How to make peace after a long quarrel without humiliation and pleas

Is reconciliation possible after separation?

Sometimes a disagreement develops into a major quarrel or, even worse, into a breakup. The reasons for this can be very different - from banal misunderstanding, unwillingness to listen to the interlocutor and make compromises to betrayal and betrayal.

You had a fight and separated, and after some time, sometimes quite a long time, you suddenly begin to think, is it possible to reconcile with your ex-lover after breaking up? Maybe. But the question is – is it necessary?

Before you start doing anything, try to distract yourself and evaluate your feelings. Understand yourself and think about why you want to renew the relationship, and whether this is a sign of your own weakness and fear of change. Maybe you didn’t notice how you froze in these unpromising relationships, stopped developing spiritually and generally lost yourself?

Mirror I-Messages

Many people know that during a quarrel it is recommended to talk about your feelings and desires without blaming the other person. For example, you say, “I'm annoyed because you're late. I wish I didn't have to wait." Such phrases are called I-messages.

But you can also mirror your opponent’s I-messages. For example, you answer him: “I understand that you are annoyed that I am late. I understand that you wouldn’t want to wait for me.”

Such phrases significantly soften the tension and calm the person. He begins to understand that he was heard and, it seems, understood. He no longer needs to scream about his pain, this is where constructive dialogue can begin.

How to make peace with the power of thought

The fact is that you and I are all energetically and vibrationally connected to each other.

When you think about someone, that person definitely feels it.

Remember how many times in your life you have noticed such “coincidences” when you just thought about a person, and he calls you or writes to you.

Or when an image of a person suddenly appears in your head and, having called him, you heard “I was just remembering you!”

These are not funny coincidences at all. This is an absolute reading of each other.

Therefore, do not worry that there is no way to contact a person, believe me, he feels you, although he does not realize it.

In this article, we will resolve the conflict and make peace with the person, communicate with him and build relationships, without his participation.

The magic is that in reality everything will be reflected as if the communication was in reality and the person will be friendly towards you.

Attention! No practice will work unless you do this >>>

So, let's move on to methods that will help you understand how to make peace after a conflict and improve relationships.


Don't be scared, believe me, you have the talent to receive thoughts from people and also send your thoughts.

Telepathy is a completely natural human ability that can be used skillfully, especially when there is no other way to contact the person you care about.

Use your imagination to send your thoughts to the right recipient.

So, step by step instructions:

  • Think of thoughts that you would like to convey to the person, such as:

"Call me"

“You want to contact me, contact me as soon as possible”

  • Relax and close your eyes
  • Imagine in detail the image of a person, remember his manner of dressing, combing his hair back, half-smile
  • Revive the image, let it start moving, smile at you, wink
  • Focus on the image of a person for a couple of minutes, look at him
  • Now, having achieved clarity of the image, imagine that the necessary thought that you came up with and formed enters his head like a ray and becomes his native thought.

Thanks to this technique, a person will receive your message as his own thought. He will remember you and receive your command as a natural desire to “call you.”

Don't expect too quick results; practice telepathy several times a day. The hidden person will have a growing desire to contact you, will have obsessive thoughts about meeting you, and will soon get in touch.

And now it’s not you who will rack your brains: how to make peace? And the person himself will begin to act.

On the subject: How to influence a person telepathically?

Technique from Klaus Jowel

To perform this technique, you need to be alone, sit comfortably in a bed or chair and relax.

I highly recommend purchasing earplugs. This way you can completely detach yourself from the outside world and not worry about external sounds that can “pull” you out of meditation.

So, get comfortable, close your eyes and start breathing deeply and slowly.

You need to completely relax.

Direct your attention to the beating of your heart, the sensations in your body, and continue to take deep breaths and exhales.

When you feel that you have reached an amazing state of complete relaxation and weightlessness, imagine that you are becoming lighter.

Imagine being enveloped in a huge ball of light.

And you are right in the center of the luminous sphere.

Feel how you fly up, soar in the air.

Imagine that you are flying to where the person you are interested in is located.

Feel how you fly a huge distance, fly through time and find a place where you are about to meet the person with whom you want to establish a relationship.

Now, imagine this place, maybe it’s a park or this person’s apartment?

If nothing comes to mind, don't worry. You don’t have to focus on “where” your meeting will take place if the environment doesn’t bother you much.

Focus on the image of the person you want to connect with.

Imagining him in detail, as if he were real and standing in front of you right now, just start having a heart-to-heart conversation with him.

Important! You must be sincere and good-natured. Shower the person with love and talk about how you would like to reconnect.

Tell him that despite your current relationship with him, you love him and value him.

Listen to what the person tells you, have a heart-to-heart talk with him.

When you feel that reconciliation has occurred and many pleasant words have been said, you can go back.

Returning to yourself, reflect on what you said, how the dialogue was structured and what you heard from the person.

The most amazing thing about this practice is that in this way you can really “agree” with a person.

Of course, the person himself will unconsciously be drawn to you; for his consciousness there were no “heartfelt conversations”. But you interacted with his subconscious and that is why the person himself will want to make peace with you, will come to the thoughts and ideas that he “talked” about with you.

Ho'oponopono method

This method is good for clearing negativity in relationships. The essence of this technique is to pronounce certain words to the hidden person:

  • I love you
  • I'm really sorry
  • I'm sorry
  • I thank you

It doesn’t matter at all whether you are aware of these words or not, or in what order you pronounce them. The main thing is repetition of phrases.

You can say these words mentally or out loud as affirmations, repeating them over and over again.

On the subject: Ho'oponopono method: getting rid of negative situations and cleansing the subconscious


One of the most powerful techniques is, of course, visualization with real emotions.

You need to visualize that the person with whom you are in conflict treats you well.

Visualize that you have already made peace.

The main task: stop worrying and tormenting yourself with thoughts: “Well, how to make peace? What can I do for this?

Forget about such thoughts. You should feel emotionally as if you have already made peace with your loved one.

Visualize your meetings, your conversations more often.

Imagine: that’s it, reconciliation has happened, how do you spend your time now? How much do you miss each other?

Perform this technique until the desired reconciliation occurs!

At the end of this article, I want to offer you another meditation to return the favor of any person. It is based on restoring mental connection using the Klaus Joule method. You will find meditation in my store on the school blog “Power in Thought”

[Get Meditation]

I am confident after reading this article and starting to apply the practices I shared. You will soon stop wondering: How to make peace after a quarrel?

You can finally make peace with the person you care about. Improve relationships if they are strained and, moreover, learn to resolve conflicts quickly and easily.

But most likely, by practicing these methods, quarrels and omissions will bypass you!

Normal folk wisdom about quarrels2

It is not customary among people to wash dirty linen in public, that is, to discuss conflicts with a partner with neighbors, parents and friends. This is a good option if we are not talking about psychological or physical violence.

Popular wisdom does not work if:

  • The cause of the quarrel was the severe and constant disregard for the interests of one of the partners;
  • The essence of the problem is the constant humiliation of only one person, and not the difference in interests;
  • The conflict reached the point of physical violence

Any assault, even “in jest,” should not go unnoticed. Unfortunately, psychologists are unanimous here - the injured party must pack up their things and leave the person who could lead to a fight in a quarrel. Of course, in our country, domestic violence is not something out of the ordinary, but here we must clearly understand that if a person considers it acceptable to hit a partner, then he will continue to do it again.

In cases where the cause of the offense was something not terrible, for example, they quarreled to death over what concert to go to on the weekend, you should not call all your girlfriends and friends and create a group on Viber called “My husband is a social phobe with bad musical taste."

And if passion has simply faded in your relationship, when you don’t even have sex with your wife, then you should take our advice from the next article.

If nothing works out and you really want to complain5

Remember that you are not in school. Mom won’t pat you on the head and say that the neighbor’s boy is just a bully, and his behavior - pulling pigtails, constantly calling him names, and not letting him pass - is not appropriate.

Relatives can become a catalyst for deepening the quarrel. If all the relatives know that on Wednesday evening the husband, instead of taking out the trash and taking a walk with the child, came home and went to bed, probably drunk, this will not make anyone feel better. Reproaches from relatives and escalation of the conflict will not help the family “somehow strengthen.”

Need to talk? Write to an anonymous psychological support forum, or start writing short stories on a blog. This works much better than telling your girlfriends in every detail the story of your life and misadventures with your husband, all his friends and relatives.

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