Why and why a woman is trying to arouse jealousy - what to do

How to react when a girl makes you jealous? In a relationship, there is a situation when a girl deliberately tries to make a man jealous. Such behavior of a partner depends not only on the period of the relationship and the strength of love feelings, but also on mutual understanding. It also happens that after 15 years of marriage, a man was unable to recognize the true essence of his wife and her desires.

As a result, the guy experiences a misunderstanding and begins to obsess over his behavior. However, to solve the problem you need to have a serious conversation with the girl and find out the reason for the behavior. During the dialogue, girls who cause jealousy show their true feelings.

I. Why does a girl make a guy jealous?

Making a guy jealous is a game that most women play at some point in their relationship.
That's how they play. She chooses another man, usually one for whom she feels at least a moderate degree of attraction, and flirts with him, either by talking about him adoringly or by showing nonverbal signals of interest in the man while you're around (e.g., prolonged eye contact, a warm smile , touching her hair, neck or face, etc.). She chats with him in your presence, all the while expressing genuine admiration for his most down-to-earth qualities. It may happen that your girlfriend is trying to make you jealous online when she exchanges a chain of messages, usually drenched in emojis, with someone. She increases the volume of her alerts, filling the room with an annoying barrage of “sounds.” She might even give out her contact information to this person or tentatively arrange to meet him (again) sometime in the future. In short, she is paying wild attention to another man, and that attention is of a higher quality or quantity than what she usually receives

gives you.

All of this flattering attention and time spent on this other guy is with the express purpose of making you feel extremely jealous. The trigger is that it is right that you should be jealous because she is giving attention to another man that she should only be giving to you.

It makes you wonder "Why?" - She knows how to treat a man with respect and dignity. So why can't she do this for me?

What not to do in such situations

You cannot ignore the problem , this will only aggravate the situation and give the girl a reason to think that you do not value her.

spy on the girl , rummage through her messages and calls and interrogate her. You need to continue to trust your woman.

Throwing a tantrum and fighting with a man you are jealous of is also a bad solution to the problem.

If jealousy is really starting to poison your relationship, you may find the advice in this article useful.

II. Is jealousy really love?

The jealousy game is designed (for women) as a test of “how much you love her.” So if she can somehow make you jealous, then your feelings of jealousy are proof that you "love" her.

But smart people shouldn't be fooled into believing this stupid excuse. When women use the word "Love", it is usually misleading. Women generally do not understand what altruistic love is. Their love is opportunistic.

Here it may be helpful to distinguish the difference between jealousy and envy. Jealousy is when you feel unfair when someone else gets what rightfully belongs to you, whereas envy is when you want to have what rightfully belongs to someone else. Jealousy can be a righteously justified emotion under certain circumstances, while envy is the embodiment of greed and sometimes lust. Love is never envious and never loses faith. Jealousy is not necessarily wrong.

Either way, she probably doesn't understand the difference between jealousy and envy, and making you jealous is certainly not a gesture of true love. If

She is one of those rare intelligent women, then pointing out her behavior and explaining that it is wrong can get you something. But if she's a typical woman in denial and you try to explain it to her, rest assured, you can expect an explosive reaction.

#5: Make changes in your life

A girl can be made jealous not only of another woman, but also of her friends, her hobby - of everything with which she has to share you. Such jealousy is not so destructive, so you can safely use it:

  1. Disappear for a few days: don't call or write to her. Let him figure out where you disappeared to. This method works well at the very beginning, when a new acquaintance wants to seem unapproachable and has not yet decided whether she likes you. Then you will explain what kind of affairs and problems you had. At the same time, if the girl calls herself, then talk to her.
  2. Stay late at work, change your habits, come up with a new hobby, take better care of yourself.
  3. Set a password on your phone, tablet, computer - everything that only you use.

III. Why does a woman get jealous?

Whenever a girl tries to make you jealous, they feel their own inadequacy and are encouraged to grow. But they don't want to do the hard work of self-improvement. They just want a quick and easy affirmation of their worth to give their ego a little boost.

What does provoking feelings of jealousy in a guy give a girl:

  • This keeps the emotional interaction in the relationship on a visceral, wild level, which increases her appetite for drama.
  • She hones her skills in exercising her feminine powers.
  • She represents a test of your emotional reverence (or lack thereof) for her power.
  • She tests your spiritual and emotional strength and understands how you cope with her apparent "lack of self-control" in the presence of potential rivals.
  • She "tests the limit" to see what she can get away with and what she can't.
  • She compares you to another guy to see who can break down faster.
  • She can make you defensive and watch you squirm just for her own selfish pleasure.
  • She may extract information from these meetings to use against you or to back you up in a future argument.
  • She explores and tests other guys' interest in her, thus exploring "where the grass is greener."
  • She revises and refines her assessment of her own sexual worth.
  • She indulges her fantasy of being desired by many men.
  • She is expanding her social network.

No matter how the game goes, she wins the prize. Even if there's nothing else going on between her and the other guy, the pure pleasure of capturing the attention of two men is a worthy consolation prize for her.

IV. How should a man react if a girl makes him jealous?

First of all, no matter what problem arises, just stay calm. You will be fine - with or without her.

It is overcoming difficulties that increases a person's self-confidence when he faces similar difficulties, and yes, all these difficulties certainly strengthen his faith.

But even after you establish a strong frame and step up your game, you will still have aggravations from women. It is important to remain cool and objective when a problem arises. So it might be helpful to accept the fact that she will always throw some crap at the fan, no matter what. Just admit that it's her own shit, not yours. Now let's move on to the topic.

There are four possible reactions a man might have when a girl makes a guy jealous, listed in order of increasing personal gain and effectiveness in managing the relationship:

  1. Feel defensive, upset or angry.
  2. Immediately try to make her jealous.
  3. Tease her.
  4. Ignore her.

The former should be avoided at all costs. The second option shows a bit of awareness, but it seems too obvious to her and looks childish in her eyes. This is not our option.

The fourth option is the best answer because you don't want to give her any satisfaction or any feedback that could be interpreted as a sign of weakness. Ignoring her moves in jealousy is a test of your constitution and emotional control, which can be very difficult.

But depending on the circumstances and the personalities involved, ignoring her behavior may

appear as if you are silently condoning the behavior or that you are too weak to resist it. You will know this is the case if and when she gradually becomes more aggressive and arrogant in her approaches to other men. In this case, the third option becomes the best option - teasing her.

Signs of female jealousy

Often, girls do not show guys that they are jealous of them. This is how they try to maintain their dignity. But there are several sure signs by which you can guess that your beloved is reacting to your provocations.

Feigned indifference

She does not agree to the meeting, refuses to go for a walk, and does not make contact. The girl is very angry with you, mentally ready to break up. Do not pester your beloved with persuasion and questions about her mood, leave her alone for a couple of days. The girl needs to cool down and put her thoughts in order.


A woman is irritated by everything connected with you: appearance, conversations, touches. A jealous girl shows that the guy is to blame, must change his behavior and apologize for flirting with others, for compliments not addressed to her.


Scandals arise almost without reason. The reason could be being late for a couple of minutes, talking on the phone with a friend, reading an SMS while meeting her. But don’t expect the girl to directly say that she is jealous and suspects you of cheating.

Constant control

The girl will check where you are now, who is nearby, and suspect you of lying. Especially if there is a long distance between you, for example, you are separated for a while in different cities or you are vacationing separately. Get used to frequent calls and hysterics if a girl hears female voices next to you.

Checking SMS, correspondence on social networks

A jealous woman will definitely try to control correspondence, read SMS on her phone and view calls. We advise you not to hide your phone; this act will provoke a quarrel and, possibly, separation due to distrust in your partner.

Women's jealousy is based on strong emotions. Suspicions turn the girl into an unpredictable fury. If you decide to purposefully seek jealousy from your beloved, be prepared for outbursts of negativity, resentment and quarrels. But then a heated reconciliation awaits you. For this reason, it is sometimes worth conducting forbidden experiments on your partner’s feelings.

V. Specific points of option No. 3

The main strategy of teasing is to expose her intelligence and show that she is a fraud, a child and suffers from bullshit. It is important that she realizes how unrealistic her ideas are, and it is also important to make her understand what she stands to lose because of her behavior.

Some general tactics are useful for this purpose, including:

  • Saying “Yes,” doing things your way, and increasing the fear of loss.
  • Asking sharp, realistic, provocative questions is kind on the part of nonverbal behavior and cold on the side of information behavior.
  • Analysis, finding out the reasons, probing and working with the scalpel of eloquence on her mind.
  • Intimidation

Most importantly, you must understand that time plays only for you. Trust time to show her her wrong actions and cause her to repent (if the madness of her behavior has not completely captured her).

Remaining calm and good-natured. If you can get her to talk about her secret little fake boyfriend, you may be able to get a confession out of her that will disabuse her and resolve the situation.

But if you get upset and angry (which is likely if you are a Blue Pill), if you beg and if you try to make her repent, then you will go crazy, give her satisfaction, lose and push her away.

If you are familiar with the manosphere, it will be easier for you.

And so, remember that the most important thing to remember when mimicking and playing the relationship game is to remain calm, emotionally detached and seemingly entertained by her antics

. Relationships are a song and music. Relationships are not work, but play.

Whatever she complains about that makes her make you jealous, just go along with it and amplify all her crap to the point of ridicule. Laughing at her is almost always a good move.

VI. What to do when a girl says you didn't live up to her expectations

First, a few words about women's expectations. Women want a circus and pleasant drama, to have continuous pleasure, to have fun. Don't be introspective, don't consider consequences, don't take responsibility. In short, they want to remain blissfully immature. They really expect it.

The point of all this is that she wants to be lazy and carefree and rely on you to pick up the slack, and she also doesn't want to worry about your reliability in doing so. She wants to focus on having fun. It won't be easy for you (so she thinks).

Now a girl's own shortcomings can easily become entangled in their nature. As mentioned earlier, women tend to psychologically project their own flaws and transfer their anxieties onto you, sifting through you, pushing your buttons, trying to get an emotional high out of you, and testing your limits.

All women (and perhaps all people) have this nature, but a good woman recognizes this tendency as a weakness, while a bad woman selfishly proclaims it a right.

Instead of analyzing your strengths, she will reflect on herself. Your job is to keep her introspective.

At this point, all the previously listed tactics come into play.

Stay calm and don't give them any pleasure. Keep her on her toes all the time. Don't let laziness drown, otherwise it will start to take it for granted and you will lose control of the game.

Fear is a gameplay that makes them aware of the precariousness of life and is therefore humble and real. Be careful.

Now let's apply this knowledge to teasing her when she's trying to make you jealous.

For example, if she complains that you don't make enough money and then flirts with fellow Bizmenikov, then ask her something like,

“Listen, how much does this Bizmenikov earn?

It's not what you say, it's how you say it that

. Say his last name or first name with sarcasm, smile casually and laugh dismissively.

Then bring it home by reframing it.

“How much time and money do you think (another handsome guy she's flirting with) would cost him to sleep with you?”

“Listen, if you give him a massage, maybe he can take me into his company. I really really need it. Can you accommodate me?”

If a girl from time to time, for example, laughed at the size of your penis (75 percent of girls admit that they make fun of guys’ dignity), then you can try something new as easily and naturally as possible - ask her about the new guy: “Does he have a normal bolt?” Listen, I have a clear feeling that his dick will be able to give you real pleasure. Did you save the dick pic?”

Be sure to say it calmly and smile. Don't be angry, otherwise it will please her.

#4: Let the girl see you with others

If you don’t know how to make your ex-girlfriend jealous, then attract other beautiful women and strangers. This way you can hone your seduction skills without becoming isolated. Let him see that your life goes on and that you are comfortable with other girls. Have fun with these simple ways to make her jealous:

  1. Leave the cafe, work, or any other place where the girl sees you with someone else.
  2. Actively communicate and maintain relationships with her friends, but don’t flirt with just one.
  3. Communicate with other girls: help them, get to know them, keep up the conversation and initiate them yourself. Let the girl see that you easily get along with others.
  4. If you can’t make a girl jealous, then go to the extreme: open flirting and constantly communicating with another in front of the one you want to interest. This method is desperate and requires great self-control and the ability to stop in time and switch to the girl you like.

To make a girl jealous, it is very important to meet other girls! But you don’t always know what to say when meeting someone. Try the “First Phrases Builder” at this link to help.

VII. If a girl often sits on social networks or goes to dating sites to cause jealousy

Girls who are addicted to online dating sites (or even flirting through Instagram) are more into fantasy than reality. Here she fantasizes about winning from the jealousy bomb mentioned earlier. So the main strategy in this case is to destroy her fairy tale and return her to reality. Tease her.

So if your girlfriend/wife has made it clear that she has joined an online dating site, then that is quite pathetic of her. Enough, stay calm, you are the future red pill (once you are on the site section, you will soon become one). Mind your own business and watch her with peripheral vision.

Whatever it is that has her searching for "love or just because" on the Internet, find out what exactly is causing her to panic. Look at the possible reasons that she wants:

  • Attract attention?
  • To meet new people?
  • Getting “likes” (ego blows) on social media?
  • Receive comments?
  • Endless text messages about nothing at all?
  • Be risky (post nudes or naked photos)?
  • Looking at photos of guys with perfectly chiseled abs?
  • Or is she in the Epiphany Phase?

Try to figure out what her little fetish is and hone it into your communication strategy (if you don't have a strategy, then it's time to make an appointment with me).

Keep talking about this reason in a ridiculous, dismissive manner. Anger and intensify her fear to the point of mockery.

- Do you now receive hundreds of messages a day?

- Oh, this is the handsome 19-year-old millionaire CEO who wrote to you this week! You did not answer? What the fuck?

“You shouldn’t send him those 10-year-old school photos.” Your latest photos at the dacha are much more attractive. And very sexy.

— Does he take too long to answer? Don't worry, darling. He's probably very busy. But he will return soon, because he loves you.

By the way, getting her to talk about sex isn't such a bad move because she's talking about sex with you. This helps create an association in her mind between sex and you.

Another trick to bring her back to reality is to ask her pointed questions.

“He sent you the same dick pic he sent to the last 40 women on Tinder (or whatever she's messaging)?” (She is silent.) - If not. It’s better to ask.”

One could even hope for a supernatural coincidence that would blow it up. For example,

- Is this Matvey? …that guy from (city or town where you used to live)?” (Then lean over and look at his profile.) - Yes, it’s him! Say hi to him from me! How is he?

The more informal the name, the more you will confuse and confuse her. Remember this name and ask her about it again the next time she goes on a dating site or Badu.

Once she gets a few dick pics and exchanges a few messages with desperate creeps, she'll realize how great she did with you and her guilt will start to rise.

This feeling of guilt, combined with gratitude and a sense of grace, will bring her back to life. Very possible. Give her the freedom to choose to be obedient. Let time do the work of persuasion, not you. This is a big goal.

#3: Make her jealous using your phone

Correspondence and telephone communication have long become part of everyday communication. If you don’t know how to make your ex-girlfriend jealous, then use these techniques:

Understand how to no longer receive refusals from the girl you like!

STEP-BY-STEP INSTRUCTIONS from Alexander Galevich, a trainer who has trained more than 20,000 men over 15 years, will help you

Which you will receive during the FREE ONLINE INTENSIVE and you will learn:

  • 1. How to spend less resources (money and time) to seduce girls
  • 2. How to easily meet and lead communication with a beautiful girl to sex
  • 3. How to find your unique effective model of seducing girls

Understand more at the FREE ONLINE INTENSIVE “FROM REFUSAL TO BED” - https://galevich.site/

  1. Smile mysteriously after reading an SMS, even if it is a simple newsletter. Pretend that you are answering, but do not show the girl who you are talking to. You can even honestly say that this is just spam. She definitely won't believe it then.
  2. Let someone call you while you are communicating with a girl. Speak politely, but not too gently. Ask how things are going and say that you will call back later and you can chat.
  3. Hang up the incoming call and pretend to be texting. If a girl asks, then say that your friend wanted to talk on a video call, but you wrote to her that you would talk later.

VIII. Makes ex-boyfriend jealous

Women who may become jealous when they talk about and mention their ex, and who may even contact him periodically, are missing out on the emotional nuance that he fed to her ego, which you probably don't like all that much. You're also struggling with her ingrained memories of his sexual charisma that you may never be able to completely erase.

The main strategy in this case is to remove her selfish fixation on these attributes by separating them as trivial and cute, but ultimately unsatisfactory for satisfying the more complex desire she appears to have developed with you. Teasing also works well for this purpose.

If she does contact her ex, you can tease her by asking her personal questions. Don't be afraid to dig into her about it and be sure to make her ex look pathetic.

- How many girls do you think he’s slept with since he broke up with you?...

— Did he send you a message first? He must be out of his mind again.

“You and I know that he’s still obsessed with you, just like he lost you!” Poor fellow!

- Writes? Fine. He wanted to marry you, but he simply couldn’t cope with all your advantages.”

The point here is to expose her desire for him on a conscious level. Ridicule and overthrow.

Don't be afraid to fool around.

Some of these actions may seem hopelessly pathetic, but the point is to force yourself

And if you can make her
laugh too, then you win.

Are you sure you need this?

Still from the film “Vicky Cristina Barcelona”

He meets Her, they like each other and start dating. It would seem that everything is fine with them, but it seems to Him that it could be even better. And then he starts asking Google: “How to make a girl jealous?”

Since the search engine is a soulless machine, he will readily give the guy a lot of links to “good advice” from “real experts”, and if he follows them like an obedient student, then the chances are high that instead of increasing the girl’s affection, he will, on the contrary, , will push away.

Let's discuss today why trying to find out how to make someone jealous usually doesn't lead to anything good, and also look at the most harmful advice on this topic, which we strongly advise you not to use.

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