How to live long: Nine tips from a 105-year-old doctor

Shigeaki Hinohara worked at Tokyo's St. Luke's Hospital from 1941 until the end of his life. He was born in 1911 and died in July 2017 at the age of 105.

Dr. Hinohara was until his last days the president of St. Luke's International Hospital, receiving patients and leaving a rich legacy of publishing more than 150 scientific papers. He was remembered as a man who took life lightly and always strived to be happy.

This article contains nine lessons from Dr. Shigeaki Hinohara that will help every person live a long, happy and interesting life.

Eat a balanced diet and eat lean foods

“All centenarians, regardless of age, nationality and race, have one thing in common: there are no overweight people among them” (Shigeaki Hinohara)

Dr. Hinohara's first rule: healthy eating is the basis of longevity. Eat balanced meals, eat small and frequent meals. Healthy foods support good health and vitality

In the modern world there is a huge number of different diets and diets. But Shigeaki Hinohara advocated simplicity. Before his death, he changed his diet: he left one solid meal on the menu and diluted it with several snacks.

“At breakfast I drink a cup of coffee, a glass of milk and a little orange juice diluted with a tablespoon of olive oil. Olive oil improves artery function and keeps skin healthy. For lunch I eat cookies and milk, and sometimes I skip the lunch break altogether if work commitments don’t allow me to be distracted. For dinner I eat vegetables, a little fish and rice, and twice a week I allow myself 100 grams of lean meat.”

A person gets most of his calories from fresh vegetables and fruits. Therefore, for a full life, it is enough to eat meat once every few days and adhere to the TZE rule - only healthy food. You need to choose a comfortable diet. The main thing is not to allow yourself to gain extra pounds: they will later lead to illness.

Take liberties sometimes, but make sure that 80% of your daily diet consists of healthy foods. And remember: you need to eat in order to live, and not vice versa.

Choose whole foods

To live long, eat coarse bread, 100 times better than a roll, and 100 times healthier. Eating whole grains instead of refined grains maintains normal blood glucose levels, reduces the risk of obesity and increases the dietary fiber content of meals.

Whole grains will give you a greater feeling of fullness, therefore, eat less of other foods.

Make sure that food labels on cereals, breads and bakery products say “unrefined” or “whole.”

Walk on stairs and do simple exercises

“To stay healthy, carry your own things and take the stairs. I always climb the stairs twice to keep my muscles strong.” (Shigeaki Hinohara)

Many people believe that living a healthy life requires extreme discipline and a rigorous training schedule. However, the example of Dr. Hinohara clearly confirms the opposite. The long-lived Japanese did not advise engaging in exhausting training. He maintained his health with basic daily physical activity: walking up and down the stairs.

To diversify your physical activity, switch from a car to a bicycle, walk in the park during your lunch break, ask your boss to install constructor tables in the office to change your body position while working. Any way to introduce a little more physical activity into your life will improve your well-being.

Sleep enough

Lack of sleep can cause physical, mental and hormonal changes (changes in the hormones released during sleep). It has a negative effect on the body, aging the skin and increasing the risk of diabetes. Most adults sleep less time than they should.

Sleeping more is the best solution to live long.

Go to bed and get up at the same time. Keep the bedroom dark and the temperature no more than 20 ºC.

Share knowledge and experience with others

“I give more than 150 lectures a year. Some of them are annually heard by more than 100 primary school students and more than 4,500 entrepreneurs. The duration of each lecture is from 60 to 90 minutes, I conduct all performances standing so that the body remains strong and resilient" (Shigeaki Hinohara)

One of the important aspects of civilization is the constant exchange of experience, because the knowledge of one person is the knowledge of the whole world.

Learn new things and share your knowledge, interests, and discoveries with others. Meet with friends more often to discuss new thoughts and ideas. Give useful lectures at schools, organize seminars and thematic lectures at local educational organizations.

Salt, the hidden enemy

Salt (sodium chloride) is found in sufficient form in food, therefore there is no need to use a salt shaker, excess salt is harmful to the body, salt accumulates in the arteries forming atherosclerosis, leading to hypertension, thrombosis and cardiovascular diseases.

Get used to doing without salt. You will stop noticing that the food is tasteless.

Replace the salt with some spices, they will add flavor to the food, and you will improve your health.

4. Use the achievements of science, but do not forget about intuition

“Contrary to popular belief, doctors are not gods and cannot cure all diseases. So why, in some cases, operate and cause great suffering to a person? Music and communication with animals sometimes help better than doctors themselves think.” (Sigeaki Hinohara)

Surprisingly, Dr. Shigeaki Hinohara was against surgery. Despite his vast experience in medicine and related sciences, he preferred to prescribe simple, painless, most comfortable and economical treatment to patients, which would avoid surgery.

Shigeaki Hinohara believed that music and communication with animals calmed people and reduced stress levels. However, today the concept of a famous doctor is beyond classical medicine.

High technologies and high-profile scientific discoveries have led to people no longer trusting their intuition. But often it is hidden desires and deep feelings that can truly help.

Turn to scientific achievements, trust doctors, engage critical thinking, but never forget what your inner voice advises.

Choose red

Red foods - tomatoes, peppers, are rich in a carotenoid, the so-called lycopene, reduces the risk of prostate cancer by at least 50% and improves cardiac health

Tomato cooked with a little olive oil (forming a delicious tomato sauce) is effective in prolonging life.

There is lycopene in capsules: choose your preferred carotenoid complex.

Avoid being overly attached to things

“Remember: no one knows when your last day will be. You can’t take what you’ve accumulated to the next world” (Sigeaki Hinohara)

Excessive materialism is the scourge of the present time. A minimalist approach to life will not only save money, but also improve your quality of life. According to Dr. Hinohara, it is much more beneficial to invest in new experiences than to accumulate a pile of unnecessary items.

Try to curb your passion for acquiring things for at least six months. If the experiment fails, return to catalogs and online stores. But, most likely, after such an experience you will stop feeling the urge to acquire and will become happier.

Be happy!

Happy people live longer than depressed people. There are many studies that prove happiness allows you to live long.

Psychologists believe that happiness does not depend on what kind of life you have, on your positive or negative attitude towards life.

Try smiling more often, you will see, it will make you look at things in the most positive way, stimulate your mind, feel happier.

Plan ahead

“Always plan things in advance. For example, my diary is filled until 2014 (five years in advance). It includes work with the lectures that I give and my medical activities. And now I’m planning to visit the Olympic Games in Tokyo!” (Shigeaki Hinohara)

One of the serious aspects of a long and fulfilling life is constant activity. We are talking not only about physical activity, but also about activities that make you think and act, and involve you in the process headlong. Boredom destroys the soul.

Get rid of melancholy and despondency. Fill your life with fun, exciting activities that will help you get up in the morning with a feeling of awe and delight.

Travel, develop new projects, explore interesting places in your city, sign up for dance lessons, start learning to play a musical instrument. It doesn't matter what you do. The main thing is that it brings true pleasure!

Life is meant to feel, experience and experience, and not to waste it on social networks and watching stupid TV shows.

Control yourself

A study conducted on 800 subjects showed that those who control themselves in life have a longer life expectancy. For example, keeping your work life under control reduces stress, especially if the job is demanding.

Your boss will want to reduce your stress if your good condition allows you to work better.

Starting to exercise will help maintain your physical and mental balance.

Retire as late as possible

“Don't retire. But if such a need arises, then it is better to do this no earlier than 65 years of age” (Sigeaki Hinohara)

According to statistics, people who left work at 55 are 89% more likely to die within 10 years of retirement than those who worked until age 65.

Contrary to erroneous belief, early retirement provokes deterioration in health and a reduction in life expectancy. If retirement is just around the corner, keep yourself busy and spend your time actively.

The best option is to find a job so that you don’t think about retirement until the last moment. If this is not possible, change your activity. Or, after retirement, start a new business.

Laughter is the best medicine

Laughter releases endogenous chemicals that relax blood vessels. Laughter stimulates the immune system, helps you recover from illness and live longer.

Laughter is contagious. Surround yourself with joyful people!

Try watching a humorous film or TV series every evening.

Benefit society

“At an older age, having gained life experience, one should always strive to make one’s personal contribution to the development of society. At the age of 65 I became a volunteer. In parallel with volunteering, I work 18 hours a day, 7 days a week, and at the same time I appreciate every minute of my life.” (Sigeaki Hinohara)

People are social creatures. From the point of view of evolution and biology, we are all inextricably linked: we influence each other and pass on our experiences.

Modern research has found a strong correlation between selfless work and longevity, good mental health, happiness and life satisfaction, especially in people over 65 years of age.

If you want to bring more joy and mental satisfaction into your daily life, put away the TV remote control and help those around you.

Watch your weight, lose a few kilos

According to WHO information, the top 10 causes of death are due to diseases associated with excess weight. Many studies show that most adults are, albeit slightly, overweight.

Losing extra pounds will improve your life and overall health.

By doing exercise, you will lose calories and prolong your life.

Find your hero for inspiration

“Find a role model for yourself and strive to surpass him. In 1900, my father went to the United States to receive his education at Duke University in North Carolina. He was my first hero. Over time, the list of people I admire has grown. It was their behavior, activities and attitude towards life that became my guide to further achievements, especially in difficult periods of life" (Sigeaki Hinohara)

When you are trying to solve a problem or get out of a dead end in life, compare yourself with a person you admire: what would he do in this situation?

It is very important to have a role model with a strong inner core - but not to bow down or put him on a pedestal. An example of the person you aspire to be like will awaken your inner potential and maximize your abilities.

Essential fatty acids

Fatty acids (linoleic and linolenic acids) are vital for the human body. Fatty acids are important anti-aging agents, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, improve blood circulation, stimulate the immune system, and increase HDL cholesterol or “good” cholesterol.

Linoleic and linolenic acid are effective for athletes.

Fatty sea fish and seafood, delicious foods rich in fatty acids.

Choose your favorite animal

Having a pet reduces stress. More specifically, having a dog means someone is waiting for you with joy when you come home. Having a dog to walk with increases your time outdoors, and you can do exercise outdoors.

A pet won't leave you, a girlfriend/or friend can do the same.


Yoga is ideal for all athletes and sedentary people in particular. Improves flexibility, promotes neuromuscular communication, improves concentration, increases strength. Yoga helps you relax and relieve stress. A more balanced life means a longer life.

Yoga coordinates the body, develops mental concentration through awareness of breathing, strengthens muscles and bones, relieves tension, and expands range of motion.

For 20 minutes a day, sit in a dark room and focus on your breathing. Relax your muscles and clear your mind.

Get married

Married men live longer, according to research. Two possible reasons: first, maintaining a happy relationship is good for the body and mind. The second, marriage, helps men put their lives in order, eat healthy food and break bad habits... drinking too much, staying out late, etc.

Don't look at your friends' marriage failures.

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