How to make your dream come true? 5 steps from dream to reality

In this article we will tell you:

  1. 4 differences between a dream and a goal
  2. Why dreams don't always come true
  3. 10 steps to realizing your dream
  4. 4 rules for making dreams and desires come true
  5. A practical exercise to realize your dreams with the power of thought
  6. Books that inspire you on the path to realizing your dreams
  7. 15 films about realizing dreams and enjoying life

How would you feel if you were told the secret to making your dreams come true? Not from the new year, not from Monday, or even tomorrow, but right now. Everyone wants to quickly realize their dreams - it doesn’t matter whether you are dreaming of a new relationship, a car or branded shoes.

In fact, there is no secret here. To realize your dreams, you need to get up right now and take a step towards change. Each of us has limitless potential, and even the wildest fantasies will find their fulfillment. And we will tell you how not to lose enthusiasm on the path to realizing your dreams.

Why dreams don't always come true

All people have similar dreams:

  • meet the love of your life, have children;
  • never get sick;
  • have a decent position and good income;
  • live in comfortable conditions;
  • have the opportunity to travel a lot.

Some people persistently and patiently move towards their goal. Others succumb to melancholic moods and give up, coming to the conclusion that they don’t deserve it all. It happens that, having achieved the desired goal, people do not feel completely happy and satisfied with life. This happens because we don’t always think about what we really need.

If everyone first asked himself whether he really wanted this or that, it would turn out that not everyone needs the same thing.

You need to try to listen to the inner voice of your soul. Then another reality will become visible, in which everything truly important for a person will come true.

This category of desires that come true without hindrance. This is what distinguishes a genuine dream from one that was imposed.

Set reasonable time frames

Understand that following your dreams is not for the faint of heart. There are, of course, examples of sudden successes. But many dreamers spend years chasing dreams before they become a successful reality.

Yes, most dreams are a long game. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't write down goals and set deadlines. Goals keep you motivated and accountable as you push toward the finish line.

Motivate and reward yourself as you achieve each goal on your journey from dreamer to doer.

A practical exercise to realize your dreams with the power of thought

To identify and understand your current desires and goals, it is useful to perform exercises to imagine your future.

Prepare paper, pen and 40 minutes of free time.

Divide the sheet into 3 columns. On the right write the dreams you plan to realize in the next 12 months, in the middle - goals for 5 years, in the left column - desires for 10 years. Divide all your dreams into spheres and highlight the groups with different colors. To do this, you can use colored pencils and highlighters. Areas can be the following: “family and relationships”, “health”, “entertainment”, “hobbies and collecting”, “work, favorite things”, “finance”, “self-development”, “trips and travel” and others. We distribute all desires in accordance with these categories. We select 1–2 goals from one area for 12 months, another 10 desires for 5 years, and the remaining ones for 20 years. If you select many goals at once, you will not be able to achieve a 100% result. It is better to direct all your attention to the fulfillment of a small number of desires.

So, a list of priority desires, divided into areas of life, has been formed and has specific deadlines for fulfillment.

This exercise will help you highlight those dreams from different areas that are really important to you and will help you find your purpose.

Knowing the priority goals will allow you to formulate a plan of actions that need to be taken to implement them. You can easily choose a profitable strategy and determine the optimal execution time.

The ideal way to make your plans come true is to enjoy every moment on the way to achieving it. However, it is important to have a good idea and awareness of your real dream. You must always remember it in the process of its implementation. Life does not stand still, everything in it changes, you also change, and therefore your dreams too. In this regard, it is necessary to understand that you are striving for exactly what you want, and are absolutely sure of it.

Solve new problems

Making a dream come true is not easy. But probably!

Don't be discouraged by what you don't know. Instead, develop a plan to update your skills and take advantage of new opportunities.

When I started blogging, I had no idea how to make a profit or create a website. It was a universe incomprehensible to me. But I was committed to my dream, so I started taking courses. I began to accumulate knowledge and gain experience. Making a dream a reality and moving from dreamer to doer requires a lot of personal growth.

Many people believe that learning new things requires expensive courses or fancy programs. But this is far from the truth!

There is always a wealth of free information at your fingertips on the Internet! YouTube can teach you almost anything (it even taught my husband how to change a diaper). ?

Your local library also has tons of free materials. You can also find free audiobooks on the Internet. You can listen to them while doing housework.

Know that when you strive to make your dream a reality, you will always stumble upon the unknown.

Be willing to learn new skills or commit to gaining experience. The more you learn and grow, the more confident you become.

Books that inspire you on the path to realizing your dreams

  • “The Subconscious Can Do Anything” (by John Kehoe)

The author of this work had the opportunity to live for 3 years completely alone in the Canadian forests, where he studied the power of his own subconscious. When people attend Kehoe's seminars, they realize what an amazing person he is. He is 70 years old, but despite his age, he believes that the best is yet to be experienced. This is what happens because Kehoe is in demand and continues to travel and visit different countries of the world. At his seminars, people gain wisdom and knowledge.

The book “The Subconscious Mind Can Do Anything” is a bestseller along with other works by John Kehoe. It contains a practical guide that teaches:

  • mastering the powers of your own subconscious;
  • development of creative abilities;
  • increasing self-esteem;
  • interpretation of your dreams;
  • the desire for a happy and prosperous life.

Surround yourself with Doers

Find social media or mastermind groups that support your goal or business idea. Work with proactive people. Learn from other people's experiences. Their recommendations will help you better plan your steps.

Find other experts in your field who are willing to walk alongside you. Look for a fellow entrepreneur ahead of you who is willing to offer occasional guidance on the best next steps. Read stories of successful people in your field and get inspired to follow in their footsteps. Listening to podcasts is a great way to learn and stay inspired!

Surround yourself with success stories. And be constantly inspired by the fact that your dream can become a reality.

Stay organized and be systematic.

Clear the clutter on your desk as well as your calendar. Being organized gives you a clear picture of your priorities and helps you manage your time better. This gives greater support to your consistency when completing important tasks.

Be systematic about every approach in life. Every small step in business management requires a well-thought-out and systematic approach to achieve your goals.

By developing your own ways to make work easier, your productivity will improve exponentially.

The ninth piece of the pie: impressions and achievements. Examples of wishes

Think and list point by point all the amazing things that you would like to see, try and experience in life:

  • learn to play the violin;
  • fly in a hot air balloon;
  • visit a Michelin-starred restaurant in Paris;
  • go to the Vienna Opera;
  • cross Russia on the East Siberian Express;
  • arrange a photo shoot in lavender fields;
  • travel around the USA by car;
  • jump with a parachute;
  • visit Hawaii;
  • go on a mountain hike;
  • fly on a private jet;
  • act in a movie;
  • go on a UK tour;
  • taste sea urchins.

Remember that no one can limit you.

Travel alone

Travel clears your mind of clutter and brings you back to rejuvenation so that you perform better and accomplish more tasks than usual with a clogged mind.

Travel also forces you to look at the bigger picture in terms of realizing your potential.

They expose you to situations that are believed to help you make important decisions in life.

Visualize your results

Right from dealing with failure to success, all life negotiations must be proactive and visualized to prepare in advance to deal with situations as and when they arise.

Visualization keeps us armed and motivated to take the necessary actions. In some scenarios, you may even need to improvise your plan to achieve the desired results from a particular task or activity. New challenges will require you to be flexible and open to change.

Visualize every intricate detail of your journey and you will be motivated to turn them into reality. It also brings uniformity to your efforts. The more often you visualize your dreams and journeys, the more you will work harder.

2. Break your goals into smaller steps

Making your dream come true is like traveling to your favorite place. We need milestones to reassure us that the path we are on is the right one and will soon bring us closer to our ultimate goal.

Once we pass these milestones, we will feel a small achievement and will work constantly. Start by listing these steps on your planned travel timeline to realize your dreams and achieve them one by one.

As a programmer, Pierre Omidyar once thought about auctioning products from his personal website on a personal level. He became happier every day as his movement continued to grow. Omidyar quickly progressed through the assigned levels and one day saw the need to upgrade his account to a business internet account. The Omidyar site is now known as eBay.

Method #2: Get your uncle's inheritance

This is my favorite exercise! I'm sure those who like to dream will like it. Imagine that you have received an inheritance from a billionaire relative who suddenly appeared out of nowhere and suddenly died. So, a couple of million dollars. Now we begin to write a free essay on a given topic, in which we must reflect on the following questions:

  1. What will you do now, what will you do with your millions?
  2. What previous activities will you give up now?
  3. What will you never give up, even if you have millions?

It is better to write an essay using the freewriting method: turn on the timer for 20 minutes and, without stopping, begin to pour out the stream of your consciousness onto paper.

Pay special attention to the second point, since it is this that shows what you are forced to do at the moment. For example, would you leave your current job (study) if you no longer need to work for a salary? Or maybe you will leave your husband/wife because you were forced to live with this person due to certain circumstances? This does not mean that you need to tear everything up at once, but it is necessary to pay attention and think about it.

After you finish your treatise, sum up the results by writing out all your desires in a column, and then carefully look at what you can realize from what you have written without your uncle’s inheritance. Personally, it turned out that for many of my desires all I need is the desire itself. :)

For example, in order to become a writer, to write books and articles for magazines, you do not need capital at all. And in order to travel (this point is always present for everyone), you also don’t need fabulous money. I recently met a guy from Finland who, at the age of 32, had already been around the world twice, and at the same time he had never flown on tours, but lived with ordinary people whom he found through the Couchsurfing community.

The sixth piece of the pie: home and housing. Examples of wishes

Describe in detail the place where you live: in what city, in what country, in what region. Consider whether you want to live in the city center or on the outskirts. Perhaps you even know the address? Do you have your own apartment or a rented one? How many rooms does it have and what kind of renovation? All these questions need to be answered.

Or maybe this is not an apartment, but a spacious country house? Write down everything - how many floors it has, what the layout is, whether the large, cozy living room is combined with a kitchen. Do you have a garden? Maybe you'll decide to add a gazebo for weekend barbecues with friends.

And don’t forget about the view from the window: cityscape or park, forest or mountains, river or sea - what do you see?

It is perhaps difficult to find a more enjoyable activity than creating a detailed “project” for your home.

It's impossible to keep everything under control

Don't get demotivated if certain plans don't work out. We can't control everything. All we can do is provide the best of everything we do. The key to consistent performance is knowing that you need to continually continue delivering regardless of disruptions.

The recordings of Elvis Presley (January 8, 1935 – August 16, 1977), an American singer and actor, were unsuccessful for many years, and later, when he tried to become a member of a vocal quartet, he was told that he could not sing. Until the day he became popular, people kept telling him to go back to driving a truck.

Let go of the what-ifs and approach every task with confidence. Focus on your effort and performance more than results and continue to add value to your deliveries.

Another way to determine interests

Many people find themselves at a dead end when it comes to the relevance of their interests. If you monitor your browser history, you will remember what ideas have been in your head for the past months. Filter sites 3 months in advance, select popular topics. Write it down in a notebook in groups. If topics are repeated, add pluses. Count the number, check the first three groups for relevance with the phrase, changing the desired part: “I make money from translations” or “I make money from the information business / selling cosmetics.” Pay attention to sensations and internal responses. Next, filter the information using the method described above.

Talk often to your partner

Your partner is the person who is responsible for your well-being and encourages you to pursue your dreams. Partners are known to be supportive, honest, and often play the role of serial motivator. This could be someone in your family, a friend or a colleague.

A partner basically acts as a talking mirror—someone who can be the basis of your ideas, thoughts, and emotions. They allow you to see things as they are and sort out the confusion in your head.

7. Schedule time for activities you enjoy.

Make sure you spend time almost every day doing something you really enjoy, whether it's working out at the gym or playing your favorite instrument.

Do this often! Things you love to do keep your creativity alive. These activities lift your mood and increase your productivity.

Why do you need a break from work? Work alone will make you boring and uninteresting. Experts say spending time on what you love will not only improve your consistency, but will also have a significant impact on your productivity.

Third piece of the pie: family. Examples of wishes

Tell us in detail about your family: is it big, do you have children, do you live together, what kind of relationships do you have?

Describe your family traditions. For example:

  • Every year you decorate the Christmas tree together for the New Year;
  • your whole family loves making dumplings and playing board games on weekends;
  • have picnics in the park;
  • travel several times a year;
  • regularly go to the theatre, museum and exhibitions;
  • arrange gala family dinners;
  • all spend the weekend together at the dacha.

Also consider whether you live with your parents or separately.

Write the way you feel, the way you really want to.

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