10 types of hugs that will tell everything about his feelings

You can communicate and understand each other through words. But sometimes they are not enough. And then, we touch the person to show our concern, good mood or the most tender feelings. Nonverbal methods of communication help in cases where we really want to express something more - intentionally or unconsciously. Then we most often resort to hugs.

We tell you what we learned about hugging and share a classification that will help you understand the feelings of other people and better understand body language. To become a relationship guru, one article will not be enough, so we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the list of useful books
on the topic.
Come on and practice!;)
You can directly on invme. You can communicate and understand each other through words. But sometimes they are not enough. And then, we touch the person to show our concern, good mood or the most tender feelings


This is a side hug where one arm is wrapped around the waist or shoulders. It is a friendly gesture that implies a certain level of comfort and intimacy between two people.

For example, such a hug might come from a close friend who wants to offer support.

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Why do you need to hug children?

The desire to hug depends not only on a person’s relationship, but also on his upbringing. This happens when raising boys.

Why you need to hug children:

  • In most cases, fathers believe that such calf tenderness is of no use to boys. Therefore, they are often limited in hugs. In adult life, such a man is often not ready for tactile interaction and may refuse hugs from both the woman he loves and his children. This does not mean at all that he does not love his loved ones or his woman. He doesn't need hugs because he was denied them as a child.
  • A man should explain that it is better not to hide his feelings towards children. This is especially true for boys. Even though they are stronger in life, this does not mean that guys do not need hugs. Often in adulthood this contributes to their development and desire for career growth.
  • Such boys feel confident and are not afraid of difficulties. This is due to constant support in childhood, which manifested itself in hugs. Hugs should be not only from the mother, but also from the father. After all, a man’s attention is very important for a child.

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If a man hugs a girl by the shoulders, but their bodies are not touching, the partners treat each other coldly. Most likely, it will not be possible to build a romantic relationship due to the lack of passion and attraction.

Common types of hugs and their meanings

If a man hugs a woman by the waist, the partners look into each other’s eyes, this speaks of reliability, sympathy and love. At the same time, the man does not hide his feelings and wants to tell his partner about them. Often young men touch their partner's face with their hands. This speaks of a desire to find out true feelings, to look into the soul. It is very difficult to resist such hugs, because the partner does not let go.

Common types of hugs and their meanings:

  • English Bridge. This is a special type of hug when a man holds a girl by the shoulder blades and she puts her hands on her shoulders. In this case, the torsos do not touch, but are located at a short distance from each other. When this is a couple who is just developing their relationship, hugs speak of respect and true feelings.
  • If such hugs are observed among partners who are married or have been dating for a long period, there are some quarrels and difficulties between them. It may be difficult for them to achieve harmony in sex; conflicts often occur between them.
  • If a man touches his shoulders during a hug, this indicates the girl’s protection and also indicates his reliability. This suggests that the man is ready to support in difficult times and solve all the girl’s problems.

Types of friendly hugs

The hugs of friends and lovers differ significantly in the duration of contact and emotional outburst.

Types of friendly hugs:

  • Usually friendly hugs do not last long, without a hint of intimacy. Most often accompanied by small taps on the back or shoulder.
  • Often they are characteristic of classmates who have not seen each other for a long time or classmates who were in contact during their student days. Friends usually cross their arms. This speaks of platonic feelings that arose between people.
  • When hugging friends, there is contact between the shoulders, but the intimate areas and the area below the waist do not touch. The hips and waist are not in contact with each other.
  • The side gesture speaks of friendship. That is, if a friend pulls with one hand. Very often in group photographs you can see such hugs. Such hugs speak of respect and lack of intimacy.


How to understand that a girl wants you to hug her

In order for tactile contact to bring only pleasure, it is important to understand when hugs are appropriate. Psychologists identify several signs by which you can see that a girl wants a “hug”:

  • looks into your eyes for a long time, there are pauses in her speech;
  • constantly straightens hair and clothes;
  • her voice and intonation indicate her sympathy (laughs, jokes, speaks in a low, pleasant tone);
  • the body leans slightly towards you;
  • shares experiences with you in search of support and consolation.

It's ideal when the hug is appropriate to the situation. If you see that your friend is upset, there is no need to hug her with a hint of bed. It’s better to just hold her tighter and say that everything will be fine. Articles from the “Love and Sex” section will help you learn to better understand women’s desires.

How many times should you hug4

In addition to research on the benefits of hugs, scientists have gone further. Since the process of contact of bodies has an almost therapeutic effect, then it must be used literally according to the recipe.

Louise Hay, an experienced psychologist and psychoanalysis specialist, believes that four hugs a day is the minimum norm necessary for a person to survive. To maintain and fully function all organs and systems of the body, you need at least eight approaches for hugging. And in order to move forward, to realize plans and dreams, you need twelve or more hugs a day.

View of the Kama Sutra

In the oldest work on physical love, they write about touching: “The first caress is the touching of her body with your hand. If a young man puts his hand on the girl’s shoulder that is closer to him, this caress is called approaching. If a young man puts his hand on the girl’s shoulder, which is further from him, this caress is called a declaration of love. If a young man takes a girl by the hand above the elbow, this is a request to stay with him. If he only touches your hand, it’s a request to be more friendly. If a young man puts his hand on the side of a girl that is farther from him, this caress is called the language of intimacy.”

Hugs from the back: meaning

If you analyze the strength of a hug from the back, you can determine your feelings for a woman.

Hugs from the back, meaning:

  • Most often, on the first date, light and hesitant hugs are used. Girls love such hugs very much, as they protect them and give them confidence in their partner. This suggests that the man is not indifferent to the girl, he wants to protect and protect her.
  • However, if this is a touch from the back with arms open, contact with the chest, stomach, this indicates the complex character of the man. The representative of the stronger sex considers the girl his property. But, besides this, they indicate the protection and reliability of a partner. If you like strong personalities who value only their truth, you can develop a relationship with such a man.
  • If the hug is very affectionate and meek, this indicates hope for a long-term relationship. Often a guy who hugs very weakly values ​​the girl’s opinion and is ready to listen to her opinion. Very often, such hugs are typical for inexperienced men who are unsure of themselves.
  • If a girl hugs a guy from the back, this indicates her timidity. Perhaps the partner is not sure about the feelings of her lover. This suggests that it is much easier to hide your emotions and mood from behind. Therefore, the girl does not want the man to see her eyes.

The meaning of hugs in psychology

In the USA there is a day of hugs, when even strangers approach each other with open arms. Psychologists have conducted a number of studies and found that the healing power of hugs is associated with the release of oxytocin, dopamine and endorphin. Thanks to this, a person feels happy, and painful sensations, if any, are reduced. Overall, this stimulates development.

The meaning of hugs in psychology:

  • Scientists have conducted a number of studies and found that for survival a person needs 4 hugs every day, and for him to feel safe - 8 hugs; for development, a person needs more than 12 hugs every day.
  • This is especially important for children, because for them hugs are an indicator of love from their parents. Therefore, under no circumstances refuse to hug your children, as they may feel left out, alienated, and unloved.
  • In the future, this causes a lot of difficulties and mental disorders. In adulthood, such children very often suffer from depression, confusion, and psychosis. Most of the problems are related to childhood traumas and lack of time for parents. Therefore, if a child comes to you wanting a hug, do not refuse him.


The meaning of hugging the waist

Such hugs should be treated with caution, as they can express a lot of interesting emotions.

The meaning of waist hugs:

  • Basically, acquaintances and work colleagues can hug this way. In most cases, this means that the man has an intimate desire for you. Most likely, this is a hint of intimacy.
  • Very often, young employees or new neighbors who recently moved into the house are treated this way. When such hugs appear, be careful. Perhaps the man is counting on something more than just friendship.
  • However, if such hugs occur between a man and a woman in love, this means that the person is ready to help you and experiences warm, tender feelings. In most cases, this is a sign of deep sympathy and respect. Perhaps the man is willing to make sacrifices to please you.
  • Tactility in a relationship between a man and a woman does not replace kissing and intimacy. Absolutely all girls need gentle hugs that confirm the seriousness of a man’s intentions, and also give confidence in reliability and protection.
  • Such hugs very often speak of love and passion for each other. Sensitive and vulnerable people value hugs the most. Usually, they barely touch their partner, which often happens in the initial stages of a relationship. This suggests that the person does not want to spoil the relationship and values ​​it very much.


Neck hugs: meaning

Romantic hugs differ significantly from friendly hugs in their emotional coloring, duration, and contact of body parts. Usually this is a touching touch, stroking. During a lovers' embrace, the lower part, waist, hips and buttocks are usually involved. Lovers often do not see each other's faces, since romantic contact is carried out through touch.

Hugging the neck, meaning:

  • If a man strokes his head or chest during an embrace, this indicates a romantic mood. If he presses his whole body with force, this indicates a desire for intimacy.
  • You can understand the meaning of hugs by your emotions. If you feel uncomfortable or in danger, your partner is likely overstepping personal boundaries. In most cases, a friendly hug will make you feel safe and comfortable.
  • Touching the neck also indicates a romantic mood.
  • Romantic hugs often cause stiffness and some confusion, especially if one of the partners is not ready to force things.

Psychics about hugs2

Experts in the field of magic and esotericism claim that hugs can be very beneficial for a person, and sometimes even healing. For example, an emotionally charged person on a positive wave, hugging another, triggers the work of the solar plexus chakra, which in turn activates the production of blood leukocytes through irritation of the thymus gland.

And also, psychics, in terms of their benefits and impact on the human body, compare hugs with laughter and even meditation, since this elementary gesture unites all systems of the body in a single impulse, the breath, the heart, and feelings. Thus stabilizing your personal balance.

But the main thing that practical magicians note is that it is quite easy to influence a person with the help of hugs, since at this moment a powerful energy exchange occurs, which can calm, quench pain, and allay fears.

Scientists about hugs

Carnegie Mellon University, which has repeatedly conducted research in the field of psychology, recently published the results of another experiment, during which very interesting facts were revealed about hugs. Thanks to the participation of 400 volunteers, it was possible to establish the following:

Regular hugs increase immunity and help the human body to more easily endure various viral attacks and subsequently prevent them. Also, thanks to timely “hugs,” an interlocutor or friend can help a loved one more calmly bear the stress of a social conflict or a quarrel with a loved one.

Thanks to hugs, the human body again and again experiences a release into the blood of oxytocin, the hormone of affection, devotion, and the hormone of instinctive sensation of another person. Among other things, oxytocin lowers blood pressure and promotes muscle relaxation.

And the most interesting thing is that the effect of hugs continues even the next day.


This is a tight hug that is suitable for couples and good friends. Depending on the relationship, it can mean mutual love and tenderness or unconditional friendly support. The two people's hands clasp tightly behind each other's backs, and the contact lasts for quite a long time. A hug is suitable for expressing sympathy, comfort and uplifting.

The Psychologies resource considers such strong hugs between family and friends to be vital for creating personal and social connections, as well as for developing non-verbal communication skills. According to Psychologies, the refusal or lack of hugs makes people unhappy and makes them feel deep loneliness.

Types of hugs from a man that indicate passion

Usually hugs at the waist are perceived as a desire for intimacy. But it is not always the case.

Types of hugs from a man that indicate passion:

  • If a man presses tightly, this indicates a desire to move to a new stage of the relationship, into an intimate direction. If a man’s hands are relaxed, he looks into his partner’s eyes, their heads touch their foreheads, this indicates that the man is in love.
  • There is no talk of sexual relations here; a partner is dear not as a lover, but as a person. If a couple in love has been together for a long time, the man holds him by the waist, this indicates the seriousness of his intentions. Perhaps a new unit of society will soon be formed, the couple will start a family.
  • If the hands touch the buttocks, such hugs indicate a desire to drag the partner into bed. Typically, this type of hug rarely occurs at the very beginning of a relationship; it is typical for people who have been dating each other for some period of time.
  • This is a candy-bouquet period, partners enjoy each other. If a man and a woman rub their hips while dancing, this indicates their connection, or desire for intimacy. Girls extremely rarely place their hands on a man's buttocks. They prefer touching the back.


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