How to become independent: instructions for those who are stuck in childhood

Material independence

Material independence begins with fully meeting your needs using only your own finances. You can become independent only when you have enough money. Therefore, first you need to find a job so as not to depend financially on your parents or other relatives.

When you are employed and understand that your salary is enough for everything you need and even more, you need to get your own home. If you don’t have enough money for a separate apartment, then renting a home is suitable for you. This could be a house, apartment or room. In this case, you need to decide this taking into account your income. It is worth remembering that the path to an independent and independent life is very difficult and not everyone can complete it. After all, not everyone can immediately find a well-paid job that will satisfy and please them. You may first have to take a temporary position in order to have at least some income. You need to be prepared for the fact that at first there will not be enough money for everything you need. Therefore, you will have to save money. Often parents, worried about their child, offer help. There is no need to give it up, especially at first you will need it.

However, you should not abuse the financial assistance of your parents. You can only take a small amount if you see that your money is not enough for the essentials.

Formation of independence in a child 1-5 years old - characteristics of age and tasks of parents

In the development of such personality traits as independence, the 2nd and 3rd years of life are among the most important. Right now, the phrase “I myself!” should appear on the child’s list of favorites.

Don't bother him. There is no need to panic or be nervous either.

Just give the child the opportunity to develop and mature, and be there to protect the child from possible risks during his first independent activities.

  • Broke a plate while carrying it to the sink? No problem, buy a new one. Did you wet the windowsill while watering the flowers? Give him a rag and let him learn to clean up the water. Want to wash your scarf yourself? Let him wash it, then (quietly, of course, so as not to hurt your child’s pride) wash it again.
  • Any initiative at this age is commendable. Encourage her and praise your child.
  • Allow your child more time to get ready, dress, put away toys and other activities. Don't rush him or make him nervous. A child cannot perform certain actions with the same speed and dexterity as you - he is just learning.
  • Be patient. In the coming years, you will follow your little one and clean up (in every sense) the consequences of his initiative. But without initiative there is no development of independence, so humble yourself and help the child.
  • Be a personal example for your child in everything - in personal hygiene, in maintaining order in the house, in politeness and decency.

How to plan finances?

To learn how to overcome financial difficulties, you need to properly distribute your income. When you receive money, immediately set aside the required amount for rent and utility bills. If you need to buy some clothes or shoes, set aside extra money. Then distribute the remaining funds for groceries until your next paycheck. You need to learn to purchase only the necessary things, save and be able to distribute your income. Only those who have gone through it know how to become independent, and almost anyone can say that it is not so easy and takes time.

How to become self-sufficient

Being self-sufficient means not only having financial independence, but also not being dependent on society as a whole. How to become independent is clear to many, but to become self-sufficient, you also need to make some efforts. First, you need to eliminate any financial dependence, and then emotional dependence. Try to make sure that you do not have debts to anyone, pay them off if you have any. Learn to solve money problems without borrowing even small amounts from anyone. After all, debt in itself means that you are dependent on someone and you have an obligation to this person. It is also necessary to always trust only your own opinion and not take into account what others say about you.

When a person is independent of other people’s opinions, it is easier to decide what he really needs and what he wants. You should not be afraid of loneliness, since self-sufficiency does not imply that you should become an outcast in society and not communicate with anyone. You need to be in harmony with yourself, then it will be easier for you to solve important issues, since you will have time to think about them. You also need to take into account that if you decide to become a more independent person, then now in any life situations you will have to trust your own feelings.

Raising an independent child 8-12 years old - overcoming crises

Now your child has become almost a teenager.

12 years is the line beyond which strong crushes begin (more serious than in kindergarten and first grade), the first hysterics, absenteeism from school, and even, perhaps, attempts to run away from home, because “parents don’t understand and are tired of it.” .

Don't pester the child. Let him grow up in peace.

Remember yourself as a teenager - and give your child a breath of freedom.

  • You need to remain sensitive and loyal to the child’s new behavior, to growing up, to himself . But this does not mean that the child should be freed from chores and responsibilities. Understanding your responsibilities and responsibility is independence.
  • Adjust your requirements system. The teenager does not want to go to bed at 8-9 pm. And if the word “cleaning” makes your child shake, find other responsibilities for him. Compromise is your lifesaver.
  • Are there threes in the diary? Be patient - and don’t even think about drawing contour maps and drawings for competitions for your child at night, or writing essays - let him do everything himself.
  • Be correct : the words thrown at you now will be remembered for the rest of your life. Calmness is your salvation. Meditate, count to a hundred, throw darts at the wall, but the child should see in you only the support, love and calmness of a Tibetan monk.
  • Give more assignments and tasks in which the child can prove himself.
  • Place your child in a section, send him to Artek for the summer , teach him to use a credit card and cash.
  • Start learning to let your child go from you. Slowly leave him alone for a while. Travel on business more often. Learn to go to the cinema or cafe without your child. A few more years, and the child himself will begin to run away from you due to age and his own interests. To avoid excruciating pain and shame for yourself later, start gradually letting go now. Just don’t get carried away too much - the child has not moved away from you yet, and still needs attention, affection and a goodnight kiss.

How self-sufficiency affects life

Independence does not at all oblige you to be lonely and detached from society. Just like most people, you must have relatives, friends and family. You need to understand that independence only implies that now you will not need anyone’s financial help, the advice of others, and you will be able to make decisions on important issues yourself. Don't show your independence around your friends. There is no need to brag about this. After all, your independence is not an achievement to be proud of. You are changing your lifestyle for yourself, and not so that you have something to brag about to others. Even if you can now provide for yourself financially, do not forget that your parents also have a direct connection to this. Do not develop selfishness in yourself, remember about your relatives and help them.

Gain additional skills

It’s never too late to learn, and the opportunity to develop provides a person with additional skills. The more skills you master, the easier it is to be independent. It is noteworthy that both courses on eyelash extensions and personal growth trainings, courses on mastering computer technology, applied physics, etc. will help you become independent.

Obtaining additional skills develops independence, gives a feeling of self-worth and limitless possibilities. The main thing is that you will pay for the classes yourself, select materials for training, and hone the acquired skills in practice. Ultimately, we gain valuable experience that will definitely be useful in life.

Don't protect yourself from others!

Many people, having achieved any success, forget about their friends or stop communicating with them. But it's not right.

Instead of protecting yourself from the company of people who have not yet achieved any results, give them advice from personal experience on how to become independent. Many men and women who have become quite independent have problems with personal relationships. After all, they begin to look for mates just like them.

Unfortunately, these people don’t come across very often. It will be very difficult for two independent and self-sufficient individuals to live together and have a relationship. Because in a family, someone has to take care of the other. And when making any decision, someone will have to give in, which is unusual for an independent person.

Most people strive for independence, but do not know how to become independent without a high-paying position. However, everything lies not only in material support, but also depends on the character of the person. Some are brought up in such an environment that they do not even have the thought of independence. They are ready to live at the expense of others all the time. First they depend on their parents, then on their husband or wife, and then they shift everything to their children. Sometimes excessive care leads to the fact that a person is not able to independently succeed in life and is constantly waiting for help from others.

If you want to be self sufficient...

Some people say: “We will help everyone become independent.” But I would like to say that any person can become like this, the main thing is to have the desire. What is needed for independence and self-sufficiency?

  • Find a job to have financial independence.
  • Choose the appropriate option for independent living (purchasing your own home, renting an apartment or room).
  • Get rid of dependence on others, have your own opinion.
  • Learn to solve your problems yourself without resorting to the help of others.
  • Rely completely on your own strength.

Developing healthy habits

You need to start the path of transformation by developing valuable skills that will repeatedly help you in life:

  • we learn to take responsibility for ourselves - the implementation of the habit goes through timely payment of bills, willingness to meet work deadlines and be punctual;
  • always keep abreast of the latest events - a modern person must have up-to-date information;
  • it is necessary to work through all the tasks for the day;
  • defend your own opinion, do not rely on the opinions of others, since only you can understand what you want from life.

Some useful habits include creating short-term and global goals that will help you realize your goals in your personal and professional sphere.

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