I watched a 1.5 hour performance by Scrum Master and stand-up comedian Ilya Yakyamsev about work
When a person is unlucky in life, he begins to look not only for internal reasons for this
The teenage crisis is considered one of the most difficult. Problems at this age can affect
There is a full-time psychologist in almost every school, but the percentage of students who voluntarily turn to him
Imagine that there are some secret principles of communication, using which you are doomed to success.
How to determine the temperament of a new acquaintance if you communicated for no more than a minute? It's simple -
It has long been known in psychology that in their creativity people through images in one way or another
Betrayal by a loved one is a heavy blow for any, even the strongest relationship. More
Giftedness Scientists have not established a generally accepted term that would be used in all classic educational books.
Tongue twisters starting with “r” Khariton has four crayfish and three newts in his aquarium. Take your labor