How to determine a man's temperament by appearance

Advantages and disadvantages of personality temperament

Temperament has both pros and cons. Despite the self-sufficiency of individuals with pronounced emotional activity, they often suffer from certain manifestations of their own character. In the most harmonious development, a girl with a pronounced temperament may be prone to expressive behavior, while curbing her feelings and remaining reasonable in relationships with loved ones and children. A man with audacity and passion is in an ideal position ready to lose an argument he has started without harming himself and those around him.

The advantages include:

Negative features include:

Recommendations for people with strong temperamental manifestations

The main recommendation for people prone to emotional outbursts would be to develop self-control skills. It is very important to learn to take a pause, during which you can detachly consider the issue from all sides, critically evaluate it and prevent a conflict situation.

Improving communication skills, in which a person can afford to be not only a speaker, but also an attentive listener, without challenging someone else’s opinion, but expressing interest, showing this with silent facial expressions, wins over the interlocutor.

Expanding your horizons and striving for new knowledge will also have a positive effect on the harmonious development of a person. Bright, ambitious people tend to conquer heights, so it is especially important for them to realize their internal resources and channel their energy into a positive direction of self-development.

Recognizing a temperamental personality

A person who is bright in emotions is easy to recognize when observing his behavior. The peculiarity in manners and manifestations, reactions to situations, betrays his temperament to others.

Often in large companies, these personalities, who feel like fish in water, are most pronounced. Their manner of communication is characterized by ease; they are not characterized by stiffness and tightness.

Temperamental individuals experience true pleasure in meeting new people. They enjoy speaking in public, giving interviews and always try to be in the maximum focus of attention. Their speech is loud, fast and confident.

These people are characterized by a tendency towards excitement, risk-taking and impulsiveness. In a dispute, they are ready to vigorously defend their position without being subject to doubt.

Temperamental people should learn to control their emotions. The Vikium course “Emotional Intelligence” will help you develop this skill.



Margarita (38 years old): “I have already memorized our sex schedule. As with shift work - every three days, and no more. When I start pestering my husband “out of schedule,” he refers to fatigue, busyness, whatever. But the lack of sex has a negative effect on me, I become nervous and irritable. For no reason, I can quarrel with my husband and yell at him. I began to catch myself thinking that I was evaluating other men as potential sexual partners. But I don’t want betrayal! What to do?"

“Such hypersexuality can be characteristic of a woman initially or manifests itself after the age of 30,” explains psychiatrist, psychotherapist, sexologist Oleg Kovalsky . – A partner with a lower temperament needs to understand the needs of the other half. To maintain his libido, a man should learn to control ejaculation. Taoist technique helps well in this regard. Don't try to make every sexual act lead to ejaculation. This way you can give your beloved pleasure in bed more often. It is important for a woman in such a situation to learn to control her emotional, physical and psychological state. Unfortunately, in some cases, divorce becomes the only way to solve the problem.”

Sexual temperament: types of lovers.

They say good lovers have big noses. Many women fall for this bait, but are subsequently disappointed, because... the supposed good lover turns out to be quite ordinary, if not mediocre.

There is another mistake: women confuse social and sexual temperaments. For example, it is believed that a young, passionate, sociable guy, who easily becomes the center of attention and the initiator of various adventures that last all night until the morning, will be just as perky and persistent in bed.

Of course, a joker and wit may well be a hot lover, but this quality is not a consequence of his groovy temperament.

Everyone wants their sexual interests to coincide with their partner, and one of the factors of compatibility is sexual constitution (also sexual temperament). A man and a woman who have a similar “appetite” will easily get along with each other, and their marriage will be long-lasting, because they will be happier than any other couple where the sexual needs of the partners differ.

What does sexual temperament depend on? From many factors: the level of sex hormones, brain structure, sexual constitution and the fulfillment of sexual needs. It is widely known that there are 3 types of sexual constitution for men and women: weak, average, strong.

To determine a person's temperament type, sexologists measure the length of his legs. By the way, you can do the same.

How to calculate sexual temperament? To get started, arm yourself with a tape measure or a tailor's tape measure. Feel the bony bump on your hip where the femur and pelvis meet. Measure the length of your leg from this tubercle to the floor. Then divide his height by his leg length. The result obtained shows the type of sexual constitution of a person, and scientists call it the “trochanteric index”.

In women with a strong constitution it ranges from 2.01 to 2.05, in women with a medium constitution - from 1.97 to 2.00, and in women with a weak constitution - from 1.88 to 1.96.

For men, the picture is somewhat different. A strong constitution gives a trochanteric index in the range from 1.99 to 2.00, an average one - from 1.92 to 1.98, a weak one - from 1.85 to 1.91.

It follows that the sexiest and most temperamental people are those with short legs (both men and women).

But this method has one significant drawback: it is unlikely that an unfamiliar partner will agree for you to measure his height and the length of his legs. Therefore, other methods are used.

Sexual temperament No. 1: real macho

Men with a strong sexual temperament are usually brunettes. Their bodies have a thick coat of hair, including a path from the groin to the abdomen; hair covers the chest, arms and legs. Some people have to shave twice a day: in the morning and before bed. The bristles are black and hard. High levels of testosterone (male sex hormone) can lead to early baldness. So, if a young man is bald, with a high degree of probability we can say that he is a sexual giant.

People say that a bald spot on the forehead indicates a man’s intelligence, a bald spot on the top of his head indicates his sexuality, and together they mean that he is smart in bed.

By the way, those with a strong sexual constitution inhabit Greece, Spain and Italy.

Sexual temperament No. 2. A man in full bloom

Representatives of the group of average temperament can be either raven brunettes or dark brown-haired. Body hair is less pronounced, a “path” is also present, and there is hair on the arms, legs and chest. These men are usually of average or slightly above average height, have a long body and short legs, broad shoulders, and well-developed muscles. They can have up to 5 sexual intercourses a day.

The sexual appetite of a man with an average temperament awakens at the age of 12-14, the first sexual experience usually occurs at the age of 13-15, while for a macho man this occurs at the age of 11-12.

Men of this group rarely have difficulties in their sexual life, and will be excellent partners for women of a similar temperament, although in principle they can get along with representatives of any type of sexual constitution.

Sexual temperament No. 3. Pale young man

Representatives of a weak sexual constitution have now flooded our television. You can barely see them: brown-haired or blond with voluminous hairstyles; tall, long-legged, narrow-chested and with underdeveloped muscles.

The stubble is soft and thin, pubic hair is also thin, there is no “path”. Pay attention to how often he shaves: if he does it rarely, and with the help of a towel, don’t expect feats from him in bed.

Sexuality awakens in him quite late, at the age of 15-17 and later. Even if he gets an “easy” partner, he himself is far from a record holder in terms of sex. He also has failures, and in general there may be problems in the sexual sphere.

Such a man is good for platonic love, and the best partner for him will be a woman with the same weak sexual constitution. As one joke said, “Doctor, my wife and I have a mutual misunderstanding in bed: she doesn’t want it, but I don’t even need it!” This type is often found in Finland, Norway and other northern countries.

Sexual temperament: until how many years will a lover retain potency?

Typically, after the age of 30, men's sexual activity decreases. Those with weak temperaments are content with sex once a week or even once a month; “middle peasants” - daily or 3-4 times a week.

Only “strong” men practically do not lose their abilities. Sexologists know of some extreme cases - for example, one 76-year-old man had up to 7 sexual intercourse a day with his wife (20 years younger than him), until one day the wife came to the doctor asking him to prescribe him some pills that would reduce his inexhaustible a potency she could no longer bear.

So, dear ladies, the best is the enemy of the good.

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Temperament in psychology

In essence, temperament is a set of personality characteristics that affects dynamic aspects, and not its content. That is, how a person acts and reacts to various situations, and not his way of thinking, worldview, and so on.

If a young man behaves apathetically, inertly, and does not show any activity, from a psychological point of view, he has such a temperament. In everyday life, no one will describe him as a temperamental man. Although this is not entirely correct. In fact, there is a temperament.

So, we figured out the meaning of the words. Now, I think we can leave aside psychological terms and talk about the generally recognized temperamental personality type.


  • Temperament in psychology
  • Household aspects
  • Positive traits
  • Negative qualities

Hello, dear readers! Sometimes psychological terms begin to be actively used in everyday life and lose their original meaning. This is what happened with the word “temperament”.

A temperamental man is, as it seems to us, an energetic, passionate, active guy. Although in psychology everyone has a temperament. All people are divided into 4 types. I think you are familiar with them or have at least heard them once - “choleric”, “sanguine”, “phlegmatic” and “melancholic”.

Household aspects

A temperamental man in the everyday sense of the word: who he is, what he is, what positive and negative traits he has.

What does the phrase “temperamental man” mean? When we hear this concept, we immediately imagine such nationalities as Spaniard, Mexican, Armenian. Of course, temperament has little to do with geography.

All people are different and among thousands there are exceptions. The external situation, upbringing, and environment of a person greatly influence his character, but the conditions for each individual will still be somewhat different and may manifest themselves in different ways.

How does the most temperamental man behave? He is hot, passionate, impulsive, emotional and active. Reactions, thoughts - all this is not long in coming. It works instantly.

Mixed psychotypes and the possibility of motivation in family or work

What does a temperamental person mean? Is there only one type of temperament inherent in a person? No, a mixture of psychotypes is more common, because there are no purely choleric and sanguine people, but by finding a convenient combination of temperament, you can get an excellent lover or worker, depending on who is looking for the person for what purpose.

It’s hard to pass by a bright personality; in any case, she attracts. If a person's abilities are used correctly, he can create miracles. The most important thing is motivation.

Positive traits

Temperamental men take on the role of protector of the family and solver of all problems. They always have their own opinion and willingly share it with others, try to make their contribution to any issue, and instantly find solutions to complex problems.

Their brains work faster than other people's. Delay is like death. Aggression should not be confused with temperament. They may react in a calm manner, but act instantly.

If you are dating a temperamental man, you will rarely stay at home. Deciding such things as where to go on a date, where to spend a vacation, or what to do with your free time will not be a problem. A young man always has a hundred offers.

At work, temperamental people, as a rule, occupy leadership positions, or at least their opinions are taken into account by their superiors. They will not sit on the sidelines, even if the working moment does not concern them at all. In any case, they will try to speak out and influence the situation.

Is it good or bad?

Like everything else, a strong temperament has its “dark” and “light” sides. Let's start with the positives.

A temperamental person does not lose control of the situation under force majeure conditions. He is capable of making quick decisions, which often helps to “correct” a situation before it becomes irreversible.

He is very sociable , easily makes new acquaintances and establishes useful communications.

Temperamental individuals are easy to train , they quickly learn new skills and easily change their field of activity.

Such people are most often optimists . Moreover, due to their sociability and ability to persuade, they are able to infect others with their optimism.

Those with a strong temperament are empaths, they are capable of empathy, and can take an active part in solving other people's problems. They often get involved in conflicts as a magistrate and successfully resolve the dispute to the satisfaction of both parties.

And now - about the cons. Like all human qualities, they are an extension of virtues.

A temperamental person often makes unnecessarily hasty decisions without thinking about the consequences. Moreover, he subsequently admits his mistakes with great reluctance, thereby aggravating the situation.

Such people are often superficial . They start a lot of things, don’t finish them, and then immediately start something new. They are incapable of deep immersion in any type of activity, preferring to quickly grasp the “tops” and switch to something new as soon as they get a little tired.

Excessive emotionality and poor control over the manifestations of one's own emotions often serve temperamental people as a disservice .

They often offend others with harsh and superficial assessments, and can make cruel jokes.

They are often stubborn and unable to change their point of view even when it is obvious that it is incorrect.

Personalities of this temperament are prone to adventure . This often leads to unpleasant consequences, from loss of job or reputation to adultery.

Negative qualities

As in any other situation, weak personality traits that interfere with productive interaction depend on related character traits - wisdom, prudence, willpower, and the ability to restrain. If these qualities are sufficiently developed, they can suppress the negative aspects of temperament.

In combination with stubbornness, this character trait also does not show its best side. A person does not want to acknowledge other people’s opinions, pay attention to the desires of others, and always insists on his own.

Temperament does not always imply aggression. If a person does not know how to restrain himself and does not have high emotional intelligence, then an instant reaction will not always be rational, which will lead to rage, outbursts of anger, and rash actions.

There is nothing wrong with temperament as such if a person knows how to control his own emotions and reactions. This is a little more difficult for him, but the impossible does not exist. By the way, on this topic I can recommend you an excellent book by Kelly McGonigal, “Willpower,” which will help you work on yourself or correct your man.

That's basically it. See you again and don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter.


Temperament and sex

The more temperamental a person is, the brighter the sexual sensations. It’s hard to call him a log; he will be constantly looking for something new. Men can sometimes be a little cruel and rude, but this is also a strength of temperament. Women are usually very creative and active lovers.

Cholerics and sanguine people are rarely introverts, they are very sociable, so their sexuality attracts many people to them. Charismatic by nature, smart enough and able to attract people to themselves, such types rarely remain lonely.

Love relationships are often like a bonfire, so you can choose either a calmer person or an equal in temperament as a couple. It all depends on preference.

What dangers are there in a relationship with a very hot man?

A “hot” man can be not only a beautiful couple to the envy of your girlfriends. He may also be a narcissist, so just because he's attractive doesn't mean you should date him.

1. He may be more in love with himself than with you.

Do you really want to be with someone like that? There is a difference between loving yourself and being in love with yourself. And, unfortunately, in his case there may be a second option. He should be able to simply look in the mirror, and not look there with more love than at you.

2. Are you jealous? If yes, then a handsome man is not for you.

If you know how attractive he is and he knows how hot he is, other women will notice it too. And if you don't know how to control your jealousy, then you need to think again before starting a relationship. Sometimes a hot guy just isn't worth your troubles, especially if he wants you to compete for his attention.

3. His confidence can easily become overconfidence.

And you wouldn't want to be with a guy who considers himself God's gift to a woman. It’s one thing to be confident, and another to consider yourself flawless. There is nothing attractive about a person who considers himself perfect.

4. He may be superficial if he thinks that appearance is the most important thing.

You will never understand what he likes more: your soul or your body. Maybe he’s just looking for a girl to match himself, and then he won’t care about your thoughts and feelings. Love is more than physical attraction, but a man obsessed with his appearance won't understand that.

5. Maybe good looks are all he has.

He may be attractive, but what is it worth if he doesn't have a penny to his name? You need a person with whom you can build a life, grow up and grow old. But good looks fade. But a good soul remains. Look for a man who can make you laugh, with whom you can have a heart-to-heart talk.

6. He may be self-obsessed.

And what do you want? He might not care. You want to be a priority in his life, but maybe he expects only his needs to come first. Maybe he is used to getting a lot because of his attractiveness. And maybe he is not going to make any effort in your relationship, believing that his appearance is enough for you.

7. He may not appreciate you.

He can expect that you will be grateful to him that he condescended to you. But he will never understand how lucky he is to have you.

What dangers are there in a relationship with a very hot man?


The sexiest and hottest man by zodiac sign.

The sexiest and hottest man by zodiac sign. Belonging to one or another zodiac sign gives a person not only certain character traits and behavior, it is also “responsible” for his sexuality. You've probably noticed that some people emanate constant vibes, while others don't have sexual magnetism at all, writes Nadezhda POPOVA.

The sexiest and hottest man. We invite you to find out how things are with sexuality for all zodiac signs. But it is worth considering that there are both pleasant and unpleasant exceptions to any rule. In addition, there is the concept of “pure” signs of the Zodiac, which are born from the 1st to the 18th , and the rest in the personality characteristics are influenced by the previous or next sign.

Which of the Zodiacs is the Sexiest and Hottest man?

Aries (March 21 – April 20)

Aries have a passionate character, but at the same time their sexuality is directly dependent on their head. If they allow themselves to relax and have fun, then it is impossible to resist them.

Taurus (April 21 – May 20)

Taurus - and Taurus in bed. Lazy, clumsy, selfish. They prefer the “woman on top” pussy, so they don’t have to strain and do anything. And this becomes a huge disappointment for the partner, since outwardly Taurus men look very sexy.

They attract you, you want to make love with them, they are the subject of er@tic dreams. But as soon as everything happens, the lady realizes that she was cruelly deceived. It is almost impossible to motivate Taurus to experiment and play left-field games; they show virtuosity in completely other matters, for example, in the field of finance.

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