Self-presentation: how to present yourself and make the right impression

How to give yourself to a man? Many girls prefer to give their loved one... themselves instead of banal, boring, hackneyed gifts. Or they are just getting ready, planning to do it as a surprise. Is only beautiful packaging in the form of black lace expensive underwear needed for such a gift? Or do you need to put a bow on yourself, like a new car, or even climb into a huge cardboard cake? More about this and much more in the article. Forward!

How to improve self-presentation skills?

Body language is considered very important in self-presentation. A lot of information about a person can be gleaned from nonverbal signals: facial expressions, gestures, body movements.

The way you open the door, hold your posture, and sit on a chair will tell others a lot about you.

A competent interlocutor will always be able to determine by your posture whether you are telling the truth or being disingenuous, manipulating or behaving arrogantly, ready for action or whether you are tired of everything.

In order to learn how to behave correctly, a couple of rehearsals in front of the mirror, proper breathing and inner peace are enough.

Don't forget about such important details as clothes, accessories, hairstyle.

When going somewhere, you need to very accurately assess the environment that awaits you and predict the impression you can make.

You don't have to wear expensive suits, but it is important to look neat. For example, are the shoes neat or worn out?

Neatness in clothing is very often associated with neatness in business (see Image, Style).

For a favorable assessment of others, it is important to learn how to stage a scene in space and maintain the correct distance in communication.

There are several spatial zones, correctly positioned in which you can “calm down” your interlocutor and cause his positive reaction. There is an intimate zone (up to 45 cm), into which only persons who are in close emotional contact with the person are allowed to enter.

The personal zone (from 45 to 120 cm) is used in everyday communication with familiar people. This is a distance from receptions and official parties.

Social zone (from 120 to 400 cm) - the distance at which it is best to communicate at official meetings with strangers. The public zone (more than 4 m) is convenient when communicating with large groups of people; It is more comfortable for both the speaker and the listeners to perceive each other from this distance.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​The pace and manner of speech, the volume of your voice, intonation and clarity of pronunciation - this is what will form an opinion about you in the first minutes of the conversation.

We strongly advise against:

1) Come to the meeting after the party

If this happens, and you abused it a lot the day before, then it’s better to reschedule the meeting.

2) Flirt

Almost 80% of recruiters are girls, different girls, so you may have a desire to combine business with pleasure, or you will think that the recruiter’s heart does not lie through the heart at all. Either way, this is a very, very bad idea. Because, most likely, you won't be the first to think so. Remember this.

3) Throw mud at your previous employer

About former employers, either well or not at all, this cannot establish the applicant as a decent person. There is nothing more to add.

4) Be nervous

No matter how cool the position is, no matter how much you want to get there, always remember that an interview is a meeting of two equal partners, and you also choose.

5) Start haggling

The first interview is not a reason to negotiate price prices, or start a conversation with the phrase “that’s all good, but what’s your salary.” It usually makes sense to have such conversations with the budget holder, usually this is the final meeting, and yes, nfv you can bargain!”

It is important to control the pace of your speech.

Without excessive expression. The perception of fast and measured speech is different. If you want your words to be listened to, take your time and don’t chatter. However, on the other hand, fast speech is perceived more convincingly, so in especially important moments it is better to speed up its pace.

It is better to speak with weight and confidence - like an experienced specialist who knows his worth. An indecisive person can be recognized by his slurred statements, replete with euphemisms that soften his speech. For example, “to achieve certain successes” instead of “become a leader,” “not very happy” instead of “angry.” The words “sort of”, “only”, “a little”, “apparently” also create the impression of uncertainty.

One who speaks in this way is perceived as a weak person, unsuitable for serious and responsible work. Self-deprecating statements like “I’m not a speaker”, “I’m still an inexperienced specialist”, “I’m a new person” also reduce the impression.

If you want to test your ability to present yourself verbally, record yourself speaking and then listen to the recording. If necessary, adjust your speech towards greater decisiveness and certainty.

The best impression is made by sincere words and natural behavior, but only under one condition - if you are a sufficiently educated person.

What's so good about this surprise?

Firstly, giving yourself to a man is not expensive, unless of course you want to buy yourself expensive underwear with your husband’s money.

Secondly, it’s original! You can give free rein to your imagination and come up with anything.

Thirdly, the essence of the gift is always what? It should give emotions, and they should always be bright, positive, so that it is remembered for a long time, and the gift is truly appreciated. If you can accidentally make a mistake with a purchase, then never with sex.

What is the image of a successful student and why is it needed?

It would seem, why should a university student bother with his image? You need to enjoy student life to the fullest: skip classes, hang out, have parties in the dorm. Not everyone can be an excellent student, vying for a diploma with honors.

We do not call for giving up entertainment and gnawing on the granite of science around the clock. On the contrary, every person, especially young people, should have time for everything: for studying, for fun meetings with friends, and for falling in love for the first time. And the right image and good reputation will only help you become more successful in all areas.

Image and reputation: understanding the concepts

To know how to work on your image and reputation, it’s worth clarifying the meaning of these words:

Reputation is a social assessment of a particular person, his advantages and disadvantages. It consists of the behavior and actions that a person has performed in the past.

Image is an advantageous image that a person can specifically create in order to form the desired opinion about his personality. It is especially important to monitor the image of those who occupy a certain position in society.

It turns out that these two terms, although similar, are not equivalent. Reputation is the opinion that people have about a particular person, and image is a socially acceptable image that a person can create himself.

A student's carefree life with absenteeism and endless retakes, as well as diligent study from dawn to dusk - these are all examples of the possible image of a student. Students choose how to behave and what reputation to earn.

Image functions

Image is not just an image that can be created. It has useful features. Let's list some of them:

  • communicative;
  • informative;
  • cognitive;
  • motivational;
  • adaptive;
  • representative;
  • function of self-expression.

Therefore, it is very important to think through the image in detail and remember that it should work for the person, and not against him.

You can create the desired image yourself

Why should a student think about image and reputation?

And yet, why should you care about creating the image of a successful student and protecting your reputation? This behavior has many advantages:

  • new teachers are more loyal to students with a good reputation;
  • it is easier for such students to pass tests and exams; they are rarely asked additional questions;
  • teachers are more willing to give positive recommendations if a student wants to transfer to another university or enroll in an educational institution abroad;
  • an excellent reputation will be a plus when you have to look for your first job;
  • employers pay attention to the style of young specialists, because they will have to represent the organization at the proper level;
  • It is easier for people with an impeccable reputation and a well-created image to build a business career.


The main task of this model is to make your activities simple and understandable to your interlocutor. Therefore, it is designed, first of all, for communication with people not from your profession. communities. That is, if you are a lawyer and meet a programmer, for example.

If you are an IT specialist and make new acquaintances at an IT conference, then using this pitch model, you will probably encounter backlash:

- Very nice, Mikhail. What are you doing?

— I help large businesses become more technologically advanced. My task is to introduce new technologies into companies so that later...

— Do you mean ERP and PLM integrator?

- Well, yes…

- Well, why are you making it so difficult then...

Who were your last clients?

In this case, your interlocutor may think that you want to present what you do too beautifully, although “everyone understands everything,” which means doubts arise as to how much you really are...

What should the answer be?

How to correctly build a story about yourself and “sell” yourself at an interview?

Who you are?

Video by Valeryi Vildanov,

Your first sentence should be an introduction to who you are professionally, an overview, so to speak, a statement that demonstrates your strengths and gives at least a little insight into your personality. This is not easy to do gracefully without preparation. So rehearse in advance.


I am an innovative HR Manager with 8 years of experience managing all aspects of HR - from recruiting to training - for Fortune 500 companies...


: «
Well, I grew up in Moscow. As a child, I actually wanted to become a firefighter, but then I became interested in dinosaurs. I excelled in science early on, winning first place in my science fair in fourth grade. Funny story about this...

Too much

a lot of unnecessary information. Where is the point?

Basic Skills

Don't assume that the interviewer has carefully read your resume and remembers all your details and qualifications by heart. Highlight 2-4 main points that you think make you stand out.


: «
I have spent the last six years developing my skills as a Customer Service Manager at So and So Company, where I have received several performance awards and double promotions. I love managing teams and solving customer problems...

The emphasis here is on experience, passion and evidence of effectiveness.


: «
My first job was as an administrative assistant in a shopping center in a prestigious area of ​​Moscow. I learned a lot there and that knowledge served me well over the next 12 years. At that time, I was unsure of my career, so I started selling real estate. It only lasted six months, but I certainly enjoyed it as much as I could...

And everyone fell asleep. Nobody cares about your first job 12 years ago. You're starting with the least impressive part of your career, and the interviewer will likely just tune out before you get to the meat of your biography.

Why are you here?

You need to finish with a story about the desired position and the reasons why you are the ideal candidate.


: «
Although I enjoy my current job, I feel that I am now ready for more challenging tasks, and this position really appeals to me in that sense...

Positive, honest, concise.


: «
Due to the financial problems of the company and the problems of my boss, I am worried about the stability of my job, which is why I decided to start looking for new opportunities...

Don't be too open or you risk backlash. This answer also makes it seem like you're interested in any job at all, not this one in particular.

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