchman who does not like Russian gopniks and hardbass squatters suka blyatting around,

than the Frenchman, who, for example, considers the Germans to be ill-mannered cabbage farts or the English to be island cockroaches.

As you might guess, only border peoples or peoples who often see each other on TV really dislike each other very much. Therefore, it is not surprising that the Poles dislike the Germans much more than the Russians, and all over the world, despite the distances, many people do not like the Americans and all kinds of Afghan-Pakistani Pashtuns. The same Belgians really do not like their Dutch neighbors, and they generally despise the French, despite the official languages ​​of Flemish and French.

True Russophobes

It is perhaps not surprising that Germany and Austria are the most ardent fans of Russophobia. Initially, everything was connected with Slavophobia, which was propagated by Austria. Well, later, especially during the Great Patriotic War, Germany is the source of this ideology.

The policy of Russophobia was very widespread here. The Third Reich considered it its duty to annex the lands of Eastern Europe, and not only deport or assimilate the local population, but also destroy it.

The Nazis were convinced that Russians were the least Germanizable people, so by 1942 a plan was developed that would lead the world to the complete destruction of the Russian population. The Germans had to evict almost the entire Russian people from the occupied territory to Western Siberia. Some were nevertheless subjected to Germanization. In addition, it is believed that the very concept of “resettlement” was a substitute for another – “destruction”.

[edit] Habitats of Russophobia

The degree of dislike for Russians is enormous in the evil dwarf Baltic countries and in general in some states of the former social bloc, especially in starved Romania and richer Hungary and the Czech Republic (“these Russian occupiers will answer us for Budapest 1956 and the Prague Spring 1968!”) [ 1], but these people simply found in Russophobia a convenient way to explain their shitty situation, just as some of us explain their life in shitty shit not by the fact that they can’t do shit and don’t even want to be able to do it, but by the dominance of Jews or Caucasians.

In many countries, there is a very positive attitude towards Russians: for example, John Smith from the USA or Jin Hui from China will be more likely to welcome you as a Russian than not (which in itself does not cancel the fact of the existence of the subject - on the part of rednecks at the level of “migrants, go home , finally everything").

Russophobia, oddly enough, is most flourishing among the Russians themselves (which is not surprising - after all, Russians live closest to Russians), but here, as always: “It’s not me who’s in the shit, it’s the shit all around” and “We’re not like that, life is like that.”


  1. T.F. Efremova. New dictionary of the Russian language. Explanatory and word-formative. – M.: Russian language, 2000
  2. Experts spoke about the causes of Russophobia in the West // RIA Novosti ( 19 February 2022, 17:27. [Electronic resource]. URL: (access date: November 26, 2020).
  3. Most Hated Countries // The Top Tens ( [Electronic resource]. URL: (accessed 11/26/2020).
  4. Cohen gave examples of Russophobia in the American media // RIA Novosti ( April 07, 2022, 12:10 pm. [Electronic resource]. URL: (access date: November 26, 2020).
  5. S.G. Kara-Murza. Soviet civilization / S.G. Kara-Murza. — 1200 s. - M.: Algorithm, Eksmo, 2008. - p. 105.
  6. Lev Rubinstein. Russians on the march // WayBack Macine ( 03 November 2006, 10:50. [Electronic resource]. URL: (access date: 11/26/2020).
  7. Mikhail Zygar. The price of the issue // Kommersant ( May 19, 2006. [Electronic resource]. URL: (access date: November 26, 2020).
  8. Stanislav Minin. Russophobia as an ideological weapon // Nezavisimaya Gazeta ( December 18, 2009, 00:00. [Electronic resource]. URL: (access date: November 26, 2020).
  9. N.N. Berberova. Last and First: [Novel]; The Kravchenko case: [Chronicle of the trial of one of the first owls. “Defectors”, France, 1949] / N. N. Berberova. – 316 p. – M.: Publishing house named after. Sabashnikov, 2000
  10. Kyiv is trading in Russophobia and anti-Russian sentiments, Putin said // RIA Novosti ( October 18, 2022, 5:27 pm. [Electronic resource]. URL: (access date: November 26, 2020).
  11. Putin: “cave Russophobes” and nationalists have declared war on the Russian language // TASS ( November 5, 2022, 4:00 p.m. [Electronic resource]. URL: (date of access: November 26, 2020).
  12. Meeting with heads of international news agencies // President of Russia ( June 1, 2022, 1:30 p.m. [Electronic resource]. URL: (access date: November 26, 2020).
  13. The Kremlin called Obama’s words about Trump and Putin “deep Russophobia” // RBC ( September 14, 2016, 1:06 p.m. [Electronic resource]. URL: (access date: November 26, 2020).
  14. Peskov called the accusations of Russians in cyber attacks “a relapse of rabid Russophobia” // Vedomosti ( October 20, 2020, 2:54 pm. [Electronic resource]. URL: (access date: November 26, 2020).
  15. Alexey Zhuravlev: In the USA they created a new exhibit for the future museum of Russophobia // Rodina Party ( May 12, 2022. [Electronic resource]. URL: (date of access: November 26, 2020).
  16. Twitter of Alexey Pushkov // Twitter ( December 6, 2015, 15:35. [Electronic resource]. URL: (access date: November 26, 2020).
  17. Patrushev: The West wants to destroy the common humanitarian space of the CIS // RIA Novosti ( November 11, 2022, 6:12 p.m. [Electronic resource]. URL: (access date: November 26, 2020).
  18. Dmitry Kartsev. Meduza’s absolutely comprehensive guide to Russophobia (including both extreme and rabid ones) // Meduza ( July 18, 2022, 09:00. [Electronic resource]. URL: (access date: 11/26/2020).

[edit]Who is who

Russophobes will not pass!

is a special case of hatred of the human race; in this case - on a national basis. In addition to the great Fuhrer of the German nation or the Khokhlobanderites, a famous Russian-hater was, for example, the American General Patton. Here is his statement about the Russians:

« We are unable to understand the Russians, any more than we can understand the Chinese or the Japanese, and, having had a wealth of experience with them, I must say that I have no particular desire to understand them, except for understanding the amount of lead and iron required to exterminate them . In addition to other Asian aspects of their character, Russians have no respect for human life - they are sons of bitches, barbarians and chronic alcoholics... »

For the sake of objectivity, Patton was also an anti-Semite: in his words, YERZH was “lower than animals.” So it goes. And Patton died such an absurd death that their Cadillac had to be condemned: during a slight collision of the Cadillac 75 with a truck, Patton hit his head on the glass in the cabin. About the glass of salon interior design, Karl!


— this is a critical attitude towards the peculiarities of the Russian mentality, way of life, and simply the situation in the country. By the way, Russoskepticism often slips into (or even runs like a red thread through) the works of great Russian writers, for example: Gogol (“Dead Souls”), Saltykov-Shchedrin (“The History of a City”) and many others. Lenin and Stalin can also suddenly be called Russo-skeptics: they did not trust the people under their control, but hoped to set them on the right path.

In terms of the total number and activity on the Internet, Russo-skeptics will give the socialist people a serious head start; in fact, their point of view is now generally accepted, although not always adequate to the situation.

As for the sausage emigrants,

then, as a rule, they do not feel hatred, much less fear, towards Russia. Not having received maternal love from the Motherland in their time, they simply reciprocated it. Those who experience it most often turn out to be of mixed origin (Jewish, Ukrainian, Polish, Caucasian, etc.), relatives who were repressed or otherwise suffered from the bloody regime, or an ordinary inferiority complex.

At home

It is difficult to judge “domestic” Russophobia. Some politicians believe that such behavior of the people is part of national self-awareness, which also confirms the presence of “haters” among public figures.

Historically, Russophobia appeared in Russia in the middle of the 19th century. Fyodor Tyutchev spoke about her. During the Soviet era, many works by domestic authors were accepted by the public as anti-Russian. In the early 90s of the twentieth century, this ideology was noticed among the “non-Russian” population of the country. Especially among the intelligentsia, who had negative feelings towards the culture of the state.

[edit] Subject in the Special Olympics

Get over your Russophobia!
ChSKH, the reaction of people to the speeches of Rus-haters and sausage emigrants is most often of the same type and laconic. Both of them are almost immediately sent to hell, and in the first case such a weighty argument is supported by a reference to the domestic nuclear missile potential.

In this regard, in races on the subject, the only people who oppose the creots are, as a rule, Russoskeptics. What adds fuel to the fire is the fact that they are militant nonsense, in most cases taking liberal or techno-fascist positions, and therefore willingly strive to hurt their opponents.

Also, a rich source of lulz is the squabble between the people themselves - differing in their views on such milestones of Russian history as Tsarist Russia and the USSR. Either having different religious views (Christianity vs paganism) or not having them at all. Finally, cultural debaters can come from different, albeit close, countries. And in all these cases, the subject is rarely mentioned—sometimes even on both sides.

Also, they furiously deliver walls of text on Quora, where one question “what is russophobia” evokes a crowd of Western “analysts” who prove with their fingers without proof that “there is no Russophobia”, “Russophobia was invented by the Kremlin” or “Russophobia is forced” -a meme that gets paid to spread.”

There is also an opinion that when assessing Russian design/culture, a suspiciously larger number of Western laymen shout “goofy”, “disgusting”, “looks cheap”, “tasteless” etc., but cannot explain what, say, a budget-friendly piece of junk from TAZofabrika does “ disgustingly cheap" in comparison with the Renault/subcompact car, and the "antique, but high-tech" of the new Russian is "tasteless".


The very concept of this phenomenon is understandable, but the causes of Russophobia are still impossible to accurately determine. There are actually three concepts. The first belongs to the historian Nikita Sokolov, who believed that worldwide hostility towards Russia arose due to the aggressive foreign policy of both the modern state and past systems.

It is also worth distinguishing between condemnation of Russian policies and Russophobia in principle. His position was also supported by the philosopher Alexander Tsipko. He believed that the emergence of such an ideology was caused by poorly thought-out propaganda by the Russian authorities against fascism.

[edit] Word to the classics

In general, the term “Russophobia” was introduced by the poet Tyutchev. He also gave the canonical definition of the subject, according to which Russophobia is an attack on European values ​​and the local way of life while simultaneously being overly critical of one’s homeland. At the same time, it was attributed not to some foreign national people, but to the Russians themselves. Simply put, the subject according to Tyutchev is almost equivalent to the modern concept of “liberastia”, and not what is usually meant by this concept these days.

People also like to cite Smerdyakov, a character from The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky, as an example of the Russophobe. He, being the bastard son of the old fart Karamazov from the city holy fool, loves to talk about theological and political topics, reducing everything to the fact that the Russians must be completely killed. In this way, Smerdyakov is trying to show that he is not just a dick from the mountain, but a tall tale. It is noteworthy that at the same time he works for his own father as a footman and cook.


The word “Russophobia” became known thanks to the Russian poet Fyodor Tyutchev. Some researchers believe that she began to use this concept, contrasting it with another term - Pan-Slavism.

Regarding the ideology itself, it can be seen back in the 16th century. At that time, this kind of propaganda was carried out by Lithuanians and Poles, who became more active against the Russian state. Moreover, political figures, historians, writers, and later clergy were involved in their number. This behavior was caused by historical events. Many wanted to take possession of the lands of Rus'. In addition, at that time the confessional struggle between Catholics and Orthodox Christians began. King Sigismund can easily be considered one of the aggressive Russophobes of that time.

Also here, the so-called European Russophobia began to appear, which was caused by the fact that in the 16th century Russia became a discovery for Western Europe. Many began to learn about the Slavs, their traditions, some treated this with interest, some, on the contrary, with horror. Now you can find archival records in which foreigners who came to Russia at that time recorded their negative reviews.

Still, then Russophobia was not transformed into an ideology or system. Perhaps then the ideology was either not formed at all, or was created, but did not manifest itself due to fear of the Turks: Europeans saw Russia as an ally in containing the Ottoman Empire.

[edit] SUDDENLY they are Agent Smiths!

And for what the term has become now, let’s say thanks to the old dissident-creator, friend of Solzhenitsyn and part-time matanist Igor Shafarevich and his vyser of the same name, published back in the 1970s in Western Tamizdat thanks, oddly enough, to the efforts of dissidents - ERJ. In it, the author diligently attributed all anti-Russian fabrications to the Jews, accusing them of dreaming and seeing how to destroy Russia. After the publication of this vyser in Sovka, the term “Russophobia”, which had not previously been used even in political journalism, went to the people, or rather, to a certain part of it, losing its original meaning and acquiring undeserved odiousness.

Studying the problem

On April 3, 2015, the World Russian People's Council, headed by Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus', created the Center for Social Research and the Study of Identity Issues. The center will study Russophobia, the Russian world, and the Russian idea. Alexander Shchipkov, a member of the bureau of the World Russian People's Council, said: “We are engaged in an academic study of what Russophobia, the Russian world, the Russian land, the Russian idea are. Everyone has different meanings, but you need to understand what it is? In addition, we are engaged in the practical side - monitoring violations of the rights of Russians.” [8][9]

[edit] What about IRL?

Equality for everyone (except Russians)
And if it’s completely IRL, then Russophobia is nothing more than one of the manifestations of xenophobia in general, characteristic of the entire history of mankind, be it Judeophobia, Japanophobia among the Chinese and Koreans, for example), ethnic strife in the Balkans, Azerbaijan -Armenian srach or mutual love between Ossetians and Ingush. In addition, do not forget that a typical Russophobe, as a rule, is also an Asian/Euro/Nigrophobe, etc. in the most bizarre combinations. Most often, this is banal imperialism or xenopatriotism, when not only dear Scattered people are registered as Untermensch, but also everyone whose citizenship or nationality does not belong to the “pgavilnye”.

It so happens that it is common for a person to primarily focus on the negative properties of representatives of a particular nation, extrapolating these traits to all or the majority of its representatives. Of course, no one is sinless, and during all this time of bears rubbing against the earth’s axis, so many contradictions, conflicts and other genocides and seizures of territories have accumulated that one should not be surprised at the presence of haters and ill-wishers. And because of this, enough blood has been shed and will be shed. And only God knows how much oil will be cut.

There is cold calculation and immediate benefit. For example, the head of a construction company refuses to employ the Russian Ivan, preferring Ravshanov and Dzhamshutov, not because he hates everything Russian, but only because visitors are cheaper. Besides, they didn’t (at least) have to pay for vacations, health insurance and other niceties.

Or take the Pindos: their business simply competes with Russian ones for sales markets or for access to the extraction of natural resources. And naturally, they do not feel any love for this country and its upcoming rise.

Jews, in turn, do not like goyim as such - and do not make much difference between Russians or, for example, Arabs.

Finally, if a representative of non-Russian nationality said something unpleasant to you, this does not mean that this representative immediately hates the entire Russian people. Most likely, the problem is still with you personally.

And you should never forget that if a person hates representatives of a certain nationality, forgetting that all people are different and you shouldn’t put everyone under the same brush, then he is most likely an aggressive redneck. The main thing is to judge a person by his actions, dear friend. Although his actions, to some extent, can be determined by nationality, cultural environment, belonging to a particular country and genetics. Attempts to fully rely on these factors incite these national discords of yours are no worse than targeted stuffing.

World view

Russophobia is a fairly broad concept; it can now manifest itself in different ways. For example, at the beginning of the 21st century, a survey was conducted among the inhabitants of the Earth. This worldwide study showed the attitude of all people on the planet towards the G8 countries. As a result, people experience the most negative feelings towards the United States and Russia.

There was an incident with a Swedish group that created a competition performance that was later called Russophobic. It had a visual series that showed the main stereotypical symbols associated with Russia: nesting dolls, a bear, Cossacks, etc. In addition, the words “Goodbye, Putin” or “Good health, Lenin” were sometimes heard in the songs.

Is Wikipedia so free?

We must understand that Wikipedia is by no means a free project, but a site that is extremely strictly censored and moderated by a very limited group of people, in internal, strictly unofficial jargon, called “operators.” It is interesting that the word “operator”, used in relation to the managers of Wikipedia, is prohibited; it is erased from any official documents of the project, replacing it with the neutral “administrator”.

At the same time, any participant who dares to criticize the operators is immediately blocked and called a “provocateur” and a “virtual,” and his edits, even if they say the truth, are quickly rolled back using the wiki engine. And any criticism of Wikipedia itself is immediately called an “insult”, considered “vandalism” and undermining the functioning of the project.

It gets to the point of curiosity: not only pages, but even personal messages of unwanted project participants are retroactively edited in Wikipedia! The ability of the wiki engine to store the entire history of edits makes it easy to find such objects.

In its work, Wikipedia tries to monopolize the information space as much as possible, in every possible way mimicking a “100% public” project. At the same time, the resource operators remove any mention of alternative projects - for example, about the Russian “Wikireality” or “Tradition”, about the “Lurkomorye” of Internet geeks or the popular American “Conservapedia”, which, like FAN, are considered supposedly “spam”.

With the policy of complete lack of control over the “celestial beings” of Wikipedia on the part of ordinary participants, the stratum of operators has turned into a closed club where all decisions are made according to the principle “you give me - I give you.”

How do Wikipedia operators motivate their decisions? They are often adopted situationally, based on unpublicized political and life beliefs. After all, their “criminal code” for blocking is a chaotic and contradictory set of pages “What Wikipedia is not,” from which any censorship decision can be derived if desired.

By the way, this set of pages says: “Wikipedia is not censored.” But, exactly according to Orwell, “exceptions are possible.” It turns out that there is no censorship on the resource... “except in cases where this contradicts existing rules, the principle of a neutral point of view and the legislation of the United States of America, where the Wikipedia servers are located.” / Lane Hartwell / CC BY-SA 3.0

[edit] Links

  • Fedor Krasheninnikov. Real Russophobia
  • Matilda Shishkina. Russophobia and hostile propaganda on the Internet and some media
  • Russophobia - article in the wikiproject "Ruxpert"
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