What prevents you from being more active: become energetic and cheerful

Take action and plan your day the way you want . Don't rely on others. Don't wait for someone to call you. Call yourself. Act on your intentions as your heart tells you.

Don't build expectations, don't live in fantasies. Live now .

Your expectations are not always met. Do it, act, don’t sit idly by. Be active and don't expect others to be active. You decide whether to stay at home or have a great time outside. You take action and make your dreams come true. Empty fantasies are meaningless. Action leads to success and results. Be confident in your abilities.

Become that person from whom a lot of energy comes. Be active and love life.

Why are you still inactive and what is holding you back?

Review everything that happens in your life and what you do: food, people around you, your thoughts and emotions, how you feel. Look at all this and now ask yourself: Are they giving me more than they take, or are they taking more from me than they give ? These relationships: are they helping you or are they just draining your strength ?

Basically, your energy drain occurs because of the people around you, because of the food you eat. You don't even realize how all this affects your activity and energy.

Think about unhealthy foods, unhealthy habits, thoughts, relationships, emotions, media influences . Obviously, you can't see that it's hurting you. It's all subtle and subtle. It’s all like poison or poison for you, preventing you from becoming more energetic.

Gradually move away from those who only take everything from you and give nothing . You leave them - this unhealthy relationship. Everyone who sucks everything out of you and gives nothing, why do you need them?

Too much computer

If you sit in front of a computer, phone, tablet or TV screen all the time, then your body does not expend much physical energy. Most of all energy is spent on unnecessary news, games and watching stupid videos. Your energy will simply flow into these resources, leaving you empty and weak.

Get up! Put your phone away, move your computer away, and turn off the TV. Get outside, exercise, set a goal. Explore, get acquainted! Sitting at home will not make you an energetic person.

How people influence you and your activities

It's like the relationship between a pimp and his depraved girlfriend . At first, he gives her some value: the pimp does not allow the girl to think, but thinks for her. It gives some sense of discipline, takes the pressure off her. The pimp makes sure that the girl doesn’t even think with her own head. Gives her a lot of emotions, makes her feel like she is safe and protected. Then he uses rudeness and knocks all self-respect out of her. He reduces the girl's importance to the point that she is no longer able to think for herself. She gives this ability to the pimp. And the girl gives all the money to the pimp and begins to depend on him. Much the same thing happens in relationships among people, boys and girls, married couples.

When people hear this they say, "Oh, I've never been used like that." All these relationships and food - they take everything out of you very slowly and imperceptibly . Therefore, everything is not so obvious. They are slowly destroying you.

Ask yourself : Where are you using too much force? How can you increase your energy, vitality and activity ?

Your activity is suppressed by a certain person, something from outside influences you for a long period. You think that this will provide you with some kind of help, benefit, health or good emotions. But in reality, you lose the ability to get rid of this person because you become dependent .

If your friend always sucks your fortune out of you , always sees you as the support of his reality, you feel like you are wasting money on him and cannot be completely free, then you do not need such a friend.

Physical exercise

So how can you become a more energetic person? The answer is simple: play sports. You should train as often as possible, doing it at the right time. If you exercise right before bed, you will never fall asleep anytime soon. Your brain is alert while your body is tired.

It's not a good feeling. When you wake up, you will feel so weak, as if someone has been torturing you all night. This is why you should exercise just enough so that you can then fall asleep peacefully. In the process of choosing a time for exercise, it is important to determine the most optimal option for yourself.

However, if you decide to work out overtime, then take a half-hour walk half an hour before dinner. The best time to go is when you are too lazy to go to the gym.


This video from Denis Skvortsov is about how to become more active in life and get rid of people who deliberately want to take your energy.

Wise secrets on how a girl can become more confident in herself are very useful insights for women.

The psychology of relationships between a guy and a girl, how to easily solve all the adjustments and build mutual understanding - we tell you at the link here.

Do exercises

Just 20 minutes of simple exercise in the morning will give you a boost of energy for the whole day. Train yourself to play sports, and this will significantly improve your well-being and help you lead an active lifestyle. A morning jog will be even more effective.


The Impact of Junk Food

Let's take regular high fructose corn syrup . It gives a really nice taste, all these sweet sensations. When you buy something cheap and also tastes good, you think that you are saving money. What actually happens is that when you consume high fructose corn syrup, you become dumber. It lowers your willpower . In addition to this you gain weight , which lowers your self-esteem. You can't become more active if you eat unhealthy foods.

And let’s say you’ve gained weight and you no longer have willpower. To get rid of syrup addiction, you need to feel really shitty for a while in order to muster the will into a fist . And this is the only way to free yourself. You yourself made the decision to use the syrup, because of which you lost yourself and your abilities. You will become energetic and feel lighter if you eat healthy foods.


If you want to learn how to become energetic, then first of all you need to change your diet and pay great attention to diet. The first rule that should be followed for weakened people is to prepare a full breakfast. The morning diet should include fruits, cereals, and dairy products.

For lunch, it is good to eat fish, vegetables, green leafy herbs, dark whole grain bread, poultry, lean meat. If between meals you want to eat again, then eat a handful of nuts or 100-150 grams of fruit, bananas are especially good in this regard.

Try to eat small portions, but often. Muesli with yogurt, without sugar, can be considered a good energy breakfast and even dinner. Pharmacies have already begun to sell dry yeast for preparing this fermented milk drink with biobacteria. This yogurt will help get rid of dysbiosis, and your health will immediately improve. It is this state of imbalance that often causes chronic fatigue syndrome.

How the Internet and smartphones affect you

The Internet and smartphones can do the same to you. At first they give you GPS, mail, the ability to quickly look up the necessary information. As a result, it ruins your life over a long period. Smartphones are addictive. They keep you from focusing.

Let's say you read books every day for hours . You gained a lot of knowledge every day. Or you were minding your own business, working, your life was great without a smartphone. And suddenly you get free access to the Internet, you get the opportunity to get more information. This is good, but over time it becomes addictive . At first you get adrenaline from a new thing. Then you stare at your phone all day, not interested in spending time with friends. You occasionally find it difficult to say “Hello” to each other. You looked at your phone. You stop reading books. You become passive and uncommunicative.

Ask yourself: Should you eat cheap tasty food or better healthy food? Should you deal with friends who drag you down or is it better to find those with whom you grow together? Should you associate with negative people or positive ones?

Understand how it happens and why it happens. And then you will not be under anyone's influence. You will act and go your own way.

Don't confuse activity with fussiness

The latter is only an expressive feverish shell inside a weak and meaningless person, whose incoherent actions are quickly replaced. He throws himself into all activities, but at the same time does not gain experience and knowledge in a certain activity. Has no specific interests. Superficial scatteredness does not produce effective results in randomly changing directions.

A fussy person must constantly be doing something. The pronoun is the key word in the sentence. It doesn’t matter to him what to do, the main thing is to create appearances. Impetuous activity manifests itself during energy surges, or when things are completely neglected. In the latter case, there is a desire to finish them quickly.

An active personality is distinguished by purposefulness and a firm, stable, methodical, balanced disposition. Has a need to work in one direction. It is in the process of work that a person improves, acquiring new useful characteristics, such as attention, restraint, accuracy, confidence and others.

How guys kill girls' desire to become more active

Girls tend to have support from their friends and girlfriends. It is very important for girls to see them and get emotional outbursts. It is important for them to talk about their feminine issues.

The guy limits the girl’s social circle , does not allow her to communicate with some guys, condemns her or her girlfriends. All because of stupid jealousy. The guy restricts the girl from her circle of support and does not allow her to go to the club to dance.

Even small remarks about her appearance affect the girl’s self-esteem, she loses everything that supported her. She becomes dependent on the man and also clings to him, not allowing him to have fun and not allowing him to go to clubs.

This restriction becomes mutual.

The guy does this because he is insecure and jealous . The guy cuts off the girl from support from her friends. He suppresses and does not allow the girl to become more active.

Act with passion: how to find motivation for life, how to motivate yourself to act now + motivational video.

Say goodbye to modesty and shyness: how to get rid of shyness and become liberated.

How people are zombified, social programming, manipulation of human consciousness - shocking facts.

Who is an activist

How to become active, you ask? Just follow your desires and beliefs. This is an ordinary person who spends his personal time for the benefit of society. Guided by internal experiences, adheres to his own principles of justice.

Avoid criticism, it's his choice. If you're nervous about being a social person, ask yourself a few questions:

  • What right do you have to condemn him?
  • Do you have reliable information about his personality and activities?
  • Can you do what you are offering him?
  • And what can they actually do?

If you are not yet involved in the life of society, but follow the activities of other activists, know about existing problems in society (region, city), you are already halfway there.

And finally: know that activity borders on obsession. The main difference is the goal. The task of the first is to captivate, and the second is to hang on another individual. Moreover, an annoying person may not even be aware of this; he considers himself an activist. Just don’t impose your opinion on others, don’t force anyone to blindly follow and support you. Every person has the right to choose. So, we have learned how to become active, the main thing is to always adhere to moderation in everything, be tactful, humane and decent.

Outflow of human energy: symptoms

In order to promptly respond to the daily leakage of energy reserves, you need to understand how the mechanism of biofield deterioration works and what is the main symptom of such a problem. If a person ceases to have enough energy for the full development of the aura, he notices the following difficulties:

  • Chronic diseases develop, the level of immunity decreases, even common colds cause serious consequences.
  • Enthusiasm is lost, physical activity is very low, constant laziness and fatigue prevail.
  • Luck disappears, the number of negative events increases. The person begins to lie and manipulate others to replenish energy.
  • Negative thoughts and pessimistic moods appear more often. Stress, depression, melancholy arise. The personality becomes anxious and overweight, and at the same time inconsistent and illogical.
  • A person begins to survive rather than live, so spiritual values ​​fade into the background. The individual tries to avoid responsibility in order to reduce the load and does not accept criticism.
  • Thirst for energy pushes towards vampirism. Therefore, the person becomes unpleasant in communication, she complains, cries, gets on her nerves, tries to conflict or argue.
  • The level of fussiness increases, problems with financial flow begin due to the inability to invest energy resources in work matters.
  • Difficulties arise in your personal life because depleted energy does not attract potential partners even if you have other advantages. In addition, a decrease in energy potential automatically reduces the desire to take care of one’s appearance.
  • Sometimes along with joy comes aggression and cruelty. The person is constantly irritated and seems to be hot-tempered because he feels doomed.
  • At the physical level, energy compression manifests itself in the form of shallow shallow breathing, slow blood circulation, slow heart rate, and muscle tension. The activity of one or two cerebral hemispheres decreases.

List of things that an energy vampire is desperately afraid of

Use it against him

These are exactly the things that a vampire is very afraid of and because of which he covets the energy of others.

In order to understand that a person is an energy vampire, and to be ready to fight back, you need to know his weaknesses.

Use deliberately against the vampire what he is so afraid of:

  1. to be abandoned;
  2. to be under someone's manipulation;
  3. loneliness;
  4. treason;
  5. think badly about yourself;
  6. bullying;
  7. inability to extinguish your pain;
  8. being vulnerable and powerless;
  9. inferiority, defectiveness;
  10. lack of self-sufficiency;
  11. long absence of love;
  12. failures;
  13. loss of yourself and your personality;
  14. encroachment on their space;
  15. addiction;
  16. jambs and shortcomings.

That's all. Now you know everything about what energy vampirism is.

The concept of human energy: its natural reserve

From time to time, for one reason or another, many people feel lethargic and tired. This is due to a heavy workload, an overabundance of information and many other factors. Excessive responsibility, frequent stress, and lack of rest have a very negative impact on a person’s energy. Therefore, you need to find a way out, how to restore and replenish energy, what methods are best to resort to.


The energy potential is divided into:

  • physical energy. This is the reserve that gives our physical body the opportunity to move and function normally. That is, he performs a vital role;
  • creative or free energy. Able to have mental or creative soil. This energy sets our life potential as a whole, and also sends us the desire to act.

And each of these energy types needs its own ways to increase energy. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly understand what deprives you of vitality.

In addition, you must understand that we have 4 basic bodies responsible for energy potential:

  • physical body
  • astral or emotional
  • mental body of thoughts
  • the etheric body is our protective aura

You can read more information about the human aura in our article “Layers of the Aura and Their Meaning.”

Each human energy shell has its own meaning

How to calculate your energy by date of birth?

This formula for the date of birth has a slightly different version than in the usual calculations. It is necessary not to add numbers together, but to multiply them! That is, for example, we have March 27, 1984: March is month 03

And it is important to add (not sum) the number of your birthday to the number of the month. We get 0327, although the calculator removes the first zero, the result remains unchanged and we multiply the year by this number! 1984 * 0327 = 648768 and now we add the components of this number together 6+4+8+7+6+8 = 39


If your number is below 21, this indicates weak energy potential. You need to work on yourself to increase your energy. It is these people who act as energy vampires. They intuitively reach out to donors. But this is not always the embodiment of evil, they can be kind and sympathetic people who simply need additional vital energy.

An indicator from 21 to 30 is an average and normal energy supply from nature. Moreover, the higher the number, the better the energy

It is important not to fall below this level and maintain your stock. The life of such a person can be called calm and measured, just like the character of the owner.

And their optimism does not give room for despondency.

More than 30 is a very strong natural biofield. You can even replenish other people's energy reserves by acting as an energy donor. Such people are endowed with a powerful disposition and strong energy. They are always at work, knowledgeable and have a wide circle of friends. Such people need an outlet for excess energy!

Each of us has our own natural reserve of energy

Ways to increase human vital energy

1. Be cheerful and open to the world, love it and thank it. Give thanks even for misfortunes and failures. And before you know it, the world will love and thank YOU.

2. Don't stand still, develop. Spiritually and physically. Go towards your goals. Unfulfilled goals will still have to be completed.

3. Communicate with spiritual and wise people. You will learn a lot from them.

4. Believe and dream. For some reason, no one wants to notice that miracles happen much more often than we think.

5. Give up bad habits, keep your speech clean, communicate with nature.

Remember that the world and people around you are you, your attitude towards life and others. If YOU are harmonious, both the world and the people around you will become the same. The universe simply will not allow another option. This is her Law.

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