List of 20 books on self-development and personal growth for women

Self-help books are not the most exciting or exciting section in a bookstore. However, it is here that any girl can find something that will make her feel good. Reading them is like having a conversation and getting advice from your best friend or mentor.

Regardless of what stage of life you're currently going through - a breakup, a job change, an identity crisis, or just feeling overwhelmed - these books for women should be required reading in 2022.

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No. 1. “I am a woman” – Olga Belokon

Overview: Description of common and relevant topics for women's health

Olga Belokon is a practicing gynecologist who helps women with various health-related issues.

In the book, Olga talks about the basics of women's health, hormones, contraception and much more. The author argues that in order to avoid possible diseases, it is necessary to study and listen to your own body. You will find out how to do this on the pages.

“I am a Woman” is a real encyclopedia of women's health, which offers a modern approach to medicine. I think the widest possible range of topics covered will be of interest to all women (and men).


“Your life, your physical and mental health is much more important than anything else.”

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Louise Hay is the author of fifteen bestselling books. She helped thousands of people believe in themselves and get rid of painful illnesses. Louise Hay's works have been translated into 23 languages ​​and published in 30 countries. This book was written to help all women realize their potential and, by correcting and improving existing canons, to positively influence their future.

After reading it, I immediately fell in love with both this book and its author. Subsequently, I read all of Louise Hay's books. Any of the books by this author is a MUST READ. It’s mandatory, and then do whatever you want. But I am simply confident that with your opinion you will be convinced of the correctness of the truths set forth in this book. The book is written in simple and understandable language. All the women I know who read this book were inspired by the author, the book, and the ideas and information presented by the author. The book may be small in volume, but God, it contains so much useful information. I just want to scream, why aren’t all girls taught this at school?

No. 2. "The Body Book" - Cameron Diaz

The Big Picture: How to Listen to and Understand Your Body

Cameron Diaz is the hottest blonde in Hollywood, who gained her popularity thanks to the films “The Mask”, “Charlie’s Angels”, “Vanilla Sky”, etc. Similar to the first writer on our list, Diaz felt that she had achieved greatness and could write her own book.

“The Book of the Body” is another publication dedicated to women’s health. Apparently the topic is very popular, so everyone writes about it. But Diaz's book is written in a pleasant and simple style. She talks about her own experiences, personal thoughts, career and creativity.

On the pages you will learn about the basic principles of proper nutrition, the effect of food on the body, body signals and caring for it.


“If you hear your body and your mind, and your mind and body hear each other, nothing will stop you from building a happy life.”

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Clarissa Pinkola Estes, "Who Runs with the Wolves"

The author of the book is a psychotherapist who collected and analyzed fairy tales dedicated to the female archetype. Estes argues that the origins of femininity must be sought in the primordial wild woman, wise and courageous, who lives in the soul of each of our contemporaries. And studying fairy tales helps to gain access to this wild woman.

Enter the world of analytical psychology to find your own Self and discover possibilities within yourself that you never knew existed! The book will help you abandon everything superficial and come into contact with your hidden power, which at first may frighten a person accustomed to living within the shackles imposed by civilization.

No. 3. “Towards Zen in stiletto heels” – Elizaveta Babanova

General meaning: Search for a new life and dream job

Elizaveta Babanova is a psychologist, writer and author with extensive experience. For 20 years she studied psychology and neurophysiology, tried to cope with bad habits and developed willpower (yes, this is all written in the description).

In the book “Towards Zen in Heels” you will find simple and effective tips to help you reconsider your attitude towards life. And also change settings. These tips can become your guide to realizing and realizing your dreams.

Thanks to an interesting plot that keeps the reader in suspense until the last lines, it is easy to read.


“When we put our resources first, we naturally become more loving to our loved ones.”

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"The Muse and the Beast. How to organize creative work”, Yana Frank

Many people think that the creative process cannot be structured and subordinated to any schedule. Yana Frank, artist, blogger and book author, strongly disagrees with this approach. She created her own system, which every creative person can adapt to suit themselves, while maintaining freedom of action and thought.

The book from the first to the last page was made by the author: layout, illustrations, design and working materials. This is a unique interactive guide that you can and should actively work with. Feel free to make notes, draw in the margins, and even cut out particularly interesting places. A personal organizer will help you change yourself and the world around you.

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No. 4. “The Big Book of the Divine Woman” – Satya Das

General meaning: Definition of "divine woman"

Let's not deviate from tradition and first get to know the author. Saita Das is a famous family psychologist and philosopher who helps millions of girls around the world cope with problems and find themselves in this life.

In her publication “The Big Book of the Divine Woman,” Das talks about the three rules of the female population, the secrets of overcoming the crisis, ways to increase your own self-esteem and be happy.

This book will reconfigure many of your attitudes and roles that were previously dragging you to the bottom. You will begin to love and believe in yourself.


“A man is a magnifying glass, he can increase the happiness of a woman that already exists, and make an unhappy woman even more unhappy.”

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Books on relationship psychology

Interpersonal relationships are the most confusing and complex. This is especially true for the delicate relationship between a man and a woman. There are many scientific works in which psychologists tried to find patterns of feelings and build a clear formula of love. Books about relationships are books about femininity, about the art of being a woman, a special segment in literature that can forever change the concept of family and marriage, making life in a couple happy and harmonious. They will be useful both for girls under 30 and for those who have extensive experience in marriage.

  1. "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" by John Gray. A real bestseller, translated into 15 languages, with a multi-million circulation all over the planet. The author is a practicing psychologist and sex therapist John Gray. The book reveals the essence of the differences in the psychology of the opposite sex in the perception of various situations. What sets her apart is a narration that is absolutely open and honest, without unnecessary veiling. It’s easy to recognize yourself in the stories described, and apply the conclusions drawn in practice.

  2. "Act Like a Woman, Think Like a Man" by Steve Harvey. “The book that saves relationships” is how this treatise was dubbed on the Internet. It describes, in an accessible and incredibly easy-to-follow manner, the personal characteristics of men and the reasons for their behavior in different situations. The work gives a lot of practical advice that can be used in real life. It will be useful both in family vicissitudes and in building new relationships.

  3. “Fear of Intimacy” by Ilse Sand. The creation of a Danish psychotherapist, which can be attributed to the collection of life-affirming books. Allows you to realize the hidden reasons that have erected a psychological barrier that does not allow you to feel true happiness, both in relationships and in life. The book will help you find and overcome attitudes received in your youth; it will teach you not to forget unpleasant, painful situations, but to overcome them.

  4. "The Five Love Languages" by Gary Chapman. Without a doubt, a masterpiece included in the list of the best books after 30 years. This age category is explained by the life cycle of marriage, when a crisis occurs in a married couple. And also the point when unmarried ladies begin to realize the craving for children and home. The book allows you to understand the choice of the most understandable option for receiving love, through help, gifts, encouraging words, wasted time or touch. The author, Ph.D. and eminent family consultant, through practical instructions, will help to establish a connection between the opposite sex.

  5. "The Charm of Femininity" by Helen Andelin. The selection of books would be incomplete without a work by a woman author. Helen Andelin is a happy mother of eight children, who wrote her work back in 1963. But there is still controversy about it. Numerous admirers have long dedicated the creation to tabletop reading, choosing from there the secrets of building a harmonious marriage, rules for raising children and recommendations on ways to help your husband achieve success. Others denounced the work, accusing the author of excessive subservience to husbands and an obvious gender division of responsibilities. But this book is worth reading.

No. 5. "Important Years" - Meg Jay

General meaning: About the interval between 20 and 30 years

According to Mag Jay, the period between 20 and 30 years is the most significant period in a person’s life. “Don’t just waste your time!” – this is what the pages of this publication scream about.

Mag Jay also identifies 4 “pillars” on which a person’s life should be built at an important time for him:

  1. Intellectual development;
  2. Physical health;
  3. Family and love;
  4. Job.


“We cannot become what we do not see, hear and do every day.”

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"Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert

By the age of 32, Elizabeth Gilbert, the author and main character of the book, seemed to have received everything she dreamed of. There is a career, a home, a husband, sleepless nights and the first signs of depression. Divorce and a relationship with another man did not bring happiness either. This means that the time has come for global changes. Elizabeth plunges into self-discovery, studying the cultural traditions of other countries.

For several months, the main character took refuge in an ashram - a Hindu abode of wisdom. She learned to be silent, listen and accept herself. At the end of a long journey through Italy, India and Indonesia, Elizabeth found not only her own self, but also the love of her life. The book perfectly motivates not to give up even in the most desperate moments.

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No. 6. "Rules. How to Marry the Man of Your Dreams - Ellen Fein, Sherry Schneider

General meaning: Basic rules for building long-lasting relationships

If among the readers of the article there are women who dream of creating a happy and strong marriage, then all attention to the text.

In 9 out of 10 cases, couples break up due to stupid and thoughtless actions at the dating stage. Thanks to the book "Rules" you will learn to avoid such fatal mistakes.

The publication includes descriptions and explanations of 35 rules for creating long-lasting relationships that will be useful to both women and men.


“Remember that Cinderella ended the date first.”

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If for us “to love” means “to suffer,” then we love too much. This book examines the reasons that cause so many women seeking love and a loving man to inevitably find inconsiderate, selfish partners who do not reciprocate their feelings. We discover why, even if our relationship with a significant other does not satisfy us, we still want but it is difficult to break them. We will understand how our desire to love and love itself become a passion, an addiction, an addiction, a chronic incurable disease.

No. 7. “One habit a week” - Brett Blumenthal

General meaning: Description of one habit per week

Many people, especially women, have been trying for many years to cope with their bad habits and develop new useful ones, which include:

  • Jogging in the morning;
  • Proper nutrition;
  • A glass of water in the morning;
  • Get up on an alarm clock, etc.

But they don’t succeed and they give up. Their problem is the wrong approach to habits.

In the book “One Habit a Week,” Brett Blumenthal offers exactly the right and original method for developing new and useful habits.

The main idea is to form one new habit every week that will change your life for the better. The author also explains the benefits of this habit, methods of cultivation and methods of constant use.


“If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.”

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Jojo Moyes "Me Before You"

Lou Clark knows how many steps it is from the bus stop to her house. She knows that she really likes her job at the cafe and that she probably doesn't love her boyfriend Patrick. But Lou does not know that she is about to lose her job and that in the near future she will need all her strength to overcome the problems that have befallen her. Will Traynor knows the motorcyclist who hit him took away his will to live. And he knows exactly what needs to be done to put an end to all this. But he doesn’t know that Lou will soon burst into his world with a riot of colors. And they both don't know that they will change each other's lives forever.

No. 8. "The Magic of Tidying Up" - Marie Kondo

General idea: Step-by-step recommendations for cleaning and storing things

Marie Kondo is a Japanese writer, expert and consultant on decluttering your home (yes, there are such people).

In her book “Magic Tidying Up,” Marie introduces us to the Japanese art of organizing home life and home life. The purpose of this book is to help readers get rid of things that do not bring joy or happiness, and are simply not needed.

“Magic cleaning” is not only about cleaning things up, but also about getting rid of unnecessary connections, losing extra pounds and renouncing shopaholism.


“We need to treasure not memories, but the person we have become as a result of past experiences.”

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“You are a goddess! How to drive men crazy?”, Marie Forleo

This book is for those who can't find their soulmate. Moreover, Marie says that the problem is not in the men around her, but in the women themselves. They simply do not know how to behave correctly and present themselves favorably, hence all the troubles. Women, without knowing it, often push away promising and potential soul mates. Even harmless little things can turn a man away, so you should always act thoughtfully and carefully. Forleo's book will forever change your personal life, help you unlock your inner potential, gain self-confidence and freedom of action, and become truly attractive and irresistible. Men will literally go crazy and fall at your feet if you just snap your finger. And yes, the book will help you get rid of oppressive relationships that bring only suffering and are very tiring.

No. 9. "Eat, Move, Sleep" - Tom Rath

General meaning: 3 pillars of a healthy lifestyle

According to Tom Rath, author of the book “Eat, Move, Sleep,” a healthy lifestyle is just a matter of following a few rules and principles on an ongoing basis.

For his publication, Tom developed a special methodology, which consists of 3 main aspects of a healthy lifestyle - proper nutrition, exercise and healthy sleep. Thanks to this technique, every person, regardless of his condition, is allowed to lead a healthy lifestyle and do what he loves.

  1. Proper nutrition - the human body is more adapted to hunger than to the consumption of high-calorie and fatty foods.
  2. Movement is the best cure for illness and bad mood.
  3. Healthy sleep – rest and recuperation for a productive day.


“No matter what lifestyle you lead now, you can always change to live a longer, more fulfilling life.”

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"Circle of Nine: Aspects of the Modern Woman's Psyche in Nine Archetypes" by Cherry Gilchrist

The author of the book is British researcher Cherry Gilchrist, who studied alchemical works, opuses on astrology and cultural history, myths, legends and tales, and based on them created a mythological model. It reflects the psychological portrait of each individual woman using the example of nine models called the “Circle of Nine”. These psychological models date back to ancient times. They are constantly being transformed and transformed, but still the basis has survived to this day. Cherry identifies the following psychological portraits: “Queen of Beauty”, “Mother Weaver”, “Lady of Light”, “Queen of the Night”, “Great Mother”, “Lady of the Hearth”, “Queen of the Earth”, “Fair Mother”, “Mistress of the Dance” " In one of these portraits you will definitely recognize yourself and, with the help of the advice given by Cherry, you will be able to understand and comprehend the secret of your femininity.

No. 10. "Rich Woman" - Kim Kiyosaki

The Big Picture: A Women's Guide to Investing

All of us, or most of us, are familiar with Robert Kiyosaki, the author of the best-selling book Rich Dad Poor Dad. As you guessed, Kim Kiyosaki is his wife. Hence the similar name and theme. However, you should not immediately bury this work.

Unlike the book “Rich Dad Poor Dad,” which touched on the problem of financial illiteracy among a larger percentage of the population, “Rich Woman” is dedicated to the topic of financial literacy in only the female segment.

Its main message is to convey to readers the reasons and factors why girls need to take care of financial independence.

Yes, Kim’s book contains a lot of water than her husband’s, but it’s still worth reading. At least for those who don’t want to be left with nothing.


“Until the age of 18, a woman needs good parents, from 18 to 35 – good looks, from 35 to 55 – good character, and from 55 – good money.”

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Svetlana Prokopchik. Applied men's studies

The unexpected scandalous truth about modern men. Practical instructions containing rules for attracting and domesticating men, basic principles of training. The author clearly explains why all this was invented and how it actually works in real life, with a lot of examples and rules.

These were the most interesting books for women that are worth reading for self-development and self-improvement. If you know something else for girls, share your ideas in the comments.

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