Personal identity crisis in the context of globalization

An identity crisis is a state where a person questions their sense of self or their place in the world. The concept dates back to the work of developmental psychologist Erik Erikson, who believed that this is one of the most important conflicts that people face. According to Erikson, an identity crisis is a time of intense analysis and different ways of looking at oneself. We tell you how to understand yourself and survive times when we are not sure who we really are and what we want.

What is meant by the word “identity”

Identity includes experiences, attitudes, beliefs, values ​​and memories. They constitute a subjective sense of ourselves - how we describe our character, positive and negative traits, values, outlook on life. This helps us create an image of ourselves that remains fairly constant, even as new aspects of personality develop or strengthen over time.

How can a psychologist help?

Psychological assistance during a teenager’s identity crisis is aimed at helping to unlock the inner potential of a young person. The psychologist will conduct a series of tests and experiments, during which he will be able to quite accurately determine the areas of true interests and personality traits. Based on the data obtained, the specialist will help the teenager find himself and realize his “I”.

Psychological consultation is also necessary for parents in order to form the correct behavior to ease the difficult crisis stage for the child. Parents should encourage and praise the teenager, give him freedom to choose interests, provide him with independence and hold him accountable for his actions. Under no circumstances should you put pressure on the child during this period, impose your tastes and values, or in any way humiliate his personality.

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What is an identity crisis

There is no diagnosis of “identity crisis” in psychology. The most well-known types of this psychological condition are the quarter-life crisis or midlife crisis. An identity crisis occurs when a person is faced with feelings and questions about his or her life. Here are some questions these might include:

  • What am I passionate about?
  • What are my spiritual beliefs?
  • What are my values?
  • What is my role in society or purpose in life?
  • Who am I?

While each of us may question our sense of self from time to time, we may experience an identity crisis if we are going through a big change or a stressful time. Along with this, the above questions begin to interfere with our daily lives. Note that negative feelings about yourself or life can be an indicator of incipient depression. We have already discussed in this article how to distinguish depression from just a bad mood.

Symptoms and manifestations

Simple observation and careful self-analysis will allow you to promptly identify symptoms characteristic of an identity crisis.

Among them:

  • uncertainty when making decisions, regardless of their degree of importance;
  • doubts regarding the choice of place of study, sexual orientation, belonging to one or another community;
  • search for the meaning of life;
  • indecisiveness, unwillingness to take any action to change an uncomfortable situation;
  • fears for one's own future;
  • increased anxiety;
  • destruction of the usual value system, difficulties in forming a new one.

Symptoms of an identity crisis are especially difficult for vulnerable, sensitive teenagers . They spend a lot of time inactive, constantly fall into despondency and melancholy, stop in intellectual, spiritual and moral development, and prefer isolation.

Often, young men and women suffer from moral or physical exhaustion, become hostages to addictions, break the law, contemplate or commit suicide.

Why does an identity crisis occur?

Although identity crises are usually associated with adolescence, they can affect anyone at any time. They often occur in response to a sudden change in a person's life. These can be different social events, for example:

  • starting a new relationship;
  • dissolution of marriage or partnership;
  • experiencing a traumatic event;
  • birth of a child;
  • change in health status;
  • loss of a loved one;
  • dismissal or start of work.

An identity crisis can also arise due to the passion for social networks. Many of us use Instagram profiles to create a false identity, emphasizing only the positive aspects and ignoring the negative ones. If you constantly idealize yourself and your own life, you can encounter a conflict between “online” and reality and begin to doubt who we are and what our role in life really is.


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Manual, instructions for use
Instructions, instructions for use

How does an identity crisis manifest itself?

Diagnosing an identity crisis is not easy. There are several factors that indicate that you are faced with it:

  • you are unsure of who you are in general or in relation to a specific element of your life - relationships, age or profession;
  • you feel confused because you don’t know who you are and what place you occupy in society;
  • Important life events have recently occurred that have affected your sense of self;
  • You question your values, faith, beliefs, interests or work choices, all of which have a significant impact on how you feel about yourself;
  • you are looking for a deeper sense of purpose, reason or passion in your life;
  • you feel dissatisfied with your work and interpersonal relationships;
  • you have decreased motivation and have developed indifference to education, work and life in general;
  • you feel like you don't fit in with your friends, family or colleagues;
  • you may feel signs of depression: melancholy, changes in appetite, mood, interest in life, ability to concentrate.

Senoi tribe

A small tribe of just 40 thousand people lives in the mountain jungles of Malaysia. People here live in family communities, engage in agricultural work, fish, and hunt.

Manifestations of cruelty are practically never found among them. They are extremely peaceful and kind to each other.

The most important activity for all tribes is the discussion of virtual reality (yes, yes, I was not mistaken). Their virtual reality is called "The Big Dream". The morning of every resident of this tribe begins with a discussion of the night's dream with the family. After breakfast, the senior members of the tribe gather for a general council, where on the agenda - what do you think?

Of course, dreams.

Sleep is a central aspect of the entire life of this tribe. Based on the analysis of their dreams, they plan work, leisure and creativity.

Meeting with higher powers through dreams, they ask them for a gift: a song, a dance, a work of art, they bring it to life and give it to all residents of the community.

These people do not have a fear of death; they know that one day they will forever go into the “Big Sleep” and are not afraid of this.

How to Deal with an Identity Crisis

Identity crisis causes many problems in a person. For example, you may notice your productivity decreasing because you doubt whether you are doing exactly what you want. Or lie to other people because you are concerned about how they will perceive the changes happening to you. There are several ways to survive an identity crisis:

See a psychotherapist

Seeing a therapist is helpful in addressing some of the underlying issues that may be contributing to an identity crisis. One approach, known as cognitive behavioral therapy, aims to address negative thoughts and behaviors that may be causing problems with your self-image. If the identity crisis is accompanied by depression or other disorders, the doctor will prescribe medications in addition to therapy.

Find out who you are and find your identity

When you're questioning who you are, it can be helpful to look within and think about the things you're passionate about. what are you interested in? Are there things you don't like anymore? By asking questions and exploring new hobbies and interests, you can get to know yourself better.

Spend some time thinking about your goals in life. What do you want to achieve? What things bring you the most joy and happiness?

An identity crisis may be a sign that some needs are not currently being met. Therefore, finding ways to do this can bring a greater sense of satisfaction into your life and help you cope with a crisis.

Re-evaluate aspects of life and move on

Change the way you think about difficult situations and incidents and give yourself time to understand what is bothering you. Losses and negative changes can be painful, but they also give us a new opportunity to reflect on who we are and what we have achieved. Your goals and dreams are probably different now than they were five or ten years ago. Habit, circumstances and the pace of life may not have allowed you to see these changes earlier. Think about how significant situations have affected you and your outlook, dreams and goals. This will help you better understand who you are now and overcome identity difficulties.

Be open to change and the challenges that come with it

Fear of change is rarely beneficial. We often have fear, especially of big changes, because they affect our whole life. But change is not necessarily a negative thing - in fact, it is natural and beneficial. Instead of resisting change, people can adapt and adjust their identity based on what happens in their lives.

Don't forget to take care of yourself

Start fighting self-doubt. Remind yourself that while someone is choosing to accept an identity crisis, you are working to overcome it. Identify your likes, dislikes, values, the many roles you play. Reflect on positive and negative previous experiences that have influenced the way you currently think about yourself. Be sure to highlight your strengths and development opportunities. Acknowledge how you feel and understand that these feelings are normal. Treat yourself with the same respect you would treat your best friend.

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