15 Questions to Determine the Presence of Multiple Personality Disorders

Many people have undoubtedly heard about “split personality”. The correct name is “dissociative identity disorder.” It is a mental disorder in which a person perceives an alternation of different mental states with various features of manifestation (for example, character or thinking).

Defining split personality is not easy. A split personality test will help you do this yourself.

Dissociative disorder is often confused with schizophrenia or similar illnesses. With it, a person completely (or partially) loses his self-identification as an individual. Alcohol addiction is also often classified as one of these diseases: after all, in a state of intoxication, a person tends to change behavior, thinking, etc.

Take the split personality test and stay calm

Do you think that split personality is a rare phenomenon that does not threaten you? You are wrong!

This test should not be taken as a serious psychological examination. This is just an entertainment poll. However, if your results are alarming, you should seriously think about your mental health.

What quality do you consider to be the best in a person?

Describe your close friends.

I don't have any close friends at all. But those who exist are quite adequate and cheerful people.

How do you usually behave in the workplace?

How do you behave with a person you see for the first time in your life?

Continue the phrase: “When we open our soul to someone, we...”

Are there many people who really know you well?

Does it often happen to you that you forget some important event in your life, and with it all the details of this event?

Do your opinions often change under the influence of the opinions of your interlocutor?

Would you say that your opinion changes often, without any particular reason?

Are you prone to depression?

Do you think that your life is full of problems and troubles?

Have you ever had a situation when, under the influence of some kind of stress, you tried to commit suicide?

Do you like to dream so much that you don’t want to return to reality?

How do you feel in the company of strangers?

split personality test

You have clear signs of a split personality. You often talk to yourself - whether out loud or in your head. Moreover, you even have disputes and conflicts with yourself. You are often offended by yourself and may not speak for several days. You should see a psychologist. Most likely, you are stressed too often, which is why your psyche begins to get “naughty.” Split personality disorder that is diagnosed early is easier to treat.

You are completely alone and that's great! There are no other personalities living within you; you are a completely adequate person. You periodically experience attacks of panic, fear, and an influx of melancholy. However, you do not plunge headlong into these negative emotions, constantly maintaining your control over the situation. This is a very correct position. Continue in the same spirit, and you will definitely not face a split personality!

You are probably terribly tired. Moreover, not physically, but psychologically. Your psyche is currently so exhausted that it periodically “goes out of control.” You often suffer from insomnia or wake up in a cold sweat from nightmares, and you have periods of hopeless sadness. This is quite normal, you just need to spend a little more time on your mental health. Try to relax and enjoy life as much as possible!

Patient characteristics

A person with a split personality is very unbalanced ; he incorrectly perceives the surrounding reality and himself as part of it.

The patient experiences frequent attacks of aggression when there is no apparent reason for its occurrence.

In addition, the patient experiences sleep disturbances, severe migraines and hyperhidrosis often occur, which also has a negative impact on his quality of life. The person has a very changeable character , the disease is characterized by sudden changes in mood.

For example, just a few minutes ago the patient could experience euphoria, which abruptly gives way to tearfulness or apathy. At the same time, the person himself does not realize that he is sick.

It is important to remember that at the initial stage of development of the disease, a person does not pose any danger to others, however, over time and as the disease progresses, if the patient is not provided with the necessary assistance, he can become socially dangerous. In this case, his isolation from society will be required.

What is it like to live with a split personality? Find out in this video:

What is cognitive dissonance? You will find the definition on our website.

What harms the human psyche: main factors

There are three factors that significantly undermine our psyche!

Maintaining mental health is not easy. These are the factors that significantly undermine it.

The first signs of schizophrenia in women - when is it time to sound the alarm?

Factors that undermine the psycheDescription
No daily routineOur body is designed in such a way that it lives according to a program of circadian rhythms. This is a kind of biological clock that “tells” us when to sleep and stay awake. If a person ignores circadian rhythms, he automatically enters a stress phase. And if episodic stress does not cause significant harm to mental health, then chronic stress can disable a person’s psyche.
Social inactivityMan is a social being. This means that communication is vital for all of us. The lack of communication slowly but surely puts pressure on the human psyche, driving it into depression.
HypersensitivityEach of us faces worries and concerns. But there is a category of people who perceive any trouble as a real disaster. It is incredibly difficult for such people to live and, most importantly, enjoy this life.

Treatment options

How to treat it? Complex therapy, which includes taking certain medications, as well as the use of psychotherapy methods, will help eliminate the manifestations of the problem. The most commonly prescribed medications for patients are :

  • neuroleptics;
  • antidepressants;
  • tranquilizers;
  • nootropics;
  • vitamin preparations containing vit. B and nicotinic acid.

It is important to remember that it is necessary to prescribe medications with great caution , since incorrectly selected drug therapy can only aggravate the patient’s condition.

Psychotherapeutic treatment is one of the important aspects of disease treatment.

In particular, they use such methods of psychotherapy as:

  1. Introspection . It only works if the patient himself is aware of his illness. And this happens very rarely.
  2. Abstraction . A person identifies only those thoughts and preferences that are characteristic of his real personality, while all other images must be blocked.
  3. Self-affirmation . A person tries to accept all the features of his character, his preferences.
  4. Family trainings under the guidance of an experienced specialist.
  5. Hypnosis is a trance state in which pseudo-images are blocked and the splitting of consciousness is eliminated.

Is your mental health okay?

So, you do not have any mental disorders. But does this mean that you are completely healthy? No. How can you find out about the state of your psyche? Here are the criteria that define a healthy psyche:

  1. The ability to change your life. A mentally healthy person is able to assess the quality of his own life and understand whether it suits him or not. If something is wrong, a mentally healthy person makes some adjustments.
  2. Self-esteem. Adequate self-esteem is one of the main signs of a healthy psyche. A morally healthy person respects himself and his feelings.
  3. Ability to solve problems. Every mentally healthy and mature person is able to independently make a decision and find a way out of the current situation.
  4. Feeling of own safety. If you are mentally healthy, you will feel safe if there are no obvious signs of danger. Moreover, this feeling of security will accompany you both in a group of people and completely alone. Panic attacks and causeless anxiety are signs of neurosis.
  5. Sense of responsibility. A mentally healthy and mature person realizes that he is responsible, at a minimum, for his own life. Not to mention the lives of loved ones.
  6. The ability to give and receive love. If you are mentally healthy, you will not have difficulty expressing love and gratitude to your loved ones. In addition, you will be completely comfortable accepting this love and kindness from other people.
  7. The ability to look at the world realistically. A morally mature person looks at the world realistically, without idealizing it. He dreams, but he does not need these dreams in order to escape from harsh reality.
  8. The ability to calmly endure problems. When faced with some kind of trouble, a person with a healthy psyche will not become depressed and will not think about suicide.
  9. Craving for various hobbies. A person always has a desire to learn new things. He loves to learn and gain experience. Such a person, as a rule, has several hobbies with the help of which he expresses himself and develops.

Please note: a clear sign of a healthy psyche is interest in life.

Tips to recognize split personality:

How to find the required area?

When developing test systems for detecting a virus, it is necessary to make so-called specific primers

, which, in all the diversity of nucleic material (DNA and RNA) in a sample taken from a patient, will attach only to strictly defined sections of the virus. You need to imagine that a smear from the nasal or oropharyngeal mucosa contains a large amount of material from bacteria, its own cells, other viruses, and other things, so developers are looking for areas that are characteristic only of the desired virus. To develop primers, developers have in their hands the entire genetic sequence of the virus, as well as data on which viral proteins these sections are responsible for, which RNA/DNA sections of this virus can be found in other viruses, and much more. That is, all the information accumulated on the causative agent of their scientific research.

At the start of the development of a test system for detecting the RNA of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, used in CITILAB, sufficient data was accumulated on the genetic structure of the new virus, and there were already assumptions about possible mutations and fragments that are susceptible to mutations. It was known that the most unstable region of the virus RNA is the spike (S) region, so primers were not made for this region. To increase the reliability of diagnosis, three regions of the genome were selected as targets: regions of the N gene and E gene specific only to the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, as well as a conserved region of the E gene, i.e. common to the group of coronaviruses similar to SARS-CoV (including SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2). Thus, the SARS-CoV-2 RNA PCR at CITILAB took into account the possibility of mutations, and the emergence of new strains with mutations in the S fragment does not affect the result in any way.

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