Who is an inert person?

Definition of inertia

So, inertia – what is it? This is the name of the property of the nervous system in which a person is extremely slowly drawn into work and gradually leaves it. Very often, inertia is accompanied by such qualities as apathy - indifference to both oneself and other people, developmental delay (which is observed very often). Inertia is characteristic of phlegmatic people. Inert people are stress-resistant, spend their energy measuredly, but can do one thing all day long. If there are three such cases, then the phlegmatic person must know about this in advance in order to distribute his forces to them.

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Ancient Greek scientists, judging by the works that have come down to us, reflected on the reasons for the commission and cessation of movement. In Aristotle’s “Physics” (IV century BC) the following reasoning about motion in emptiness is given:

No one can say why, once set in motion, it will stop somewhere, for why is it more likely to stop here and not there? Consequently, it must either rest or move to infinity.

However, another work, Mechanics, attributed to Aristotle, states:

A moving body stops if the force pushing it ceases to act.

Observations indeed showed that the body stopped when the force pushing it ceased. The natural opposition of external forces (friction, air resistance, etc.) to the movement of the pushed body was not taken into account. Therefore, Aristotle associated the invariability of the speed of movement of any body with the invariability of the force applied to it.

Large explanatory dictionary


A type of precipitation - ice crystals, shaped like snowflakes, settling in a thin layer on the surface of cooled objects.
Lightweight and... Silver and.
About gray hair.
The head is covered with frost. Frosty, oh, oh.
I. chill. INERT
-th, -oe;
-ten, -tna, -tno. 1. only full. Phys.
Possessing inertia
(1 value). I-th state. And gases (chemical;
characterized by low chemical activity).
And materials (technical
sand, gravel, etc., included in mortars as fillers).
2. Inactive, passive. And people.
adv. (2 digits). Relate to smth.
And. Inertia, -i;
and. Chemical and.
The property of a body to maintain a state of rest or movement while some.
external force will not change this state. Law of inertia. The ship is moving by inertia.
2. The continuing influence of a cause, force, etc., previously operating.
Do something by inertia. I. habits.
Inactivity, passivity.
Bring someone out
from inertia. Inertial, -th, -oe
(1 digit). I-th movement. I. battery.

Inert people

Who is this inert person? This is a type that does not show initiative in all areas of life. Such people always take a passive position, they are inactive, as if they are going with the flow, they do not want to change anything in their lives, they are afraid to take risks, shifting all responsibility to someone else. Also, people who are assigned an inert type constantly try to insure themselves against even the slightest mistake when solving problems, thereby slowing down the progress of their actions. In no case should depression be confused with this feature of the nervous system, since depression is a mental disorder.

In conclusion

Is a spontaneous person irresponsible or brave?

You can come to the logical conclusion of the topic. It turns out that inertia is not always a disease in psychology, but often it is simply one of the features of the nervous system. We are all different in our temperament, but we are not able to change this indicator.

Of course, in this case we are not talking about laziness. If you suffer from your own passivity, show apathy and do not want to make any efforts, you need to learn to work on yourself, on your complexes and fears, and get rid of indecision.

I would also like to note that for inert people, the emotional support of others is actually very important. Therefore, if you have such a person in your team or family, do not try to spread rot on him, try to at least encourage him from time to time, saying warm words.

And the following video will tell you even more information on the topic:


All of humanity is a single interconnected mechanism (I wanted to insert a clever word - cybernetic). Each person is a cog in this system. The relationship is formed on a barter basis.

And now from global evidence to the particular, to each person.

Planet Earth. This is the trend now. The Japanese are manufacturers of electronics, the Germans are famous for mechanical engineering, the UK is the financial center of the whole world, Switzerland is the ATM store of the whole world, Russia is the raw materials mining industry, the USA is the world policeman….

Each country has its own role on planet Earth. And it has nothing to do with the global conspiracy theory - this system has a natural formation. Because we, each of us, contribute to it.

One step lower. Take any production - why there is a need for a hierarchy of power and distribution of labor in it - in my opinion, it’s stupid to explain.

One step lower. Family. Everyone fulfills their role and responsibilities in it. If roles are adjusted or not fulfilled - as in production - collapse.


In chemistry, substances that are not chemically active are called inert.

Noble gases were previously known as noble gases

due to the supposed lack of participation in any chemical reactions. The reason for this is that their outermost electron shell (valence shell) is completely filled, so that they have little tendency to gain or lose an electron. It is now known that these gases react

with the formation of chemical compounds, for example, xenon tetrafluoride.
Therefore they were renamed noble gases
. However, such reactions require large amounts of energy, usually supplied in the form of heat, pressure, or radiation, and the presence of catalysts. The resulting compounds of inert gases are often unstable. Inert media consisting of gases such as argon or helium are widely used in chemical reaction chambers and reagent storage containers.

The term inert

Use of objects only for their intended purpose

This form of psychological inertia of thinking is also quite common. Few people think of using devices and technologies for other purposes. When it is possible to overcome the psychological inertia of this type of thinking, inventions for application arise.

So, we can summarize. Psychological inertia has many faces and is omnipresent. How to deal with it? First of all, know in what forms it manifests itself and try to avoid it.

Inventive thought has accumulated a number of techniques and recommendations that allow one to overcome the psychological inertia of thinking in the process of solving problems.

Here are some of them:

  1. Refusal of terms. Terms impose an old idea of ​​the technology of operation of an object, hide the characteristics of substances and narrow ideas about their possible states. When formulating a problem, it is necessary to replace terms with simple, non-technical words, avoiding special terminology in every possible way.
  2. Reformulation of the problem for another field of technology. This recommendation is based on a well-known premise: human creative activity is productive in a new and unknown area. This technique is especially effective when posing a task to a group of specialized specialists. It is widely used in brainstorming.
  3. Develop the ability to see the hidden properties of an object.
  4. Find new uses for known objects.
  5. Develop associative thinking. To do this, we can recommend the exercise of composing the longest possible chain of associative connections between two seemingly completely unrelated expressions.

We have considered only a few types of manifestations of psychological inertia of thinking. Of course, it is difficult to cover all their diversity, but even the materials presented here can help in the fight against this phenomenon.

A. Sopelnyak, Ph.D.


US Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (English)Russian. divides the ingredients in pesticides into two groups: active and inert. Chemically inert, in this context, are those that do not have a toxic effect on the specific species that the pesticide is intended to protect, but this does not exclude that they may still have biological activity on other species, including being toxic to person. In particular, solvents, propellants, preservatives, among other things, are considered inert ingredients. in pesticides.

Since 1997, the US Environmental Protection Agency has recommended that pesticide manufacturers label inactive ingredients

as "other ingredients" rather than "inert" to prevent misinformation to the public.

In Russian-language literature, the term inertia is used in works on pesticides, biotechnologies, as well as in official instructions for drugs, for example “Agropol”.

What is inertia?

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Inertia - what does this concept mean? It refers to the ability of the human nervous system to very slowly penetrate into the essence of what is happening, to get involved in the work process and also slowly exit it. As a rule, inertia is complemented by other characteristics, such as:

  • apathy – that is, an indifferent perception of both oneself and others;
  • slow development - however, this quality does not always occur.

If we consider the types of temperaments, then phlegmatic people are considered inert. Inertia – is it good or bad? Here, as they say, from which side you look. This condition has both its pros and cons.

The advantages are as follows:

  1. An inert person shows enviable resistance to stress, which is the envy of most choleric people.
  2. Knows how to spend his energy wisely, without wasting it.
  3. If he concentrates on one thing, he gives it all his attention, which ultimately allows him to achieve impressive results. But when giving such an employee several tasks at once, be sure to warn him about this, because he needs to correctly distribute his forces.

But it is not without its drawbacks:

  1. Who is this inert person? This is a person from whom it is impossible to expect initiative in any area of ​​life. People of this type prefer to behave passively, inactively, “go with the flow”, not wanting to make any changes, and strive to shift responsibility onto the shoulders of others.
  2. They insure themselves in every possible way, even against minor mistakes, which slows down their actions even more.

Note! There is a big difference between depression and such an innate feature of the nervous system as inertia. While depression is a mental disorder, inert behavior may well be the norm for a person.

Applying Newton's second law for rotational motion

According to Newton's second law (see Chapter 5), the acceleration of an object under the influence of a force is proportional to the magnitude of the force and inversely proportional to the mass of the object:

where ​\( \mathbf{a} \)​ is the acceleration vector, \( \mathbf{F} \) is the force vector, and ​\( m \)​ is the mass of the object. Vectors are discussed in more detail in Chapter 4. Does this law hold true for rotational motion?

In Chapter 10, we have already become acquainted with the characteristics of rotational motion, which are equivalents (analogues) of some characteristics of translational motion. What would the analogue of Newton's second law look like? It seems that in rotational motion the role of acceleration \( \mathbf{a} \) is played by angular acceleration \( \alpha \), and the role of force \( \mathbf{F} \) is the moment of force \( \mathbf{M} \ )? Without going into details, let's just say that this is true. What about the mass? It turns out that a new concept is used for this - the moment of inertia ​\( l \)​. It is known that Newton’s second law for rotational motion takes the following form:

Let's look at a simple example. Let a golf ball tied with string rotate in a circle as shown in Fig. 11.1. Let us assume that a tangential force directed tangentially to the circle is applied to the ball, which leads to an increase in the tangential speed of the ball

(Note that we are not talking about a normal force along the radius of a circle of rotation. Normal and tangential velocities, as well as normal and tangential accelerations, are discussed in more detail in Chapter 10.)

Because the:

then, multiplying both sides of this formula by the radius of the circle ​\( r \)​, we get:

Since ​\( r\mathbf{F}=\mathbf{M} \)​ then


Thus, the transition from Newton's second law for translational motion to its analogue for rotational motion has been partially completed. (It should be noted that this expression is valid for a material point, i.e. an object whose dimensions can be neglected compared to the value of the radius of the circle ​\( r \)​. For an extended object, other formulas should be used, which are described later in this chapter . - Ed. note)

Convert tangential acceleration to angular acceleration

To completely move from a description of translational motion to a description of rotational motion, it is necessary to use the relationship between angular acceleration ​\( \alpha \)​ and tangential acceleration ​\( \mathbf{a} \)​. As we already know from Chapter 10, they are related by the following relationship:

Substituting this expression into the above formula

we get:

So, we have obtained a connection between the moment of force acting on a material point and its angular acceleration. The proportionality coefficient between them, ​\( l=mr^2 \)​, is called the moment of inertia of the material point. Thus, we have obtained the equivalent of Newton's second law for rotational motion, where the role of force is played by the moment of force, the role of acceleration is played by angular acceleration, and the role of mass is played by the moment of inertia.

Example: calculating the moment of force to provide angular acceleration

If several forces act on an object, then Newton's second law has the following form:

where ​\( \mathbf{\sum\!F} \)​ denotes the vector sum of all forces acting on the object.

Similarly, if several moments of force act on an object, then Newton’s second law has the form:

where \( \mathbf{\sum\! M} \) denotes the vector sum of all moments of forces acting on the object. Analogue of mass, i.e. moment of inertia, measured in kg m2.

Let the ball from the previous example (see Fig. 11.1) have a mass of 45 g, and the length of the thread is 1 m. What moment of force must be applied to ensure angular acceleration - ​\( 2\pi s^{-2} \)​ ? Substituting the values ​​into the formula we already know

we get:

As you can see, to solve this problem it was enough to proceed as when determining the force necessary to ensure acceleration of translational motion (where it would be necessary to multiply the mass by the acceleration), i.e. multiply the angular acceleration by the moment of inertia.

The concept of inertia in physics

So, inertia is a physical phenomenon. Another concept closely related to it is inertia. In physics, inertia is understood as the properties of bodies to resist an instantaneous change in the direction or speed of movement.

Any body cannot instantly change its speed, however, some bodies do it faster, others slower. It takes different times to stop loaded and empty dump trucks moving at the same speed.

This happens because a body with more mass is more inert and takes longer to change speed. That is, the measure of inertia in physics is the mass of a body.

Axial moment of inertia[edit | edit code]

Axial moments of inertia of some bodies

The moment of inertia of a mechanical system relative to a fixed axis (“axial moment of inertia”) is the quantity Ja

, equal to the sum of the products of the masses of all
material points of the system by the squares of their distances to the axis:


  • mi
    is the mass
    of the i
    -th point,
  • ri
    — distance from
    the i
    -th point to the axis.

Axial moment of inertia Ja

is a measure of the inertia of a body in rotational motion around an axis, just as the mass of a body is a measure of its inertia in translational motion.



= ρ
- mass of a small element of body volume
, ρ - density,
- distance from element
to axis

If the body is homogeneous, that is, its density is the same everywhere, then

Huygens-Steiner theorem

The moment of inertia of a solid body relative to any axis depends on the mass, shape and size of the body, as well as on the position of the body relative to this axis. According to the Huygens-Steiner theorem, the moment of inertia of the body J

relative to an arbitrary axis is equal to the sum of the moment of inertia of this body
relative to an axis passing through the center of mass of the body parallel to the axis under consideration, and the product of the body mass
by the square of the distance
between the axes:

where m

- total body weight.

For example, the moment of inertia of a rod relative to an axis passing through its end is equal to:

Deriving formulas

Thin-walled cylinder (ring, hoop)

Derivation of the formula

The moment of inertia of a body is equal to the sum of the moments of inertia of its constituent parts. Let us divide a thin-walled cylinder into elements with mass dm

and moments of inertia

Since all elements of a thin-walled cylinder are at the same distance from the axis of rotation, formula (1) is transformed into the form

Thick-walled cylinder (ring, hoop)

Derivation of the formula

Let there be a homogeneous ring with outer radius R

, internal radius
1, thickness
and density ρ.
Let's break it into thin rings of thickness dr
The mass and moment of inertia of a thin ring of radius r
will be

Let us find the moment of inertia of the thick ring as an integral

Since the volume and mass of the ring are equal

we obtain the final formula for the moment of inertia of the ring

Homogeneous disc (solid cylinder)

Derivation of the formula

Considering a cylinder (disk) as a ring with zero internal radius ( R

1 = 0), we obtain the formula for the moment of inertia of the cylinder (disk):

Solid cone

Derivation of the formula

Let us divide the cone into thin disks of thickness dh

, perpendicular to the axis of the cone. The radius of such a disk is equal to

where R

– radius of the base of the cone,
– height of the cone,
– distance from the top of the cone to the disk. The mass and moment of inertia of such a disk will be

Integrating, we get

Solid homogeneous ball

Derivation of the formula

Let's split the ball into thin disks of thickness dh

, perpendicular to the axis of rotation.
The radius of such a disk located at a height h
from the center of the sphere can be found using the formula

The mass and moment of inertia of such a disk will be

We find the moment of inertia of the ball by integration:

Thin-walled sphere

Derivation of the formula

To derive this, we use the formula for the moment of inertia of a homogeneous ball of radius R


Let us calculate how much the moment of inertia of the ball will change if, at a constant density ρ, its radius increases by an infinitesimal amount dR


Thin rod (axis passes through the center)

Derivation of the formula

Let's break the rod into small fragments of length dr

. The mass and moment of inertia of such a fragment are equal to

Integrating, we get

Thin rod (axis passes through the end)

Derivation of the formula

When the axis of rotation moves from the middle of the rod to its end, the center of gravity of the rod moves relative to the axis by a distance l⁄2. According to Steiner's theorem, the new moment of inertia will be equal to

Dimensionless moments of inertia of planets and their satellites

Dimensionless moments of inertia of planets and satellites

Their dimensionless moments of inertia are of great importance for studies of the internal structure of planets and their satellites. Dimensionless moment of inertia of a body of radius r

and mass
is equal to the ratio of its moment of inertia relative to the axis of rotation to the moment of inertia of a material point of the same mass relative to a fixed axis of rotation located at a distance
(equal to
This value reflects the distribution of mass over depth. One of the methods for measuring it near planets and satellites is to determine the Doppler shift of the radio signal transmitted by an AMS flying near a given planet or satellite. For a thin-walled sphere, the dimensionless moment of inertia is 2/3 (~0.67), for a homogeneous ball it is 0.4, and in general, the smaller the greater the mass of the body is concentrated at its center. For example, the Moon has a dimensionless moment of inertia close to 0.4 (equal to 0.391), so it is assumed that it is relatively homogeneous, its density changes little with depth. The dimensionless moment of inertia of the Earth is less than that of a homogeneous sphere (equal to 0.335), which is an argument in favor of the existence of a dense core.

A little warmth

In conclusion, we can say that inertia is not a disease, but a feature of the nervous system. All temperaments are different, but they can be combined. In the case of the type of nervous system, everything is different; you can be this or that. As for laziness, we must fight it, as well as fear, which gives rise to indecision. Of course, each personality type is good in its own way, as is the type of nervous system, but nothing is ideal. Remember, inert people really need emotional support, so if you know someone like that, it would be a good idea to periodically encourage him with warm words.

Diagnosis of the condition

It is not so difficult to detect an abnormal condition, a distortion of cognitive activity. It is also possible to independently determine the change. But it takes a certain amount of courage to admit the problem. As for objective diagnostic methods, one cannot do without the participation of a psychologist.

There are practically no special questionnaires. And they are only suitable for initial examination. Assessment in the field is much more effective. That is, using a standard problem book. As a rule, it consists of 5 incidents that need to be resolved. Based on the results, one can judge the ability for rational, non-trivial thinking. Oral interview method is also used

It is important to identify the features of the conditional patient’s logic

If there is evidence of impaired intellectual activity, you cannot do without consulting a specialist in psychotherapy or psychiatry. Depends on the situation. The goal is to identify the primary pathological process that interferes with normal activity.

Inert does not mean bad

Before we start, I want to ask you. Does everyone understand what the word inert means? Because quite recently a young man who came to me for a consultation said that this was the first time he had ever heard such a word. As it turned out, he knew the definition, but did not think that it belonged to the field of psychology. Well, this happens, and there’s nothing wrong with it.

By the way, to get to know this concept better, it is not necessary to read specialized literature. There are books that talk about inertia in a fascinating way. I recommend John Strelecki’s work “Cafe at the End of the Earth. How to stop going with the flow and remember why you live.”

Since we are talking about people, and not about some chemical substances, I will give a definition about a person. An inert person, in simple words, is one who goes with the flow in life. He does not like to make responsible decisions; it is easier for him to carry out someone else’s instructions than to decide something himself. And he will cope with the task perfectly, even better than someone else. Such a person is often lacking initiative, but this does not mean that he is bad. He can be kind and very sensitive. He has a generous soul, he can give you his last, everything he has, be it a chocolate candy or love to the last drop.

How to overcome

When it comes to the clinical cases described in the first part of this article, treatment should be handled exclusively by a doctor. This is a requirement. If you decide on your own that you have some problems finding answers and you want to develop your own intelligence and instill in yourself new qualities, then the best way would be logic problems.

Over time, chess, backgammon, monopoly and other board games will help raise your level of intelligence and teach you to quickly find the right solutions. Solve crosswords, Sudoku, buy other games to develop logic that you can play yourself. Psychology has not yet come up with a more effective way to eliminate this problem.

Also, don't forget to read. It engages imagination, develops memory, and contributes to the emergence of new everyday experiences. I can also recommend you several books to develop your creative abilities.

Adaptation to the situation

Everyone knows that it's warm in summer? This is the pattern, the formula of nature's behavior. But can it be a cold day in summer? Yesterday we were still wearing light clothes, but today I want to wear something demi-season. Will everyone go to work insulated? No. Many do not have the courage or reaction to break the pattern. The day before yesterday it was warm, yesterday it was warm and today it should be warm - it’s summer. “Inert” individuals who think this way go outside and catch a cold. And the one who adapted and got dressed, saved on medicines, invested money in some new idea and got rich. Life took a different path, and it all began with adaptation to change through a break in the pattern. Do you have to be strong, very smart or lucky to dress warmly when it gets cold? No. So it is not the strongest and smartest who survive, but those who know how to quickly change behavior when the “weather” changes.

Unfortunately, few people in childhood are taught to keep their ears on top of their heads, to monitor where the wind is blowing and what the temperature is outside the window. Adults have more important things to do. For example, loading even more rigid patterns into children, like into a computer. Until the concepts of “what is good and what is bad” come out of the child’s ears. Life constantly throws up new facts that cannot be calculated with old formulas. So you shouldn’t “overdo it” with education either. Balance is the main thing here too.

Mental and physiological reasons for the development of pathologies

The development of memory pathologies is influenced by brain diseases. These can be both degenerative processes (progressive disease) and neuroendocrine defects (congenital or acquired feature). Often the cause of the development of pathology is a psychotic disorder. Such diseases include:

  • depression;
  • epilepsy;
  • schizophrenia;
  • neurasthenia;
  • neurosis.

One of the typical diseases that manifests itself in early childhood is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The child is not able to control his actions and stay in one place for a long time. He cannot be carried away by games or other monotonous activities. He moves chaotically, scatters toys, is capricious and often aggressive.

Problems with concentration can arise in stressful situations. More often they go away on their own as soon as the stress factor ends, but they can become chronic. In this case, treatment will be required.

What to do if he is nearby?

So how do you understand that this is the kind of person in front of you? An inert person can be recognized by his behavior, by his actions. He is quite heavy to climb and in order to start doing any task he needs to tune in and swing. Such a person “flies in space”, he is apathetic to everything and does not worry about anything. An inert state makes him feel indifferent to what is happening around him. Life is easy for such people. Having experienced a stressful situation, they quickly forget about what is happening and do not torment themselves with memories, unlike active people.

If you entrust them with some work and explain everything step by step, then rest assured that they will cope with it perfectly. But under no circumstances should you put pressure on such people and rush them to answer. You will not achieve anything from them, but on the contrary, you will aggravate the situation. They must first of all figure it out themselves and, when they are ready, they will give you the expected result.

Relationships with such a person can be very difficult. If this is an inert man with whom you live together, but do not feel him close at all, then you should not suddenly take up his re-education. You need to think everything over carefully, weigh all the pros and cons, but also not forget about yourself. If you begin to present claims to your man that he is this and that, he will definitely present something to you and the situation will take on the character of a vicious circle of reproaches.

Therefore, I advise you to start with yourself. Remember if he was like this at the beginning of your relationship; perhaps his inertia became an attractive character trait for you at that moment. I know many girls who prefer calm partners. But when, after a while, you notice that his calmness and inaction are manifested in literally everything, this really becomes a problem.

Therefore, first you need to talk about a topic that worries you with your chosen one. There is no need to make harsh statements and statements addressed to him: he may simply not understand you. If you can’t really talk, the article “How to insist on talking” will come to the rescue. When you find out what is the reason for apathy, it will become much easier. And then it will be possible to make some joint decisions to eliminate the tension between you.

If a woman turns out to be inert in a relationship, then this is also fraught with problems. Yes, at the beginning of a relationship, it seems that things cannot be better, but after a while it’s no fun with such a person. A woman becomes boring, she has no opinion, she often reacts silently to certain circumstances, and agrees with everything. You will probably say that this is just every man’s dream! But believe me, it only seems so from the outside. People cannot live without emotions, experiences, worries. Of course, it’s better when they are pleasant, but in any case they should be present in a person’s life.

Reference systems

Newton's 1st law dealt with uniform linear motion, which can only be considered in a certain frame of reference. Even an approximate analysis of mechanical phenomena shows that the law of inertia is not satisfied in all reference systems.

Let's consider a simple experiment: put a ball on a horizontal table in a carriage and observe its movement. If the train is in a state of calm relative to the Earth, then the ball will remain calm until we act on it with another body (for example, a hand). Consequently, in the frame of reference that is associated with the Earth, the law of inertia is satisfied.

Let's imagine that the train will travel uniformly and rectilinearly relative to the Earth. Then, in the frame of reference that is connected with the train, the ball will maintain a state of calm, and in the one that is connected with the Earth, it will remain in a state of uniform and rectilinear motion. Consequently, the law of inertia is satisfied not only in the reference frame associated with the Earth, but also in all others moving uniformly and rectilinearly relative to the Earth.

Now imagine that the train quickly picks up speed or turns sharply (in all cases it moves with acceleration relative to the Earth). Then, as before, the ball retains the uniform and linear motion that it had before the train began to accelerate. However, relative to the train, the ball itself comes out of the state of calm, although there are no bodies that would take it out of it. This means that in the reference frame associated with the acceleration of the train relative to the Earth, the law of inertia is violated.

So, reference systems in which the law of inertia is satisfied are called inertial. And those in which it is not fulfilled are non-inertial. They are easy to define: if the body moves uniformly and in a straight line (in some cases this means calm), then the system is inertial; if the movement is uneven, it is non-inertial.


Why some people are contemplative. Ant. activity? Is this an innate quality or was it acquired through the thrill of adulthood? It should be noted here that there are two categories of people:

  1. The first classification is phlegmatic by temperament, who are inert from birth and for them this is a (species) change in the physiological norm.
  2. The second category is people whose inert behavior is caused by idleness and indecision. They simply cannot cope with the goals they have set for themselves, even though there are no objective reasons for this.

It turns out that inertia has both personal and social significance.

Surely, in your team you have encountered the first category of citizens. They are so slow that with their slight lethargy they can inject you into a state of despondency, like a prolonged downpour in summer. Alas, they do this not out of malice, but simply have such a temperament.

Due to nature, they have a lack of vitality, and therefore do not show increased interest in the surrounding community. There is never a sparkle in their eyes, and there are no ambitions, goals or desires inside. However, despite all this, they are not in a state of depression. And their light (white) completely satisfies them.

It may sound a little rude, but one’s hands are itching to draw an analogy with one African tribe of people who do not get their own food, but are accustomed to eating the gifts of the ocean washed up on the shore. How else do they collect the fruits of plants growing nearby? And the main part of their life passes in a state of sleep.

Yes, there are also those individuals whose passivity is due to improper upbringing in the family. For example, a teenager showed curiosity, but his eternal questions annoyed adults. And they tried to satisfy these attempts with the words “Leave me alone,” “Shut up,” “As much as you can talk,” and the like.

Under the influence of such upbringing, the child became inert and began to show dispassion towards the world around him. Many representatives of the fairer sex who have such a will go to work not because they dream of self-realization and money, but simply so as not to sit at home all the time.

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