What is sublimation in psychology? How to sublimate?

Many people are interested in the sublimation of sexual energy, what this concept means and why it needs to be done. Napoleon Hill describes this process as the redirection of sexual desire into creativity and other areas of human activity for the purpose of personality development. He believes that it is this powerful attraction that is the main emotional sphere of a person. Therefore, a person overwhelmed by passion can achieve any achievement.

And even if a person did not immediately have potential, then attraction allows him to develop perseverance, willpower and creative inclinations. And accordingly, if you consciously direct your libido in a positive direction, you can achieve great results in any area, be it business or creativity. But everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Sublimation of sexual energy requires great effort and willpower.

Sublimation in other sciences

In physics, sublimation is a concept that is considered as a transition from a solid to a gaseous state. It was from physics that this term “transferred” to other sciences, since it means a transition from one state to another. The word sublimation is even used in cooking. For example, if we dry a cooked product, we get its freeze-dried version. In art, sublimation means transferring an image to another surface using special technologies. In esotericism, sublimation is the transfer of energy released from the chakras into the creative principle.

Way to success

The West has a very developed system of various trainings, which are actively gaining popularity in our countries. Almost every one of them is aimed at training participants in energy transformation. It is at the moment of falling in love that a person’s thinking becomes flexible and skills develop faster. Immersion in a state of love is carried out with the help of psychodramas, as well as Gestalt and Art therapy. In addition, people are reminded of what they were like as children. It is thanks to artificial loves and “falls” into childhood that training participants are able to reveal their deep potential. They learn to master new behavioral lines and look for non-standard solutions, which subsequently helps them to successfully run a business or reveal their creative inclinations.

Sublimation according to Freud

Sigmund Freud was the first to use this term. He considered it within the framework of his theory - psychoanalysis. In Freud's understanding, sublimation is the transformation of instincts into socially important forms of activity. Aggressive energy can find outlet in sports or strict methods of education, and eroticism can be found in friendly relationships and creative activities. The main goal of sublimation is to reduce the sexual need and “switch” to other activities.

Sigmund Freud

Love and transformation

This is how you can create a sublimate. This term refers to the product that is formed after converting negative energy into positive energy. Using it you can achieve success in your career, create works of art and realize your inner potential. Thus, people seek solutions to their internal conflicts by expressing them in productive and socially acceptable activities. The sublimation of sexual energy is shown in a very primitive way in the film “The Taming of the Shrew.”

The main character of this picture, experiencing desire, simply redirected it into physical work. Accustomed to working on a farm, he went to chop wood. This is a normal practice for down-to-earth individuals, but more persistent and developed people prefer to invest the resulting energy in works of art. When they are overcome by a tender feeling for another person, they become inspired to create new works, write poetry and much more, depending on the person’s personal talents and inclinations.

Sublimation in art

Sigmund Freud and all followers of psychoanalysis believe that all outstanding works of art were created thanks to the sublimating energy that was released as a result of unrequited love and dissatisfaction in sex.

Freud cites Leonardo da Vinci as an example. This outstanding man made a huge number of discoveries. Whatever he undertook, he managed to achieve excellent results. This is due to the fact that he completely abandoned sex life.

Transformation technique

The main rule of the exercises is that they need to be performed precisely at the moment of excitement. Moreover, it doesn’t matter at all where a person is, the main thing is to experience an attraction that appeared on its own or was caused intentionally. The technique is based on breathing procedures. When a person inhales, he must mentally imagine how the energy flows from bottom to top. When exhaling, you need to again concentrate your attention in the area of ​​​​the pelvic muscles and repeat the procedure until you feel that the energy has dried up. After this, you need to redirect the energy from the top of the head to the solar plexus area. It is worth continuing these manipulations until the person feels relief and a surge of vitality.

Sublimation theory

T. Adorno established the relationship between sublimation and television manipulation. When watching television, a person seeks satisfaction not in artistic impulses, but in the satisfaction of repressed needs. For example, a person who represses any acts of violence in everyday life satisfies unconscious needs by watching crime television programs and detective series. Scientists have proven that showing acts of violence on screens significantly reduces the number of crimes in real life.

Ways to improve for women

In order for the improvement of female sexual energy to be successful, it is necessary to activate the passage of energy through the chakra. For women we recommend:

  • active dances - oriental, Latin American, African, tribal;
  • yoga classes, but always with a female trainer, who has not boyish, but more attractive feminine forms;
  • train intimate muscles - imbuilding;
  • spa treatments and massages to relax muscles and activate all organs of the body;
  • preference for wearing skirts over trousers, as they block sexual energy;
  • creative activities that promote good relaxation and release of energy;
  • meditation to restore sexual strength.

How men sublimate

Men have more sublimation options than women. Here are some of them:

  1. They are building a career. They throw themselves into their work, so they use their physical reserves for professional achievements.
  2. They find themselves in creativity. During such periods, men manage to create real masterpieces.
  3. Actively involved in sports. Physical activity is constantly increasing and becoming daily.
  4. They find something they love or completely “surrender” to some hobby. This could be fishing, hunting, football, playing musical instruments, etc.

Chakra in the lower abdomen

For every person, the sexual center is located in the lower abdomen. According to yogis, the one who controls this chakra has great power over sexual energy if he develops knowledge, mental stability and strength, and can also control his own feelings: curb anger and greed, blind love and affection, jealousy and anger, learn patience and attention, part with misconceptions and have the strength to admit your mistakes. Sexual energy belongs entirely to the physical world, and you can learn how to master it if you fully accept this entire world, feel yourself in it, listen to your body and take for granted the opposite sex with all its characteristics and dissimilarity to your own perception of the world around you.

Sublimation rules

Most people sublimate unconsciously, so their lives can change for the better or for the worse. If you lack sex, transform unused energy wisely. This way you will achieve good results and be able to qualitatively improve your life. To do this, just follow the rules of sublimation:

  1. Engage in developing your imagination: read science fiction books, go to artist exhibitions, engage in any kind of creativity. Thanks to this, you will be able to make a large number of discoveries and make your wildest dreams come true.
  2. Treat each day as a divine gift. Try to communicate with new people as often as possible. This will give you new experiences.
  3. Trust your intuition. She will help you make incredible discoveries and give you new ideas that will improve the quality of your life.
  4. Use the black hole effect. It is often used by scientists, inventors, artists, writers and other people in creative professions. To fully concentrate on the task at hand, lock yourself in a dark room for several hours. When you abstract yourself from external influences, brilliant ideas can come to you.
  5. The feeling of falling in love is similar to any emotional upsurge. Therefore, try to live any situation “to the maximum.” Do things that bring you joy and pleasure, communicate with positive people.


If you study the issue more closely, you will notice one pattern: the creators created all the works of genius precisely during the period when they were in love. It is in this state that a person is able to do more than he ever imagined. So how can you sublimate sexual energy so that it is effective? There are certain techniques and recommendations that you should listen to in order to get what you want. To begin with, you need to get rid of the constraint within yourself. Stop doubting, let the attraction open inside you like a flower.

Feelings will overwhelm you, and it is at this moment that you take on any task if you feel inspired and strong within yourself to do it. And it doesn’t matter that you haven’t succeeded before or that you’ve never tried. Get down to business with confidence. The second thing to do is develop your imagination. In the process of sublimation of sexual energy into work, great potential is revealed in a person. But to achieve success, you need to work on your own creativity. You need to learn to see something new in ordinary and familiar things, do not be afraid to bring even the most daring ideas to life, this is the only way you can achieve success. Concentration on the unconscious is important. Many people have used increased concentration to increase productivity.

This method is also called “black hole”. You need to close all the curtains and create complete soundproofing in the room. This helps the psyche focus on the task facing the person. In addition, this makes it easier for the brain to concentrate on finding solutions to the tasks at hand.

It is worth considering that improving sexual energy is only possible if a person loves himself and treats himself with respect. This is the only way to believe in yourself and achieve greater results. And the last piece of advice: it is worth remembering the enthusiasm that you experience when thinking about the object of desire. After all, it is these feelings that allow you to move forward, and intuition will help direct your energy in the right direction.

How to sublimate sexual energy?

Sublimation is a transformation that can be useful in various aspects of life. The best way to sublimate the need for sex is through creativity. Sex is one of the most accessible and powerful types of energy. If something changes in this area, then human life as a whole changes. The world is perceived differently, well-being improves, relationships with others improve. In order not to lose all this, experts advise getting creative. When artists and writers talk about their muses, they mean a sexual object, which helped them transform sexual needs into creative energy. Many creative people, having realized the power of sublimation, deliberately deprive themselves of sex in order to achieve better results in their profession.

What is important to remember

The transformation of sexual energy gives us many advantages and prospects, but in addition to the complexity of this process, it is also worth remembering the dangers that it poses. You need to use these techniques carefully, without breaking yourself from the inside. If you completely redirect your need for love into work, then sooner or later this may result in a nervous breakdown and mental damage. According to psychologists, there really are people who are able to give up everything in order to achieve their goal without harm to themselves. But more often than not, an individual with a static nature simply breaks down in such situations.

How to transform aggression?

Violation of the instinct of aggression leads to self-destruction, thanks to which a person maintains his life. Aggression cannot be “stored” into yourself; you must definitely find ways to “discharge”. Here are some of them:

  1. Sublimation of aggression using psychoanalytic methods.
  2. Transferring emotional experiences to inanimate objects.
  3. Playing sports. The best option is sports where there is a competitive aspect.
  4. Engaging in creative activities.

The word "sublimation" is used in many sciences. Sublimation is transformation, transformation. In a broad sense, it means a transition from one state to another. However, this term is most often used in psychology, where it is considered as an option for psychological defense. Sublimation helps a person transform aggression and sexual impulses into socially acceptable forms of energy. Thanks to this, a person can live a harmonious life and achieve high results.

Ways to improve

The accumulation of this energy is a very important engine of life development. But not only its lack can negatively affect a person, but its excess can also often turn into a big problem if sexual energy is not used up in time or redirected to where it can be useful. To prevent a crushing explosion of accumulated and unsatisfied desires, management of a person’s sexual energy should be used. In order not to one day explode from overwhelming feelings, everyone must learn to release steam little by little using the principle of a double boiler. Some techniques contribute to this:

  • open the internal gateways that block the passage of sexual energy, get rid of all the fears instilled in childhood and youth and let love into your heart;
  • give free rein to your imagination and allow yourself to realize the most daring creative ideas, devote yourself with all your passion to science, creativity, sports - this powerful force can give humanity many great creations;
  • rely on intuition and, with its help, choose the optimal point of application of force, which will ensure resounding success;
  • do meditation, completely renouncing the world and ensuring complete peace for yourself, give the subconscious the opportunity to connect and reflect on your problem while you relax in a warm fragrant bath or admire the clouds flying overhead - this way you can see the problem from a completely different angle and make an extraordinary decision ;
  • love yourself in order to enhance your sexuality and then transform it into the desired form;
  • feel the emotional uplift inherent in the state of intense love, and with this feeling carry out the work into which you decide to sublimate your excess sexual energy.

As practice shows, people with well-circulating sexual energy are much more interesting to the world around them than boring and insipid “blue stockings” who are focused on not being influenced by passions. How many times has it been observed that when a girl has an object of passion, many other gentlemen immediately rush in, even if the lady does not shine with beauty and intelligence and was not of any interest to them before. Almost every woman has a similar story in her anamnesis. Why did she suddenly become so desirable and sexy?

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