14 examples of kindness that will lift your spirits

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  • 9th grade

In my opinion, kindness is the most important positive quality that should undoubtedly be present in every person. A clear sign of kindness is the ability to show care and understanding to your neighbor when he does not forgive you, without wanting to receive something in return. An associate in doing good deeds should be a heart endowed with purity and sincerity.

This wonderful quality should be instilled in a person from early childhood, that is, teach him to love his homeland, respect and appreciate his elders, and treat nature with care. Only in this case will a person become a person. Children's books and films teach us this. An example of the manifestation of kindness is the main character of Solzhenitsyn’s work “Matrenin’s Dvor”. An old woman with an open heart helps her fellow villagers cope with life's difficulties free of charge. Despite the fact that the woman herself needs funds, she still accommodates the narrator in her house and treats her to the largest potatoes. This attitude towards the environment is a manifestation of kind-heartedness, which carries within itself a selfless love for people.

No less important is the ability to empathize with the grief of others. Each of us experiences difficult life circumstances from time to time, and without outside support a person can die morally.

Every time we do even the smallest act of kindness, we make this world a better place. Whether it's helping homeless animals or donating to a charity to help poor children, it all makes our future brighter. In the modern world, when everyone is looking for their own benefit, there is little room for kindness. Some people, for the sake of their own ideas, become indifferent to others and commit base acts. Looking at them, you need to think about your actions and under no circumstances make mistakes that turn us into soulless creatures.

The life of a person who consciously does not want to have such a quality as kindness in himself is meaningless. He cannot interact with the world, because he is squeezed by vanity and indifference. It is difficult for him to find a common language with other people.

Thus, we can draw the following conclusion: be more merciful, do not give place to malice and deceit in your heart, because, as one famous philosopher said, “only the good done by man remains, and thanks to it, life is worth something.”

Essay 2

Kindness - what does this word mean? Who can be called a kind person? We will always ask ourselves about this, argue. Because kindness has no clear definition. These are internal sensations, and each person has their own. We can only say that kindness is something bright, it warms the heart and soul.

What does this word mean to me personally? I believe that kindness is sincere expressions of mercy, empathy and care. A kind person can never harm anyone, on the contrary, he reaches out to help, he does not feel sorry for anything for others. I also think that goodness should spread to everything around. Be it a person, an animal or a plant. I will try to prove my point of view using arguments from literature and real life.

Reflecting on the presented topic, I immediately remembered the work of the Russian writer Anna Nikolskaya “Vadimka’s Tears”. This story tells the story of a boy Vadim, whose mother ordered him to drown the puppies. However, Vadim could not do this: “tears came to his throat and began to choke him.” The boy realized that although the puppies were just born, they did not understand anything, but they were alive! On the advice of a friend, the main character took them to the hunter, because he had a dog: “maybe the old man will take yours.” This is true kindness - the value of someone else's life.

A wonderful example is Boris Ekimov’s story “Night of Healing.” The work introduces readers to a young man named Grisha and his grandmother, Dunya, to whom he came for the holidays. Every night Baba Dunya dreams of the hardships she experienced during the war, and she screams and cries in her sleep. The grandson was thinking about how to help, because just the memory of the tears of a loved one hurt his heart. Grisha’s mother advised him to simply shout “be silent” so that his grandmother would stop making noise, but his heart “was filled with pity and pain.” The boy knelt down and began to calm her down. After which he went into the kitchen and cried, these tears “came from the heart,” Grisha felt sorry for “baba Dunya and someone else.” After that night, he didn’t tell his grandmother anything, it was necessary, it was her healing.

In this story, the boy constantly shows the kindness of his heart: when he helps and sympathizes with a loved one and when he feels pain about what Baba Duna and other people once had to endure. You cannot call a person kind if he is not able to sincerely empathize and does not want to help in difficult times.

In this topic one cannot do without an example from life. It is worth mentioning a fairly well-known story that took place in the village of Bailovo (Bulgaria). A beggar grandfather named Dobri walked every day to the capital (a distance of about 10 kilometers) to beg near the local temple. He never took the collected money for himself and lived on a modest pension. Grandfather gave donations to others, once even paid the bills of an orphanage that would have simply closed. This is one of the most striking examples of kindness in life, when a person is willing to give to others without having much.

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that my position is correct. Kindness is all the most sincere and bright feelings. When a person cannot do wrong in spite of everything, he perceives other people’s grief and pain with understanding and truly wants to help.

Good will save the world

Goodness has a chain reaction. Remember the wonderful cartoon “Just Like That,” where one bouquet, given just like that, brought joy and happiness to all the inhabitants of the forest. In real life, everything happens the same way, you just have to try.

In addition to the feeling of beauty, aesthetics, we have a feeling of goodness and positivity. Kindness is cultivated in a person from birth, but it is necessary to maintain this feeling in adulthood.

Every day we are faced with the opportunity to do a good deed. Don't hold back, do it. Take part in the volunteer movement, donate food to homeless animals, go to a cleanup event, or at least call your parents and tell them that you love them.

It may not save the world from evil, but a small drop of your goodness will at least make this world a better and brighter place.
Let goodness into your life, just as you let sunshine into your room. Living with goodness is much more pleasant and comfortable. Everyone without exception. Team Growth Phase, Growth Phase

Essay What is human kindness

Regardless of culture, religious and political views, there are moral standards in the world that are recognized by everyone. And the basis of all moral and ethical values ​​is kindness. It is the foundation of the existence of human civilization, and the issue of cultivating this spiritual quality will be relevant at all times. Is there a clear definition of what kindness is and is it subject to any laws?

First of all, kindness is something positive and at the same time free of charge towards others. The desire to make others happy and their lives better, without demanding anything in return. Even a small deed contributes to the achievement of the common good, so do not confuse kindness with selflessness. It is enough to help others who need your care to the best of your ability. Kindness is not always something material. Not only the owners of charitable foundations are able to help their neighbors. Much more often these are the necessary words of support or sympathy, comradely help in difficult times. A peaceful, affectionate and gentle attitude not only towards people, but also towards the entire surrounding world, its flora and fauna. Kindness transcends racial, cultural and gender stereotypes. A kind person does not recognize differences and treats everyone as equals. Only a responsible and self-aware person is able to understand the importance of this property of the human soul. Feeling responsible for someone else's life and happiness is not given to everyone. By doing good to others, such people themselves feel happier, because their kindness does not go in vain. There are those who mistake kindness for weakness, but, as practice shows, they are short-sighted and do not think about tomorrow.

Kindness has a way of coming back. There are unspoken laws in the universe by which it exists. If you give something, you will certainly receive something in return. With kindness, you get kindness in return. Sometimes not right away, sometimes from a completely unexpected direction, but you get double the amount. It is difficult to give an unambiguous definition to this phenomenon, but, nevertheless, it exists and will exist as long as humanity exists in its current form.

Two reasons

Thousands of years ago, humanity began to look for meaning in doing good deeds. Universal justice, hell and heaven, karma.

The latter has gained particular popularity not only among Buddhists, but throughout the rest of the world. But besides religious and philosophical reasons, there is a completely justified reason to do good. Let's take a closer look at these two aspects.

Karmic boomerang

In Buddhism, karma is the totality of actions committed by a person and their consequences, which determines the fate and nature of his new birth and reincarnation. If Christianity motivates to do good by going to heaven and not to hell, then Buddhism inspires rebirth in a happy and prosperous family.

The popularity of the karmic view of virtue is explained by the popularization of the concept of rebirth and reincarnation. Without any rules and laws, reincarnation would have a rather negative effect. Do whatever you want, everything will start all over again in your next life.

But karma brings a positive meaning to rebirth. The more good deeds were present in a person’s actions, the happier he will be in his next life. In this regard, motivation is more comfortable, because it is easier to imagine yourself happy in your next life than to imagine heaven and hell.

But karma went further and reached those who do not believe in rebirth. Having evolved into the boomerang law, karma has become even closer. Now the consequences of our actions will overtake us not in the distant and mysterious next life, but tomorrow.

What's so great about the boomerang law? Because you want to believe in its existence. There is not a single scientific proof that good and evil return to us, but such a universal rule would make sense in a world filled with justice.

The main rule of Confucius “Do not do to others what you do not wish for yourself” perfectly illustrates the whole essence of the karmic boomerang. And even if in fact all this is an invention of moral dreamers, believing in these inventions already makes us better people.

Rational kindness

What should those who believe in the scientific approach, and not in karma and rebirth, do? Continue to believe in rationality! Good deeds have great meaning in maintaining order in this world. Friendship, love, justice. All this rests only on kindness, care and sympathy.

When you wonder why it is important to do good deeds in life, remember all the good things in this world. None of what you mentioned can exist without the goodness and love that we create ourselves.

If you don't believe in things that can't be seen or traced, think about hormones. When we do something good, bring joy to friends and strangers, we release the hormone of happiness. Because of this, we love to give gifts and come up with unexpected surprises.

By giving joy to others, we rejoice ourselves. As a result, two people are in a great mood. It's no secret that it is a good mood that inspires us to do something good, useful and enjoyable. The hormone of happiness is the best motivator. Being in a bad mood makes it difficult to create something new and beautiful.

Option with an example from the literature

In order to gain self-confidence, be a happy person and have desirable friends, you need to make some internal efforts. This applies to those character qualities that are considered positive. So, for example, kindness should be present in each of us.

The ability to immediately and kindly respond to the troubles of people around you in order to help them represents the content of this concept. This spiritual quality is priceless, since the person who possesses it is not alone in the world. Such people always have someone nearby who will provide mutual assistance in difficult times.

If kindness is sincere, then it is noticeable from the first minute. After all, it is impossible for an indifferent person to find himself near a pack of angry dogs who, without hesitation, decided to come to the aid of a person in need. There are many unforeseen situations that happen in life that are destructive. But it is possible to cope with them when people are able to empathize with each other, show compassion and patience when a person is in trouble. Faith in people, mercy, and other qualities that seem to complement it always revolve around “kindness.”

Thus, we begin to become familiar with the concept of kindness from an early age. Without even realizing what this term is, the child pronounces it in the right situation, associating it with such terms as help, a feeling of joy, honesty. If kindness surpasses other qualities, then mistrust, aggression, and misunderstanding will disappear in the world.

Among the countless works of Russian literature there are a huge number of examples in which kindness surpasses malice. This makes the characters truly happy. So, for example, the brave and resourceful officer Zhilin from A. K. Tolstoy’s work “Prisoner of the Caucasus” without a doubt goes to meet even representatives of the people who are the enemy. He is trying to relieve the sick from their illnesses and to please the invader’s girl by making her a doll out of wood. This hero is devoted to his people, he does not abandon the exhausted Kostylin along the way. Open to the whole world, he brings good to people, despite the conditions in which he found himself by the will of fate. There is a lack of self-interest and indifference here, which helps make your goals achievable.

Starting with caring for someone, understanding, helping those in need, a person comes to understand the word “kindness”. Realizing that you are endowed with this quality, your soul becomes light. After all, such participation in the lives of other people makes us happier.

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Kindness is actions

You can't tell a good person by his appearance. Remember: appearances can be deceiving. A sullen and hostile man at first sight may turn out to be a kind-hearted person, and a pretty and smiling woman may even be a tyrant.

Judge by a person's actions and attitude towards these actions. After all, can someone be called kind if he does good at someone’s assertive command or because it is necessary? No. Kindness is actions based on an inner impulse, dictated by conscience (some call it the dictates of the heart, soul), an instant response from within, sincere responsiveness and compassion.

Conscience according to Dahl is moral consciousness, moral intuition or feeling in a person; inner consciousness of good and evil; the secret place of the soul, in which approval or condemnation of every action is echoed; the ability to recognize the quality of an action; a feeling that encourages truth and goodness, turning away from lies and evil; involuntary love for good and truth; innate truth, in varying degrees of development.

There is an opinion that you can check whether a person is kind by his attitude towards animals. And there is truth in this.

The German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer spoke about the close connection between empathy for animals and kindness of character. He was sure that the one who cruelly treats our smaller brothers is not kind.

Photo: animalsfantastic.files.wordpress.com

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good and evil

Despite the fact that everyone considers goodness to be the basis of a good life, almost no one disdains to use openly evil methods to achieve their goals. But everyone understands perfectly well that as soon as these secret evil deeds become commonplace, the world will plunge into chaos.

We need goodness to maintain order, to live a happy and just life. Nobody wants to live in an evil and cruel world, no one wants to see their children in such a world. This is why we dislike war, violence and deadly weapons so much.

Evil easily comes into our lives. As soon as the quality of life deteriorates, people’s animal instincts awaken. When we say animalistic, we are not saying that all animals are evil. Animals bite not because of bad character, but for the sake of survival and protection. People show violence not because they have a good life. Vice versa.

But good deeds depend only on ourselves. Anger at the offender does not depend on upbringing, but it is upbringing that determines the feeling of gratitude, a sense of dignity and a sense of empathy. We are creators of good. It needs us no less than we need it. It's worth remembering.

Second argument

The problem of kindness is also raised in M. Gorky’s story “Old Woman Izergil”.

Danko is a person who can be called kind by nature. He is not indifferent to the fate of his people, who have suffered various trials. Being a brave and sacrificial man, Danko decides to lead the people in order to bring them to the light. When people began to rebel against Danko, he did not break and continued on his way, tearing out his own heart to light the way for them. The author, drawing these pictures, seems to be asking the readers the question: “Is Danko’s action a strength or a weakness?” The logic of the text allows us to say that self-sacrifice is an example of true kindness. For Danko, the happiness of the people around him was important, so he accomplished such a feat for them.

Kindness is not a weakness, but an asset

There are many in the modern world who regard kindness as weakness. And in order not to be branded a weakling, he hides one of the best qualities of human nature “under a shell.”

If you meet such a person, do not rush to prove him wrong, foaming at the mouth. There is an explanation for any behavior. It may be hidden deep inside, but it is there.

Imagine. The man had a beloved wife and two children - a son and a daughter. And in an instant she was gone: by a fatal coincidence, in front of her husband’s eyes, his beloved was killed, and along with her, his faith in the kindness and justice of this world.

Or here's an example. The guy has catastrophic bad luck with girls. The first relationship, which lasted two years, was shattered by a cruel reality: she cheated with her best friend. Having lost a large share of trust in people, the young man nevertheless, over time, finds the strength to move on. The second relationship experience turned out to be identical to the first: after eight months of living together, he finds out that all this time she had been having an affair with someone else, her ex, whom, as it turned out, she had always “loved.”

After such and many other situations, the kindness in a person who has never been able to become self-sufficient and happy in any everyday circumstances is trampled, evaporates, falls asleep - call it what you want. One thing is clear - a person becomes bitter because he is unhappy.

- Why do you keep using the words “good people”? Is that what you call everyone?

“All of them,” answered the prisoner, “there are no evil people in the world.”

Dialogue between Yeshua Ha-Nozri and Pontius Pilate. “The Master and Margarita”, M.A. Bulgakov

Without knowing what path a person has traveled and what he has had to endure, there is no need to immediately express your dissatisfaction with him and tell him how bad he is, how the earth bears such people, etc. Believe me, you will only be hitting your tongue against your teeth in vain. What is needed here is not words, but actions and specific examples.

The benefits of good deeds have been known for a long time. Proof of this is the dozens of proverbs and sayings that have reached us, revealing the wisdom of our ancestors. Here are some: “A kind word to a man is like rain in a drought,” “They do not seek good from good,” “Good is good to the good, but half a rib to the bad.”

Having done good, we gain much more. We receive what cannot be bought - we show emotions, become witnesses of happiness and its finders, and contribute to the spread of Love.

The story "The Captain's Daughter"

In the work of A.S. Pushkin one can find a manifestation of kindness and care. Vasilisa Egorovna always surrounded her family with warmth and comfort. She was always interested in her husband's affairs, but only because of her kindness. Thanks to this woman, calm, love and peace reign in her husband’s service. And she also surrounded Pyotr Grinev with her care.

Peter himself also treats everyone kindly. The first time he met Pugachev, he gave him his rabbit sheepskin coat so that he would not freeze . I gave my thing to a complete stranger, which means a very kind and selfless heart.

From this story we can conclude that you need to treat not only loved ones, but also strangers with understanding and a kind heart. Kindness is described here as the quality of a happy person. Do good, then it will come back.

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