How to get rid of anger, irritation, envy and learn emotional control

Emotions cannot be stored up in oneself, they must be expressed, psychologists say. At the same time, we often hear about such a trait of successful people as the ability to control emotions. Is there a contradiction here?

Everyone knows perfectly well that a woman’s condition is greatly influenced by hormonal levels, as well as the environment around her and the degree of satisfaction. Sometimes we are so captive of our feelings that it can be difficult to switch to a positive wave. Now you will learn the key rules for overcoming negative emotions. By using these tips, you will get positive results pretty quickly.

On a scale of 10, rate how emotional you are:

  • 1 point - do not show emotions;
  • 3 points - low emotional;
  • 5 points - average reaction to what is happening;
  • 7 points - you over-emotion to stimuli;
  • 10 points - the mood is absolutely changeable.

Now think about those emotions that you are used to expressing, and those that you prefer to accumulate in yourself. Are any of them feelings from the list below?

How to get rid of irritability

This feeling haunts every family man. Let's imagine that a woman comes home tired after a hard day at work. We need to help a capricious child do his homework. At the same moment, the husband asks to cook dinner. Irritation is a natural reaction to such a situation, because a woman expects a different picture, where she will be taken care of, loved and given the opportunity to relax.

The first key to reducing irritants is to have open, friendly conversations without pretense. Ask for help and support if you need it. To relieve irritation, listen to music, you can even dance with your child or scream to a loud tune. Another option is to get yourself a canvas and paints to bring out the negative. Find a way to vent your emotions.

Using the example of experiencing anger

Let's look at this complex reaction using the example of the experience of anger.

As three different languages ​​tell us about this:

  • “She has no right to do this! This is TERRIBLY unfair!” - thought
  • Feels anger, irritation, anger - emotions
  • Your shoulders and arms are tense, your heart is pounding—these are sensations in your body .

This is how they described their feelings when they were angry in my survey:

It burns in your chest, your face burns, and you break into a sweat.
Rapid heartbeat, hot head, sometimes leading to migraine, tension in the arms - especially in the hands.

Fists clench, arms and legs tremble, teeth clench, breathing intensifies.

A rush of blood or negative energy to the head.

Look at the heat map of a person in anger: all the energy went up and into the hands.

What to do in a fit of anger

It is important to emphasize here that anger cannot be ignored. It needs to be thrown out, otherwise it turns into psychosomatic symptoms and harms health.

A person gets angry for various reasons - for example, when things don’t go according to plan or his personal boundaries are violated. To channel anger in a positive direction, you need to recognize the cause of your anger. It happens that a flash of anger even helps a person find business ideas. For example, if you didn’t like the service, you may come to a decision on how to improve the quality of service.

What causes sensations in the body

If something significant happens, the brain gives a command to react to three sections:

  • autonomic nervous system
  • hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis
  • the immune system

Hormones are released into the blood, some of them prepare us to fight, some prepare us to flee, the digestive and reproductive systems are inhibited, blood sugar levels rise, etc., etc. These processes are felt in the body in the form of various tingling sensations, tension, trembling, heat, etc.

People may have the same sensations in the body, or they may not; this is not necessary.

To put it simply, the body reacts to emotion immediately, automatically, in different ways, and most importantly - this is how it was intended !

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