A decent person is one who lives according to his conscience

What is integrity, and how to become a decent person? Unfortunately, many people in the modern world forget about this word, and we all quite often encounter people who behave inappropriately, do not fulfill their responsibilities and promises, insult, steal, and are unfaithful in relationships.

Consider Honesty and Deception

Cheating occurs for reasons of not realizing where it can lead.

Well, guess what, I lied a little?! After all, many people do this! And they live, and everything is fine. It just sometimes becomes incomprehensible that he seems to be such a good guy, and suddenly some unpleasant event happens. Well, okay, it doesn’t happen to anyone, this is life!

Over time, deception becomes a habit. Unnoticeable, painless. Life shines with colors, sometimes with varying degrees of success, but you can live!

And then the moment comes when all his friends and acquaintances turn away from a person. He is left completely alone. A once attractive young man (at least put it on the cover of a magazine) turns into an old man in his thirties. It's not a pleasant sight. Loss of trust in the eyes of all your close people and acquaintances, damaged relationships with any business partners, complete misunderstanding.

This is an indicator of deception. Where does a lie lead? Everyone makes mistakes, there are no sinless people on this earth. After all, in order to correct himself and cleanse his soul, a person comes to earth. Some improve their lives, others worsen.

Develop yourself

When they talk about good people, they usually mean character, and not well-read and educated people. A simple worker may turn out to be a wonderful person, but a university professor may turn out to be grumpy and unpleasant. And yet, the acquired knowledge and erudition always leave their mark on the personality. By replenishing your intellectual luggage, you will receive the following benefits:

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  • you will always find something to talk about with a variety of people;
  • you will begin to look at the world more broadly and be able to understand people better;
  • you will be able to find new role models among outstanding personalities;
  • and among them - to find out what subtleties and difficulties there are, how they found solutions to the problems that arose before them.

Self-development is not only reading smart books, but also developing social skills, gaining knowledge from the field of psychology and other human sciences. If you want to understand others and know at what moment and how to come to the rescue, you cannot do without knowledge of psychology.

Know how to work in a team. This helps to notice and appreciate each participant. Individualists believe that they can handle it themselves, since no one will do their job better than themselves. But the reality is that every person contributes. The ability to rely on others and trust their professionalism will not make you worse, and on the contrary, respect and trust in your partners evokes respect in return. Therefore, solve problems together more often, play team sports or “What? Where? When?" - this way you will make yourself better both in terms of personal qualities and in your ability to interact with people.

Don't be afraid to ask for advice. People willingly meet those who show respect for their knowledge and experience. Show your partners and family that you value them and listen to them. They really can teach you many useful things.


How is integrity formed? Is this an innate quality or do we acquire it throughout life? A decent person is one who is taught from childhood to act in accordance with moral standards. They tell him what is good and what is bad. They are carefully raising him. A little later, his ideals are shaped by books, as well as worthy friends. However, the above factors will not play a role if there are no germs of kindness in the little man from the very beginning. Unfortunately, everyone knows of cases where wonderful parents who put their whole hearts into raising their children grew up with callous and cruel children. Therefore, it is impossible to draw clear conclusions, as in any matter of life.

They will always come to the rescue

Seth Meyers, Ph.D., says volunteerism is where you look for truly decent people. This is all because they never spare time to help other people. They are always happy to do something for those who are less fortunate in life than them. Moreover, it makes them happy.

When you need to work together to make your country better, or help in the local soup kitchen, decent people always come to the rescue. They are always the first, and always devoted to the common cause.

Wolf in sheep's clothing

It also happens that a person seems to be not bad, always says the right words, tries to be on good terms with everyone, is sweet, smiling, one gets the impression of him as decent, but as soon as you start a common business with him or ask for something, he begins to reveal his true face. That is why you should not judge people by their words, you need to judge them by their actions. A decent person is one who will act with dignity in any situation.

A little about the fair sex

There is such a thing as a decent girl. What is usually meant by it? For a long time she was considered a person who respects the moral principles of society, she has a young man to whom she is faithful, and such a girl also begins to have sex after marriage. She is kind to everyone, merciful and kind-hearted. It must be said that times are changing. The twenty-first century has brought significant adjustments to various concepts and, of course, expanded the definition of decency. If we talk about a modern girl, then, first of all, she must be self-sufficient. Only she must choose with whom to build a relationship and what it will be like. In all situations, a girl who considers herself decent must maintain self-esteem. No one canceled excellent manners, intelligence and honesty.

Oh times, oh morals...

You can often hear the opinion that times have changed now, and decency is not at all in fashion. Money rules the world, and everyone should live exclusively for themselves. Unfortunately, many people do just that. They only care about “green papers”, expensive cars, luxurious things, parties... But can material things replace decency, kindness, spirituality, sympathy, empathy, love, friendship? There are still people who are incredibly close to these concepts, and there are many of them, believe me. It is very important to understand that we are all just guests in this world, and therefore it is important to take care of the moral and spiritual side, and not the material.

Let only decent and worthy people meet on your way!

Where to take an example

Those who want to become a real person cannot do without a guide. Situations and circumstances are so different that it is not always easy to understand how to behave correctly. For this, people came up with such phenomena as culture and art, science and education - they help to develop, become better, find support and a standard of behavior.

When reading books, watching films and TV series, analyze the characters and their actions. Some are calm and calm, others are sociable and friendly - remember these behavior patterns. In difficult situations, it can be very useful to imagine: what would this character or that heroine do now?

You can also focus on the people around you - everyone has something to learn. When communicating with old acquaintances or getting to know new ones, pay attention to the positive traits of each of them. Give them compliments - it is important for every person to be appreciated.

Also, remember that even very different people can complement each other. If someone is very far from you in character, think about how he can be useful to you - and how you can help him.

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