Is it possible to deceive fate and change the future contrary to all predictions?

Did you just want to know your future, but heard a terrible prediction? Have you been promised divorce, loneliness, poverty, illness, tragedy and other misfortunes? And now you are wondering how to fix everything? How to change your fate and avoid “foreseen” troubles?

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It would seem that the easiest way is to tell yourself that all this is not true, give up and move on with your life. But negative predictions do not go away so easily. On the contrary, they hang over you like a heavy black cloud 24 hours a day: the most terrible details of the prediction pop up in your head every now and then, and your thoughts paint gloomy pictures of your future.

You even begin to scold yourself: “Why did I even go to this fortune teller?”

You are afraid that everything predicted will one day come true.

If you can’t give up on prediction, then there is only one way left - to find a way to change your destiny.

In this article we will talk about what fate is and how predictions work. And most importantly, we will find out whether it is possible to deceive the prophecy, and we will figure out how to change our fate!

What is fate

Ernest Hemingway.
Fate is a chain of events that occur in a person’s life and are a direct result of his past actions. Every action taken has its consequences, which occur at some time and in certain circumstances. Esoteric treatises indicate that fate is laid before birth and it is impossible to change it.

You can only slightly adjust some of the nuances, but this requires constant work on yourself.

Psychologists note that fate is shaped by the social environment where a child is born, grows and is raised. Here it is worth quoting the words of Karl Marx that it is not the consciousness of people that determines their existence, but social existence that determines their consciousness. A clear confirmation of this statement was the Indian caste society, where the descendant of servants inherited the fate of their parents and could never become a warrior or clergyman.

Speaking about fate, one cannot help but recall what Ernest Hemingway wrote about it: “The bells of fate ring in the life of every person, but not everyone can hear them.” Many people, regardless of age, gender and social status, dream of looking into their future and changing the predetermined course of events.

Prediction: a real picture of the future or just one of the possible scenarios for your life?

A person’s real world and the events in it depend on what decisions he makes and what path he chooses. And this, in turn, depends on subconscious attitudes that, like eminence grises, guide us. This is what fate really is!

Fortune tellers and clairvoyants (of course, if you believe in their abilities) read a person’s energy, his thoughts, feelings, emotions and fears.

As biophysicists explain, a psychic captures a certain picture, capturing a person’s state at a given moment. The psychic predicts which scenario will depend on this state.

Thus, a prediction is a picture of a possible future, recorded in the present moment. It is a reflection of the subconscious programs that a person follows.

If a person continues to live in this state and also begins to focus on prediction, making a choice in its favor in every life situation, then the likelihood of materialization will be high.

Therefore, the answer to the question of how to change fate should be sought in the subconscious programs that we all follow!

If a person undergoes a deep internal transformation, thereby rewriting his subconscious programs, then the picture of his future will certainly change. This is what happened to my friend. Therefore, fate can be changed if you change your condition.

How to find out your destiny

To look into their destiny, some people resort to all sorts of fortune-telling, track signs, and look for sacred signs in the simplest things. Others turn to sorcerers for help.

Still others try to analyze the details of the material world that surround a person: the life path of parents and immediate relatives, their past mistakes and acquired experience, acquired skills, material opportunities. They also pay attention to the spiritual component of the personality: life goals and priorities, the ability to constantly work on oneself and the readiness for self-improvement.

In an effort to find out their destiny, people try to study all aspects of their own psyche and determine what allowed them to form as individuals and what influences their current self.

In conclusion

Finally, I would like to note that the recommendations given in the article are not all that you can do. However, to get a positive result, you will need 3 important components:

  • faith without a shadow of doubt;
  • strong intentions;
  • active actions.

Of course, no one says that changing your destiny is easy. Yes, this is very, very difficult. Most likely, not everything will work out right away; initially, strong emotions may overwhelm you. But if you really want to change your life, leave the usual vicious circle, you will have enough strength to do this.

The main thing is not to give up halfway and not to listen to “good” advice from others. Many of your family and friends can be confusing. Of course, they do this not out of malice, but simply because it seems to them that they know better than you how to live. Do not listen to such advisers, be firm and unshakable in your intentions, and then life will definitely reward you for your perseverance!

And finally, the obligatory video:

Is it possible to change life

Vedic practice says that a person can change 20-30% of his destiny. It's hard to say whether this is a lot or a little. But for admirers of Vedic values, even such a small chance provides a vast field for transforming their own lives.

Positive thinking can change your life for the better.

Most theologians are confident that with the help of spiritual practices one can influence any aspect of material life. As a result, the path of life should become more elevated, moral and meaningful.

In turn, psychologists compare life to plasticine, which can take different forms depending on the desires and efforts of the individual. If you live with the constant feeling that the future is predetermined, you can become imbued with a feeling of helplessness and easily plunge into depression.

To change your own destiny, you need to remember and analyze all the psychological traumas you have experienced, identify psychological anchors and eliminate false attitudes that distort your life scenario. You just have to take responsibility for your life, and positive changes will immediately begin in your destiny.

Problem 4 – energy blocks, connections and channels

Energy blocks, connections and channels prevent you from changing your thoughts and switching to positive thinking and achieving your goals. Blocks in people are mainly laid down in childhood, when a child is instilled with a picture of the world familiar to society and is not raised correctly.
Other people's opinions shape his destiny. Blocks are removed by immersion in the unconscious and revealed there. Then, in the unconscious, a rethinking of the situation occurs, and the blocks go away literally in seconds. This has a positive effect on health and destiny. This often happens very quickly, especially for health reasons. We had the following results. Immersion in the unconscious is accomplished through immersion in the subconscious, your soul.

Energy connections are energy-informational distortions of the human biofield. They can arise either from a rude word (in common people, damage or the evil eye), or from engaging in esoteric or magical practices. They connect well when watching news, action and horror movies.

I will give some of the most frequently encountered energy connections from our practice: extraterrestrial civilizations, alien civilizations, dark worlds, cosmic intelligence, fallen civilizations, etc.

Energy connections affect a person’s worldview and his sensitivity to energies and his soul. They take away the energy of life. All this affects fate. Many connections are easy to remove, but some are problematic. We determine their presence by dowsing diagnostics using a pendulum.

We are all in different energy channels . If a person watches the news on TV, but connects to the news and politics channel, if he works at an enterprise, then he is in the channel (egregor) of the enterprise. You can change your destiny by entering the right channel. For example, you want to open your own business. You start looking for information on this topic, people who have already started their own business, and you automatically connect to this channel.

Why do people want to change their destiny?

The desire to change one's fate is common to most people. Some people are not satisfied with their financial situation, some people’s personal lives are not going well, while others’ health is failing. For example, people born into a dysfunctional family may want to turn away from a fatal path. They begin to struggle with the life circumstances in which they find themselves from the moment of birth, and form a personal, independently chosen destiny in accordance with internal ideas about happiness.

In addition, a change in fate implies the discovery of natural talents and abilities, the implementation of which makes a person happier and more prosperous.

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Who is stopping us from changing our lives?

In your quest to change your destiny, you can often encounter both external and internal resistance. Relatives, friends and colleagues may react with misunderstanding or condemnation to any attempts to change the course of their lives. A daredevil who decides to make a change begins to be bombarded with criticism and unnecessary advice. Thus, a conservative society, driven by fear of change, tries to maintain its own stability.

On the other hand, it can be difficult to change fate due to one’s own laziness, lack of knowledge and lack of habit of work. In addition, someone simply may not have the courage to speak out against the established way of life and public censure.

Problem 3 – physical activity

You can change your destiny through physical activity. Energy is life. Without physical activity, a person will have little energy. It is necessary to give your body exercise every day. The minimum is gymnastics in the morning (joint exercises are more effective). It is also advisable to give more significant loads a couple of times a week . For example, visit the gym or walk a considerable distance (especially good in nature). You can simply walk a few kilometers instead of driving a car or taking public transport.

Physical activity not only trains the body, it provides powerful energy that can be easily used to improve your life.

Plan to change fate

In order for the transformation of life to take place as quickly and easily as possible, you need to create a program of clear, consistent actions that will ease the path to your goal.

Free yourself from old attachments

Friendship, love and family ties connect people not only socially, but also in the energy field. Between them, peculiar “ropes” are formed through which energy circulates. In harmonious, balanced relationships, such attachments allow people to feel the warmth and support of a partner, and to be fueled by his energy in difficult situations.

Liberation from attachments.

But when the relationship has outlived its usefulness or one of the partners clearly abuses the energy of the other, such ties must be broken in order to accumulate one’s energy for building other social connections.

There are several ways to break energy bindings:

  • with the help of cosmoenergetics;
  • using bioenergy;
  • through magical techniques;
  • through working with a psychologist.

You can do this yourself. To do this, you need to allocate free time for yourself by turning off your phone, computer and TV. It is recommended to turn on calm music and light an incense stick as a background. All this will allow you to relax and immerse yourself in your own consciousness.

You need to mentally imagine a person with whom you should break the connection. It is necessary to realize and talk through all the reasons why the image of a partner constantly pops up in memory. You can tell a virtual friend about this, this will allow you to look at the relationship from the outside, throw out your emotions and free yourself from negative experiences. In the process of such work, it will become clear to which chakras the energy cords are attached. As soon as this becomes clear, you need to mentally break them apart.

To do this, it is recommended to mentally call your Guardian Angel for help and, armed with a golden knife, cut off the bindings at a distance of 30 cm from the physical body.

To achieve the best result, you should remove from visibility all objects associated with this person, if necessary, repay debts to him and reduce communication to a minimum.

Carrying out such work on oneself helps to forgive grievances, get rid of feelings of guilt, give up bad habits and other models of destructive behavior.

Find the meaning of life

In addition to building a step-by-step life strategy, to change your destiny, you should determine the main purpose of your existence. To do this, you need to answer the question: why do I live and what will I leave behind? Formulated answers can become motivation for deep personality transformations; they will launch internal energy processes that will find a positive reflection in life.

If a person has a dream about something good and good, he should try to fulfill it and make it a part of life.

Change your perception

Anyone who wants to change their destiny must think positively. Negative thoughts destroy personality, ruin social connections and become an obstacle to the implementation of any endeavors. Briefly, this postulate sounds like this: “Thoughts are material.”

An optimistic view of what is happening and ease of perception will give a powerful energy impulse that will immediately begin to cleanse and restore karma.

Take action

Complaining about your lot is a direct consequence of giving up your own desires. It should be remembered that happiness is impossible without personal pleasure, so you need to overcome the fear of judgment and pay attention to your own needs.

Psychologists are sure that the role of the victim is a life strategy of weak-spirited people. It is much easier to justify your misfortune by a coincidence of circumstances than to admit that it is only a consequence of your own cowardice, laziness and infantilism. It's never too late to pull yourself together and start living and acting.

It's never too late to change your life.

Know yourself and the world

Working on yourself is inextricably linked with obtaining new information about the world. Philosophy helps to understand the nature of things and phenomena, reveals the mechanisms of human interaction with the Universe. Palmistry, astrology, numerology allow us to understand the mystical aspects of existence and open the door to the mysterious world of energies. Psychology and sociology talk about how the inner world of an individual works and how it interacts with society.

Make time for spiritual practice

Spiritual practices open the way to self-improvement and harmony with oneself. With their help, practitioners correct their own state and tune themselves to the subtle vibrations of the divine sphere.

If you spend time reading prayers, mantras or meditation every day, you will soon see how much brighter and happier life has become.

Be grateful

A grateful person gives more than he demands in return. However, the Universe pleases him with good luck and prosperity. He is grateful for everything, even the most insignificant, does not skimp on kind words, comes to the rescue, helps out of any situation. Such a person gives gifts for no reason and thanks fate for his home, work and loved ones. Therefore, his family is always healthy, the house is filled with warmth and comfort, and his work brings not only prosperity, but also pleasure. The main thing is that everything must be done from the heart, and not in pursuit of personal gain.

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