What do people need? To understand this issue, you first need to understand for yourself what
Life philosophy is a person’s system of views. Finding answers to the main questions in life,
In psychological practice there is such a thing as the syndrome of inflated expectations. With him in different
A psychological complex can develop in any person even from one careless word. It seems that
What is a sense of responsibility? Feelings of guilt: always destructive? Are wines and wines mutually exclusive?
The initial stages in the human life cycle have been well studied and are especially significant genetically:
Beautiful and neat handwriting is an entire art, and one can master it if desired.
Age crises in children are special, short-term mental periods of transition to
In almost any company, especially in women's A. Furnham, S. Schofield. Accepting personality test feedback:
Briefly described, a conformist personality type in psychology is a tendency to change one’s