“If a person is fixated on money, it’s not about money.” Interview with psychotherapist Andrey Yudin

Money is an important attribute of life. The influence of a person’s financial condition on the quality of his life is difficult to overestimate. Only saints don't need money. Therefore, most people sooner or later set themselves the task of learning to succeed in financial matters.

Definition of the concept

To get closer to a goal financially, a person must be aware of the meaning of money and understand the laws of its movement. Experts tested people's reactions in situations related to financial issues. The resulting behavioral scenarios are analyzed to identify key behavioral recommendations.

People usually refer to all their capital as money: credit cards and cash. Scientists have found that depending on the form of money, the attitude towards it changes.

The basics of money psychology consist of several principles:

  • Money is energy that you need to be able to accept.
  • An increase in capital should be accompanied by positive emotions. It is enough to understand that money means well-being, stability and freedom, which means you can only talk and think about it in a good way.
  • The readiness for wealth must be absolute. You can’t just dream about a large sum without understanding what to do with it. A person must have a clear idea of ​​where he will spend the wealth he receives.
  • The fear of losing capital scares him away.

You need to love money and accept it correctly


The psychology of money is a recently emerged science that studies our relationship with finances. Money influences our lives and our self-esteem and thinking - you are probably all familiar with Maslow’s pyramid of needs. And vice versa, the level of consciousness and emotions can affect the thickness of our wallet. Working with your mental attitudes is also an element of financial literacy that you cannot do without.

Author: Anna Semenovskaya

Author of articles on finance


Wealth factors

Nature has given all people attention, memory, and thinking, but everyone’s material well-being is different. Scientists talk about several reasons for this phenomenon: firstly, the attitude towards wealth is based on habits, the influence of society and family. Secondly, the inner feeling of oneself - the less a person loves himself and values ​​his professional qualities and skills, the less likely he is to ever get rich .

The following factors can affect your level of wealth:

  • Attitudes towards money are formed in childhood based on the example of parents’ behavior. If mom and dad were big spenders and didn’t know how to save, the child most likely won’t be able to save anything either. Even with a good salary, a person has a subconscious goal of getting rid of banknotes, which is where thoughtless and unnecessary purchases come from.
  • Possessing a large sum provokes different financial behavior. Some, having received a certain amount of money, begin to spend without measure, others try to save, going to extremes. The correct reaction to having an amount is to calmly and rationally think about what can be done to increase it or how to spend it profitably.
  • Correct placement of life priorities . Those who put family first are unlikely to spend much on entertainment.
  • Fear of leaving your comfort zone interferes with material well-being. Only those who are not afraid to change their lives get new chances to get rich.
  • Psychologists say that the incorrect thinking of the poor , which is radically different from the thinking of the rich, prevents them from getting rich. Constant thoughts about the lack of money block the view of new prospects and resources.
  • The means run out the moment the desire to achieve them stops.

It is important to properly manage unexpectedly received money

I highly recommend reading the book: My Neighbor is a Millionaire . Authors Thomas J. Stanley, Danko William.

Capital must work

This rule is important both in business and in private life. If a person deals with money, he must understand that he should not spend it only on food and entertainment

Part of the funds should be invested in areas that will bring profit in the future. Here are examples of such investment projects:

  • currency;
  • bank deposits;
  • real estate;
  • land;
  • precious metals;
  • antiques;
  • objects of art;
  • stock;
  • currency exchange;
  • education.

It is necessary to take the choice of deposits very seriously. If you have an idea of ​​how specific financial instruments work, this significantly reduces the risk of losing money.

Laws of money

Each bill is the result of human activity, because money does not come from nowhere. But it’s not enough to earn good money, you need to know the laws of money.

  1. The law of rich thinking. Do not complain about the lack of funds, speak positively about your situation, and keep track of your money correctly.
  2. The love of wealth is a guarantee of its appearance. Thoughts are material, so those who think about the goal and do not give in to fears get what they want.
  3. The law of motion - money must constantly work. Greed will destroy capital, and the right investments will bring additional income.
  4. The law of ease - do not spare money spent on pleasure. Money should bring joy, only in this case it comes back.
  5. Law of goals. In business there must be a desire for development and new discoveries. You need to get satisfaction from your business, and the issue of profit should come second.
  6. Law of distribution. To avoid ending up in debt, part of the money should be used to increase capital.

By following these laws, you should not focus on earning capital. Money loves happy people - in addition to earning capital, you can focus on other goals, recharging yourself with positive energy.

Achilles' heel of the stronger sex

“Before 1985, we felt impotent: sometimes we couldn’t even buy the woman we loved an extra cup of coffee,” this is how a well-known domestic film producer defined the self-perception of Soviet men. The connection between money and sexual viability of the stronger sex is obvious. The most banal of schemes: a man who gets rich immediately becomes irresistibly attractive to ladies. The beauties who, like the heroine Marilyn Monroe from the movie “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes,” are ready to hit on a cute but decrepit millionaire are unlikely to ever disappear. The representatives of the stronger sex themselves also continually emphasize the parallel between financial wealth and their own masculinity.

It is well known: the more insecure a man feels, the more he tries to tie a woman to him with the help of money. Everyday family life provides many reasons to think about this connection. Let's say one of my friends gently sneers at her own husband's habit: every time after a delightful intimate encounter, he rakes out all the money in his wallet and gives it to her - they say, buy yourself something. What is behind these bouts of generosity: a desire to give back or uncertainty that everything went well? And the former friend of another friend, in particular, became an ex because, not being stingy, he simply did not consider it necessary to spend money on her. He declared deep feelings, but preferred to accept gifts himself. Perhaps he considered himself so irresistible that it simply never occurred to him to back up his intimate successes with material gifts? Or did such selective stinginess indicate his immaturity? Even an idealist deeply in love cannot help but ask herself such questions. Even a successful businesswoman, when choosing a life partner, is unlikely to feel completely free from the unwritten law: a man must earn money and provide for his family, otherwise he is not a man. While courting, he must give gifts.

After all, if a man is not able to earn his living, then even if he is the best lover in the world, he will still be treated with a tinge of disdain. He won't be respected. A man’s financial impotence mercilessly indicates that he is not able to take responsibility, cannot protect his loved ones and, therefore, it is hardly worth having children with him. However, everything is mixed up in our society, where qualified and gifted specialists are sometimes doomed to earn pennies, where the terrible choice - to remain faithful to one’s calling or to subordinate talent and life to making money - has crippled more than one man’s fate.

How to think to get rich

Thoughts attract their essence. To get rich, you need to learn to think correctly about capital and get rid of any negativity that is associated with money.

Basic principles of thinking of the rich:

  • Bad habits attract bad luck, while good habits attract “alternative luck.”
  • Rich people believe in equality of opportunity. They are confident that success can be achieved with their own talent and abilities.
  • The right circle of communication is valued in a business environment. A wealthy person is unlikely to forget to congratulate a colleague or partner on his birthday, realizing that he needs a network of valuable contacts. New acquaintances and the impression he makes on people are important to him.
  • Being rich doesn't always mean earning a lot. The ability to properly allocate the budget and save money plays a huge role.
  • Only poor people believe in fate . This is a convenient position that frees you from taking decisive action to change your financial situation. A rich man is confident that his destiny is in his hands and success can only be achieved by putting effort into it.
  • Wealthy people understand that intelligence is not always the key to success. Non-standard thinking and a creative approach are important in making money.
  • A rich person is willing to take risks to increase his capital. Many large business owners have achieved success through harsh life lessons.


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What to do to be rich

Each story of achieving financial independence is original, but there are several ways that will help anyone get rich.

One of these ways is to create passive income. This type of income does not prevent you from working, but allows you to earn additional income. Even a small amount of a few thousand rubles will not be superfluous. Passive income can be different:

  • Receiving interest from a bank deposit or dividends from securities;
  • Renting out housing;
  • Creation of an advertising platform on the Internet;
  • Distribution of network marketing products.

A good option for getting rich is your own business. Of course, starting a business usually requires capital, but there are methods of development without investment. For example, on the Internet you can start making money with your own mind. The field of activity here is unlimited - you can work either as a freelancer or as the owner of your own information business.

Intermediaries of financial transactions receive their commission, and this is also an opportunity to get rich. For example, a realtor with a good client base earns several thousand dollars a month.

Storing banknotes

You should not keep money by carelessly throwing it into your pocket or bag. It's much better to buy a wallet. It should be liked, have a beautiful appearance and be pleasant to the touch. Banknotes must be neatly arranged.

If you believe the signs, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Having received your money, you need to take the entire amount home without spending anything along the way.
  2. Banknotes in a wallet should be placed with the front side facing their owner in descending order of nominal denomination. Do not place banknotes upside down.
  3. If you keep money in bundles, then each of them should contain an odd number of bills.

Money loves to be treated with care and treats its owner accordingly.

Useful habits of rich people

The psychology of money talks about the importance of habits that help you get rich. The habits of the rich and the poor have serious differences.

Habits of poor and rich people.

Money needs to be loved

No matter how cynical it may sound, you have to love money! The thought that money is evil never arises in the head of a successful person. Such people are always open to cash flow, they accept money with pleasure, but also part with it easily, without regret. They know that they will soon receive more than they spent.

Another wrong thought that scares away prosperity is that only the heirs of wealthy parents or crime bosses can earn a lot of capital, but this is impossible in an honest way. Money does not forgive negative thoughts about yourself. They come only to those who love them and are glad to meet them.

Negative and negative statements about money

Disrespectful thoughts about money usually come with negative thoughts. A person complains about a lack of finances in the house, about the inability to earn money honestly, etc. In addition, negative statements about money can provoke envy of other people's financial well-being. This feeling delays development, so you definitely need to get rid of it.

Returning again to the fact that thoughts are material, it should be noted that when talking about money there are certain phrases that are best not uttered under any circumstances. You shouldn’t say “I don’t have money,” especially if it’s not true. Such an excuse can lead to financial losses and certainly will not help you get rich.

Greed and saving on people

It is necessary to get rid of the fanatical attitude towards capital. Money should not be allowed to control a person. Such people lose their positive moral qualities and “go over the heads” of other people. But you can become truly rich only through honest work.

For example, a seller in a store charges each customer 10 rubles. It would seem that for the visitor the amount is unnoticeable, but for her it is an opportunity to earn extra money. But this doesn’t make the seller any richer; he continues to work for 20 years in the same store, deceiving people. And the seller from the neighboring stall quit a few years ago and opened his own business. Maybe this is because he is unfamiliar with the feeling of greed?

Saving on yourself

This is also not the best way to preserve and increase capital. Money comes to those to whom it brings satisfaction and happiness. When you deny yourself what you want or need at the moment, a person disrupts the financial flow that he had established.

The message goes out into the universe that he does not need finances for himself. The energy of refusal scares away money; it can go to a person who will appreciate it and please himself. This may cause a decrease in salary, unexpected expenses or theft of funds.

Fear of running out of money

It is the fear of being left without money that leads to real lack of money for a person. For example, during an interview, a candidate is silent about the salary level he deserves for fear that he will be rejected. As a result, he is hired, but the pay is much less than he expected. Peniaphobia kills the desire for career growth, to change the situation for the better.

Rich people are not free from the fear of losing capital, they know how to manage it, transforming it into caution. In order not to be afraid of losing all their savings, they make deposits in different banks or invest those amounts, the investment of which is not critical for the rest of the capital.

To get rid of this phobia, there is a simple exercise. On paper you need to write “I am left without money.” And under this phrase are all the consequences of this situation - poor nutrition, old clothes, giving up a car, etc. Among these points, you need to choose the most significant ones and think about how you can get out of these situations. Now, in case of loss of money, you will have a clear action plan at hand.

Ambiguity of purpose

Each person should understand exactly what he wants to spend money on. To do this, you should make a list with purchases or reasons to save money. If you add up all the points, you get the amount you need to earn. By setting this exact amount of money as a goal, a person can easily earn it.

Count your money

There is always money in the bank because it is constantly being counted there. It is advisable to store savings in one place, then this place will become a magnet for attracting money. It’s better to stack the banknotes according to the watermarks, one next to the other. And constantly recalculate your capital!

Using the above recommendations you can really achieve material well-being. It is noteworthy that these rules work in the economies of entire states. Like any energy, money must be in constant motion, then its quantity will grow.

For the husband - care, for the wife - a fur coat and a necklace. Does a woman need money to be happy?

It is not money that spoils a person, but its absence... The role of these unremarkable pieces of paper in people’s lives is great: for a man, money is a confirmation of his self-sufficiency, for a woman it is an opportunity to realize her “wants”.

And it doesn’t matter how finances come into a woman’s life: whether she is an ideological inspirer or diligently earns them herself - her inner feelings are important. If there is a stable cash flow, a woman lives in harmony with herself and others, does not think about how to buy food tomorrow - she is happy

If there is a stable cash flow, a woman lives in harmony with herself and those around her, does not think about how to buy food tomorrow - she is happy.

Why are there problems with money? The reasons may be in generic programs:

Many of our ancestors were dispossessed, limited in earning money, killed, that is, money often brought pain and disappointment.

And, as you know, at the genetic and energy levels, all information, including this one, is transmitted from generation to generation.

In many families, expressions such as:

  • “We haven’t lived richly and have nothing to start with”
  • “It’s better to be poor and happy than rich and unhappy”
  • “It’s better to be spiritually rich, but poor” and so on...

These are all limiting beliefs.

Think about it, you will probably remember similar expressions in your family. You can talk a lot and, of course, certainly need to, about spirituality, BUT! Living in the material world, we must not forget about finances.

Therefore, one of the most accessible ways of educating us from the Universe is by blocking material wealth.

After all, when a person finds himself without money, he begins to look for ways to solve his problems, which means he will work on himself.

In addition, for many, this is a great moment to realize that the spiritual and material are absolutely compatible things.

Poor man's thinking

Just for fun
Shopping list for the entire amount

Irritation and envy

Time would quickly pass and rest.

A waste of your time

Depression, apathy, the end of everything

Rest is destructive

Destructive rest is unproductive, associated, for example, with alcohol abuse, rest that is harmful to health.

Yes, these are certain extremes, successful and rich people can also break down, but it doesn’t happen often and doesn’t last for long.

The fact that thinking changes can be noticed by the transition from one zone to another. Using such a table, it is convenient to track personal progress and deal with the question “which side is better?”

Day 3. An individual approach to your finances or how to discover your inner accountant

What's so hard about keeping reports and writing down numbers? There are very few attentive and hardworking people in the world who can avoid making small mistakes. The whole secret is that a good accountant sees not only numbers, he immediately sees all the processes that may lie behind these numbers. As for the chief accountant, he knows exactly all the ins and outs of the enterprise. And such a person is indeed a valuable find for competitors. Every company has its own nuances, and a good accountant knows them all.

Each family has its own priorities, habits, daily routine, certain responsibilities and, of course, expense items. Therefore, the general scheme is not suitable for everyone. Therefore, within your family, you need to create your own “accounting”, taking into account all its specifics. In fact, its creation is not such a complicated process as it seems at first glance.

To create an effective family accounting system, you need to think through everything and answer the following questions:

1. How detailed can you record your expenses? First, consider whether you need to allocate expenses according to categories. For example, transportation costs, utility bills, food, etc. Most importantly, think about how much time you can devote to recording and processing information.

2. Which family member will take notes and monitor? Talk to your loved ones, decide whether they will record their expenses themselves or maybe they will bring checks and someone else will write them down?

3. How will records be kept? It can be:

  • application on your phone;
  • special website (can be used by as many users as possible);
  • program.

The main thing is to decide how it will be most convenient for you to perform these operations. And you can easily find them using Internet resources.

4. Will you control only your expenses or will you keep track of all family members? You need to clearly define what exactly you want to control. You can control the total amount of family income and expenses, you can count only your expenses, etc. Be sure to keep in mind that if you constantly change these parameters, you will not get an adequate picture.

5. Set a deadline for implementing your plan. Divide it into stages. A very important nuance in achieving the goals of the constructed financial strategy is drawing up a plan and determining the timing of its implementation. In addition, you will constantly be able to compare the actual state of affairs with what you planned. Moreover, this will significantly simplify the task. Monitoring intermediate results will prevent excessive spending of money.

Basic recommendations that you must follow to become a good accountant in your family:

  1. Determine the level of detail of your expenses.
  2. Appointment of a person responsible for accounting.
  3. Select resources with which you can keep records.
  4. Definition of "controlled amount".

Treat planning and managing your budget as an informed choice. After all, with the help of these aspects, you will finally stop worrying about the lack of funds, and most importantly, you will be able to use them rationally. Berthold Auerbach once said: “Acquiring money requires a certain valor, and maintaining it requires prudence. Spending money is an art."

Causes of poverty

As a rule, any problem, including a psychological one, has its own root.

Problems with finances can come from the following roots:

  • Hyperprotection in the family. This occurs almost more often than personal problems. The fact is that a child who grew up in a family with total control rarely separates normally from his parents. Even as an adult, his parents try to control his life, especially his finances. And if the child tries to control income and expenses himself, they will make it clear to the child that this area of ​​life cannot do without them. Also, parents may openly not believe in their child, that he can achieve something. As a rule, this is only the fear of parents, firstly, to let the child go from themselves, using the material sphere as control. And secondly, the fear of starting to become financially dependent on your more successful child. There may be phrases such as: “Don’t waste your money!”, “She/he can’t live without us!”, “She’ll never have money.” At the same time, parents consider such control to be absolutely normal and can even put pressure on work, preventing the child from finding a normal job;
  • Inability to count money. This concept is also a valuable skill. With the remaining 2,000 before payday, you could pay for communications in advance, pay the loan amount, and even buy long-term storage products. Those who do not know how to count money begin to spend their remaining money, and then get into even greater debt;
  • The habit of feeling sorry for yourself. This habit can cost you your career. A sore lower back, disrupted sleep patterns and a bunch of other problems, which are sometimes simply far-fetched, prevent many from finding a job and starting to live a normal life, and not from surviving. At the same time, you should try to overcome this habit and start living differently. Sore back? There are a lot of useful complexes on the Internet if you don’t have money for a massage therapist. If your sleep pattern is disrupted, you can reactivate the internal alarm clock a couple of weeks in advance if you wish. Such excuses are just an illusion that leads you astray from the intended path;
  • Laziness and apathy occur during periods of particularly difficult conditions. Laziness is a consequence of self-doubt and internal disharmony. It is laziness that sometimes prevents you from working to the fullest, using all your internal resources. Many rich people work seven days a week, not allowing laziness to take over. Of course, you should take a break once a week, but no more. Otherwise, laziness and apathy will become constant companions, which will not have the best effect on your career and financial situation.

Reasons that prevent a person from being wealthy

Sociologists say that poor people usually try to avoid high-paying jobs because they are afraid of big money and responsibility - these are the main reasons for refusing gainful work. What is the psychology of poverty?

Low paid but stable job

A person who has a poor man's mentality almost always chooses a low-paid, albeit stable job. Usually in government agencies. The state will always be able to provide it. When you come to a commercial organization, there is a risk of remaining on the street after some time.

In this case, the person does not believe at all in himself and his strengths, in the fact that his knowledge and experience will be in demand. As a result, he gets a boring and tedious job, stops learning, developing, and becomes useless to anyone.

Fear of change

A person with a poor man's mentality is very afraid of change. His motto is that rather than risk losing everything, it’s better to have a little. A person with the psychology of poverty will never open his own business, will not go to get a second higher education at the age of forty, and will never move to another city to start a new life.

Other numbers

The remaining numbers do not carry any specific negative or positive load.

4 is the number of stability, constancy and even stagnation. It can mean prosperity, but not wealth, a small salary, but stable, savings practically do not grow, but do not disappear. This is why it is preferable to have 4 wallets or envelopes if the money is distributed according to goals or expense items.

5 – favorable spending. The peculiarity of this number is that money should be spent with pleasure and joy. Only under such conditions will these amounts be returned back. For example, this could be spending on a vacation, entertainment, or a gift to yourself.

For business, 5 is the number of beginnings. It is with this amount that it is preferable to open your own business. Investments are easily spent, go into circulation, but are sure to be returned.

9 – charity. If charitable programs meet this number, they will be successful. Various amounts of donations (90, 900, etc.) will also go to the good.

Of course, it is difficult to believe that by following the laws of monetary numerology you can solve all financial issues. But if there is a way to magically enhance your own cash flows, then why not try it. What do you think about this?

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