What to do if your loved one is in poor condition

Signs of a mental disorder

In society, there are certain moral standards that people within large and small groups are accustomed to adhere to for a safe life and productive communication. Therefore, if a person’s behavior clearly differs from existing standards, it immediately attracts attention as unsafe. Especially if the person is close and well known.

Deviation from normal behavior can be considered actions that go beyond the boundaries of what is acceptable in a given society. For example, when we notice emotions in a loved one (their quality, strength or direction) that were previously unusual for him: he is too aggressive, sad, excited, withdrawn, apathetic, irritated, but he was not there before; he blames someone for no reason, shouts or threatens someone, but before this was impossible for him. In such cases, you should gently try to persuade him to see a doctor. It is also necessary to pay close attention to the psycho-emotional well-being of a person if he claims to hear something that no one else hears (for example, “voices”), or sees something that no one else sees.

Many other pathological conditions that are not typical for a person in normal times may indicate a progressive mental illness. For example, if a relative or friend withdraws into himself, begins to lead a reclusive lifestyle, and does not show interest in what he was previously keenly interested in, this may indicate a developing depressive state, as well as schizophrenia or bipolar affective disorder. The range of possible diseases, the manifestations of which look almost identical, is so wide that only a qualified specialist in the field of mental illness can distinguish between them.

What are mental illnesses?

Mental illnesses are those that lead to mild or severe changes in thinking and behavior, disconnect a person from reality, and prevent them from adequately interacting with others, performing work, and everyday activities.

Mental disorders are very diverse - there are more than 200 types. The most common are depression, dementia (dementia), bipolar disorders, anxiety disorders, and schizophrenia.

The causes of mental illness are also different: genetic predisposition, biochemical changes (improper functioning of certain substances) in the nervous system, illness and injury, severe emotional shock, chronic stress. Often several different factors work in combination, some making a person predisposed, and others acting as a trigger.

A very important legal digression

regarding who and where can hospitalize us without our consent. This refers, of course, to a psychiatric hospital (“...orderlies will come and take away without consent...”)


  1. The orderlies won't take it away. Hospitalization in a psychiatric hospital without the consent of the patient is possible only in the presence of a mental disorder (establishing a diagnosis and making a decision to provide psychiatric care in an involuntary manner is the exclusive right of a psychiatrist or a commission of psychiatrists) ((Article 20 Part 2 of Federal Law N 3185-I “On psychiatric care and guarantees of the rights of citizens during its provision” dated July 2, 1992)
  2. That is, without consent, they can “take away” by decision of a doctor , or by order of a judge ((Article 28 Part 1 of Federal Law No. 3185-I “On psychiatric care and guarantees of the rights of citizens during its provision” of July 2, 1992), but This is not the only important thing.
  3. According to the law, a psychiatrist is a psychiatrist (he will arrive as part of an ambulance if the patient is rowdy), who can easily place in a hospital with one of his decisions (note! Until the court’s decision! with one of his decisions! Yes, according to the law he can!) someone who is with him point of view is sick (the doctor will talk with the patient and make a decision right on the spot - see “psychiatric examination”), this same doctor, by law, cannot begin an examination (conduct an examination) without the sanction of a judge , if the supposedly sick person does not agree to this . (Article 23 Part 2 of Federal Law No. 3185-I “On psychiatric care and guarantees of the rights of citizens during its provision” dated July 2, 1992)
  4. And the law (!) removes this restriction (!) on conducting an examination without the patient’s consent in several cases.

○ if the patient is under 15 years old . In this case, consent can be given by one of the parents, a guardian, or a guardianship authority (Article 23, Part 1 of Federal Law No. 3185-I “On psychiatric care and guarantees of the rights of citizens during its provision” of July 2, 1992)

○ if the patient is already under the supervision of psychiatrists in a dispensary (Article 23, Part 5 of Federal Law N 3185-I “On psychiatric care and guarantees of the rights of citizens during its provision” of July 2, 1992)

○ if the doctor decides during the examination that the patient’s mental disorder is severe, and his behavior causes an immediate danger to himself or others (there will be a trial, but in the hospital) (Article 24 of the Federal Law No. 3185-I “On psychiatric care and guarantees of the rights of citizens upon its provision” dated July 2, 1992)

○ if the patient is recognized as legally incompetent and, due to his condition, cannot give informed consent. The fact is that without it, such consent can be given by his legal representative (guardian), or the guardianship and trusteeship authority (Article 23, Part 1 of Federal Law N 3185-I “On psychiatric care and guarantees of the rights of citizens during its provision” of July 2 1992)

○ if the psychiatrist has a court sanction (decree) to conduct a psychiatric examination on an involuntary basis. By the way, the actions of the judge can be appealed to the court in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation (Article 24, 25 of the Federal Law N 3185-I “On psychiatric care and guarantees of the rights of citizens during its provision” dated July 2, 1992)

○ if a sick or supposedly sick person is in unfavorable living conditions (lack of observation, care for the patient, being away from the family, on the street, etc.) and his “severe mental disorder” meets any of three criteria:

■ immediate danger to yourself or others

■ helplessness, that is, the inability to independently satisfy basic life needs

■ significant harm to his health due to a deterioration in his mental state if the person is left without psychiatric help. (Order of the Russian Ministry of Health N 108 “On emergency psychiatric care” dated April 8, 1998)

That is, an examination by a psychiatrist of a supposedly mentally ill person will be carried out either voluntarily - if the patient gives written informed consent to its conduct, or - involuntarily (that is, without the consent of this person or his legal representative) - if he himself gives for this grounds (usually this is inadequate plus, as an option, aggressive, self-aggressive or threatening behavior during the previous 24 hours). Therefore, you need to do your best to talk calmly with the person, and in the conversation show him that his health is currently unstable and may require medical attention.

You can also try making an appointment with a specialist at home. However, it should be remembered that if the patient categorically disagrees with outside intervention, persistent imposition of medical care on him can provoke fear and panic; feelings that someone or something is trying to take over his body, life, property, maybe even kill him; that is, his condition may worsen. The patient will withdraw into himself, lose trust in others, stop accepting help from them, and possibly accuse them of organizing his persecution or murder; the matter may end in severe aggression or auto-aggression, escape, or a suicide attempt. In this case, providing assistance to the patient will become much more difficult, and the risks for the patient and doctors will increase many times over.

If the patient’s behavior is inappropriate and unpredictable, and the condition is definitely acute; especially if it is accompanied by attempts to harm oneself or others, an emergency psychiatric team and the police should be immediately called to hospitalize the patient involuntarily.

All materials on the site are presented for informational purposes only, approved by certified physician Mikhail Vasiliev, diploma series 064834, in accordance with license No. LO-77-005297 dated September 17, 2012, by a certified specialist in the field of psychiatry, certificate number 0177241425770.

Who is a psychopath

Psychopaths are primarily classified in psychiatry as people who suffer from personality disorders. The personality and consciousness of a psychopath are altered (not capable of deep emotions, do not read the emotions of others).

Psychopathy is translated from Greek as “mental suffering”, “disease of consciousness”.

Psychopaths (“psychopath”) are like this through no fault of their own; psychopathy often develops due to problems beyond a person’s control (genetic factors, birth trauma, stress in family relationships, traumatic events).

An interesting fact, but the diagnosis of “psychopath” does not exist; it is not registered in the international classification of diseases. A psychopath is a person who combines narcissistic (extreme self-love, self-confidence, narcissism) and sociopathic traits (irresponsibility, unpredictability, aggressiveness).

Why are psychopaths attractive?

At first glance, psychopaths are disgusting people with whom you would not want to do business, be friends, or simply communicate. However, psychopaths are sympathetic for a number of reasons:

  1. They are the center of attention and are always fun to be with.
  2. Interesting, multifaceted personalities.
  3. They know how to make an impression (generosity, gallantry, good manners).
  4. He portrays emotions well, has artistry, the gift of persuasion, and oratory.
  5. They often reach the top of their careers.

Relationships with several people at the same time

Psychopaths love attention, so they try to surround themselves with as many people as possible. Please note, most likely, this person has other relationships on the side that he is building in parallel with you. Such people strive for polygamy, or try to create several families at the same time. The option of a love triangle is also possible, think about whether you can come to terms with this?

2Their predator's gaze lights up at the sight of potential prey.

Antisocial personalities attract attention with the intense “predator's gaze” that they fix on a potential victim.

This is reminiscent of the reptilian gaze, which is perceived as "dead" or "cold" and sometimes perversely seductive when a psychopath is trying to attract you sexually. Many people find it difficult to cope with the intense, emotionless and predatory gaze of a psychopath. Normal people maintain eye contact for many reasons, but a psychopath's gaze is primarily about self-enjoyment and power rather than interest, empathy, or caring. Some react to the emotionless gaze of a psychopath with acute discomfort, as if they feel like potential prey frozen before a predator.

How to determine psychopathy in a child

It is difficult to recognize psychopathic children, since these signs take a long time to form and often remain invisible. Usually they clearly make themselves felt only during puberty.

You can recognize a future psychopath in a child by the following signs:

  • attempts to manipulate parents, other children, relatives;
  • jealousy of brothers and sisters, increased aggression towards them;
  • intimidates other children, classmates, and takes obvious pleasure from it;
  • does not feel guilt, pity, or remorse for his misdeeds.

4They demonstrate arrogant superiority and contempt for others.

Being boastful by nature, psychopaths tend to overestimate themselves and their abilities. They exalt themselves and believe that the whole world should cherish their ego. They consider themselves “special” and believe that they are the exception to every rule. This form of grandiosity is not just ordinary arrogance, but rather a deep-seated belief that a psychopath has about himself and determines his behavior. No crimes, deceptions or betrayals can go beyond the boundaries of what is acceptable for a psychopath. He has contempt for "mere mortals" who allow moral values ​​or moral standards to get in the way.

Psychopaths believe that they are superior to others, and this belief allows them to break laws, overstep boundaries, and invade other people's lives. For example, a malignant narcissist may feel that his attractive appearance entitles him to have numerous lovers.

They do not accept any reservations, violating the rights of others or going over their heads to meet their goals.

The desire to start a quarrel

Your boyfriend is secretly trying to create a quarrel between you and all your friends and relatives. He talks about them to you, lets them gossip about you. He likes that he is the only person who is close to you. The young man wants to be your support, but this seemingly good desire is achieved in disgusting ways. Thus, you will soon be left without friends, all close people may turn away from you, and you will be left alone with your psychopath. Do you want to be such a hostage to circumstances?

Famous personalities

Famous psychopaths and psychopaths:

  • serial maniac Zodiac;
  • Hannibal Lecter (from the film "The Silence of the Lambs");
  • Comic book hero Joker;
  • Catherine Tramell (heroine of the film Basic Instinct);
  • Patrick Bay).

Hannibal Lecter from the movie "The Silence of the Lambs"

Serial maniac Zodiac


Catherine Tramell from the movie Basic Instinct

Patrick Bay
Thank you for reading this article. Do you consider yourself a psychopath? Are there such individuals in your circle? Tell us about it in the comments.

Save the article for yourself and send it to your loved ones, because interacting with a psychopath is extremely difficult, it is better to always have recommendations and advice at hand.

What is the difference between normality and psychopathy?

Psychopathic people and healthy individuals behave differently.

A common personPsychopath
Adheres to norms of behavior because he understands the consequencesCreates the appearance of following the rules
They feel fear and realize the consequences of their bad actions.Does not feel fear, does not understand that his actions can have negative consequences
Capable of empathy, sympathy, empathyThese qualities and emotions are alien to him
Think logically and consistentlyThinking is characterized by impulsiveness, inability to correctly evaluate one’s actions

Classification of psychopathic personalities

Not all psychopaths are the same by nature; several types and classifications of such personalities can be distinguished.


A psychopath dreams of being the center of attention and is prone to sudden mood swings. It is important for them to hear only positive reviews about themselves. With a lack of attention, they can slip into manipulation and attracting it in all possible ways.

Hysterical psychopaths often lie, increase their merits, and distort reality.

Typically this behavior is typical for girls and women.


Such psychopaths behave indifferently and distantly. However, their actions are characterized by inconsistency and lack of logic (this is noticeable even at the level of abrupt, chaotic, disorderly body movements). Characterized by outbursts of anger and difficult to control aggression.

Schizoid psychopaths do not like to open up, show their emotions, or express their opinions in public.

Typically, schizoid psychopaths have increased intelligence, are attentive, solve complex problems with ease, and are creative.


Paranoid psychopaths suffer from obsessions, they believe that there are some kind of conspiracies or evil plans against them, this becomes a subject of discussion. They may begin to be jealous of people who are significant to them. If such a person is in a relationship, then he constantly torments his partner with groundless suspicions and ridiculous guesses.

It is difficult for them to socialize, as they are suspicious of people and have a hard time making contact.

Paranoid psychopaths are prone to increased consumption of alcoholic beverages and drugs. They may intentionally refuse medications prescribed by a doctor.


An asthenic psychopath cannot concentrate, direct energy in the right direction, or independently solve a specific problem or task. They often have a tendency to increased fatigue, tiredness, and lack of strength. Such exhaustion can lead them to apathy and depression.

However, even asthenic psychopaths will not miss the opportunity to manipulate. They masterfully act out their own weakness and helplessness so that others will help them or do work for them.

Asthenic psychopaths are proud and selfish, characterized by narcissism and hypochondria (obsession with one’s own health).


This is the most dangerous representative of people of a psychopathic character. They are distinguished by aggressiveness, increased cruelty, and promiscuity. Dissocial psychopaths can easily break the law and commit immoral acts.

They show aggression and short temper, and are prone to drinking alcohol and illegal substances.


A psychopath constantly feels his own inferiority. He is very sensitive to criticism, to the opinions of other people. Afraid of being rejected, avoids new activities and impressions.


The behavior of a psychopath is extreme. Today he denies social norms, tomorrow he feigns repentance and makes a lot of promises that this will not happen again.

They can easily quarrel with others and envy other people's success. They often take suffering positions and deliberately exaggerate the extent of their own troubles.

Excessive courtship and persistence that violates all boundaries of personal space

A person strives to please you in everything, he is annoying, tries to show his love, but sometimes goes beyond what is permitted. At first you think that you have found your ideal, your other half, however, over time, you get tired of such abundant attention. A man wants to control your entire life; he does not tolerate secrets from his companion. It is easy to get tired of abundant attention and large reserves of internal resources are spent on it.

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