Projection as a personal defense mechanism, or why we see ourselves in others

Contact with the reality around us occurs every minute of our life, we communicate some information to the outside and accept it. When building relationships, or simply communicating with other people, we are faced with the fact that we are forced to look for common ground of positions, views on things in order to come to an understanding of the other person. This can be quite difficult. Ideally, the person himself is aware of the patterns that are present during communication. However, it often happens that without realizing it, we meet not only others, but also ourselves, not who we actually are, but only a distorted projection of ourselves.

What are we talking about and what to do about it? To start. I propose to understand what projection is in general, as a psychological defense mechanism of the individual.

This article is addressed primarily to ordinary people who are far from professional psychology, but for whom it is important to save their face and build contact with real people, and not with their idea of ​​them.

What is projection

Projection in psychology is the transference of feelings, thoughts, desires to others. In simple words, when a person feels, for example, guilt or shame, he projects them onto other people. In this way, he relieves himself from worries and protects his psyche from trauma. And it works. Now he blames not himself, but one of his friends, acquaintances, relatives, etc. At the same time, excuses are still made that someone’s behavior is not better, but even worse.

Let's look at what projection is in psychology, using examples from life. Have you ever met outrageously jealous men who, despite their jealousy, do not mind cheating on their companion? They reason something like this: if I have such thoughts, then the woman thinks the same. If you wish, you can even find logic in such reasoning. True, perverted.

Or, for example, a wife who scolds her husband for wasting the family budget. She doesn't like that he spends money on some of his own entertainment. In fact, the woman herself is not very thrifty. She buys more shoes, a dress and much more. But at the same time she continues to call her husband a spender.

The effect of projection can be seen on yourself. How often do you scold your neighbors or colleagues for their negative character traits? Think about it, do you have these qualities? Surely the answer will be negative. However, this is just an illusion.


To demonstrate the internal structure of an object, it is dissected by one or more secants. The image of a part with a volume cut off by such a plane is called a section. It shows the part of the object that is in and behind the cutting planes.


Incisions are divided into several types:

  1. Simple. One cutting plane is used.
  2. Complex. There are two or three planes. In particularly difficult cases, a larger number is used.

Simple cuts are divided according to the orientation of the secant into:

According to their configuration, complex ones are divided into stepped and broken.

Based on the parallelism of the secant to any main plane, vertical planes are divided into frontal and profile. Based on the same feature, stepped ones are distinguished between horizontal and frontal.

For axisymmetric objects, sections are also distinguished based on the direction of the secant to this axis:

The location of the secant is indicated by a thick (one and a half times thicker than the main) dashed line with a length of dashed lines of 8-20 millimeters. The direction of projection is shown by arrows orthogonal to the strokes. The cutting plane is called double letters: “A-A”


Images of sections parallel to the plane of the main view are placed near it.

Local cuts are separated by wavy lines. When depicting them, you should avoid placing them in the area of ​​other elements, coinciding with them or intersecting them.

The location of the complex stepped section is recommended adjacent to the supporting main view. You can also place them in free areas of the image.

When displaying broken sections of a section in drawings, they are rotated so that they are combined into a single hypothetical plane. The location of parts of the object located behind the rotated plane is hidden.

Projection mechanism

In simple terms, projection in psychology is a defensive reaction. It develops in childhood. The basis for its formation are prohibitions dictated by society. Day after day, information about what is good and what is bad is reinforced in the child’s mind. In the process of upbringing, parents tell him how to behave in a given situation. As a result, even very young children know that they cannot take toys from others, they also cannot fight, offend the weaker, etc.

Over time, there are more and more prohibitions. Moreover, even thoughts about the forbidden are unacceptable. This state of affairs causes a storm of emotions in an already adult person, including the spirit of contradiction. A real struggle unfolds inside him between what he wants and what is possible. The projection mechanism consists of 3 parts:

  1. The person experiences some discomfort, perhaps shame, irritation, anger. They are caused by his attitude towards what society prohibits.
  2. Trying to cope with negative emotions, he takes forbidden desires beyond his consciousness.
  3. Transfers these desires to the people around him. Now a person is not so ashamed and uncomfortable, because others behave the same way as he does.

Thus, women, who are called “old maids,” direct all their strength to the fight against corrupt youth. And those who abuse alcohol during periods of sobriety talk about the bad behavior of their drinking neighbors.

It is interesting that the projection mechanism manifests itself even in such areas of life as politics and war. Residents of one state accuse their “neighbors” of the sins they themselves have committed. And the more such sins, the more furious the accusations, the stronger the aggression.

What a long way to go. Remember the times when you accused and scolded those whom you yourself offended? For what purpose was this done? To get rid of shame and guilt.

Application area

The regulatory act in this area is GOST 2.305-2008.

The document describes in detail the acceptable methods for designating views in drawings, as well as additional ways to present information about a part: sections and sections. It also regulates the location of extension elements and permitted methods for simplifying drawings.

The preferred method for depicting three-dimensional products on a plane is orthogonal projection. The location of the depicted object is assumed to be between the conventional observer and the projection plane. To improve the readability of the image, a simplified approach is permitted. Therefore, the images in the drawings are not projection in the strict geometric sense of the word. They are called images on a plane. To obtain the main projections, the depicted part is placed in the center of an imaginary cube. Its edges will serve as projection planes.

As a result of the projection of the image of the object, a diagram of the main types of the product appears:

In technical drawing, the front view is considered the main one. It should give maximum information about the depicted detail. It is complemented by views from the left and from above (relative to the main one). These three types are called the main ones. The rest are considered auxiliary. Their images are constructed if important design information about a product of complex shape is not visible in the three main views.

In addition, to explain the structure of part of the part, local views are used, showing a fragment of the image of the main view. Such images are placed in unoccupied areas, inscribed in capital letters of the Cyrillic alphabet. On the main view, in the area where the fragment is located, there is an arrow showing the direction of the conditional view, as a result of which the local view appears. Such designs are limited by break lines drawn in the direction of the minimum element size.

In addition, additional types are used. They are built on planes placed at an angle to the main faces of the projection cube. They help to illustrate the location and structure of those parts of the object that are not visible or are not sufficiently presented in the main views, or their dimensions and configuration are distorted. The designation of additional species is carried out using letters of the Cyrillic alphabet.

A thoughtful choice of local and additional views allows you to reduce the number of hatches when showing the internal structure of a part that is invisible on the main projections. The readability of the drawing, the relative position of its parts also improves, and the likelihood of its erroneous interpretation is reduced.

How projection and empathy are related

It is worth noting that in psychology, projection is not always negative emotions. It often goes hand in hand with empathy. By definition, this is a person’s ability to empathize, sympathize, and experience the same feelings and sensations as the interlocutor. This is compassion that is always connected to personal experience. A person understands how his opponent feels in a given situation, because he himself has experienced a similar one. It’s not for nothing that they say that you can understand a person by walking in his shoes.

Without projection, it is difficult to achieve success in relationships with other people. However, it is not always objective. You look at the situation from your side. You think that you understand the person’s feelings. This is mistake. In fact, he experiences something completely different. After all, all people are different. You don't know what's going on inside them.

Only emotionally close people can understand each other 100%.


Construct orthogonal projections of a point with coordinates A (60, 20, 40) and determine in which quadrant the point is located.

Solution to the problem: along the OX axis, plot the coordinate value XA=60, then through this point on the OX axis, restore a projection connection line perpendicular to OX, along which plot the coordinate value ZA=40 upwards, and coordinate value YA=20 downwards (Figure 1.10 ). All coordinates are positive, which means the point is located in the first quadrant.

Figure 1.10 – Solution to the problem

Types of projection

The projection effect in psychology is divided into 4 types:

  1. Attributive. A person transfers the motives of his actions to others. Usually these motives are either not recognized in society or are condemned by the accuser himself.
  2. Complimentary. A person endows himself with qualities that are opposite to those that he condemns. “I am brave, and you are a coward.” “I am strong, and you are weak.”
  3. Rational. People justify their failures, while blaming others for unprofessionalism, any weaknesses, or failures. You can often hear something like this in a team: “We would have done the job if it weren’t for the lazy people working next to us.” Or, for example, in the family: “We would be an exemplary couple if the husband (wife) cared more about the family.” And there are thousands of such examples.
  4. Autistic projection. A person transfers needs to the environment. Here the proverb comes to mind: “A fisherman sees a fisherman from afar.” A woman who has been cheated on by her beloved man unconsciously projects this situation into the outside world. And now she sees only traitors in all representatives of the opposite sex.

Sometimes behavior combines several types of projection at once. This happens if a person is extremely unsure of himself, suffers from complexes, and experiences a feeling of guilt.

Arrangement of views on the drawing field

The main requirement that the placement of the main and other main views on the drawings must meet is rationality. In this case, it is also necessary to take into account the placement of text material and the need to apply dimensions.

According to current standards, it is not permissible to arrange views in drawings in such a way that it interferes with the full representation of the shape of the part in the main view.

Pros and cons of projection

The method of projecting thoughts, experiences and actions onto other people has its advantages and disadvantages. There are only 3 advantages:

  1. Helps to cope with internal problems, get rid of negative thoughts and unpleasant feelings. If you leave everything as it is, a person will face stress, which sooner or later will develop into depression. And it’s not far from psychosis.
  2. The second benefit concerns empathy. Essentially, in the case of empathy, the two concepts are similar. If it were not for empathy and projection, the world would consist of rude, insensitive egoists.
  3. Like other types of psychological defense, projection prevents trauma to the psyche by strong experiences.

What can you say about the shortcomings?

  1. A person does not fully understand the real state of things. He sees only what he wants.
  2. The actions and words of others are assessed inadequately, according to their own, sometimes incomprehensible, logical reasoning.
  3. By transferring one's own problems onto loved ones, problems arise in relationships.
  4. Behind projection, a person hides his sins and negative character traits. He does not seek to get rid of them, to change his personality for the better.

Remember the disadvantages of projection when trying to transfer your feelings and experiences to loved ones. Don't try to find faults in them.

Views in the drawing and main views in mechanical engineering

The views in the drawing are divided into: frontal, horizontal and profile projections. Views refer to those parts of the part that have visible parts of the surface. The main view should provide the most complete information.

Taking into account GOST 2.305-68, the part has the following main types:

  1. Main view (front view) or the often used frontal view;
  2. View from above. It is located under the main view. Otherwise, there is a horizontal projection;
  3. Left view. Shown to the right of the front view and is called a profile projection;
  4. Right view. Located to the left of the view on the right;
  5. View from below. Has its place above the main view;
  6. Back view. Located to the right of the view on the left.

In mechanical engineering, three types of projection are used: profile, horizontal and frontal.

This is to make drawings easier. Replace other types using dashed (invisible) lines.

How many main types of drawing are there?

6 views – front (main), top, left, right, bottom, back.

What are the names of the drawing types and what is their location?

In front (main) - on the frontal plane, from above - on the horizontal plane, on the left - on the profile plane, on the right, below, behind.

Which image in the drawing is the main view (main)? In what position is the object depicted on it relative to the projection planes?

The main (main) front view shows the projection onto the frontal plane.

What is called a complex drawing? How are projections placed on a complex drawing?

A complex drawing is an image of an object on combined projection planes. To the right of the front view is the left view, and to the bottom of the front view is the top view.

What conventions when drawing dimensions reduce the number of images in the drawing?

Diameter sign, square sign and thickness symbol s.


If, during a conditional section of an object, only that part of it that is in the secant plane is left, a section is obtained in its drawing sense.

Sections are divided into:

  • being part of the cut;
  • independent.

Among the independent ones there are:

  1. Taken out. They are drawn behind the outline of the main view. They are recommended by the standard as preferred.
  2. Overlaid. Placed directly on the drawing of the corresponding type or in its gap. Sometimes the design document becomes difficult to read.

The system of location, designation and naming of sections is similar to the system of designation of sections. It is important to remember that lines indicating sections cannot intersect with drawing elements. The secant trace is displayed as a thick line with a break.

Requirements for the design of a general view drawing

What should be on the drawing

The content is regulated by GOST and generally accepted standards and includes:

  • information that allows you to visually represent the device and its design, mechanical and other features. Such information includes information about cuts, sections, etc.;
  • designated parts of the object, explaining the general drawing;
  • text describing the principle of operation of the device, its characteristics, list of parts, material of manufacture;
  • marked and numbered parts;
  • dimensions - verified and correct;
  • technical characteristics;
  • diagram of the object/product (not always needed).

What you need to know about composition

The drawing is always a direct projection onto several planes (at least 2). This projection is considered the main one. The draftsman's job is to draw from an angle that shows the shape and proportions of the best composition.

When talking about the projections of an object and the features of its structure, we always keep in mind the method of drawing. There are three of them: types, sections and sections.

View is what the person looking at an object sees, its visible side. Views are signed with names if they are shifted relative to the frontal view. According to the generally accepted standard, the view is front, top, left, right, bottom and rear.

The section shows what the object looks like from the inside. It is usually intersected by a plane and shows what is on and behind it.

A section is a picture that we see when we mentally cut an object with a plane. We see a figure that has been cut off at the point of contact.

Object dimensions

Dimensions include the main parameters of an object. The sum of the values ​​of dimension lines and numbers is used for modeling. There are several sizing options:

  • dimensions defining the boundaries of the product;
  • quantities and indicators that allow mounting and installing the product and its elements - landing, installation and connecting;
  • reference - for additional information.


  • numbers and metric tolerances are not duplicated for the same product on different pages. The exception is formal information;
  • the location of the dimension line should be parallel to the segment that is being measured, and the offset should be perpendicular;
  • angular values ​​in the measurement process make the line a semicircle, and offsets - radii;
  • Contours, leads and lines do not have an intersection point.

Long rulers are located further from the object, and short rulers are closer.

How positions and parts are numbered

If there are many elements in the exhibition, numbering is carried out in order. There are special lines for writing numbers on them. These lines stretch from the internal silhouette of the object to the outside. Numbers are also written on cuts and sections with a visible position.

To make it easier to navigate, tabular registers with item numbers are created - in free space or separately on another page.

The graphs of such registers have a certain sequence:

  • ready-made and borrowed elements;
  • parts that were purchased;
  • new.
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