Easy relationships: benefits and advice from psychologists

What is meant by the phrase “easy relationship”? Some understand this as a no-strings-attached relationship. Is it so? Let's look at the most pressing issues that especially concern those who are in difficult relationships.

Have you ever heard from men that they broke up with their girlfriend or wife due to a lack of ease in the relationship? In fact, these men are not lying. Ease is really important and this article will help you understand why.

The opportunity to be yourself

Are you tired of pretending that you like heavy music? Are you annoyed by romantic movies that you have to watch every weekend? You can refuse this. How to become easier in relationships? Try to be yourself. Many people are afraid that their significant other will not appreciate their true personality. After all, it’s much easier to demonstrate a perfectly invented persona. Such a person has no flaws and is considered invulnerable. But by living someone else’s life, you risk not having time to live your own. You don't have to do what you don't like. Tell your partner that you don't like romantic comedies and want to go see a horror movie. Or announce that you do not intend to go to the concert of the next visiting group. If your significant other insists, do not give in to provocation. Start defending your opinion. Yes, relationships involve concessions, but they must be made at your own request and from time to time. A person who is always inferior to his partner is playing with one goal. It is impossible to enjoy a relationship if you are the only one contributing to it. Reciprocity is essential.

Eternal love

An easy relationship with a man assumes that both partners will be near each other of their own free will. And the only people nearby are those who love each other. A man and a woman are not in a serious relationship, but they still find time to go on a date? What can you call it if not falling in love? Before each meeting, the girl will preen herself, stand in front of the mirror for a long time and select an outfit. And the guy, in turn, will not wear torn socks on a date. Partners will try to present each other in the best light all the time. An open relationship is like a lover's relationship, only without the risk of being caught. The benefit of this eternal love is indescribable. Every time one of the partners gets bored, he can call the other and simply ask for a date, knowing that he will receive a positive response.

Take life easier

It would be best if the girl creates a trusting and warm relationship. There is no need to complicate anything in this life. Guys love those girls who are able to look at life positively, treating everything with great irony. Psychologists say that healthy, harmless humor strengthens feelings, relieves tension, and makes the world around more interesting and pleasant. If you are just developing your first relationship with a guy, pay attention to this fact. Just don’t go too far, demonstrating your laughter, and don’t try to amuse your lover with too caustic and sharp jokes.

the freedom of action

Why are easy relationships gaining unprecedented popularity lately? The reason for this is simple. People don't want to be tied down. Young boys and girls who are not yet ready for marriage and want to take a walk, want to take everything from this life. They are attracted to parties, night walks, building a career and interesting leisure activities. There is no room for normal relationships in such a busy schedule. But free love fits well into the format of life. A couple who practices easy relationships does not think about the future, they live in the present. People feel good together - they can move in together. If something goes wrong, you can always separate and live separately. No one will blame anyone for anything if one of the partners plunges headlong into a new romance. When the influx of emotions subsides, the partner will return to the person with whom he was in an open relationship and calmly resume it.

Learn to quarrel

Very rarely do relationships go without quarrels. Sooner or later, the couple may have some kind of disagreement. During quarrels, you should not remember your lover’s past mistakes, especially those that he confidentially told you about. In no case should you speak badly about your boyfriend’s family or friends during quarrels. If you allow yourself to do so, you can pack your bags. Even if you make up, the guy will still have a kind of marker in his soul, signaling to him that you are not the girl with whom he will be happy.

How to behave if there is a quarrel? Psychologists advise going outside, walking a little, calming down and thinking about everything carefully. Perhaps you will see the situation from a different angle, not so dramatic, and the reason for the disagreement will seem petty to you.

Dear ones scold - they just amuse themselves. This is what folk wisdom says. However, this statement is relevant only in that one should not be afraid to express one’s opinion. At the same time, you definitely need to listen to the opinion of your loved one.

Lack of responsibility

Relationships should be easy, otherwise they will quickly fall apart. People who practice open relationships know this well. Psychologists say that individuals who do not want to create classic couples and choose something free are not ready for responsibility. But this is precisely what people call the main advantage of their novel. There is no need to worry about whether your other half is hungry or not. There is no need to go help the guy's parents with house changes and there is no need to help the girl with renovations. Each person lives on his own. Other people's problems may not be taken seriously. Yes, it is desirable to provide all possible assistance, but it is not at all necessary.

People who prefer easy relationships to ordinary ones do not want to burden themselves with family. Persons are not ready for marriage and do not want to think about children at all. The taste of freedom is too sweet, and you don’t want to change it for something else.

What is most important to a woman in a relationship?

The formation of female wisdom is a rather long process. It’s rare that a girl naturally has these qualities so developed that she shouldn’t have to work on herself. The latter is necessary so that a representative of the fair sex can fulfill her most important mission in life: to become a homemaker.

It is the woman who creates a cozy atmosphere in the family. She takes care of her children and husband, which gives them strength to develop in all areas of life. A woman should be an affectionate mother and an understanding wife. Then she will reveal her potential and be truly happy, as her instincts will be fully realized. What is most important to a woman in a relationship? So that a truly cohesive union is formed, allowing her to show her best qualities. If a man does not strive for family comfort, then his other half will gradually lose ardor. In a family, both people must give in and take into account each other’s opinions. But the following skills are required from a woman:

  1. Patience. Men often show short temper and impulsiveness, and women break into hysterics, thereby further aggravating the situation. A smart girl will wait out the storm of emotions, and then talk to her partner under calmer circumstances.
  2. The ability to forgive. Guys act like little kids sometimes, and they can't help but make mistakes from time to time. To be offended for six months or to break off the union altogether due to a minor male sin is stupid.
  3. Loyalty. A romantic union where a woman is capable of betrayal simply cannot exist. The keeper of the hearth and the “neck” of the family is obliged to remain faithful to her partner, then he will be calm about his woman and will begin to trust her limitlessly.
  4. No constant whims. A woman who wants to find happiness with a man for life must understand that infantile, capricious behavior is of little use. For the time being, this is perceived by guys with interest, and then it begins to irritate. A wise girl will directly say what she wants, or cleverly turn the situation to her advantage.
  5. Respect. For every man, a respectful attitude is very important, as it motivates deeds and achievements. A wise woman will value and respect her partner under any circumstances.

Try to develop these qualities in yourself, and then peace and tranquility will reign in your home. And this is the most important thing for any girl in a relationship. Many ladies go through more than one life test to understand this. But wisdom is manifested not only in adult, experienced women. Even young girls will become wise if they consider various life situations from one side and work on their inner world.

The opportunity to leave without scandal

Have you heard a friend say: “I want an easy relationship.” Why do guys prefer romance without commitment? Relationships that are not serious are very easy to break up. Some people are afraid of affection because they have had the bitter experience of non-reciprocal love. Therefore, people do not want to repeat their mistakes. They choose the easy path of open relationships. After all, if your partner gets bored or wants new experiences, you can leave without a scandal. If there is nothing to destroy, then it is completely harmless to part. And most importantly, the partner will not be offended and make a scene.

No household problems

Is the relationship easy when neither partner is attached to the other? Yes. The absence of everyday problems does not ruin the romance. Why do many couples break up? Due to domestic conflicts. When people are in an open relationship, they do not live together. And even if your partner has annoying habits, you can tolerate them several times a week. And more often than not, the small weaknesses of a loved one even seem cute. Until you have to deal with them on an ongoing basis. By agreeing to an open relationship, people agree that they will not play an important role in each other's lives. This means they won’t have to make decisions about purchasing shared equipment or who to take out a mortgage for. There will be no conflicts about who will wash the car and who will refuel the car. Dividing things into yours and mine draws boundaries that people secretly do not cross.

Avoid controversial issues

Smart and wise ladies try to avoid all controversial issues. If you and your boyfriend have significant differences in your outlook on life, you need to accept his priorities or look for another gentleman. You can maintain a relationship with this, but in this case there is no need to sharpen the questions and find out which of you is more mistaken.

If you want to maintain a relationship with your loved one, you should not provoke quarrels or constantly make comments to the young man, pointing out his shortcomings. You love him, right? Then accept him as he is. Of course, if your only one has bad habits, you can’t put up with it. But you won’t be able to achieve your goal using a “frontal attack.” At best, you will create painful lumps in your soul, and at worst, you will kill all the good that exists between you and your chosen one.

The ability to find understanding and consolation if necessary

Do you want to find a best friend in the person of the opposite sex? An easy relationship between two people helps not only to find a loved one who is close in spirit, but also a best friend who will help, advise and always give the most practical advice. When a person feels bad, he will go to someone who is good. The person will always listen and help you understand the situation. Why does such support help better than the help of close friends? A person who is not directly the main character in the conflict and does not know all the participants in the scene can judge unbiasedly. You can rely on your partner’s opinion, because he wishes only the best for his soulmate. There is nothing wrong with showing not only your strengths to your partner from time to time, but also showing him your vulnerable soul.

Lack of jealousy

What are the benefits of easy relationships? People prefer open relationships for the reason that they are not burdened with jealousy. People immediately agree that they do not belong only to each other. It is difficult for owners to understand this logic, but for some it is the basis of a normal life. Free people who do not want to limit their relationships to just one partner understand that jealousy can destroy a bright feeling. Well, how can you be jealous of a person who, while hanging out with many people, still comes back? This fact confirms that the partners are ideal for each other. They are free to walk anywhere and with anyone, but they still spend most of their time with the person who evokes a response in their heart.

There's no need to prove your feelings

Psychologists say that only insecure individuals need constant confirmation of love. Other people do not require constant confirmation of feelings. Couples who are in a classic relationship must surprise and amaze their partner every day. Those people who choose easy relationships meet only a couple of times a week. In such a situation, there is no need to talk about love all the time. People can discuss any topic because they always have something to talk about. You don’t have to invent or compose something. You can only confess your love from time to time. Presenting gifts and flowers does not become a routine, because a person makes beautiful gestures only when he wants to please his partner.

Create unifying traditions

Psychologists say that any love relationship must have some clues that will help hold it together. Unifying traditions can become such “hooks”. Each couple can form them for themselves independently. For example, most young people choose some secret places that no one else knows about except them. It will be quite romantic to hide in such a place from the whole world and the people around you. Nothing unites people more than small shared secrets, celebrating the first kiss, the anniversary of a meeting, the first intimacy. This all maintains pleasant memories and strengthens relationships.

Every date is like a surprise

Easy relationships are a holiday. People are preparing for dates and want to look perfect in the eyes of their partner. Girls do beautiful hairstyles and try to surprise the young man with their looks. Guys present girls with gorgeous bouquets and do not demand anything in return. Romance doesn't become a chore. People give gifts to each other quite often. But these are not some valuable things, but rather pleasure and impressions. Walks under the moon, boat trips and romantic dinners. All this can ignite feelings and not let them fade away. Fantasy in an open relationship is welcome. Partners can try themselves in different roles, which means they can get to know themselves better.

A chance to be with your friends

Open relationships do not bind people to each other. You don’t have to ask anyone for time off and don’t have to make excuses to anyone. Partners can spend their time with friends and not expect to be reprimanded for it. A person can come home whenever he wants, and if he wants, he can’t even spend the night at home. Freedom of action helps an individual feel better. After all, when there are no restrictions, a person is free to act as he wants, and not as he is obliged by some imposed framework and prejudices. People who prefer open relationships have no disagreements with friends. After all, there is always an opportunity to meet loved ones. So friends don’t fade into the background, as happens in classic couples. Even if your significant other doesn't really like their friends, it doesn't really matter. You can spend your free time with a nice person and not be burdened by the company of unpleasant people.

Be pragmatic

Some psychologists advise ladies to be pragmatic. You should determine what positive qualities you and your chosen one have, find out who likes and doesn’t like what, and then distribute responsibilities. Many couples prefer to define some family rules in advance. For example, how will you divide your financial expenses, how much can you borrow, how much will you spend per month, what should you definitely buy together, where to go on vacation and much more.

Some couples conduct what are called annual reviews. At the same time, they discuss matters and decide what should be changed in the household. Of course, it sounds trivial, but this approach will really help you be aware of your partner’s needs and needs, and this will strengthen the relationship.

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