How to make a man feel good with your hands in bed: advice from a sex therapist. Physiological characteristics of a man

Every man loves to have sex every day or even several times a day. Unfortunately, many women cannot satisfy their men as often as they would like. The transition from washing and cooking to sex for a woman is not as fast as a man would like.

How to be in this case? Letting a man go? This method will not suit every woman. Having sex with your partner without desire? This will not suit every man, since in this case the woman will be unnatural, and not every loving man likes this. Then what should we do?

We must look for a way out of this situation, and many married couples find it. Loving spouses see a solution to the problem in the form of oral satisfaction or the use of hands, which is practiced more often than other types of caresses. How to bring a man to the highest ecstasy with your hands is the main question of this article.

But this art must be learned in order to please a man in this way. It only seems from the outside that there is nothing complicated here, move and move your hand - and everything will happen by itself.

On the one hand, this is true, but on the other hand, one or two times of such pleasure - and the man will never want to do this again. Therefore, in order for a partner to want to receive pleasure in this way more often than once or twice, it is necessary to learn how to make a man feel good with his hands.

When was the last time you pleasured a man with just your hands? Some people believe that it "doesn't count as sex." Others are simply at a loss, claiming that they don't know how to do it. Or you might think that a person can do it to themselves, so why bother?

The above opinions are far from the truth. In order to give real satisfaction to a man, it is necessary to use all available methods and means.

Study his preferences

It’s easier to bring your husband to orgasm and satisfy your husband than a new partner - over the years of your life, you can discuss intimate topics and get to know his habits in bed better. There are several ways to understand a man's sexual preferences:

  1. Straight talk. Many people do not consider this option due to embarrassment. Find out what a guy wants and apply it in bed so that he gets what he wants.
  2. Study your lover's habits. Then his preferences in sex and in everyday life will not become a mystery to you.
  3. Give him free rein. Don’t hold back in expressing emotions in sex, provide assistance. You can give pleasure in different ways; you may like the option proposed by your partner, and you will want more of it.

Pay more attention to your man, then your sex life will begin to give you true pleasure.

Main taboos

The list of what not to do in bed is much shorter. But it is no less important. First of all, never fake it. If a man really loves you, he will immediately understand it. Such actions will only lower his self-esteem. Secondly, never criticize him during sex. At this time, the weaker sex is very vulnerable. This may also affect his opinion of himself. And never blackmail a man with sex, don’t bargain.

After making love, leave the man alone for 5 minutes. Lie down together in an embrace, be silent. When everyone comes to their senses, you can discuss what happened and admire it. You should also not immediately run to the shower; a guy can regard such a craving for cleanliness as an insult.

Ways to bring heavenly pleasure

There are several secrets that improve your sex life:

  1. Have sex as often as possible. This is necessary for men's health and to support his sexuality. You can solve the problem of erectile and other disorders that interfere with pleasure by having sex three times a week.
  2. Don't turn off the lights. Husbands get more pleasure from watching their partner during sex. That's why they like porn - men love with their eyes. That's for sure!
  3. Don't talk about everyday topics. Discussing shopping, finances and raising children will lead to early capitulation or (worse) the disappearance of an erection. Give yourself over to sex completely, forget about other matters.

Don't talk during sex, it turns many people off. Give yourself free rein - don’t be shy, show how good you feel.

  1. Try having sex in an unusual place. Nothing heightens sexual sensations more than the possibility of being caught. Such a shake-up will definitely bring pleasure to a man, as all senses will be heightened.

In addition to these ways to achieve orgasm and get pleasure, there are many others. Don't overdo it, be natural and also enjoy sex. Don't make a man's orgasm your fault.


And now, with a little skill and a lot of passion for the process, using only your hands for pleasure, your man will be able to experience completely new sensations in his sexual life.

Many women find this an exciting and sexy addition because they take control of the process and can enjoy their partner in a whole new way.

Too often we forget about our hands as amazing erotic tools. After you gain confidence and learn how to make a guy feel good with your hand, then you can think about how to get pleasure yourself with these caresses.

Work together to notice when he's getting close to ejaculating and play with backing off and building up the orgasm as many times as you can before he wants to reach his climax.


Beautiful lingerie and makeup can be part of the erotic game. Men like well-groomed girls; it is more pleasant to establish contact with them. Lingerie is considered sexy:

  • with lace and ruffles;
  • rich red and black colors;
  • stockings with belt and garters.

You decide to please your loved one in bed with a sexy outfit - do not take it off at the beginning of intimacy. In intimate goods stores there are models that do not need to be removed even during sex. In lace lingerie, try alternative sexual pleasure: massage, oral sex, petting. They can satisfy your man and bring him to orgasm no worse than standard sexual intercourse.

What else can you do in bed?

If you already know the traditional ways to diversify your sex life, there are dozens of other methods. Here are some possible examples that can be included in intimate relationships.

  1. Buy interesting underwear. Or let the man choose it for you. This can be not only a nice lace set. Peignoirs, bodysuits, stockings and even pajamas - it is unknown what will surprise your loved one.
  2. Learn new poses. It is not necessary to purchase the Kama Sutra for this, but trying something new is always useful for the development of sexual relationships. Take the initiative or, conversely, leave the choice to the man.
  3. Try role-playing games. Many people treat them with prejudice, and in vain. Transformation in bed will help you reveal different sides, discover new sexual interests and preferences of both partners. You can trust a man even in passive roles (boss - subordinate).
  4. Train your vaginal muscles. You can discover a large number of wumbling techniques - many resources on the Internet are devoted to this topic. Their correct mastery will allow you to control your internal muscles, which cannot but surprise a man in bed.
  5. Buy sex toys. Moreover, their range is really huge. Try choosing accessories with your husband, and maybe you will like your new purchase so much that you will use it many more times (or always?).
  6. Consider a threesome. But remember that this step is quite risky and is suitable for very relaxed couples who have tried many other options. You can even attract a male partner if your loved one doesn't mind. The main thing is not to go against your will, otherwise everything can only get worse.
  7. Try sex in other places. Get out of your usual bed and understand how romantic and enjoyable lovemaking can be in the forest or on the beach. Therefore, if it’s summer outside, surprise your husband with an offer to get out of the house for a couple of hours.
  8. Hang a mirror in the bedroom. Men are visual people; they like to watch the intimate process. The reflection in the mirror will create a side view and allow you to see your body from different angles, which will additionally excite your partner.
  9. Offer anal sex. Or accept it if you have already been offered. Many women are afraid or embarrassed by this idea, but proper preparation will allow you to implement it without pain or unpleasant emotions.
  10. Talk about intimacy. This advice is simple, but effective, because talking about sex excites both women and men. The main thing is to move from words to action. The most important thing is that by talking about intimate topics, you will learn about what your husband wants - and this can completely change your sex life.

Making a man feel good is not as difficult as it seems. It’s enough to set a goal, turn on your imagination and be ready to experiment. This attitude will always be appreciated by your partner, no matter what deepest desires you want to bring to life. Remember, you can work on a relationship for years. The main thing is not to lose desire and faith in yourself!

More emphasis on foreplay

The highest manifestation of love is foreplay. From them you will understand whether a partner is right for you or not. This concept includes:

  • kisses on the lips;
  • touching erogenous zones;
  • stroking;
  • embrace.

Do everything that can bring sexual pleasure to your partner. Choose activities that will please him.

You should take some of the initiative yourself, but relax at the same time. In this state, your body will be more elastic and pliable. At the same time, nature itself will tell you all your actions, surrender to its will.


One of the ways to give a woman or man unforgettable sexual pleasure is massage. Alternate hand touches with lips or bare body actions. Start by relaxing the man, try to bring him to orgasm.

  1. First, massage your head. Pay special attention to the back of the head, where the nerve endings responsible for pleasure are located. Increase and decrease the pace of their stimulation, add kisses to your partner’s body.
  2. Move to the back and chest - touch with your hands and alternately press your bare body against his skin.
  3. Add erotic notes to your actions - apply lubricant to the skin, massage erogenous zones, don’t forget about the genitals. Master the art of Thai massage.

To do a massage correctly, take your time; relaxation cannot be achieved quickly. In the first minutes, do not excite, but relax, help relieve the burden of a hard day. But not for long, otherwise he will fall asleep! Touch your penis, play with your testicles - these are very intense sexual sensations.

Don't forget the testicles

A man’s testicles also play an important role in this matter. Without their stimulation, it is impossible to know how to bring a man to ecstasy with your hands. For more pleasure, place them in your palm while you hold his penis with one hand and play with them a little, then carefully throw them away.

Repeat this procedure several times, while watching your partner’s reaction; if it gives him pleasure, you can do it more often.

As a man approaches orgasm, take his testicles in your hand and pull them back a little, like you would pluck grapes from a vine, carefully and gently.

As for the penis itself, at this time try to caress it in the place where the head meets the shaft, as if you were unscrewing the cap from a bottle.

This will give him a lot of pleasure because, apart from the head of the male penis, the ridge (the area where the loose skin connects to the head of the penis) is also an extremely sensitive place.

Oral satisfaction

An ancient and practical form of how to accurately give a man maximum pleasure - blowjob. Caress your penis in different ways:

  • gently lick it like ice cream;
  • rhythmic movements;
  • fluttering touches of the tongue;
  • light nipping.

Move your head, engage in self-satisfaction in the process, change the pace - show the man that you are now playing the leading role. Use your free hand to pleasure yourself or let your partner do it in a 69 position.

The key to a strong family

Many modern young ladies believe that life together is one big holiday where there are no problems, quarrels and deprivations. However, this is not at all true, because in addition to love, family life implies great responsibility for both spouses, their ability to overcome obstacles with minimal losses and maximum benefits. Sooner or later, family relationships cool down any passion, and it is then that the responsibility falls on a woman’s shoulders to restore former feelings, otherwise even the strongest love will turn into ordinary coexistence without strong emotions.

How to help a man?

During sex, do not lie down and enjoy it; help your partner. For this:

  • take the initiative by taking a position on top;
  • move your hips towards the man;
  • try to understand the movements of his body and help;
  • stroke your back, chest, buttocks.

If you take a position on top, relieve the intensity of passion, alternating it with a light massage and oral caresses. Female activity is the main point that helps to please a man. You won't have good sex with a cold and distant partner.

Useful tips

You can surprise your husband with various actions. It is important to show imagination, be confident, and not feel embarrassed. Sexologists give several tips that are worth paying attention to:

  1. Regular variety.
  2. Using sex toys.
  3. Initiative is in women's hands.
  4. Surprises for partners.
  5. Watching porn videos together.
  6. Experiments.

Men are males who constantly need new emotions. If you cannot provide them with the necessary variety in family life, they will look for it on the side.

Is rudeness acceptable?

It is impossible to give pleasure only with affection. It should be alternated with:

  • spanking;
  • scratching;
  • with pinches;
  • bites.

Caresses with slight pain can arouse a man and help him achieve orgasm, but do not be too zealous. If he has sensitive skin, you can replace physical actions with passionate words, which will increase the intensity of excitement in both partners.

Think through the details

Men don't pay attention to details - that's a stereotype. Yes, they may not be able to notice all the little things, but they perfectly capture the overall atmosphere created thanks to correctly selected details.

Scented candles, black or red satin bed linen (luxurious and stylish), soft comfortable slippers, some nuts and favorite fruits on the bedside table, as well as a bottle of expensive wine, pleasant music... Agree, the imagination immediately draws a beautiful picture in which it is easy and comfortable to love each other…

Details can be changed: different degrees of lighting, different smells, high-heeled shoes and fishnet stockings, or a dressing gown with no underwear underneath. Of course, the sexual act itself is not very beautiful. It is shown beautifully only in the movies. In life it means tousled hair, sweaty backs, moans and screams. But beauty can be a prelude to love. A woman was created to bring beauty into this world and paint everyday days and nights with unforgettable colors.

Using sexy accessories

Visit a sex shop together and choose the right toys:

  • in BDSM style - whips, handcuffs, collars;
  • to stimulate erogenous zones - feathers, vibrators;
  • sexy lingerie of different types and colors;
  • creams and lubricants;
  • anal toys.

In such stores, any couple will find something for themselves. If you don't know how to please a man with toys, start with lubricants and sexy lingerie. Watch porn together where devices are used. Try what you see for yourself.

Where to begin?

No matter how selfish it may sound, it’s worth starting with yourself. You need to learn to enjoy sex. Just try to relax and do everything for fun, love your man, and he will reciprocate.

During lovemaking, guys don’t notice that you have extra pounds, that all your thighs have stretch marks, that your breasts are not the right shape. They love you for who you are.

And they absolutely love touching your skin and stroking your hair. Provide this opportunity. And to make it even more pleasant for a man, use milk in the shower, which makes the skin soft and tender. You will want to touch her yourself. Smell also plays an important role. You should choose delicate and weightless scents.

It is worth noting that underwear does not play such an important role as is commonly believed. Of course, with the help of a beautiful and sexy set you can interest a man. But this won't work every day. It's better to give such pleasant surprises sometimes. Ask your loved one what type of underwear he likes. Even if you hate thongs with all your heart, sometimes you can wait 20 minutes.

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How to excite with your hands?

Many people consider petting to be youthful fun, but you can also achieve orgasm with your hands. The manual technique is simple:

  1. Don't forget to stimulate the penis and the area around it. When caressing the penis, movements should be progressive and exciting. Fold your fingers into a ring, lightly clasping the barrel, or use your entire palm.
  2. The inner thighs are responsive to gentle touches. Bring excitement to the maximum, do not touch the penis, move your hands higher. This will prolong intimacy and make it brighter.
  3. Focus on your chest. Stroke her, lightly pinch her, stimulate her nipples with your fingers, touch them with your tongue.
  4. The back of the head and the back of the neck are the best places for stroking. When kissing, touch the head, sort out the hair on the back of the head.

The main hand movements are stroking. They relax muscles, make the body pliable, and stimulate nerve endings.


The environment affects arousal, so try to create a relaxed and romantic one.

It is not necessary to fill the room with candles and place incense in all corners. You can simply turn on beautiful melodic music, preferably without words, so as not to be distracted by the meaning of the song. Be sure to provide clean bed linen that is pleasant to the body. It will be good if it is special, and not your favorite one with boats.

Be sure to put water next to the bed, as you may get tired during the process and want to drink. Fruits and wine, also standing nearby, wouldn’t hurt either. It is better to choose apples, bananas, grapes, green pears. Anything else can leave marks on your hands.

Long foreplay has a positive effect on arousal in men, offer him a massage. Even if you don't know how, it's not a problem. Touch your loved one, run your fingers along his back. You can sometimes whisper something incredibly exciting in his ear. It is worth massaging not only your back, but also your buttock. Gently squeeze them and stroke them. Also touch him with your chest several times. This will greatly excite your loved one. The feet and palms are also erogenous zones. Try a foot massage. This will help him relax.

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Or talk to him directly about sex. Ask him what he likes, in what position he would like to make love to you. Such conversations have a very strong effect on men. But here you need to be relaxed and be able to carry on a conversation. By the way, with the help of this you will also find out what he prefers and how to please him.

Magic points on a man's body

With preliminary caresses with your hands and mouth, pay special attention to erogenous zones and individual points. They are:

  • on the head: back of the head, lips, earlobes, side of the neck - cover them with light kisses;
  • back: skin between the shoulder blades near the spine - stimulate it with your hair, chest, hands, your naked body;
  • buttocks - stroke, pinch, spank;
  • hands: hands, elbow area - kiss and stroke with light touches of your fingers;
  • stomach and chest: the entire area from the chin to the penis is very sensitive to light touches.

Touching erogenous zones can bring pleasure to even the most stable man. Give unrealistic sexual sensations by blindfolding your chosen one.


Every man gets great pleasure when his woman slowly caresses his penis with her hand. The main thing is to decide what exactly he likes most. Start with subtle, light and short touches. Pause for a moment and touch your penis again. Hold your hand on its head, close your fingers in a ring and begin to slowly slide up and down along it. With your other hand at this time, gently massage the testicles, cover them with your palm and squeeze. Try to subordinate your hand movements to the same rhythm. Let them act in concert.

The most important, highly sensitive caress will delight your partner. His whole body will tremble with pleasure. And all previous caresses will be united into a single whole. Take the head of the penis with both hands and lift it up. Run the index finger of one of them from top to bottom along the tense trunk. Don't press too hard. Slide without barely touching. And only with the pad of your finger. After making a few of these touches, you can move on to other actions. What they will be depends only on you and your partner. It is only important to take into account each other’s wishes and preferences. After all, sex life should be a pleasure for both lovers.

Good afternoon, girls, the question may be stupid, but I ask you to answer. When a guy touches me “there” through my clothes, but that is, I’m in panties, and he somehow moves his hand, it’s very pleasant for me, I myself am still a virgin, yesterday there was some kind of generally new sensation growing and goosebumps and moans and it was very pleasant. Could this be an orgasm? After all, there was no penetration. And explain how to touch a guy through his jeans to make him feel good? Iron or what? I apologize in advance, perhaps for the stupidity of the question, but this is very important now

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