How to deal with neurosis? What to do and how to get rid of a neurotic state

Category: Psychologist's advice/ February 06, 20200

The statistics are shocking: seven out of ten Russians suffer from neuroses. Psychologists associate the state of neurosis primarily with the fact that the dynamics of life itself have changed. We are always in a hurry, worrying, fighting for a place at work and in life. Neuroses are a psychological problem primarily for residents of megacities. Psychologists are ringing bells. But how to deal with this? How to get rid of neurosis and make sure that calmness triumphs and is firmly entrenched in ourselves?

What is neurosis?

Neurosis is a psychogenic and stress-induced disorder of the mental apparatus. The emergence of neurosis is provoked not by an event, but by our attitude towards it.

Clients who seek advice from a psychologist about neurotic disorders name the following most common causes of neuroses:

  • socio-economic problems in life that cause a feeling of hopelessness;
  • constant psychological stress;
  • high expectations leading to disappointment.

At the same time, neurosis for most people is a set of obsessive destabilizing thoughts and physiological symptoms (heart pain, tachycardia, panic attack or other manifestations) that do not allow them to live a full life and are periodically repeated. In reality, all these symptoms reflect the internal psychological state of a person and are an expression of his worldview.

What is the diagnosis based on?

The diagnosis is made by a neurologist or psychiatrist. The specialist interviews and examines the patient and conducts a psychological examination.

It is very important to exclude somatic diseases when diagnosing neurosis, because many of its symptoms are similar to manifestations of pathologies of internal organs. For this, the patient is prescribed a series of laboratory and instrumental examinations: ultrasound, X-ray, CT, MRI, vascular examination, esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD).

After excluding such diseases, differential diagnosis is carried out with other mental illnesses: psychopathy, schizophrenia, manic-depressive disorder. An important assessment criterion is the person’s awareness of his illness and the desire to get rid of it.

Top 3 neurotic conditions

In the ranking of neuroses, neurasthenia is in first place. This is when “I want to, but I can’t, because nothing works out and at the same time I’m very tired.” This state is accompanied by constant replaying in thoughts of certain events, accompanied by a sleepy state.

This is followed by obsessive-compulsive neurosis, which experts classify as an anxiety-phobic disorder. A person worries whether he forgot to turn off the water, lock the door, or feed the cat. For this type of disorder. A person can harm himself or cause physical injury.

The third type of neurosis is hysterical neurosis. Hysterical neurosis is caused by the internal conflict “I want, but they don’t give it to me.” A person in public may demonstratively begin to cut his hands, he may even develop deafness or blindness, so much does he want to draw attention to himself.

There are other types of neurotic conditions. By the way, a midlife crisis is also a neurosis, which psychologists call noogenic or existential neurosis.

It is worth noting that with any type of neurosis, the first thing that suffers is the quality of a person’s personal life, his family, work and external environment.


Developing the skills to breathe correctly, relax effectively, and react less acutely to a stressful situation is the key to the fact that in the future our patient will be able to withstand stressors and other unfavorable conditions completely independently, without the help of a doctor. Psychoeducation is necessary not only for the patient himself, but also for his family members. Support from specialists who explain how to correctly respond to certain human conditions, how to effectively provide assistance to him, and providing psychotherapeutic assistance to the family is the key to ensuring that the patient returns from the hospital to therapeutic and safe conditions that are favorable for him.

How to get rid of neurosis and neurotic state?

Neurosis is characterized by a violation of the psychological state that occurs in a person in the process of prolonged moral pressure, internal contradictions, chronic fatigue, and a general violation of the daily routine, nutrition and sleep.

The treatment of neurosis should be based on an integrated approach. The ideal fight against neurosis would be to combine psychoanalytic therapy with a person’s recognition of his neurotic state, accompanied by a persistent desire to overcome it. At the same time, it is possible to include medications in the treatment of neuroses that are prescribed exclusively by a doctor.

Pharmacotherapy gives excellent results, but only with a short-term effect. As soon as the effect of the drug ends, the neurosis and neurotic state returns with the original pronounced effect.

Here is a list of medications that doctors usually prescribe for drug therapy for neurosis:


An antidepressant is a drug that blocks an enzyme that destroys dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine, as a result of which the concentration of such hormones increases. The mood of the person suffering from neurosis improves accordingly. There is no habituation from the use of these drugs, the speed of reactions does not decrease, and there is no need to fear any side effects. However, the disadvantage of treatment with antidepressants is that this drug accumulates in the blood only over time and the corresponding reactions appear only after about a couple of weeks. The treatment course is usually two to three months.


Tranquilizers reduce reactions to various stimuli, inhibit the nervous system and have an anti-anxiety effect. The main danger of these drugs is getting used to them and losing concentration. After taking tranquilizers, you should not drive vehicles or do work that requires precise coordination of movements.


These medications help treat mild types of neurotic disorders. Their action is approximately similar to that of tranquilizers, but their effectiveness is not as high. There is no addiction to sedatives, and there are generally no side effects. When treating neuroses, they often resort to harmless herbal sedatives, such as valerian tincture, hawthorn decoction, and so on. Although there are also medications, by the way, made on a plant basis, such as Fitorelax, Novo-Passit and others.

Let me remind you that neurosis responds well to pharmacological therapy, which gives only a short-term effect! The disease returns and intensifies with each new round, therefore, when the first signs of a neurotic state occur, psychoanalytic therapy is strongly recommended.

Psychoanalytic therapy, which in turn is included in the health insurance system in a number of European countries, can greatly help stabilize the psycho-emotional state, get to the bottom of internal conflict and phobias, and explore the nature of the emergence of a neurotic state and panic attacks.

Application of instrumental therapy

In accordance with the examination results and the attending physician’s prescriptions, instrumental therapy is carried out:

  • audio-visual stimulation method;
  • light therapy;
  • biofeedback (biofeedback) sessions;
  • transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS);
  • intravenous laser blood irradiation (ILBI);
  • “neural disk” is a computer treatment program that the patient, upon discharge from the hospital, can independently continue to use at home;
  • massage.

Neurosis is not a whim, but a serious illness

In modern society, a tendency has emerged to stigmatize patients with neuropsychiatric disorders. Their suffering is underestimated, considered a weakness, and the significance of dangerous symptoms is minimized in every possible way. Ashamed of being reproached for imaginary weakness and laziness, people put off seeing a doctor for a long time. This is a fundamentally wrong tactic that leads to detrimental consequences for the entire body.

Psychosomatic connections gradually, gradually wear away the will and provoke chronic disturbances in the functioning of the whole organism.

If patients neglect their health and engage in denial, self-medication, or use advice from online forums, they risk developing comorbidities:

  • clinical depression;
  • suicidal tendencies;
  • urination disorders;
  • functional dyspepsia;
  • idiopathic hyperthermia;
  • sexual dysfunctions;
  • sleep and eating disorders;
  • angina pectoris, arrhythmia, myocardial infarction;
  • alcohol or drug addiction;
  • loss of motor and sensory functions of the nervous system;
  • erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract.

Origin and causes

The name “neurosis” originated back in 1776 during a dispute between two doctors studying mental disorders. The Italian G. Morgagni specialized in pathological anatomy. He argued that neurasthenia is a consequence of physiological changes in organs and tissues. In his opinion, the pathology could be provoked by a protracted inflammatory process, tissue degeneration, or genetic characteristics. The Italian specialist’s opponent was the Scot W. Cullen. He considered the only possible cause to be the combined influence of neuropsychic factors. It was Cullen’s opinion that turned out to be correct, and the term he proposed was included in the official list of diagnoses.

In-depth study of the issue over many years has not yielded a comprehensive definition. Psychiatry and biology give different explanations for the deviation in question. Soviet scientist Ivan Petrovich Pavlov wrote that the essence of nervousness is a prolonged overstrain of nervous processes in the brain associated with destructive external stimuli. Sigmund Freud saw the reason in the opposition of the hidden instinct to social prohibitions. American psychologist Karen Horney blamed childhood trauma. Modern experts identify several prerequisites that provoke the disease.

Treatment in hospital

A pronounced positive effect comes from conducting therapy in the clinic. All conditions for a comfortable stay have been created here. Surveillance is carried out around the clock. The inpatient treatment program includes:

  • Carrying out diagnostics. Basic techniques will allow you to identify chronic pathologies that can cause neurosis.
  • Sessions of general and individual psychotherapy. The result of treatment largely depends on the work of the psychologist.
  • Monitoring the intake of pharmacological agents. At home, it is not always possible to comply with the regimen and dosage of medications.
  • Related techniques to normalize the condition. Listening to music, drawing, reading literature can have a beneficial effect on the patient.

It is important that the patient will be cut off from pathogenic society: intensive work, conflicts at home and domestic quarrels. This will also have a beneficial effect on the healing process. Affordable prices and guaranteed results make hospital treatment a priority in getting rid of neurosis.

Professional treatment and anti-anxiety therapy

As for the nosological (more advanced) stages, it is very important to notice a change in your condition in time and take appropriate measures, that is, to prevent the development of a chronic form. Professional treatment of neurosis has two main directions: psychotherapeutic (psychoanalytic) and pharmacological (medicinal). Medication is prescribed at the affective stages, before which the emphasis is on psychotherapeutic work and anti-anxiety therapy.

At the initial level of a neurotic state, anti-anxiety therapy is possible on an outpatient basis, and without the use of medications. Excellent methods of reducing anxiety, in addition to those described above, are such non-drug procedures as: massage, balneological treatment (hydrotherapy, mud therapy, aromatherapy, galvanization of the collar areas, acupuncture, Charcot's shower, physical therapy, breathing practices, etc. However, if the patient is long-term being in a state of anxiety for a period of time (more than two weeks, for example) and experiencing a complex of symptoms, this may already indicate the chronification of neurosis and its affective level. The chronic form occurs if a person neglects the recommendations and does not modify his lifestyle. Overwork, overwork , excessive responsibility, as a consequence, alcohol abuse - all this contributes to the development of chronic neurotic conditions. This condition is dangerous and requires qualified assistance from a specialist, the prescription of psychotherapeutic and, quite possibly, drug treatment!

Treatment methods for neurasthenia

The treatment tactics for neurosis are determined by the doctor depending on the severity of the pathology. In some cases, you can get rid of HP using psychotherapy alone. Properly selected psychologist activities are the fundamental technique for treating neurasthenia. The reversibility of neurosis and a positive reaction to mental influences allows you to quickly achieve healthy thinking. Based on the specifics of the methods, there are:

Pathogenic. Designed to fight the root cause. They help identify conflict, resolve internal contradictions, and mitigate childhood trauma, the consequences of which have become a pathology in adulthood. The most effective methods of therapy are: psychodynamic, systemic, cognitive, integrative.

Symptomatic. They allow you to correct behavior during stressful situations, help lay down the principles of objective perception, and independently stop panic symptoms. They use hypnotherapy, breathing techniques, and relaxing painting.

Sometimes the diagnosis requires medical intervention. Usually, drugs act as a “second fiddle” to achieve rapid physical and mental relief. These products should only be consumed under the supervision of a specialist. The drugs have a wide range of limitations and side effects.


Primary and secondary prevention of HP plays an important role. Even after complete recovery, it is important to follow recommendations to prevent relapse. The prevention program involves actions such as:

  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle. A balanced diet, adherence to sleep and rest, and exercise are the main pillars of a healthy nervous system. Narcotic substances are strictly prohibited. You should not drink alcohol regularly or in large quantities. It is advisable to completely give up tobacco products.
  • Prevention of traumatic effects. One of the main goals is to minimize stress, avoid conflicts, and maintain a favorable emotional atmosphere.
  • Following the principles of proper education. You should not instill in children the idea of ​​their exclusivity and superiority or, conversely, artificially diminish their successes and merits.
  • Maintaining adequate lighting. A banal lack of light often leads to the appearance of the first signs of neurosis and depression. It is worth giving up thick curtains and using bright lighting in the evening. Light helps produce serotonin, a neurotransmitter that has a positive effect on mood.
  • Timely detection and treatment of pathologies. It is important to be regularly examined and urgently stop disorders of the endocrine, nervous, cardiovascular and other systems. Advanced pathologies significantly increase the risk of nervous disorder.

Types of drugs for relieving neurosis

  • Tranquilizers. Means that reduce emotional anxiety and tension.
  • Neuroleptics. Suppress psychomotor agitation, reduce the speed of the brain reaction without loss of consciousness.
  • Sedatives. They calm down, relieve hysterical neurosis, and normalize the emotional background.
  • Antidepressants. Increases the level of neurotransmitters. This is the main way to combat depression using pills.

When conducting therapy among adults and children, light therapy, long walks in the fresh air, and communication with loved ones are recommended. It is good if the patient is engaged in some activity with pleasure, for example, creativity or handicrafts.

Physical symptoms and signs of neurasthenia

  • Headache, constant dizziness and autonomic disorders. There is a feeling of squeezing, pulsation, tingling in the temples.
  • Discomfort in the chest and heart area. Compression, pain, various rhythm disturbances - tachycardia, bradycardia.
  • Pain in the stomach. It may hurt, pull or twist after the experience.
  • Deterioration in performance and asthenic syndromes. Weakness, fatigue. Memory and thinking suffer. Chronic feeling of fatigue.
  • Nervous pressure changes associated with attacks. It becomes dark in the eyes, I can’t breathe, my head is spinning.
  • Loss of coordination. Noticeable external symptoms of neurosis are clumsiness and difficulties in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus.
  • Psychalgia. Painful sensations not related to physiology, but caused by anxiety.
  • Deterioration in the quality of sexual life. There is a decrease in sexual desire, tension negatively affects potency.
  • Speech defects. Stuttering is common.
  • Change in appetite. It manifests itself individually as gluttony and refusal of food.

What mental symptoms should be considered if a disorder is suspected:

  • Insomnia and difficulty falling asleep;
  • Emotional distress without adequate prerequisites;
  • Panic attacks, acute reactions and grievances, fear;
  • Difficulty making decisions, difficulties communicating, inability to cope with stress;
  • Inappropriate reactions to events - aggression or tears;
  • Manifestations include incorrect self-esteem - overestimation or underestimation;
  • Changes in mood, fatigue, memory loss, irritability are detected;
  • ND may include dwelling on an unpleasant situation from the past;
  • Inconsistency of life values, dependence of self-perception on temperature changes, loud sounds or bright light.

It is necessary to understand that symptoms do not necessarily include all of the listed events. A comprehensive assessment of manifestations followed by a diagnosis is rational.

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