Test “Test Your Friendship”: 15 Fun Questions + Tips

Best Friend Quiz

Want to test your friendship? Create your own quiz about yourself and see how well your friends know you:

Best Friend Quiz

50 how well do you know me? Questions

  1. Who has had the greatest influence on my life?
  2. What's my favorite drink?
  3. What 3 things would I like to have if I were stranded on an island?
  4. How many children do I want?
  5. What's my favorite movie?
  6. Did I have a favorite restaurant growing up?
  7. What's the longest book I've ever read?
  8. How much is my most expensive item of clothing worth?
  9. Have I ever gone to summer camp?
  10. Who do I talk to most often on the phone?
  11. What was the best day of my life?
  12. Do I like to get up early or go to bed late?
  13. What does my morning routine look like?
  14. When did I learn to ride a bike?
  15. Will I ever adopt a child?
  16. What was the last concert I attended?
  17. What languages ​​do I speak?
  18. What should I be grateful for?
  19. What's my favorite episode?
  20. When did I learn to swim?
  21. Have I ever done illegal drugs?
  22. What do I love most about myself?
  23. What did I like to do as a child?
  24. Am I an Android or iPhone person?
  25. Do I have an addiction?
  26. What's my favorite TV genre?
  27. What do I really hate?
  28. Did I have pets when I was growing up?
  29. What's my favorite food?
  30. What was my worst breakup?
  31. Do I enjoy meeting new people?
  32. Do I have nieces or nephews?
  33. What is my deepest fear?
  34. What does my name mean?
  35. Would I rather be a famous musician or an actor?
  36. What do my parents do for a living?
  37. What is my zodiac sign?
  38. What's my favorite book?
  39. Where do my parents live?
  40. What do I think about drugs?
  41. What do I think about equality?
  42. What would I name my first child?
  43. If I received a Nobel Prize, which one would I receive?
  44. What would my ideal day look like?
  45. What is my full name?
  46. ​​Where am I from?
  47. Will I ever join the military?
  48. What's my favorite sweet?
  49. What color are my eyes?
  50. Where I live?

50 funny, how well do you know me? Questions

  1. How do I feel when I put pineapple on pizza?
  2. Would I rather eat a bar of chocolate or a bag of chips in one sitting?
  3. What was the most embarrassing moment of my life?
  4. Will I be a Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff?
  5. What was the most illegal thing I've ever done?
  6. What movie or television character reminds me of?
  7. Will I ever go on a blind date?
  8. Which Disney character am I?
  9. What always distracts me while studying?
  10. What's my favorite flavor in gummies?
  11. How often do I use social networks?
  12. That I look really stupid?
  13. What always makes me smile?
  14. How much money do I spend each week?
  15. What word do I say too often?
  16. If there was a movie in my life, which actor/actress would I be?
  17. What's my least favorite type of music?
  18. If I could own anything, what would it be?
  19. Do I play any instruments?
  20. What do I hate?
  21. What is my dream destination?
  22. What kind of superhero would I be?
  23. What is my most embarrassing childhood memory?
  24. If I were an animal, what would I be?
  25. What food can I eat every day?
  26. What's my favorite computer game?
  27. Did I have an imaginary friend growing up?
  28. Which alcoholic drink best describes my personality and why?
  29. When and how did I know Santa wasn't real?
  30. What would be the exact opposite of me?
  31. What era would I like to live in if I could?
  32. What do I think about hairy legs?
  33. What's the stupidest situation in which I almost died?
  34. Do I prefer coffee or tea?
  35. How long will I survive the Zombie Apocalypse?
  36. When was the last time I peed my pants?
  37. What's my favorite board game?
  38. If I could live in a fictional universe, where would I want to live?
  39. What song would I choose if I had to sing karaoke?
  40. Do I prefer swimming or running?
  41. Have I ever had a crush on an animated character?
  42. What's the worst situation I've laughed in?
  43. Have I kissed anyone in the last five days?
  44. What do you think I did an hour ago?
  45. What strange habit did I have as a child?
  46. ​​What do I love most?
  47. Which fictional character would I like to marry?
  48. Would I rather date someone who is stupid or ugly?
  49. What's my most annoying habit?
  50. What baby item do I still love?

What do I prefer?

  • Cats or dogs?
  • Chocolate or cake?
  • Pizza or cheeseburger?
  • Tea or coffee?
  • Sea or pool?
  • Plane or train?
  • Quiet or loud?
  • Sleep or wake up early?
  • Shower or bath?
  • Is it hot or cold?
  • Sunrise or sunset?
  • Black or white?
  • Mathematics or history?
  • Sweet or salty?
  • Comedy or thriller?
  • Facebook or Instagram?
  • For same-sex marriage or against same-sex marriage?
  • Prenuptial agreement or no prenuptial agreement?
  • Optimist or pessimist?
  • Talk or listen?
  • Good news first or bad news first?
  • Break the law or break your heart?
  • Working in a toy factory or chocolate factory?
  • To vote or not?
  • To believe in life on other planets or not?

How well do you know me? Questions for couples

Are you worried that your girlfriend isn't listening to you? Or do you think that your boyfriend always forgets everything you told him five minutes after talking? Or maybe you just think you put a lot more effort and energy into getting to know your significant other? Well, then these questions are the perfect way for you. Grab your partner and find out how well he knows you!

50 how well do you know me? Questions for couples

  1. What did I wear when we first met?
  2. Where would I like to spend my honeymoon?
  3. Are my parents still together?
  4. What always makes me smile?
  5. What was my least favorite subject in school?
  6. How can you tell when I'm having a bad day?
  7. What was the name of my elementary school?
  8. What movie always makes me cry?
  9. What's my favorite place on earth?
  10. What's my mom's maiden name?
  11. How old was I when I had my first kiss?
  12. What is my father's name?
  13. What turns me on?
  14. What would make me jealous?
  15. Where did we kiss in public for the first time?
  16. How many brothers and sisters do each of my parents have?
  17. What job would I never do?
  18. How do you think I deal with difficult situations?
  19. Do I have brothers and sisters?
  20. Do you think this is the first time I've fallen in love with your mind or your body?
  21. Have I ever lived with a significant other before?
  22. What was/was my favorite subject at school?
  23. Did I play sports growing up?
  24. What do I think about open relationships?
  25. Would I want my parents to live with me when they get old?
  26. What's my darkest secret?
  27. Who is the eater, you or me?
  28. What's my favorite smell?
  29. Is my family religious?
  30. What is the worst problem I faced as a child?
  31. What's my most awkward sex story?
  32. How much honesty do I need in a relationship?
  33. Am I more like Mom or Dad?
  34. Where do I want to live in the future?
  35. If I could erase one thing from my past, what would it be?
  36. What would my ideal day look like?
  37. What will my dream home be like?
  38. Do I believe that love can last a lifetime?
  39. Did I have a favorite teacher?
  40. What's my biggest nightmare?
  41. What city did I grow up in?
  42. What did we do for our first date?
  43. How often do I talk to my parents?
  44. Do I consider myself creative?
  45. What's my favorite word?
  46. ​​If there was a movie in our lives, what actors would we be?
  47. Who is my favorite family member?
  48. What is my mother's name?
  49. What always makes me angry?
  50. When did I start falling in love with you?

How to learn to be friends?

In the case of friendship, opposites do not attract; those who are close in spirit attract.

Do you envy those who managed to find a true friend? In vain! After all, friendship is not a gift, but the result of a lot of work! Take note of these tips, and you, too, will learn to be friends.

AdviceHow to implement?
Become a good communicatorThe ability to listen to another person is key not only in friendships. In absolutely any situation (if you want to build a strong relationship), you need to listen carefully to the person. Don’t feign interest in his person, but be truly interested. Always listen to your friend until the end. Perhaps it is at this moment that he reveals to you his secret corners of his soul.
Show genuine interest in your friend's lifeOne of the most important conditions for friendship is that people are interested in each other. After all, if you are simply not interested in a person, you are unlikely to be able to create real friendships.
Be honestFriendship is based precisely on honesty. In any situation, try to be completely sincere with the person. Always tell the truth, no matter how unpleasant it may be. This attitude will endear the person to you and give him reasons to trust you.
Keep secretsBy “trust” we mean not only the ability to tell the truth, but also the ability to preserve the truth of another person. If a friend initiates you into his inner experiences, you should not talk about them left and right.
Learn to forgiveNot even the strongest friendships are complete without quarrels and resentments. But it is forgiveness that allows you to preserve and strengthen friendship.
Rejoice in your friend's successWe all know that envy is a very bad, destructive feeling. It can ruin even seemingly ideal relationships. Therefore, it is worth fighting envy in the bud. Start working on yourself, develop and achieve success. Then your friend’s victories will not make you feel jealous and inferior.

Please note: I personally agree with the statement that friendship is a mutually beneficial relationship. But this does not mean at all that you need to constantly benefit from friendship, and if there is none, then friendship is not needed. The person should be interesting and pleasant to you - this is the main benefit that you can get from a strong and true friendship.

How to create a strong friendship?

How well do you know me? Questions for friends

Whether you're talking to your best friend you've known for a long time or a new friend you just met, we all like to think we know our friends well. The following questions concern personal dreams and hopes, childhood, family and loved ones. Grab your friends and take the opportunity to learn more about each other!

50 How well do you know me? Questions for friends

  1. How many countries have I visited?
  2. Would I rather live in a big city or on a farm?
  3. What makes me nervous?
  4. Who was my crush five years ago?
  5. How old do I look?
  6. What was my first drunken experience?
  7. I love suits and dressing up?
  8. What makes me feel most alive?
  9. Have you ever suspected that I'm gay?
  10. What is my dream job?
  11. Do I have any insecurity?
  12. Who is my current celebrity crush?
  13. What does love mean to me?
  14. How can I spend a regular Saturday evening?
  15. How did I lose my virginity?
  16. What's my favorite song?
  17. What is my favorite winter activity?
  18. Who is the man/woman of my dreams?
  19. What is my greatest talent?
  20. What's the story of my first kiss?
  21. How different was my life a year ago?
  22. What was the last movie that made me cry?
  23. Will I ever kiss someone on the first date?
  24. What do I like to do on a hot summer day?
  25. Have I ever lost someone close to me?
  26. What was the name of my first pet?
  27. Who do I hate?
  28. How old was I when I started dating?
  29. Have I ever cheated on someone?
  30. Would I rather spend the day with my parents or your parents?
  31. What is the length of my longest romantic relationship?
  32. Do I have brothers and sisters? What are their names?
  33. Have I ever had to repeat a grade at school?
  34. What's my favorite item of clothing?
  35. What's the worst time I've been?
  36. What do I think about politics?
  37. Where do I see myself in 5 years?
  38. Have I ever dyed my hair?
  39. What is the length of my longest romantic relationship?
  40. Am I a dog or a cat?
  41. Which celebrity would I like to meet?
  42. Who was my first true love?
  43. Would I rather be taller or shorter?
  44. Am I right or left handed?
  45. Who was my first crush?
  46. ​​What's the best decision I've ever made?
  47. Where would I like to go?
  48. What's my favorite music?
  49. How did my last relationship end?
  50. What was the scariest moment of my life?

How well do you know me? Questions for the family

Are you close to your family? Are you not sure? Well, find it! The following questions are suitable for families and are ideal for your parents, siblings or even grandparents. Just look at the list and find out how well you know your family members.

50 how well do you know me? Questions for the family

  1. Where do I see myself living at 10 years old?
  2. Would I date someone who doesn't like music at all?
  3. Who is my favorite actress?
  4. What's my favorite ice cream flavor?
  5. What's the most beautiful picture I've ever painted?
  6. What can I talk about all day?
  7. What do I think about climate change?
  8. How did I deal with my feelings and emotions as a child?
  9. Would I date someone who doesn't have books in their house?
  10. If I had to move to another country, where would I go?
  11. What am I afraid of?
  12. Name three things I did today.
  13. Can I take leftovers home when I eat out?
  14. How old am I?
  15. Would I like to lose or gain five pounds?
  16. Who is my favorite author?
  17. Am I satisfied with my life?
  18. How did I meet my best friend?
  19. How much money do I earn?
  20. What's my favorite restaurant?
  21. When do I usually brush my teeth?
  22. What is your very first memory of me?
  23. What's my favorite color?
  24. Where do I see myself living when you retire?
  25. How late did I stay up last night?
  26. Do I prefer jeans or sweatpants?
  27. Who is my secret hero?
  28. What's my favorite weather?
  29. What was my favorite toy as a child?
  30. If I had to rename myself, what name would I choose?
  31. What took me too long to figure out?
  32. How could I save the world?
  33. What would I order at McDonald's?
  34. What's my favorite city?
  35. Do I believe in zodiacs?
  36. What do I like to do on weekends?
  37. What are my hidden talents?
  38. Have I ever been in a fight?
  39. Have I ever received an award?
  40. Do I prefer rain or snow?
  41. If I could work anywhere, where would it be?
  42. What's my favorite sport?
  43. How tall am I?
  44. Who's my best friend?
  45. What was my favorite TV show growing up?
  46. ​​What's my favorite restaurant?
  47. What's my favorite time of year?
  48. Do I believe in aliens?
  49. Who is my favorite actor?
  50. Who was my first best friend?

How well do you know me? Questions for a guy

Do you think that you and your boyfriend know everything about each other? Every little detail of your life? Well, just find out. These questions cover your first memories together, your family and friends, and your future dreams and hopes.

50 how well do you know me? Questions for a guy

  1. What would be the perfect birthday gift for me?
  2. Was I raised in a certain religion?
  3. Who has more appetite, me or you?
  4. Who was my celebrity when I was growing up?
  5. What's my middle name?
  6. What are my life dreams?
  7. What do you think is the first thing I ever noticed about you?
  8. How many people have I met with you?
  9. What makes me special and unique?
  10. Do I believe in supernatural things?
  11. What do I like least about being a child?
  12. How many ex-partners do I have?
  13. How much time do I spend in front of the mirror every day?
  14. Who were my role models growing up?
  15. What's my favorite part of your body?
  16. How did my last relationship end?
  17. Do I have allergies?
  18. What's my dream date night?
  19. What is my great-grandmother's name?
  20. When is my father's birthday?
  21. What is my favorite childhood memory?
  22. Am I still friends with any of my exes?
  23. Who is my oldest friend?
  24. How do I feel about your parents?
  25. What is my great-grandfather's name?
  26. What do I think about marriage?
  27. Would I rather have a successful career or be a stay-at-home mom?
  28. Where would I like to travel with you?
  29. What would my dream home look like?
  30. When is my mom's birthday?
  31. What is my shoe size?
  32. How do I drink coffee?
  33. What's my favorite flower?
  34. What was my nickname as a child?
  35. Where was I born?
  36. Did I have any serious problems?
  37. What is my natural hair color?
  38. Who in my family can't I get along with?
  39. I can cook?
  40. What's the sweetest thing I've ever done for you?
  41. What do I think about toys in the bedroom?
  42. What are my life goals?
  43. In what position do I sleep?
  44. What's my favorite part about you?
  45. What's my favorite breakfast dish?
  46. ​​Where did we take our first photo together?
  47. Is it easy for me to be jealous?
  48. How would you describe me in 3 words?
  49. If I could witness any event in the past, present or future, what would it be?
  50. What do I like most about my childhood?

Questions about dreams4

  • Do you want children? How many children do you want?
  • What life values ​​do you think should be instilled in children first?
  • Would you like to learn how to ride a horse?
  • What unusual food or drink would you like to try?
  • How do you feel about extreme sports?
  • Would you like to bungee jump?
  • Would you like to live in a village?
  • What is your most unusual vacation?
  • Do you want to visit the mountains?
  • Would you like to climb Everest?
  • Which tropical island would you like to go to?
  • Would you like to celebrate New Year in Lapland?
  • Do you want to go on a trip to India?
  • Would you like to visit Antarctica?
  • Have you ever wanted to indulge in unbridled revelry?
  • Would you like to see a real Spanish bullfight?
  • Or maybe you would like to run with the bulls through the streets of Pamplona?
  • Do you have a favorite superhero?
  • What toys were your favorite?
  • Do you have any children's toys left?
  • Would you like to attend the premiere of a film or play?

  • What historical era would you like to live in?
  • Would you like to visit the future?
  • What historical secret would you like to know?
  • Would you like to go back to your childhood?
  • At what age would you like to remain permanently?
  • What kind of wedding do you dream of: a magnificent one or a modest one?
  • Which of your habits do you consider the strangest?
  • Would you like to live forever?
  • What emoticons do you use most often?
  • Do you have a wish list?
  • Do you like to recite poetry?
  • Do you like reading aloud?
  • Would you like to go on a real hound hunt?
( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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