A maximalist is... What is special about maximalists and how do they differ from the rest?

No matter how strong the desire, it is impossible to find a person who would feel exactly the same as us. Everyone has their own unique attitude and attitude towards the surrounding reality. Individual properties of a person are formed on the basis of certain personal qualities. Maximalism is one of these qualities. Who is a maximalist? By what characteristics can people be called maximalists?

Teenage maximalism: causes and consequences

There is no reason for youth maximalism. Only at a certain age do young people tend to perceive what is happening through the prism of contrasts. It is youth maximalism that often justifies open protests of young people against established standards. This can be expressed in frequent radical changes of point of view, excessive self-confidence, a constant desire to challenge other people's opinions and unique ways of self-expression.

No matter how strongly youthful maximalism manifests itself, it is important that next to the hot-tempered and extreme teenager there are calculating adults who are able to sensitively perceive his extreme impulses and direct the flows of frantic energy in the right direction.

Meaning and classification

This maximalism is a concept that implies a complex of certain qualities that allow one to express oneself as an individual. Typical for young people. According to experts, not all boys and girls develop this condition. Its formation depends on the psycho-emotionality of a person and the characteristics of his temperament.

If you are interested in the question at what age maximalism manifests itself, then most often this is the period from 12 to 17 years, when a person is no longer considered a child, but is still not an adult. There are known cases when these boundaries can shift. This is the period when teenagers begin to argue with their parents, believing that mom and dad are incompetent when it comes to modern life. The opinions of friends, especially peers, are more important than anything else. And this leads to the fact that young people often commit rash acts.

There are three phases in the development of maximalism,

  1. Early. In the age period from twelve to fifteen years. A restructuring of consciousness is taking place, and demands on behavior are increasing. Such changes can lead to the development of protest among adolescents, which will be expressed in conflicts at school.
  2. Average. Ages from fifteen to eighteen years. During puberty, boys and girls have their first experience of unrequited love. Young people try to resist adults; they strive to prove their independence in the most unconventional ways.
  3. Late. The typical age is from eighteen to twenty-two years. The search for one’s place in society, one’s attitude to the surrounding reality, and the formation of a worldview are key in this period.

As you can see, the answer to the question up to what age maximalism can be maintained among young people is somewhat ambiguous. It all depends on the character, temperamental characteristics of an individual person, as well as the influence of external factors. For some, this limit is 17 years old, for others – at 22, and for others, they can live with maximalism all their lives.

Three main types of maximalists are considered.

  1. Chatterbox. Due to the fact that communication technologies are now rapidly developing, this type of maximalism is often formed before the beginning of adolescence and may not end at all. Characteristic behavior for this type is a complete contradiction of generally accepted rules and ideas. Such a teenager will be able to talk over any adult, arguing his point of view, although, in fact, there will be no serious arguments in his words. The energy of denial in some cases leads to the fact that a young man turns to science, where, with hard work and his own inclinations, he manages to achieve good and sometimes outstanding results. In a situation where such behavior goes beyond all boundaries, it is better to seek help from a psychologist.
  2. A rationalist is a pragmatist. There is a denial of what is happening, however, such teenagers study well and are ahead of their peers. The main thing is that such a young man can make the right choice, find a goal and achieve it. It is important that the family exerts the right influence, if necessary, is able to correct the child’s aspirations, and explains what is real and what is unrealistic. Such individuals often grow into businessmen and successful professionals.
  3. An adrenaline junkie. A fairly common type among teenagers. For example, when a young lady does some kind of dirty trick or, after arguing with her peers, climbs a tall tree, there is indifference. Such a teenager, as a rule, has serious problems in the family, at school, and in society. He can get involved in street gangs, radical movements, or become a fan of a football team. In order for such a maximalist to cope with his condition, it is best to get him interested in a serious sport. He will direct all his energy to training, it is important that he does not neglect his studies. If such a child is missed, he will end up in drug addiction or crime.

Psychologists believe that some teenagers, when faced with maximalism, remain with it throughout their lives. However, youthful maximalism should not be confused with elementary bad manners of a person.

Who is a chronic maximalist?

But a maximalist is not always a person who is going through the next stage of growth. Sometimes youth leaves, but personal traits remain that contradict the reality of life.

An adult maximalist is a controversial and stubborn person who does not want to listen to other people’s opinions. Sometimes this quality manifests itself in another positive way. The desire to become a leader, to be successful in everything: at work, in creativity, in family relationships is a good motivation that is conducive to active action.

The reasons for chronic maximalism come from childhood. Most often, an adult maximalist is someone who was prohibited from many things in childhood, or vice versa: they indulged every whim.

Is there a cure for maximalism?

Choosing between “yes” and “no”, you can always feel like maximalists. We are like that several times a day, aren’t we? Listen to yourself: if you are categorical and insist that there can only be one of two choices, then you are a maximalist. If you are intolerant of other people's opinions, you are a maximalist. And something needs to be done about this.

Give yourself permission to question yourself by asking simple questions: Is what I currently stand for really important to me? Do people suffer from my categorical attitude? Am I saving humanity by being willing to kill everyone who disagrees with me? If you are able to admit that you are wrong, you are curable. If not, then the next stage of maximalism is senile insanity. You just have to be ready for it.

Source: https://www.kakprosto.ru/kak-828406-kto-takoy-maksimalist

How does maximalism manifest itself in feelings?

Maximalism of “high” feelings is more common among women. Standards in love are the main reason for their disappointments. The chosen one must correspond to the ideal and fit all parameters, and the relationship must be filled with passion, deep mutual understanding, and romance. We know that fairy tales rarely come true, which means that a connoisseur of high relationships is most likely forced to accept imperfection and be content with little, or remain single and continue the vain search for the ideal.

Most often, the feeling of maximalism is associated with a lack of life experience, so this is a temporary phenomenon.

Characteristic manifestations

An acute reaction to criticism and a reluctance to listen to the opinions of adults are manifestations of youthful maximalism.
In girls, this condition manifests itself in a rather interesting way. The young lady, who just a couple of years ago was still playing with toys and dolls, suddenly realizes that this time has passed. She is ready to confront everything that comes her way in order to fight for new ideals. She is sure that she is proving that she is strong, that she can stand up for herself. This period is characterized by the fact that a girl can begin to experiment with clothes, hairstyle, and makeup; she will do everything to appear more mature. In addition, unfortunately, she may strive to be like her adult friends and will want to try alcohol, sex or cigarettes. And this is a rather negative aspect of maximalism, since the psyche is still not strong and such an experience can cause serious psychological trauma.

What manifestations are typical for teenagers with maximalism?

  1. An attempt to test family foundations for strength. A daughter or son analyzes what principles mom or dad lives by. As a rule, such research ends in a generational conflict.
  2. Search for ideals.
  3. Selfishness. Children at this age practically do not care about other people’s experiences; their own worries come first. If you ask them for help, they will react indifferently or aggressively even towards a loved one.
  4. Ultimate. When something doesn’t go as planned for a teenager or he is faced with a ban, he begins to issue ultimatums and blackmail in order to achieve the desired goal. For example, he will not want to do his homework or even eat until he is allowed to play on the computer.
  5. Extreme belief. The young lady becomes categorical about everything. She can go from one extreme to another.
  6. Strong reaction to criticism. Great need to be approved and inability to adequately perceive someone’s comments regarding one’s own behavior.
  7. Feeling of adulthood. The teenager points out to older people that they are living incorrectly, that now is a different time, different orders.
  8. Obsession. A strong passion for someone or something manifests itself, and can reach critical proportions. For example, a teenager is unable to tear himself away from a computer game for long hours, or a girl spends hours in the clouds, thinking about the guy she likes.

The pursuit of excellence: why it's good and why it's bad

What does maximalist mean? Is it good or bad if this quality is present in the facets of your personality? There are two completely opposite points of view on this matter. There are those who consider maximalism as a character trait to be one of the worst vices, but there are also those who consider this quality to be useful. Let's look at what's good and what's bad about maximalism. Let's start with the good:

  • often maximalists are bright and extraordinary personalities with whom it is useful to communicate;
  • mandatory provision of life goals and priorities;
  • fight for an ideal;
  • have your own opinion;
  • activities;
  • desire to win, desire and ability to win.

But there is also a downside. The bad things that can be said about maximalists:

  • inability to lose;
  • a morbid passion for imposing the “only correct” opinion on others;
  • excessive categorization prevents them from looking at things soberly;
  • tendency to self-flagellation.


Is maximalism so bad? No, it has its positive sides. But uncontrolled maximalism can cross them all out. To benefit rather than harm, you need to work on yourself:

  1. Set realistic goals and be mentally prepared for loss so that it won’t be so painful later.
  2. Don’t expect perfection from yourself, much less from others . There are no perfect people and it is impossible to become one, no matter how hard you try. Therefore, reasonable demands will allow you to avoid problems in relationships with people and not be disappointed.
  3. Get rid of negative feelings from your own mistakes and other people's victories . Learn to be happy for others and notice things in which our loved ones are better than us in some way. This will help avoid negative qualities such as pride and competitiveness.

If a maximalist can become balanced, it will be much easier for others to communicate with him. And the family will not suffer from an excess of demands.

I have always worked on my qualities and relationships with others, without allowing negative, repulsive qualities to appear in me. People who thought I was proud without even knowing me were happy to discover the opposite. People wanted to communicate with me and be friends, and thanks only to the positive aspects of maximalism, I became better and did not deteriorate.

Source: https://frauwow.com/life-style/psihologiya/maksimalizm.html

Is it necessary to fight maximalism?

Often negative manifestations of maximalism become a problem not for the owner of this quality, but for his immediate environment.

The first rule of communicating with maximalists is not to discuss issues that concern them. Almost any dialogue on a “problematic” issue for a maximalist can easily turn into a desperate discussion out loud. A maximalist is a person with whom you will have to show all your patience, logic and tact.

If we are talking about youth maximalism, only time can help. After twenty years, as life experience accumulates, manifestations of this character trait gradually disappear. A trained person who perceives the signs of maximalism must first learn how to correctly use a unique property. This means clearly defining goals and striving for leadership in certain areas of activity, rather than wasting energy trying to understand the immensity.

Intolerance as a way of existence

Gray, and especially its shades in the color spectrum from white to black or vice versa, does not exist for a maximalist. Just as there are no words “maybe, but...”. And if between borscht and pea soup you suddenly choose a hodgepodge, then be prepared in advance for moral humiliation - the maximalist will stamp you with an impartial description, calling you, at best, without a firm position, a weak-willed person. Firstly, you did not choose borscht with him as the only correct answer. Secondly, they chose their own option, and this breaks the consciousness of the maximalist. They are, as a rule, intolerant and their principles are simple: whoever is not with us is against us; a step to the left, a step to the right - execution.

“We don't have a chance to do a lot of things, all of which can be called great. Because this is our life. Life is short and you die. Do you know this? Steven Jobs

Possible consequences

In psychology, there are several options for how maximalism in youth can end if the teenager is not helped in time.

  1. Getting into a sect. A teenager who finds himself in a crisis situation may fall under the influence of false preachers, especially if the child has serious problems communicating with parents and peers.
  2. Antisocial behavior. Making attempts to convince others that they are fearless, girls and boys can take illegal actions. Having found himself in bad company, a young man may be asked to prove his worth by committing theft or physical violence against the offender, or to prove his strength by finding himself in an extreme situation, for example, by walking along the edge of a high-rise building. As a result, coming to the attention of law enforcement services.
  3. Addiction. Teenagers may start smoking cannabis, then move on to marijuana and more serious drugs. Since the young man’s psyche is not yet strong, he is very unstable to people who persuade him to try something new or go against his parents.
  4. Dysmorphophobia. The child begins to change his appearance, tries to hide something with the help of a non-standard manner of dressing. In advanced cases, a girl is able to go on a strict diet, which often ends in anorexia, or decide to undergo plastic surgery. Young men are also able to get tattoos or piercings.
  5. Adjacent to non-standard flow. The desire to taste the forbidden fruit.
  6. Teenage alcoholism. For the first time, a child can try alcohol on a dare. In addition, do not forget that television often shows advertisements, in particular for beer. If parents also drink alcohol at home, this will be an additional incentive to point out their growing up in this way.

Advice for a teenager

  1. Introspection. It is important to understand what allows you to enjoy life. It is necessary to realize that attributing one’s own point of view to adults can lead to the loss of “one’s own self.”
  2. Respect for people. It is important to learn to treat people the way you would like to be treated. Otherwise, it is possible that you will run into retaliatory aggression. In addition, if you treat others with disrespect, you can end up in splendid isolation.
  3. Learn to say “no” if someone suggests doing something immoral, pulls you to do bad things.
  4. Self-control. There is no need to attribute everything to maximalism or peculiarities of temperament, acting uncivilized or uncultured. Learn to control your emotions.
  5. Work on yourself. In order to prevent negative thoughts from entering your consciousness, you need to enroll in some section. This will contribute to development and self-realization.
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