What is an incentive - what is it for, comparison with motivation, material and non-material incentives

Author of the material:

Igor Lyadsky

Geneticist, writer, business coach, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).

Stimuli surround us everywhere, like drivers, directing us in a certain direction. But why do people react to them? What is this from the standpoint of biology and psychology? How do they arise? How individual? Is it possible to talk about the universality of incentives, or for each person there is a certain set of factors that push them to action? How to understand what will work in a particular case? Is it possible to predict possible consequences? The answer to these questions is a good incentive to read the article.

Stimulus, what is it and how to find it in life?

Good day, dear readers!
I continue my series of articles about motivation. And today we will talk about a concept that is often used as a synonym for the word “motive”. Namely: what is an incentive. First of all, a stimulus is an external influence that helps to get ready and move towards the goal.

Today we are talking about how to use it to start exercising, lose weight, start working in your favorite direction and, finally, change your life. So let's get started!


  • Origin of the word, meaning
  • Why do we need this?
  • Kinds
  • How to find motivation for life?
  • The impetus for training: how to start
  • Incentive to lose weight
  • External impulse for productive work

Emotional and mental peace

Families, where quarrels and scandals often occur, highly value the opportunity to be in silence for at least a short time. If the intention is the desire to find peace of mind, then it is commendable. True, it is no secret that you will have to work hard and hard before it becomes possible to achieve this goal. Emotional balance implies a person’s ability not to react to the provocations of others. If his own feelings are hurt, he learns to be tolerant and adventurous.

Self-sufficiency and integrity of the individual are achieved only through long and fruitful work on oneself. Anyone who hopes for a quick result very soon finds himself deceived.

Origin of the word, meaning

Initially, this word meant a stick with a sharp end, which was used to drive cattle in Ancient Rome. Since then, of course, enough time has passed, but the essence of the concept as a whole has not changed. This word is also used to describe external influence that can move you from your place and start doing something.

In psychology, a similar method is the targeted influence of an external factor, which forces a person to act. Roughly speaking, you will either run towards something or away from something.

Attention! You can only stimulate the speed of movement towards the goal. But it is impossible to influence the choice in this way. Remember, until a person makes a final choice regarding what he needs in this life, no external influence will force him to act!

Differences from motivation

Motivation (or motive) is both external and internal influence. That is, a person can understand for himself that he needs actions because... and motivate himself with this. But stimulation can only be done from the outside.

What incentives are most effective?

If used ineptly, any incentives will be ineffective or even harmful. Each impact must be appropriate. At the same time, there are techniques that in most cases produce the desired effect. These include the following motivators:

Personal example.

An effective incentive is demonstration through personal example. Let's say aspiring businessmen came to the training to get inspiration for financial success. If a business coach shows himself to be rich and successful, this will be an additional incentive for his listeners. If the one who speaks in front of the audience does not inspire confidence in it and cannot impress with his example, then the motivation of those present will be significantly reduced.


Just a thank you or its material equivalent (money, gift, gift) has a fairly powerful stimulating effect. Expressing gratitude “in advance” is called bribery. If for work already done, then with gratitude. Conventionally, this includes remuneration of employees or their bonuses. This is also, by and large, gratitude for a job well done. In everyday life, “thank you” can sound either verbally or “gurgle” on the table. The main thing is to understand that gratitude turns out to be a good argument for doing work. Even if it follows an action that has already been accomplished, it will motivate the person to greater diligence in the event of a repetition of the request or assignment.


It's amazing how many people underestimate the power of a simple request. Even writers dealing with issues of success and personal effectiveness pay attention to this. After all, sometimes it’s enough just to ask a person for a favor to stimulate him to certain actions. There is no need to come up with multi-level algorithms of action, reinvent the “wheel” and turn on the strategist mode. Just asking is enough. Still, upbringing plays a role, and many people try to treat responsibly those who ask them for something.


According to the hierarchy of needs formulated by Abraham Maslow, recognition and self-affirmation are at fairly high levels. They are characteristic of developed individuals who were able to transcend their natural desires. When a person is full, does not want to drink and feels safe, the turn of more complex needs begins that affect the social component of the individual.

Self-affirmation takes over the “lion’s share” of life motivation, as it gives a sense of personal significance. After satisfying basic needs, a person begins to think about what place he occupies in society. There is a desire to self-actualize, achieve more, prove something to yourself or others. This incentive sometimes exceeds all others, causing a person to forget even about eating and drinking until he experiences the satisfaction of a job well done.


Competitions are a good incentive for all gambling people. In an argument, they are sometimes capable of doing things that they wouldn’t even dare to think about at other times. Of course, it is better to refuse stupid or dangerous bets, but in the case of a useful task, you can use this technique. For example, there is nothing wrong with maintaining healthy competition in sports, student or work groups. It is only advisable to do this without fanaticism. Otherwise, you can “drive” the athletes until they faint, or cause students or employees to quarrel among themselves. You need to know moderation in everything, then any technique will be useful.


The best way to motivate action is to get people interested. When passion arises, no other motivators are needed. Let's say parents are trying to force their son to sign up for a boxing class. He resists, not wanting to go there. At a certain moment, this guy gets hit on the ears at a disco, and the situation changes dramatically. He realizes that self-defense skills are useful and begins to attend training without further persuasion. Interest arises, which serves as a powerful incentive to study.

Why do we need this?

The use of influence in this case is relevant in management. This is a great thing to do when you need to achieve a short-term goal. In the long term, such methods will not be effective.

Roughly speaking, the formula for such external influence is calculated as follows: “We give you this..., and you give us that...”.

The stimulation method is used as that kick from behind when a step forward is really needed.

However, managers often make the same mistake, namely, using this method as the main tool. And therefore, in the long term, the result is a decrease in labor productivity for the majority of employees.

Attention! Money as an impetus to work on a permanent basis is a losing proposition in advance.

Everyone knows that there are always downturns in small and large companies. If your employees are loyal to you and accept the fact that the difficulties are temporary and soon everything will return to normal, then they will most likely go through the crisis with you and help you lead the company out of it.

If the reason for their work is only money, then during any, even minor troubles, the staff will begin to look for a new job and quickly quit.


According to modern psychologist and coach Natalia Grace, the greatest tragedy in the world is that a person cannot or does not want to fully realize the potential inherent in him. If you block the channel that helps a person reveal their own individuality, they will not strive to achieve a meaningful goal. And if there is no important direction, life generally becomes meaningless.

Self-realization as a stimulus can help unlock a person’s personal potential. Whatever task an individual sets for himself, he must take responsibility for solving it. An incentive is necessarily certain actions, and not just loud words and promises. No one can assert themselves in one day and gain the respect of others. All this needs to be accumulated over the years, working on yourself and adjusting your own behavior as necessary.

How to find motivation for life?

We have just talked about the position of an employer who wants to increase staff productivity. However, there are times when a person himself looks for external reasons to take a step forward. This is done if internal motivation is lacking and the search for external resources begins.

How to find a reason to live on and experience joy? There is no universal answer. But answer yourself one question: what do you want from this life? What is your wildest and most distant dream?

Can't do it in one fell swoop? Then divide the path into several stages, maybe in the process of achieving it, the blue and pipe dream will transform into something more real, and, most importantly, accessible.

And one more thing: who will feel better if you just drop everything and stop. Imagine that the days will go by and nothing will happen in your life. An unpleasant and scary prospect, isn't it?

Do you want an incentive? Consider this article to be him! Finish reading and move forward in life. Life is too short to wait too long for a kick from behind!

Attractive salary

This is perhaps a very significant incentive. Stimulation in this area helps to significantly improve the financial situation in the family. As you know, the salary is never too high. Money is never enough, because the more we have, the more our demands increase. The desired salary can encourage you to acquire a corresponding position or obtain additional education. All these criteria, as a rule, have a positive effect on a person, and he becomes stronger in his decision to earn money.

Material reward has a stimulating effect only when a person is motivated to achieve a significant result. Otherwise, nothing may come of this venture.

The impetus for training: how to start

First, decide why you need it? After all, jumping up at the crack of dawn in order to stretch and do morning exercises, and then also exercising more intensively several times a week, will not work without a compelling argument.

I'm not even talking about the very painful sensations at first. Therefore, a reason to exercise is necessary!

You need to decide as follows: sit down, take a piece of paper and write. We write down the reasons in a column. To consolidate the effect, it is also worth saying each point out loud.

Attention! Be sure to think about the result. Better yet, close your eyes and imagine it in as much detail as possible.

An example of an outcome would be a feeling of health and strength in the body. We close our eyes and try to feel it all. And when your consciousness remains satisfied with what is presented and felt, you should remember this feeling well and open your eyes.

In the future, as soon as the level of motivation drops, we immediately remember these feelings. Believe me, it will work 100%!

Children's welfare

In this case, the incentive is the desire to be needed and useful to the highest degree. For the sake of the well-being of their child, parents (with rare exceptions) are ready to do anything. Even those individuals who degrade due to regular drinking of alcoholic beverages, when it comes to children, are ready to fight their own weaknesses.

An example of a stimulus: a negligent mother seeks to stop drinking because she has realized the importance of a positive example for her child. No parent wants to lose authority in the eyes of their child, to become unnecessary, bad, rejected.

Incentive to lose weight

Well, it's relatively simple. Where is the worst place in the apartment for losing weight? That's right, a refrigerator. We hang two photographs on it.

The first is you in your current form, preferably in underwear, so that problem areas are as exposed as possible. The second is a photo of a woman with similar parameters to yours, but already thinner. It's like a photo from the future. And every time you approach the refrigerator, look at these images.

In combination, it is advisable to add motivation to exercise and after a while you will definitely be able to get rid of extra pounds.

Just remember to take photos from the refrigerator before you have guests. They don’t need to know that you are actively losing weight.

By the way, first love, and not first love too, can be an excellent impulse to action in this case. The main thing here is that the object for which you are losing weight is worthy.

Stimulation methods

One of the most common methods of inducing action is called “carrot and stick.” This comprehensive incentive system includes two methods. Experts highlight a few more:

  1. Competition
    . This is inducing a desire to improve compared to others. The incentive is implemented under conditions of inclusiveness, equality and careful consideration of results.
  2. Encouragement
    . Stimulation through encouragement and positive evaluation of activities. When using this method, you need to adhere to timeliness, awareness, specificity, and an individual approach.
  3. Punishment
    . In this case, organizational behavior defines incentive goals as inhibition of ineffective and negative activities with further correction. Conditions for implementation: awareness, preservation of dignity, proportionality, infrequent use.

Respect for colleagues

Any person wants not only to succeed in a certain field of activity, to obtain a specific specialty and become indispensable. It is imperative for him to feel that he is valued in the workplace as a person and a high-quality professional. This incentive is too serious to be ignored. Today, being successful is synonymous with having respect and recognition from society. Nobody needs weak individuals who waste their lives sitting in bars and casinos. Now it is fashionable to be successful, to strive for prosperity and full disclosure of one’s talents and abilities.

How can you get recognition from the people you meet every day at work? That's right: demonstrate the seriousness of your intentions, make significant efforts towards a given goal. Very few people actually show determination and activity. Much more often there are situations when people refuse serious actions and do not want to make even small attempts. Need I say that this approach is futile from the very beginning? A loser is always looking for excuses and hides behind them. A strong person really moves forward and develops.

Health of loved ones

There is probably nothing more important in the world than family. Often, in the name of the well-being of our loved ones, we are ready to literally do anything. Suddenly the strength appears to fight one’s own vices and shortcomings, a person is inspired to new feats and achievements. Stimulus is a kind of key to success that can only be found by the individual himself. The health of loved ones is too serious a thing to joke about. How does stimulation occur in this case? A person begins to realize the responsibilities assigned to him and takes the first steps towards their implementation. Of course, not everything works out right away; sometimes there are moments of despair that are not compensated for by anything.

If the incentive had constructive consequences, then positive results can be seen very quickly: loved ones feel our care and strive to respond in kind. And what could be more important than seeing the warm smile of your children or parents?

Intent to study art

Since time immemorial, people have been interested in painting, music, and literature. These high aspirations became their conscious choices and great values. The desire to begin to understand the directions of art is dictated by the internal need of the individual for self-development and self-improvement. What can acquaintance with the world of art give a person? Of course, spiritual enrichment. Anyone who makes music or creates original landscapes simply cannot be a bad person, incapable of empathy.

Studying the history of the formation of a particular type of art can be an excellent incentive to become an educated, cultured person. The necessary knowledge can be obtained from books or through communication with like-minded people.

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