What is visualization - we imagine, feel and realize a dream

I'm sure everyone has read fairy tales. Remember, in each of them there was always a character who could easily create a miracle with just one flap of his wing, tail or magic wand. Everything is beautiful, fast and easy. And who among us didn’t want to have such a character next to us? We dreamed of how some fairy or goldfish could fulfill all our wishes. But when they grew up, they stopped believing in miracles, but in vain. It’s not for nothing that they say: “A fairy tale is a lie, but there’s a hint in it...”

We all have a magic wand. And this is a visualization technique with which you can create your life. What you have now, you created yourself, but unconsciously. And I want to share with you my experience and knowledge of how consciously, using visualization and the power of thought, you can attract a partner, increase your income, improve your health, become slimmer and younger... All this is real, you just need to know how to visualize correctly.

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So, what is visualization, why does it work, and how to master this technique? Let's figure it out.

Affordable and effective

Overall, visualization is an effective way to make your dreams come true . It is accessible to everyone because it requires nothing but imagination. But the flow of this imagination should not flow on its own, you need to direct it with a specific purpose. Some beautiful pictures or chaotic dreams with a plot are not fulfilled.

Once again about what visualization is. This is a colorful representation of a dream . You need to imagine in detail and vividly what you want to achieve. Mentally live the entire process of final events, connecting your emotions to it as much as possible. This dynamic action influences the subconscious mind, which helps you get to your goal faster.


Visualization is the translation of mental ideas into visual images, when a person consciously imagines a desired situation or object for the purpose of its physical embodiment.

In simple terms, it is a means of achieving goals through the use of the power of imagination. For example, you dream of going to London. For effective visualization, you need to imagine not only the image of Big Ben, but also mentally live through the actions that you will take to see it with your own eyes, supporting all this with your emotions.

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It is the emotional representation of the process of realization that distinguishes visualization from simple dreams.

This can be compared to watching a movie, only here you replay it in your head, building plot pictures and experiencing emotions from them.

Imagination is a visualization tool

Let me remind you that to master visualization techniques you will need your imagination. And the more often you use it, the faster the results will be.

As a rule, all children's wishes come true easily and quickly. Do you know why? Because children have incredibly strong emotions and have no fear or doubt about the outcome. They don't think about it at all, they just really want something and give their desire sincere feelings. Children don’t know what visualization is, much less its secrets and rules, but it works great for them. We still need to learn from them.

Contraindications for ultrasound

The procedure is known for its safety and painlessness, and can be performed with virtually no restrictions. But there are still several factors that can create a ban on its appointment:

  1. Pregnancy. If there is a need to perform diagnostics, then during this period ultrasound is used, which has the least effect on the formation of the fetus.
  2. Skin diseases. When there is inflammation, this becomes an obstacle to contact of the sensors with the patient’s skin.
  3. Open wounds.

Experts believe that women during pregnancy need to undergo only routine examinations. But if the risk to the expectant mother exceeds the possible danger to the developing fetus, the doctor may prescribe an ultrasound examination.

How it works

Imagine that you are a child again and you and your mother are going to the children's world. Here is a charming bunny looking at you from the shelf: he has white paws, a pink nose, and long gray ears. If you run your hand over it, you get the impression of something tender, soft and warm - you just want to squeeze it in your arms and then go to bed with it. Unfortunately, your mother didn't buy it for you. I'm sure you've definitely had similar situations.

When you come home, a picture pops up inside you - a bunny from a store. The imagination vividly paints the color of his paws, eyes and nose. You “feel” the silkiness of his fur coat. The joy that he is practically yours awakens in you. After all, in your thoughts no one is telling you to put it back on the shelf. In your imagination, you are sitting hugging a toy, and this is a fait accompli.

Every day you imagine petting a bunny or playing with it, putting it to bed or reading fairy tales to it. Some time passes, and you receive this particular bunny as a gift.

That's what visualization is. You may say that a toy is a small thing, because the dream house costs many times more. And you are not a child, which means your dreams remain in deep childhood. I don't agree with you. In the end, what visualization is is just a technique, it can be remembered or relearned.

Practice so that it becomes your habit. Then you will be your own wizard and magician.

Using additional practices

If meditation is not suitable for a person for some reason, he can use alternative practices, including visualization cards for wish fulfillment, magic spells, and repeated repetitions of settings. All of them are also carried out in a state of altered consciousness.

Simple meditation visualization

Let's take a closer look at the procedure:

  • look at the burning candle for 3-5 minutes, completely relax, calm down;
  • closing your eyes and turning on each of your senses, formulate a desire, the visualization of which is necessary;
  • Having fixed it in the form of an image in a frame, gradually moving it away until it completely disappears, desires are released into the light, visualization of fulfillment occurs;
  • leave the candle without extinguishing it until it burns out completely, and do the meditation for two weeks. New day - new candle.

Formation of neural connections

The visualization technique works not only at the level of imagination. Very real processes are involved here - neural connections. But they are not formed independently and arbitrarily. You are responsible for their creation and destruction. To be more precise – your thoughts.

Imagination creates a signal in a specific part of the brain. It could be a picture, a video, or a feeling. At first, your request is simply recorded, but nothing more. With constant and repeated repetition of a signal, that is, the same image, a neural connection is formed. Not right away, not as quickly as you want, but it works. The clearer and more specific your thought, the faster the formation of a neural connection.

After its formation, the signal enters space. Thus, you have sent a request to fulfill your desire. You may not notice, but the Universe will begin to unfold events in your life in such a way that it will lead you to your plans.

A strong and persistent neural communication signal requires energy. What is this? That's right, your emotions. They give a powerful impetus to the implementation of your bold ideas.

The secret to achieving your goal

Surely, each of us has often noticed that some people quickly achieve their goals, while others can live with a utopian dream all their lives without ever realizing it.

What is the secret of successful people? Four components:

  1. The power of your desire;
  2. The power of your intention. Your intention determines the Goal.
  3. Faith;
  4. Your ultimate goal. When visualizing, it is very important to see your end goal (result).

True self-confidence allows everyone to easily achieve peace of mind and focus on their desires. Believing in the magical fulfillment of desire will speed up the process of implementing your plans. Unfortunately, these four critical steps cannot be learned instantly. This is a great work of consciousness that will require you to work on it every day.

Emotions - the power of your desire

Keep in mind that strong emotions always work. It doesn’t matter whether they are positive or negative – the process is still going on. The brain will not judge you for a negative thought, and it does not divide them into “bad” and “good”. He is interested exclusively in clarity and the power of imagination. Therefore, not only your innermost desires come true, but also your fears, concerns, concerns, regardless of whether you know what visualization is or not. The more often an image appears in your head and the stronger the sensations that accompany it, the faster it becomes real.

On topic: Find out how to make a wish come true in 30 days

Don't you want to be late for work? Are you afraid of tripping on a slippery slope? But that's exactly what happens. Why does this happen? The greater your fear of falling, the sooner you will fall. And even just as you pictured it in your head. And no, no one has jinxed you, and your legs are not crooked. You just imagined yourself falling: you felt pain and a sprain in your leg. This caused strong emotions. You have “saturated” the imaginary situation with your fear energy and created a neural connection. The request went into space, and you got a fairly quick, albeit disastrous, result.

Useful materials on the topic

Here I will leave for you lists of various books, films and courses on the topic of visualization.


  • The Secret, 2006. Genre: documentary.
  • Shrouded in Mystery 2: Down the Rabbit Hole, 2006. Genre: documentary, drama.
  • Dreams come true, 2013. Genre: biography, comedy.
  • Ruby Sparks, 2012. Genre: fantasy, melodrama.


  • Joe Dispenza “The Power of the Subconscious, or How to Change Your Life in 4 Weeks”
  • John Kehoe “The subconscious can do anything”
  • Shakti Gawain “Creative Visualization”
  • Margarita Murakhovskaya “The Magic Diary of Desires”
  • Joe Vitale “Awakening Consciousness. 4 steps to the life you dream of”
  • Joseph Murphy “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind.” How to Get Everything You Ask for"
  • Esther and Jerry Hicks “The energy of desire that changes the world. Law of Attraction"
  • Elizaveta Volkova “Power in Thought. How to fulfill your cherished desire in 30 days”


  • How to Fulfill Desires - free video course by Igor Bibin.
  • Intensive “The Influence of Thought” - video lectures from Veronica Romanovskaya, an expert on working with destructive beliefs. Cost – 5,900 rubles.

And to enhance the effect, I advise you to perform the practice to the sounds of music for visualization.

Destruction of neural connections

Don't worry that you didn't learn what visualization is before. If you don’t want to suffer from the result of obsessive fears, then you need to understand how to destroy neural connections. It's simple: no energy - no strength to maintain neural connections in action. It weakens and begins to collapse.

Therefore, it is very important to learn how to switch. Of course, obsessive thoughts will not disappear just because of your decision. This will take time. As soon as your fear creeps into your head, start thinking about something fun, positive or relaxing. Yes, willpower will come in handy in this matter. But don't worry, with each switch the neural connection will lose some energy. Gradually it will weaken and disappear.

Celebrities about visualization

The visualization technique was not invented yesterday; it has been practiced by many people for years. Thus, outstanding athletes, thanks to her, took first places in competitions; politicians achieved new appointments or won elections; scientists made important discoveries; actors and directors received huge fees and fame.

I will cite only some of the well-known and famous personalities who talk about what visualization is and has helped achieve truly impressive results:

  • J. Bernard Shaw
    (playwright, famous literary figure, Nobel Prize winner): “Imagination is the beginning of a work. You imagine what you desire, and you desire what you imagine, and in the end you create what you desire.”
  • Brian Tracy
    (motivational speaker, famous author of self-help books): “Every night before you go to sleep, imagine your ideal tomorrow. You will see that in many respects it will be so.” On the subject: Brian Tracy: THOUGHTS MATTER!
  • Albert Einstein
    (famous physicist, founder of the general theory of relativity): “Imagination is EVERYTHING! It’s a preview of things to come in life.” He does not directly talk about what visualization is, but only because such a concept did not yet exist.
  • Oprah Winfrey
    (famous TV presenter, public figure, actress, producer) became the first black woman whose fortune is in the billions. The most popular magazines mentioned her enormous influence in the field of show business, although she was born in a dysfunctional family. She achieved everything she has on her own, and the visualization technique helped her with this.
  • Bill Gates
    (co-founder of Microsoft, entrepreneur and philanthropist) was considered the richest person on the planet for several years in a row. He said more than once that he thought a lot about what visualization is and came to the conclusion that it was the most important component in achieving all his goals.
  • Will Smith
    (successful actor, director, nominee and winner of many prestigious film awards). He became an actor whose films were able to gross more than $100 million each. And so nine works in a row. This is the first time in Hollywood history. He claimed that visualization helped him cope with numerous life problems and obstacles.
  • Jim Carrey
    (famous comedian, screenwriter, producer) achieved great fame, success and huge fees in the film industry.
    His film characters are known all over the world. And for his undoubted talent he was awarded many film awards. I used the power and capabilities of visualization to maintain my concentration on my goals. He wrote on paper the fees he wanted to receive for his work and imagined that he saw them on the check
    . And he achieved exactly the amount he wanted. By the way, I wrote about this in my article “How to make your cherished desire come true: Jim Carrey’s recipe”
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger
    (famous bodybuilder, actor, entrepreneur, politician) understood the importance of visualization to achieve his dreams. He believed that she helped reprogram his subconscious, which is responsible for thinking processes, outbursts of emotions, decisions and body reactions. Thanks to visualization, he managed to achieve recognition in the acting community and receive the post of governor.

Basic principles.

Trying to answer this question, let us consider in general what views on the world order exist. Since Ancient Greece, philosophers have been divided into two ideologically opposing camps. The first are convinced of the materiality of the world, assuring others that everything can be explained using the objective laws of nature. The second suggests the presence of a spiritual component, which may be even larger than the reality that we observe and can touch.

This approach is called idealism. Accordingly, visualization can be considered either a product of the human mind or a manifestation of the divine principle. Subjective idealists are convinced that a person can achieve almost anything with the power of thought alone. Objective idealists believe that the intervention of higher powers is necessary, which gives a person what he begins to visualize. In both cases, the algorithm of action is the same: sincere faith and the most clear presentation of the result. And it doesn’t matter so much whether the subconscious will help or someone more powerful. The main thing is that everything will work out.

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Regardless of its nature, visualization is based on fundamental laws, the existence of which few doubt. For example, the Law of Feedback , according to which everyone receives what they believe in and lets into their lives. If someone considers others to be evil, only bad people will surround him. Another person, trying to see good qualities in his interlocutors, will subconsciously attract kind and decent people into his environment.

Similarly, this law works when building a career, starting a family, performing at sports competitions and other areas of life. This rule is also called the Law of Attraction , since a person with his thoughts attracts certain events and other people into his life. You can also hear the formulation - the Law of Correspondence, according to which the environment reflects our inner world and our thinking. Visualization of desires works on this principle, but for everything to work, you need to understand its rules.

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Visualization improves life

Visualization works regardless of a person’s status and well-being. Technology is available to everyone. I was convinced of its effectiveness personally, as well as many of my friends and subscribers who share their successes with me. Here are some real life examples.

Anastasia, Krasnoyarsk:

Anastasia dreamed of a salary increase and a vacation at sea. Her salary was small - 18 thousand rubles. She is a responsible person, but she did not know how to take initiative and move up the career ladder. When I heard about visualization, I started using it. I just imagined that her salary was 40 thousand rubles. Additional income in her imagination easily transformed into a vacation at sea. A reputable hotel, she lies on a sun lounger, the waiter brings her a Mojito cocktail.

Two months later, the general director gave all employees of the company additional bonuses. And although my income increased, I still received 40 thousand. Still, she continued to visualize. Maybe not every day, but often, replaying a “video” in my head about the salary, the resort and the sea.

A month later, their department was expanded, and the friend was promoted. Salaries, naturally, increased. As a result, her salary was exactly 40 thousand rubles, and there were also decent bonuses. I went to the sea, warmed myself on a sun lounger under the hot sun, and of course, drank a Mojito brought by the waiter.

Sergey, Nizhny Novgorod:

Sergei had been putting off visiting the doctor for a long time. Work, friends and other matters came first. When he was once again overtaken by a sharp pain in the lower back, it turned out that he had kidney stones. Two of them are very small, but the third had to be removed.

I didn’t want to go to the hospital, but it was dangerous to stay without surgery. And he decided to try the visualization technique. He heard a lot about her, but did not take her seriously. It's time to test its effect on yourself. Every day he got up with the conviction that the stones had dissolved. He practiced in the morning, afternoon and before bed. I imagined myself completely healthy. I mentally replayed the story of how he goes to the hospital, the doctor shows the tests and says that his kidneys are in perfect order.

A month and a half has passed. The pain in his lower back no longer bothered him. After repeated tests, it turned out that the small stones had disappeared, and the largest one had become half the size. He was shocked. That’s why visualization has become his daily activity, because he wants to change a lot in his life.

In what cases is diagnostics necessary?

  • diagnosing pathology;
  • assessing the level of changes from the disease;
  • control of the treatment process.

Using this procedure, it is possible to assess the need for additional examinations and determine the subsequent specifics of the therapeutic course. Ultrasound examination of the adrenal glands is prescribed for the following indications:

  1. There was a suspicion of the appearance of neoplasms.
  2. It is necessary to establish the real causes of arterial hypertension.
  3. It is necessary to determine the reasons that led to the increase in body weight.
  4. Organs should be checked for hyperfunctional or hypofunctional activity.
  5. The reasons leading to infertility are identified.
  6. The source of muscle tissue weakness is determined.

Ultrasound examination reveals tumors, cysts, hematomas, cancerous lesions in the glands, and inflammatory processes.

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