Cyclothymic (cycloid) - everything in the world is periodic, and so is your mood

Since elementary school, parents could not get enough of their son: capable, calm, balanced, polite, obedient. In communication - cheerful, cheerful, open. At school, I never had any problems with my studies or behavior. He was interested in chess. At home he always helped and was not rude. Even adolescence began relatively smoothly. He became more impulsive at some moments, but still kept himself under control.

But one morning he did not leave his room for breakfast. Gloomily he said that he did not want to go to school and would stay at home. His parents had never seen him so depressed and irritated. They started to find out what was going on, but he didn’t have a girlfriend, there was still a year before the exams, there were no conflicts with teachers or classmates. Every day he became more and more gloomy, did not want to talk to anyone, refused to eat or go out anywhere. A week later he was almost forcibly taken to a psychologist. With the help of testing, the reason for this behavior was identified - the cycloid (cyclothymic) type of character accentuation.

general characteristics

In psychology, a cycloid is a psychotype (accentuation of character), which is distinguished by the alternation of two phases - hyperthymia and subdepression. The first usually lasts several months (in some cases even years), the second - several days or 2-3 weeks. The duration of these periods is very individual for each person. Most often the scheme looks like this:

  • 3-4 months - calm state, openness to communication and cheerfulness (hyperthymic phase);
  • 2-3 weeks - depressed, gloomy state, refusal of communication and hobbies (subdepression phase).

But it also happens that a cycloid lives as hyperthym for several years, until a stressful, traumatic factor appears. This could be the death of a loved one, a serious illness, divorce, or changes in hormonal levels. All this can become an impetus for a change of phases. For some, subdepression goes away in 3 days, others remain in this state for 2-3 weeks. If you do not fight it, the development of cyclothymia is quite possible. This is a mental affective disorder characterized by frequent mood swings between depression and hyperthymia. In this case, psychotherapeutic treatment is prescribed.

The cycloid type according to Lichko corresponds to the dysthymic type according to Leonhard.

Leading features

The cycloid type of character accentuation is determined by the following leading features:

  • change of mood - can be dictated by external or internal factors or completely unfounded;
  • during the hyperthymic phase, mainly only positive character traits appear;
  • During the period of subdepression, depressive moods up to and including suicide are observed.

Speaking in Jungian terms, a cycloid in the hyperthymic phase is a prominent representative of extroverts. He is open to the outside world and willingly communicates with everyone, makes contacts, and builds relationships. During subdepression, he changes this orientation to a polar one and becomes an introvert, all of whose thoughts are only about his inner feelings and experiences. He seems to forget about those around him and is inclined to perceive them with hostility.

Features of the central nervous system

The cyclothymic personality type is determined by the specific work of the central nervous system. It can be represented as a cycloid. This is a circle that rolls in a straight line. Each point of its radius at some moments appears at the top (and then the hyperthymic phase lasts), and at some moments at the bottom (the period of subdepression begins). Since it moves quite smoothly, the transitions are not abrupt. The speed and amplitude depend on individual characteristics - therefore, the duration of sessions is different for everyone: from several days to several years. The diagram looks like this:

  • at the top point of the cycloid, the central nervous system is stable and able to cope with periodic stress that occurs in areas of the cerebral cortex;
  • when the cycloid begins to move from the top to the bottom, the stress gradually accumulates;
  • at the lowest point it spreads to neighboring areas, and the person falls into a depressive state;
  • As the cycloid moves further, a gradual rise from bottom to top occurs again, and the central nervous system is once again able to cope with problems on its own.

In psychotherapy, taking into account the characteristics of the central nervous system in people with a cyclothymic personality type, there are special techniques that allow you to keep the cycloid for as long as possible at the top point and quickly remove it from the bottom.

Negative traits

Subdepression phase

The cycloid type of character accentuation manifests its negative features mainly in the subdepression phase. The most common of them:

  • reluctance to communicate, difficulties in establishing contacts and relationships;
  • inability to make a final decision due to constant doubts;
  • pessimism, confidence in the hopelessness and meaninglessness of everything that happens around;
  • powerlessness, weakness, confusion;
  • minor memory lapses;
  • hatred, irritability, disgust not only for others, but also for oneself;
  • weakness to bad habits: alcohol abuse or smoking a large number of cigarettes;
  • pathological overeating or, conversely, complete refusal to eat;
  • increased fatigue, weakness, chronic fatigue;
  • during the day - decreased performance and drowsiness, and closer to night - increased excitability and insomnia.

In this phase, a person with a cycloid type of character accentuation experiences a sharp decrease in self-esteem. He begins to torment himself with increased demands, and an old feeling of guilt for something returns from the past. This can end not only in self-destruction of the individual, but also in suicide. The fruits of creativity that were created during hyperthymia are often destroyed. Such people are capable of breaking a guitar, burning books, tearing their favorite clothes, throwing away something valuable, not going to work, without thinking about the consequences.

Hyperthymic phase

Negative features of the cycloid also appear in the hyperthymic phase:

  • fast, emotional, but incomprehensible speech;
  • heightened self-esteem;
  • excessive familiarity: cycloids often violate the personal space of others and do not show due respect;
  • tendency to shock;
  • illegibility in contacts;
  • constant change of interests: before subdepression they can play hockey, and after it switch to a passion for rock music;
  • superficiality, frivolity;
  • lack of self-reflection.

During the hyperthymic phase, people with the cycloid type of character accentuation experience excessive excitability. They are too mobile and irrepressible - not everyone around them can perceive this behavior normally, which makes socialization difficult.

Positive features

The strengths of cyclothimmic are as follows:

  • constant emotional uplift, energy, and cheerfulness allow you to solve many problems during the day;
  • optimism, cheerfulness;
  • increased sexuality;
  • uncontrollable activity, initiative;
  • the ability to perform a memorable act and even a feat;
  • quick adaptation to a new environment;
  • comprehensive love for absolutely everyone around, goodwill, hospitality;
  • constant readiness to help even a stranger, not to mention those who are dear.

Despite their superficiality and unreliability, cycloids are still loved and appreciated by many for their positivity and constant willingness to help in difficult times.

In short, the cyclothymic type of character accentuation is the change from a long phase of good mood to a short but deep depression. The changes are so striking that even family members may feel as if two different people live in one body. One is a cheerful, sociable, kind, cheerful optimist. The second is a gloomy, irritable, depressed, bilious and pessimist who strives for loneliness.

Psychasthenic type

Adolescents of this type are characterized by a tendency to reflect, introspect, and evaluate the behavior of others. Their intellectual development is ahead of their peers. Their indecision is combined with self-confidence; their judgments and views are categorical. At moments when special caution and attentiveness are needed, they are prone to impulsive actions. This type changes little with age. They often have obsessions that serve as a means of overcoming anxiety. It is also possible to use alcohol or drugs. In relationships they are petty and despotic, which interferes with normal communication.


Cycloids get along well with only two psychotypes:

  • asthenoids of any type are kindred spirits who are united by one goal - to overcome all obstacles in their path;
  • hyperthymic - this tandem together will save the whole world by working as volunteers and creating charitable foundations.

Absolutely not compatible with:

  • epileptoids, who are irritated by frequent mood swings, and cycloids are constantly nervous because of their excessive pedantry;
  • schizoids who will drive them crazy with their pretentiousness;
  • hysterics, in which they are not satisfied with theatricality and posturing.

Conditional compatibility with other psychotypes.

Accentuations of character from the point of view of A. E. Lichko

A. E. Lichko was the first to propose replacing the term “personality accentuation” with “character accentuation,” citing the fact that it is impossible to unite all a person’s personal characteristics by defining only accentuation. Personality is a much broader concept, including worldview, characteristics of upbringing, education, and response to external events. Character, being an external reflection of the type of nervous system, serves as a narrow characteristic of the characteristics of human behavior.

Like Karl Leonhard, A.E. Lichko considered accentuation a variant of character deformation, in which individual traits become excessively pronounced. This increases the sensitivity of the individual to certain types of influences and makes adaptation difficult in some cases. At the same time, in general, the ability to adapt remains at a high level, and with some types of influences (that do not affect the “place of least resistance”), accentuated individuals cope more easily than ordinary ones.

A. E. Lichko considered accentuations as borderline states between normality and psychopathy. Accordingly, their classification is based on the typology of psychopathy.

A. E. Lichko identified the following types of accentuations: hyperthymic, cycloid, sensitive, schizoid, hysteroid, conmorphic, psychasthenic, paranoid, unstable, emotionally labile, epileptoid.


Based primarily on adolescence. However, as practice shows, it is quite applicable to many adults with a cyclothymic type of character accentuation. It just needs more scientific research to confirm.

  • Typical cycloids

Until adolescence, character accentuation does not manifest itself in any way. Then a change of phases begins, each of which lasts an average of 2-3 weeks. All the negative and positive traits characteristic of this type and described above are clearly expressed.

  • Labile cycloids

The phases differ in their short duration: from 2-3 hours to 2-3 days, but not weeks, like typical ones. Character accentuations are no longer so pronounced. That is, this is not deep depression with suicidal thoughts, but some despondency with philosophical reflections on the futility of existence. Not excessive sociability, reaching the point of familiarity, but simply an elevated mood.

Cycloid type

Cycloid accentuation of character according to Lichko is characterized by high irritability and apathy. Children prefer to be alone at home instead of playing in the company of peers. They experience any troubles hard and become irritated in response to comments. The mood changes from good, elated, to depressed at intervals of several weeks.

With growing up, the manifestations of this accentuation usually smooth out, but in some people they can persist or get stuck for a long time in one stage, often a depressed-melancholic one. Sometimes there is a connection between mood changes and the seasons.

Reasons for formation

Like other accentuations, the cycloid personality type is formed from birth. But here it is important to understand what factors can provoke a phase change:

  • hormonal changes: adolescence, pregnancy, menopause, hormonal therapy;
  • physical and emotional overload;
  • psychotraumatic situations: death of someone close, divorce, dismissal, loss of housing, serious illness;
  • climate change;
  • disturbances in sleep and rest patterns and others.

There are also more dangerous factors that can provoke the development of cyclothymia:

  • serious neurological diseases;
  • psychopathy;
  • mental personality disorders that are inherited and present in one of the relatives;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • addiction;
  • infections with pathologically elevated temperature and severe intoxication.

Such factors can provoke the development of a serious mental disorder that will require long-term treatment.

Sensitive type

It is highly sensitive to both joyful and frightening or sad events. Teenagers do not like active, active games, do not play pranks, and avoid large companies. They are timid and bashful with strangers and give the impression of being withdrawn. They can be good friends with close friends. They prefer to communicate with people younger or older than them. Obedient, love their parents.

It is possible to develop an inferiority complex or difficulty adapting to a team. They place high moral demands on themselves and the team. They have a developed sense of responsibility. They are assiduous and prefer complex activities. They are very careful in choosing friends, preferring older ones.



  • Men

The hyperthymic phase lasts longer, and the subdepression phase is correspondingly shorter. However, the latter is much more difficult. Experiences differ in depth and seriousness. Many try to hide their depressed state: they continue to go to work, smile, and seem cheerful. In the evening they come home and lock themselves in their room, either drink or lash out at their wife and children. Their hyperthymic period is calmer and more balanced.

  • Women

For cycloid women, everything is exactly the opposite. During subdepression, they become hysterical, capricious, and annoy everyone at home. This can last for weeks. But it almost never comes to despair and suicide. The period of hyperthymia is a time of unbridled emotions, fun, parties, new acquaintances, endless shopping and other entertainment events.


  • Children

In children up to adolescence, it is difficult to recognize the cyclothymic type of character accentuation. Each child changes 10 moods per day. They do not yet know how to hide their emotions, so they are sad after bad news and happy after good news. The only sign by which parents can recognize a little cycloid is an inexplicably bad mood coupled with physical fatigue. Such attacks at an early age are rare, but they are worth paying attention to so as not to miss the moment during the teenage crisis.

  • Teenagers

The most dangerous age for the cyclothymic type. For the first time, the subdepression phase is expressed so clearly that it frightens not only the parents, but also the child himself. This is often the reason for suicide attempts. The inability to cope with one's own emotions leads to a loss of control over oneself. In such cases, adults should always be there and ready to help.

  • Adults

If in adolescence cyclothymic accentuation was correctly directed towards hyperthymicity, in the absence of provoking factors, the life of adult cycloids develops quite successfully. Many people learn to live with mood swings. Relatives and friends are getting used to it. Otherwise, subdepression may become longer and deeper. The critical point is the development of cyclothymia as a mental disorder.

Hysterical type

Hysteroids are distinguished by a high need for attention to themselves and egocentrism. Demonstrative, artistic

They do not like it when someone else pays attention to them or praises others. There is a high need for admiration from others

Teenagers of the hysterical type strive to occupy an exceptional position among their peers, attract attention to themselves, and influence others. They often become the initiators of various events. At the same time, hysterics are unable to organize those around them, cannot become an informal leader, or earn authority among their peers.

Features of communication

Since the cyclothymic type is characterized by changes in mood, this determines his communication and relationships with others. On the one hand, many people love such people for their openness, optimism, sincere desire to help and initiative. It is they who will be the first to arrive at the hospital, lend money and save the drowning man. But this is all only during the hyperthymic phase. On the other hand, during this same period they can greatly irritate others with their shockingness and excessive energy, which tires calmer and more measured psychotypes.

The situation becomes more complicated when a subdepressive period occurs. Cycloids cut off all communication and prefer loneliness. This causes breakups with near and dear people, who are not always able to understand what is happening, get offended and leave. Those who remain become victims of an unbearable mood. At such moments, it is better for people with a cyclothymic type of character accentuation not to express any criticism and not to try to direct them somewhere. Everything will be received with hostility and can provoke a series of quarrels.

In psychology, the cyclothymic type of response is a reaction to ongoing events depending on the phase. In hyperthymic times, one can expect help and support, lively participation and sincere sympathy from a person. In a subdepressive situation, everything will be exactly the opposite: the boss will not sign any papers, the subordinate will refuse to do his own work; the husband will not allow me to go to my parents, my wife will not let me go to football with friends.

On the one hand, cycloid people are quite difficult for relationships. On the other hand, if you learn to understand the change of these phases, you can completely fit into their mood. When it’s bad, leave it alone, mind your own business and wait for the “storm” to end. When it’s good, take advantage of it, solve pressing problems and enjoy the optimism and cheerfulness of this psychotype.

Examples of the cycloid type of accentuation in art are Don Quixote of La Mancha and Alice from Through the Looking Glass. These characters are sometimes optimistic and joyful, sometimes sad and touchy. Either they are ready to move mountains, or they are completely unsure of themselves. Among historical figures, one can note N.V. Gogol, who suffered from prolonged depression. It was during one of them that he burned the second volume of Dead Souls. The rest of the time he was a witty, cheerful and kind person.

Advantages and disadvantages

This accentuation of character is useful in that it increases the ability to adapt to change. A cycloid person is quite flexible; he can be among completely different people, both in terms of temperament type, social status, health, finances, and so on.

He has fairly developed empathy, that is, the ability to sympathize with those who are in an unpleasant situation and need support.

He values ​​his life because he experiences the full range of emotions and knows how bad it can be. Why, when a “bright streak” comes, he appreciates it, receives satisfaction and saturation, and does not ignore or devalue it, like others.

This ability provides a tremendous resource when providing support to others. After all, he can teach you to rejoice simply in the fact that nothing terrible happens in life for some period.

And that any failure doesn’t matter as long as, for example, close people are alive. And in general, troubles are an opportunity to overcome your own limitations, become better and stronger.

But the disadvantage of the cycloid type of character is that it is usually unknown when one stage will replace another, which is why the usual way of life and work capacity suffer.

For example, in the excitement phase, a person scheduled a large number of meetings and outlined the amount of work he was going to do. But then despondency set in and a reluctance to see anyone in such a state.

Therefore, I did not accomplish anything planned, plunging into even greater sadness against the backdrop of disappointment in myself.

Condition correction

What should cycloids do to correct their behavior in order to normalize life and relationships with others? Psychologists give the following advice:

  1. Keep a personal diary to analyze your condition and learn to reflect.
  2. Find out what factor triggers the phase change. Try to avoid him.
  3. Learn to clearly formulate your thoughts. Take a rhetoric class.
  4. Finish every task.
  5. Learn to control your own emotions.
  6. Take responsibility for every word spoken.

If you cannot cope with the differences on your own, you will need the help of a specialized specialist. In psychotherapy, antipsychotics may be prescribed for psychomotor agitation and antidepressants during periods of decline.

A teenager with a cycloid (cyclothymic) type of character accentuation, with whose story the article began, with the help of psychotraining and with the support of his parents, was able to quickly return to the hyperthymic phase. Having received detailed instructions on how to act in the event of subdepression, they were now prepared for such a turn of events and took all necessary measures to ensure that this period ended as soon as possible. This knowledge was useful to the boy in adulthood: he never led to the development of deep depression and psychopathy, as often happens with cycloids. This is a living, clear example of how you can take control of your own character, and with it your future.

Field of activity

Typically, cycloids are creative individuals; they need freedom to express their own talents and impulses. Most often, they manage to build a career as a writer, artist, musician, or even journalist.

Working with rigid boundaries is absolutely not suitable. After all, today such a person may be in a great mood and will have time to do a large amount of work, and then throughout the week he will force himself to complete at least one small task. And all because an unpleasant event occurred, and the subdepression phase began.

When choosing a profession, it is recommended to rely on project work. So that, having made a breakthrough, you can spend some time in a pause.

In this case, it will be possible to avoid layoffs and subsequently excessively low self-esteem due to one’s own inability to provide for a family and build a career.

More about adolescence

It is during this period that children experience the first major fragment of low mood. In girls, for example, this phenomenon may coincide with the onset of menstruation. Irritability appears, interest in studying, playing and communicating with peers disappears, and fatigue sets in.

During periods of low mood, you should not ask teenagers with questions, as they may answer rudely. They themselves don’t like it, since they were previously completely different and found a common language with their parents.

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