This short happy life: 101 things to do

Hi all! Today I want to share with you a list of 100 things to do in life. Days and years fly by unnoticed and it is important to allow yourself to relax and receive positive emotions. You will have memories that no one can take away later. With the exception of diseases associated with memory loss. But this doesn't happen that often. You can return to these memories in difficult moments, rely on them, and also rejoice, living again and again the emotions that arose in the distant past.

Why make a lifelong to-do list?

90% of people living on planet Earth spend their days busy with current affairs, which fall upon each of us in an endless barrage. And sometimes we get the feeling that our days are passing completely uselessly: we live either at work or at home and wake up every day so that this everyday whirlwind will spin us around again.

What have you achieved in the past three months? What goals do you set for yourself for the next three months? I bet that most of the tasks will be of the everyday kind - work or household chores. But let's imagine: if we find out that we only have a couple of days to live, will these things still matter a lot to us?

A life to-do list, unlike our daily-weekly-monthly to-do lists, reminds us of what is truly important. He will help us make the most of every day that passes.


1. Go hiking

Hiking is at the top of this list for a reason. According to those who practice it, this sport gives an unforgettable experience. Due to its low cost, it is especially popular among students.

Hiking allows you to enjoy natural beauty in any direction. Its advantages are relatively low travel costs, and there is a whole ocean of pleasure and emotions from it.

Freedom and fun are the main companions of hiking. Plus, this is a great opportunity to make new interesting acquaintances. Even traveling alone without companions, you will never feel lonely. There will always be people around you.

How to make your to-do list for life

How long will it take you to create a to-do list for your life? On average, this takes from 30 minutes to an hour if you just list your goals without being specific. If you approach the matter more responsibly and write down each of your goals in detail, you will spend several hours compiling the list. But believe me, it’s worth your time.

You may already have a similar list, in which case this article will help you supplement it.

Now grab a pen and paper or create a new document on your computer. After that, start writing down everything that comes to your mind as you read the following questions:

  • What would you do today if you knew that tomorrow you would be gone?
  • What would you do if you had an unlimited amount of time, money and other resources?
  • What have you always wanted to do but haven't done yet?
  • What places (countries, cities, etc.) would you like to visit?
  • What are your main goals and cherished dreams?
  • What kind of person do you want to become?
  • What kind of experience do you dream of getting?
  • What do you want to remember in your old age?
  • What skills do you want to acquire?
  • What would you like to do together with your loved ones?
  • Do you have any idols whom you dream of meeting in person?
  • What do you want to achieve in all areas of your life?
  • What do you need to make your life meaningful?

Don't stop until your list has at least 101 items. If you feel like you are at a dead end, then try to relax: your list has no place for doubts and thoughts about possible failures. It will contain everything you dream of, everything you want to achieve, everything you want to see and feel.

List of obligatory things that everyone needs to do

  1. Spend at least two days without a phone, Internet, TV and other modern gadgets.
  2. Take a walk in the warm summer rain. Not forcedly, but with pleasure.
  3. Learn some new language. Even if it's Latin. By the way, here is an article about how to learn English.
  4. Learn any type of handicraft. By the way, the ability to knit or embroider can be very useful in later life.
  5. Assemble a puzzle with 1000 pieces, Legos or any other constructor that requires painstaking work. Then you will not only be able to show off your creation, but also feel proud that you did it. And as a bonus, you will increase your level of attentiveness, stress resistance, perseverance, memory and thinking.
  6. Forgive someone so as not to carry a heavy burden of resentment, anger, etc. behind your back. As they say, forgive and let go.
  7. Tell dear and valuable people how important they are to you.
  8. Fly in a hot air balloon. As a last resort, by plane. But you must see the earth from above.
  9. Help at least a few people in need. Better yet, become a volunteer for a while.
  10. Say “no” precisely when you really don’t want to do something, but you are being pressured and manipulated.
  11. Spend the sunset alone or in the company of a loved one.
  12. Enjoy the starry sky and watch the sunrise in nature or at least just in the countryside. There the sky seems to be brighter and there is more visibility due to the lack of high-rise buildings.
  13. Plant a tree or bush. And, of course, take care of him.
  14. Drastically change your image. Let it be a hairstyle, clothing style, demeanor.
  15. Take up some kind of sport. If you like martial arts, great. Do you want to learn to dance? Good too.
  16. Take a cooking class and learn how to cook at least a few dishes that will become your signature dishes.
  17. Pass your license. Even if you don't have a car. This skill will definitely never hurt.
  18. Cope with some bad habit. If you haven’t had it, think carefully, there are no ideal people. It even counts if you stop using filler words in your speech.
  19. Write a poem, a story, or maybe even a book.

  20. Spend some time alone in order to “get to know” yourself better and understand something. And also in order to appreciate the closeness later. Anyone who has experienced loneliness will not throw away relationships.
  21. Go fishing. Preferably with a catch, but a simple attempt also counts. Even if you don't like fishing. It is important to sit with a fishing rod and admire the surface of the water, waiting for a bite.
  22. Read at least 10 books that will be useful and educational.
  23. Attend personal self-development training at least once.
  24. Swim with a dolphin or ride a horse.
  25. Pick up trash on the street to make the city or village cleaner.
  26. Make a snow woman and arrange a game of war games.
  27. Apologize in a situation where you were wrong. It only counts if you managed to “step over” your pride and admit your guilt, thereby preserving the relationship.
  28. Thank your parents for life. Even if they did not participate in the upbringing. In the event that they are no longer alive or you do not know where they are, say gratitude to yourself.
  29. Support another person in a difficult situation by sharing advice, simply listening and giving at least a little “human warmth”.
  30. Feed street animals. Especially in winter. Pour water during the hot season.
  31. Fly a kite.
  32. Visit a psychotherapist or psychologist at least 10 times.
  33. Come up with your own fairy tale together with your child. Not necessarily with your child. Godchildren, nephews, younger sisters and brothers... The main thing is togetherness.
  34. Coping with fear. Don’t stop experiencing it, but, on the contrary, at the moment when it’s scary, don’t stop yourself. Applies only to situations that do not threaten life or health.
  35. Play football, basketball, volleyball or other types of sports games.
  36. Arrange a holiday with your family not according to plan and calendar, but when you want. Who said you can't decorate a Christmas tree in summer?
  37. Buy sweets, tangerines, apples or small toys and take them to the orphanage to please the children.
  38. Allow yourself to buy something that you have long dreamed of, but held back in order to save money.
  39. Fix something in the house yourself if you have never done this before. Or, for example, without knowing how to cook, take and bake a cake. In general, do something with your own hands that you were previously incompetent to do.
  40. Give a gift just like that, without reason or reason.
  41. Meditate for at least an hour.
  42. Do the splits. As a last resort, develop your flexibility, becoming more flexible than you were before classes.
  43. Go on a journey spontaneously, lightly.
  44. Organize a costume party with competitions and games.
  45. Donate at least a small amount to a charitable foundation.
  46. Help people who find it difficult to cross the road on their own.
  47. Conquer at least a small mountain.
  48. Learn to skate, ski or snowboard.
  49. Take swimming lessons, mastering all existing styles.

  50. Scuba dive.
  51. Write a list of your character traits, capabilities, resources and limitations.
  52. Spend the night outdoors with tents and a campfire.
  53. Go through all your things, leaving only what is necessary, throwing away all “junk”.
  54. Go to the opera, theater, exhibition, concert. In general, to a place where we haven’t been yet.
  55. Swim in the sea or river naked. Taking care of safety in advance. For example, not in a crowded place.
  56. Celebrate Halloween with a scary costume.
  57. Take part in the competition. Or better yet, win.
  58. Allow yourself to be lazy all day and do what you want, rather than do what you need to do.
  59. Try an exotic dish, for example, fried cockroaches or frog legs, snake heart, etc.
  60. Donate your old clothes to those who need it. Or a new one, but you no longer need it.
  61. Take an active part in the flash mob.
  62. Collect information about your ancestors, relatives and create a family tree.
  63. Learn a beautiful congratulatory poem. Believe me, it will save you more than once during a feast.
  64. Create a vision board using photographs, drawings and captions, hanging it in a visible place.
  65. Study the table of emotions and explore at what moments you experience each of the indicated feelings.
  66. Take an intelligence test.
  67. Smile at a stranger.
  68. To finally end a relationship that causes discomfort and feels like it has been over for a long time.
  69. Confess your love to the one you feel it for. Fearing refusal and rejection, decide to take action.
  70. It's fun to prank a stranger.
  71. Lead a healthy lifestyle for at least a month, exercising regularly and eating only healthy foods.
  72. Be the first to meet the girl or guy you like by inviting him on a date.
  73. Go through a full medical examination, passing all kinds of tests and so on.
  74. Learn some useful program, such as Photoshop.
  75. Organize a passive type of income for at least a year.
  76. Learn a new profession or improve your basic qualifications.
  77. Go to a movie night.
  78. Learn to play any musical instrument.
  79. After failure or setback, continue trying to achieve what you want without giving up your dream.
  80. Take public speaking courses to learn how to speak beautifully and without fear in public.
  81. Get a pet, at least the most unpretentious one.
  82. Breaking plates on the floor in a fit of anger or for fun. Carefully, without hurting anyone.
  83. Without drinking alcohol in advance, sing karaoke.

  84. Build a sand castle or some unusual figure on the beach.
  85. Take a walk through the autumn forest, raking leaves with your feet.
  86. Keep someone else's secret, especially if you have a great desire to share it with the world in order to gain fame.
  87. Spend the day telling only the truth.
  88. Resist the impulse of anger and the desire to say nasty things by taking a time out to continue the conversation when your feelings have cooled down at least a little and your head is thinking “clearly.”
  89. Stop drinking alcohol during the holiday to avoid a hangover, despite the persuasion of others to continue drinking.
  90. Take part in the Holi festival of colors.
  91. Sleep in a hammock. Or just lie in it with a book.
  92. Build a collection of something. Let it be stamps, figurines, or even sticks of sugar.
  93. Make your own dream catcher.
  94. Go kayaking or kayaking.
  95. Ride a bike all day through the park, forest, botanical garden, etc. At the end of the walk, have a picnic.
  96. Reach your ideal weight by starting to train hard.
  97. Learn to play checkers, chess or backgammon. Depending on what was not previously understood.
  98. Find an old classmate or friend from a kindergarten group whom you haven’t seen for many years.
  99. Ride the carousel at the amusement park. Especially those that cause fear.
  100. See a solar eclipse or any other astronomical phenomenon.

You should definitely see this!

Now let's look at what you should do to broaden your horizons. You must see:

  • 7 Wonders of the World;
  • sunset in Bali;
  • carnival in Brazil;
  • Italy;
  • moon eclipse;
  • Vienna Opera;
  • how bridges are raised in St. Petersburg;
  • Paris;
  • the biggest cake;
  • northern lights;
  • solar eclipse;
  • starfall;
  • Spain;
  • erupting volcano;
  • penguins;
  • koala (play with it!);
  • Eiffel Tower;
  • cherry blossoms in Japan.

Try something new

2. Try yourself in a new profession

Surely each of us at least occasionally thinks about changing our occupation, even if we are completely satisfied with our job.

Many people want to try something new in terms of profession, different from what you did before. your interests into account here

After all, what you like to do can become the meaning of your life.

Try to develop your hobby. Make every effort to ensure that what you love takes up a certain part of your life.

Start slowly, and gradually devote more and more time to activities that interest you. As a result, you will be able to master a new profession, taking steps in the right direction, and, with enough effort, you can even successfully build a career.

A new profession will help you expand your horizons and realize your dreams.

Become a volunteer

3. Become a volunteer for some good cause

Do good without expecting anything in return. This experience will undoubtedly give you the best experience of your life. This is one of those experiences that each of us should try.

There are hundreds of things you can do as a volunteer to help other people in need.

Volunteering to do good deeds is not mandatory. It should rather be a call from the heart and soul.

You could try being a hostess, working with children with disabilities, or helping homeless animals in shelters.

Your money, skills and social status do not play a special role.

In such matters, the desire to help others is important, and the efforts and efforts made will do their job.

Try to do good to those who need it. Make time for this. Remember that every good deed you do is important, and that there are always those in the world who are worse off than you, which means there are those who constantly need your help.

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