How to become cunning: psychological ways and methods, tips

How to become cunning: information

There is hardly a person who has never heard that power lies in knowledge. The ability to collect and accumulate information will help those people who are looking for an answer to the question of how to become cunning. A person who has this talent is able to see what others do not notice. We are talking primarily about the hidden motives that guide others in their actions.

For example, if the owner of a company is about to interview an applicant for a position, he should take some time to find out everything about this person. As a result, the candidate will be forced to answer tricky questions for which he was not prepared, which will force him to reveal much more about himself than he intended. In other words, information must be collected before making any responsible decision.

How to become smarter, more cunning? It is worth remembering that information that seems unimportant can also be useful. Cunning people do not forget anything thanks to their excellent memory. Such a simple exercise as memorizing poems by heart helps to develop it.

Truth or lie

How to become cunning and never find yourself in a trap? A person who has this gift understands that people’s words do not always correspond to their thoughts and actions. The ability to separate truth from lies is a talent that can be acquired by studying relevant literature. For example, you can start with Body Language, a book authored by Allan Pease. This is a guide for those who want to learn in a short time to unravel people's true feelings and thoughts by observing their facial expressions and body movements.

Of course, this does not mean that it is necessary to suspect every interlocutor of deception. This approach will only lead to the development of persecution mania. However, the ability to understand the true intentions of people before concluding important deals, alliances, and so on is an ability that every cunning person must master.


To be developed in all respects, I advise you to engage in introspection. Study yourself, read psychological literature that will help you with this. Go to trainings and courses. Study people through yourself. When you finally understand yourself, it will become easier for you to understand others.

Go to a public speaking class. Learn to speak correctly and beautifully. Ninety percent of success depends on our speech. We stopped watching our language. Few people are really responsible for their words anymore. Learn to speak. And they will listen to you.

In addition, develop your imagination and creative side. Draw, write poetry, do handicrafts. Anything. Even if you don't succeed the first time. Practice and move forward.

Learn to manage your time. Time management can help you. When you manage your time correctly, you will work more efficiently. More efficient work leads to more successful results. Work for yourself. You are your own boss. And the success of your venture depends only on you.

I am sure that you can become what you want. I hope my article helped you outline a plan. If you find interesting and useful thoughts for yourself, be sure to share the link to the article with others on social networks.


Let's look further at how to become cunning. Individuals endowed with this gift realize the importance of what others consider unworthy details. They never sign contracts without carefully examining every line, even if it is a standard procedure. This approach allows cunning people to avoid serious problems in the future.

The ability to notice details helps not only in global issues, but also in everyday communication. For example, people who are constantly pranked and considered too simple-minded can quickly wean their acquaintances from this habit. By entering a room and paying attention to changes in the environment, you can internally prepare for the prank.

Be on the lookout

How else can you become more cunning and wiser? Fatigue, absent-mindedness are problems that prevent a person from achieving this goal. A simple lack of sleep prevents people from thinking several steps ahead, being able to determine the hidden motives of others, and manipulating them.

Cunning people know that they should always take care of their needs. They never give up eight hours of sleep and try to saturate their diet with important vitamins and minerals. Physical activity also helps them stay cheerful and active, so they enjoy visiting gyms and swimming pools and never turn down the opportunity to go for a walk.

"No" to emotions

Do you know how to become a cunning person? Studying those around him like an open book, the cunning man never allows them to understand his own motives. To do this, it is enough to master the art of restraining emotions. Cunning people know how not only not to demonstrate their own feelings, but also to maintain sobriety, not allowing emotions to influence decision-making.

Anyone who plans to join the ranks of cunning people should definitely master the art of meditation. This activity not only helps you learn to take control of your feelings, but also helps develop awareness and willpower. Yoga also helps to gain composure. Future cunning players are also shown a game of poker, during which it is easy to master the art of keeping an impenetrable face and misleading your own opponents.

Finally, anyone who dreams of learning cunning should eliminate alcohol from their life, since even small doses of alcohol contribute to weakening self-control.

A book is the best teacher

Read. Read as much fiction as possible. There are a large number of lists of required reading on the Internet. Find yourself such a list and read it. I'm sure you spend more time on TV series. So, instead of watching the next episode of your favorite TV series in the evening, pick up a book.

Novels teach us not only about life, but also show us different characters, reveal human souls, show their desires and capabilities. The book helps you look at people under a microscope. The situations that happen to the characters become your experience, which you must collect so carefully. So collect it.

In addition to the fact that you will work on your wisdom and cunning, you will also raise your level of education, and this is very important for an intelligent woman. Be well-read in various fields. It is not necessary to thoroughly understand all areas, but knowing the principles will definitely not be superfluous.

One of the books that may interest you is Parables for Wise Women. Proverbs always work well in developing wisdom. In addition, myths and fairy tales are very helpful. After all, this is our heritage, which carries centuries-old wisdom. So accept it, take it for yourself.

With the advent of new technologies, reading is becoming even easier. If previously you had to carry a huge volume with you, now you can download all the books you need into your e-reader. Very convenient and practical. Read on the road while waiting for a meeting, at home before going to bed.

Development of intelligence

A person who dreams of becoming very cunning never stops learning. The brain constantly needs food, only in this case it becomes an ally and not an enemy. Whether these will be foreign language or drawing courses, computer literacy lessons, seminars related to professional activities, and so on - the person decides independently.

The development of intelligence is promoted by games based on logical thinking: chess, checkers, backgammon. Also beneficial is an activity such as solving problems from a school course in algebra and geometry (physics, chemistry). Finally, higher education will be beneficial as students effectively master the art of working with information.

A wise woman is a bitch in a dressing gown or a cat

You like to criticize, you can slap your husband on the head, you nag with or without reason - congratulations, you are a real bitch. Wisdom has nothing to do with bitchiness. Although there are exceptions here too. If your chosen one is from the category of masochists or a weak-willed creature, then my advice to you is love.

There are approximately 3 billion in the world. men. Everyone has their own concepts of beauty, kindness, loyalty and ideal. One man would be better off with a notorious bitch, otherwise he will be bored to death, while another man needs fresh soup every day and meatloaf with dessert. There is no pattern of behavior for women. A wise woman does not try to pretend to be something, she remains herself. Among the three billion, there are a couple of hundred men who are right for her.

Be yourself!

I heard that you need to adapt to a man, anticipate desires, monitor facial expressions, every word and gesture. Bullshit. If you watch every word you say, then after a couple of years of your life you are guaranteed to have mental disorders. Anxiety and sleepless nights will be a reward for constant stress, for the sake of “women's happiness.” A hysterical woman is unlikely to become a muse for a man.

There is no point in predicting men's desires. A man will howl from such care. Don't believe me? Watch the old comedy with Louis de Funes, “A Gendarme at Rest.” The plot shows in all its glory a man’s reaction to the increased care of his beloved wife.

Pleasant surprises will be beneficial. When communicating, find out the man’s preferences, his interests, desires. A holiday gift related to the hobby of a loved one will bring additional points to a wise woman in a relationship with a man. Give not shaving cream and lotion, but a fishing rod if your husband goes fishing on Sundays. A ball autographed by a football player will be a wonderful gift for a fan.

Be careful!

The art of manipulation

How to become cunning and calculating? Achieving this goal is facilitated by mastering such a useful art as manipulation. Cunning people wield such powerful weapons as the ability to identify people's weaknesses and strengths and use this knowledge for personal purposes. First of all, you need to learn to calculate the weaknesses of others, since they are the ones that are easy to play on and force a person to do what is required of him.

Of course, cunning people not only easily identify other people’s weaknesses, but also carefully hide their own. They understand how easily others can take advantage of such knowledge. However, cunning people do not hide their weaknesses from themselves; they know how to soberly weigh their advantages and disadvantages.

Experience of wise women. Whose advice will be useful and which will be harmful in relationships with men?

Over the years, a woman becomes wiser, so it is worth listening to people of the older generation. A 20-year-old girl is unlikely to give sensible advice, since she has only a few years of experience. She herself needs advice. Mom also cannot always give suitable recommendations for her daughter. And not everything can be told to your mother. It will be useful for a young lady to have a friend twice her age. Only a friend who herself managed to build a happy relationship can tell you how to be a wise woman in relationships with men. It is even more difficult to maintain happiness, so advice from married women in a happy marriage of 10 years or more will be doubly useful.

It is also worth listening to the advice of men. Who, if not a man, knows what is good and what is bad in a relationship. I once witnessed a fifty-year-old man giving wise advice to a 25-year-old girl. The advice concerned marriage. The girl had been dating a guy for several years, but he was in no hurry to propose marriage.

Be the best! A man must realize that there is no one better than you and there will never be one for him. There is no need to put pressure on a man and give ultimatums. Like, get married and that’s it. Just prove that you are the best and he won't go anywhere.

The method works. Before going to the registry office, I had to live in a civil marriage for several years and prove it. Someone will say that the idea is stupid and there is no need to waste time. Then answer yourself honestly what is more important to you: a stamp in your passport or being happy with the man you love.

Set global goals

So how do you become crafty? People who have mastered this art know the benefits of global goals. A person who has only momentary goals always remains a loser. The same thing happens to people who don’t set goals for themselves at all, who are afraid of losing and losing what they already have. Cunning people confidently determine their main goal, and then go towards it, achieving one victory after another.

In addition, cunning people have the gift of foresight. For example, Winston Churchill, who deservedly gained a reputation as a cunning person, never let the situation take its course when it came to important matters. The politician always thought through several possible outcomes of events, and then his actions in each of them.

A few words about practice

As already mentioned, cunning is just the result of hard training. You can start with such an innocent activity as practical jokes, the objects of which should be loyal people. Each prank implies the ability to deceive, control emotions, and predict the actions of others. It is not surprising that such jokes gradually help to develop cunning.

The ability to deceive is easily acquired by occasionally telling people around you a lie and trying to pass it off as the truth. For example, these may be stories from life that actually did not happen.

Use women's secrets

It is stupid not to use the tools that nature itself has given. This is appearance, look, gestures, movements. Properly chosen clothes, hairstyle, impeccable appearance, smooth gait, alluring eyes, mouth slightly open in a slight smile - all this can bewitch a man. Therefore, study your body, work on it, take public speaking and vocal lessons, sign up for an oriental dance course, learn to “talk” with your eyes. By developing your talents, you can achieve a lot from members of the opposite sex.

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