Authentic is what it is, what authenticity means

Winning the love of consumers is not so easy. Those companies that succeed are often special: the audience is devoted to them, shares their views and supports their initiatives. In this material we will try to understand how authentic brands differ from others and why consumers love them so much.
  • What is brand authenticity
  • Why consumers prefer specific brands
  • What does psychology say: why people are attracted to authentic brands
  • How authenticity can help a company
  • What to do to become authentic and speak in your own voice

What is brand authenticity

In 2014, an international team of researchers tried to answer this question.

The result of their collaboration was the “Perceived Brand Authenticity Scale” (PBA-scale), which they described in the Journal of Consumer Psychology.

Using this scale, they identified the main characteristics of a brand, from which it is perceived as “authentic”:

  1. Consistent. The brand is true to its principles no matter what.
  2. Reliable. Inspires consumer confidence.
  3. Honest. Our activities are based on sincere concern for clients and responsibility for what is said and done.
  4. Supporting identity in others. Motivates to stay true to yourself and develop this quality in brand supporters.

Putting it all together, the team came up with the definition:

Brand authenticity is a quality that is expressed in the ability to be true to the mission and values, as well as in honesty and sincerity with the audience and oneself.

An authentic brand does not copy other brands, but expresses its true nature, even if it is not easy for most to accept. He can be compared to a person who understands everything about himself and is not shy.

Important! Humility plays a big role in authentic brand behavior. 2022 research shows that consumers have little tolerance for their own authenticity.

The importance of proportions

The rule of proportions is very important for creating a harmonious outfit. We are often guided by subconscious preferences, and I don’t even realize how wrong we are.

To achieve balance between the garments we are going to wear, it is best to choose them according to each other's characteristics.

When combining clothes, follow these rules:

  • A loose sweater that has no shape is best worn with skinny trousers.
  • A beautiful maxi skirt is best paired with a fitted blouse or top.

Why consumers prefer specific brands

In its 14th consumer survey, Accenture found that consumers prefer brands that share their ideas and values:

  • 56% of respondents in Russia and 62% worldwide want companies to have a clear position on political, environmental, social and cultural issues that concern them.
  • 55% of Russian respondents and 65% of global respondents note that statements and actions of company management, as well as values, influence the purchasing decision.

The head of Accenture Strategy in Russia and Kazakhstan, Andrey Skorochkin, believes that Russian consumers have begun to pay more attention to the basic idea of ​​the brand. “In an era of radical transparency, consumers are increasingly vocal about their views, values ​​and beliefs, scrutinizing the activities of organizations and their leaders, and holding them accountable. Once they know the truth, they will not tolerate it,” he says.

More and more companies understand the need to have their own culture and differentiate themselves from competitors using values ​​and views - this is how they have brand evangelists.

Macintosh marketer Guy Kawasaki argued that "evangelist marketing differs from classic marketing in that it focuses not on products and money, but on making the world a better place."

And this is what modern buyers value - everyone is pleased to be involved in good deeds and higher goals.

Popular varieties

In modern design, the use of ethnic motifs is based not only on patterned textiles, exotic ceramics and fancy figurines. Design possibilities are much wider; Manufacturers offer interesting options for wallpaper, tiles and wall panels, stylized in one way or another.

Studio in ethnic style Source

There is a prejudice that ethnicity means an abundance of bright, flashy colors in the interior; this stops many from using ethnic details. In fact, in each tradition, neutral and natural shades can be selected and used as the basis, and more saturated colors can be used in doses. Today, popular varieties of ethno interior include the following options:


Active, exotic and impulsive interior, based on bright colors: yellow, orange, red, green. They are complemented by white, shades of beige and brown.

The presence of defiantly bright patterns, ritual masks, furniture - wicker or made from a single piece of wood - is a must.

The decoration will be carpets and bedspreads imitating the skins of wild animals (zebra, leopard).

Africa in a modern home Source


The design imitates the luxury of the palaces of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs, for which white, beige, and sand tones are chosen. They are complemented by the color of ivory, blue, azure, terracotta. Stone, mosaic and plaster are suitable for finishing.

Symbols of the Egyptian style are frescoes on the walls, geometric patterns, recognizable elegant figurines, mats and papyri covered with hieroglyphs.

Interpretation of ancient Egyptian luxury Source

What does psychology say: why people are attracted to authentic brands

Focusing on creating new services and more convenient products is a failed business idea if the importance of human contact fades into the background.

The consumer wants to see a person behind every product purchased

It’s not for nothing that handmade jewelry, clothing and accessories are more expensive—research confirms that this is no coincidence. It is enough to simply mention that “the product was made in a small factory in Kaluga,” and its value grows before our eyes.

It’s more pleasant to support a brand that has real people and their work behind it because:

  • communicating with a person is not as scary and strange as communicating with a machine - that’s why, for example, UX writers translate technical text into human text for the interface;
  • human effort in producing a product increases its value in the eyes of the consumer.

    Dodo Pizza even allows you to look into the kitchen and watch how your order is being prepared live.

A product should have its own identity: it’s good when the packaging contains not only legal information about the company, but also a mission or just dreams. The brand communicates with customers through products.

Home bakery BakerBys made sure to stand out. A unified style of business cards and logo, handmade packaging creates a special attitude even for a small brand

The consumer trusts the seller he knows more

It’s good if a company runs a blog and talks about the materials it uses, secret life hacks and, in general, about its inner workings - for the consumer it turns from a strange stranger into a reliable manufacturer.

If you sell T-shirts, talk about your competitive advantages and how you achieve them. People will be happy to buy such a T-shirt, because it is clear that it is made of 100% cotton, and it is not sewn in a basement - the manufacturer himself said this and even showed photographs of the workshop.

The online T-shirt store Threadless invites Instagram followers to get to know the company: its team and behind-the-scenes photos from the filming

When purchasing a brand product, the consumer describes himself

The model of a smartphone or the shape of a backpack are not just characteristics of the item, but also a story about what kind of buyer they are. By giving preference to a brand over and over again, we realize our nature, search for ourselves and find ourselves - in the values ​​and principles of companies, in the words of leaders, evangelists and brand ambassadors.

According to a study by American psychologists George Newman and Paul Bloom, consumers feel that authenticity is transferred from the brand to them at the moment of purchase.

They proved that people prefer original works of art because they subconsciously believe that the magic of the artist's talent will spread to them.

Colonial style

This style is an example of eclecticism, which spontaneously arose simultaneously with the advent of the colonies. Thrifty Europeans from all over the world brought home the exquisite exotic objects that so refreshed the living rooms and offices of old Europe.

The skillful combination of overseas exoticism with familiar English, Spanish, and Dutch interiors turned out to be so successful that it has retained its popularity to this day.

Room with the past Source

Colonial style, as a product of a mixture of very different ethnic styles, is not limited by strict boundaries; It will appeal to travelers and fans of eclecticism. Initially, such interiors decorated the homes of wealthy people, and today they are more appropriate in spacious private homes with high ceilings and large windows.

Natural textures and shades are used for decoration; colors such as chocolate, terracotta, and ocher are necessarily included in the color palette. The finish should create an antique atmosphere: a feeling of wear and no shine. For walls and floors, choose a shade lighter than the furniture.

Oriental motifs Source

Furniture items suitable for the colonial style are handmade from exotic wood (mahogany and ebony, teak, rattan); High-quality stylization is allowed. A characteristic feature of many examples of colonial furniture is the use of “animal” decor. These could be figurines of monkeys and turtles decorating the backs of chairs, or lion paws instead of sofa legs.

The highlight of colonial interiors are bright accents: ornamental carpets, embroidered pillows, numerous landscapes on the walls, bronze figurines, elegant vases and lamps with textile lampshades. Exotic plants will help complement the decor: palm trees, orchids, bamboo.

Modern living room with a colonial accent Source

How authenticity can help a company

Stand out in a competitive market

Although only large corporations top the Cohn&Wolfe list of the most authentic companies, authenticity is not just their prerogative.

The most authentic brands according to the results of the Cohn&Wolfe study in 2017

Authenticity helps small companies not to drown in the stream of advertising that pours in on consumers without stopping. If you are unique and special, then you are no longer in the “bigger, cheaper, faster” race.

Cohn & Wolfe Executive Vice President and Director of Analytics Lynn Fischer sees the company's personal interactions with consumers as key to authenticity and notes that tech companies are finding it easier to connect with audiences in this way: “Technology is now everywhere—it has become an integral part of our lives. With them, it is more convenient for the brand to contact consumers. People believe that technology companies are more likely to make their lives easier and better, and offer new ways to solve their problems.” That’s why such brands ended up at the top of the ranking.”

Gain trust from your target audience

Don't ignore customer feedback. Admit your mistake and get an appreciative response from your audience. After all, only those who do nothing make mistakes; a sincere message resonates more strongly with people’s thoughts.

In 2009, the American fast food chain Domino's Pizza received the status of the worst pizzeria in America. Instead of burying its head in the sand or fighting with critics, the company revised the recipe for the sauce that caused the most criticism and invited each critic to try the updated dish.

The process was filmed and the video was posted on the Internet. The company's sales increased.

Don't overdo it... Three colors is enough

All shades, with the exception of neutrals, can cause problems when combined. That is why, in order not to look ridiculous, do not use more than 3 opposite colors in one outfit.

While touches of color in our outfits are necessary to look stylish, exaggerating them can have the opposite effect.

Therefore, all stylists recommend avoiding combining more than three different colors that do not belong to the same range.

These tips will prevent you from looking busy.

What to do to become authentic and speak in your own voice

1. Be real. This is easier said than done. The brand strategy should become the company’s bible, and to do this, answer the questions:

  • who you are?
  • What drives the company—what are its goals and mission?
  • What do you believe in and what do you not accept?

Being authentic means understanding what is important to a brand and living up to those ideals, always and everywhere.

The Splat company values ​​honesty, curiosity, responsibility, perseverance and love for one's business.

But Splat’s mission is to help people be healthy, beautiful and successful.

2. Be consistent. Advertising design - banners, advertisements, videos - everything should be in the same style and color scheme.

Tone-of-voice (corporate style of speech) should also be the same for all brand communications: in social networks, in the chat assistant, and in content marketing. Write instructions for employees, it is also called red policy.

Aviasales has chosen an unusual style of communication with subscribers and adheres to it. It feels like you are communicating with a specific person, rather than receiving an answer on behalf of the company

3. Don’t praise your uniqueness, but prove it with your actions. You can glorify the company's values ​​as much as you want, but you still won't break the ice with your audience until you reinforce your image with real actions.

On August 1, 2019, S7 Airlines expressed its position regarding the situation with Siberian forests - it returned the former name “Siberia”

A strong position will make haters become more active, but it will also attract ardent supporters, true brand advocates.

Coca-Cola's head of communications, Bea Perez, shared the company's view on this matter: “[Coca-Cola] really thinks about people and society as a whole. We always take a stand on important events and unite people. We do a lot of good for the environment, we care about people. And so it has been for 135 years. It's constant."

Coca-Cola is in 30th place in the ranking of authentic brands.

4. Follow what is happening in the world and be open to new things. In digital marketing, subscribers are a brand's best friends. On Instagram, Facebook and VKontakte they are told about promotions, discounts and events, but it is difficult to read only about advertising. It’s easy and fun to follow a living, extraordinary character.

Become one: share your position on protecting whales or Amur tigers, time your actions to coincide with what is happening in the world. This way you will establish emotional contact with the audience and will be interesting to them.

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev's proposal was quickly picked up by the Burger King fast food restaurant chain. The advertisement spread on the Internet and attracted new customers.

5. Tell a story. The history of the KFC brand is known to everyone: Colonel Sanders was everything he was before he became the founder of the fast food restaurant - a conductor, a fireman, an auto mechanic. And the hype around Sanders’ secret seasoning still hasn’t subsided—only a couple of people know the coveted recipe.

People love stories about companies and their founders because they involve human problems—the ups, downs, and real solutions to difficult situations.

Think about your company: how you started, where you are heading now, remember funny incidents and sad failures - let the company become alive, and not a monolithic statue, behind whose walls it is not clear what is happening.

On, companies tell stories: practical cases or just news

6. Communicate with consumers. A brand is also how consumers perceive it.

An excellent example is the audience collection service Cerebro Target, which has a developed community on VKontakte. There, the company's founder, Felix Zinatullin, actively communicates with the audience. He also conducts training webinars and writes expert articles.

SMM and content marketing are an opportunity to take part in a conversation with your target audience. It is important to remember that you are not trying to argue with consumers, you are inviting them to a discussion.

The more receptive you are to what your customers say, the faster you can adapt to their needs. Answer questions as honestly as possible—this is how brand authenticity emerges in the eyes of consumers.


  • Alekseev E. B., Gubanov I. A., Tikhomirov V. N.
    Botanical nomenclature. - M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 1989. - 168 pp. - 8300 copies - ISBN 5-211-00419-1. - UDC 582.57.06
  • Jeffrey C.
    Biological nomenclature
    Charles Jeffrey
    . Biological Nomenclature. Second editionTrans. from English - M.: Mir, 1980. - 120 pp. - 15,000 copies - UDC 574:001.4
  • International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (Vienna Code), adopted by the Seventeenth International Botanical Congress, Vienna, Austria, July 2005 Trans. from EnglishT. V. Egorova and others. Editor-in-chief N.


  1. Authentic brands are conquering the world: Generation Z and millennials are especially loyal to them. Data on consumer preferences in Russia correspond to global data.
  2. An authentic brand requires a strong and distinctive leader, the courage to express a position that is different from the majority, and a desire to care about people.
  3. Communication between consumers and companies has never been so close: it's time to be connected 24/7 - in chats and on social networks.
  4. To become an authentic company, you need to become a “person” with your own values ​​and principles, and not be ashamed of yourself.

Video description

About ethnic minimalism with a hammock in the following video:


One of the brightest and most original trends, which gave rise to another interesting style - boho. Indian design is based on bright, rich shades, including such difficult colors for any interior as turquoise, purple, yellow, orange, emerald, and crimson.

The colorful palette goes well with carved and wicker furniture, objects inlaid with ivory, forged lamps, bronze and wooden images of Buddha.

The walls in an Indian interior are painted, plastered or covered with textile wallpaper.

Bright colors of India Source


The style is famous for its furniture: Chinese cabinets and sofas are made of dark wood; they are covered with intricate carvings and decorated with inlays made of mother-of-pearl, ornamental stones and metals.

Despite the abundance of decor (screens, porcelain, bright images of dragons, plants and animals), the principles of minimalism are clearly visible in the rest of the design.

Modern Chinese furniture Source


The style is characterized by the use of screens, sliding partitions, and multi-level floors to highlight functional areas in the room. Unlike Chinese interiors with their love of sophistication, the furniture here is low and has a simple geometric shape.

Only a natural palette is used for decoration: beige, black, brown, milky color. The decor is sparse and elegant: wicker rugs, figurines made of wood or bone, porcelain, bonsai-style plants.

Restrained in Japanese Source


The design is based on several directions: the ethnic style of Turkey, Morocco, and Tunisia is distinguished. The main feature is the love for any warm shades. Chocolate, milk and terracotta tones are chosen as background colors. They are complemented by yellow, burgundy, emerald, ultramarine, and gold colors.

The interior contains a variety of textiles and carpets with geometric patterns, intricate lamps, comfortable sofas, benches, and ottomans.

Relaxation area in blue colors Source

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