Is a relationship necessary: ​​the concept of a serious relationship, maintenance, breakup, advice from psychologists

  • October 29, 2018
  • Psychology of relationships
  • Lyudmila Frolova

The topic of relationships between a woman and a man is one of the most important. After all, representatives of the opposite sex simply cannot live without each other. This is the structure of our world.

That is why the worst thing in a person’s life is loneliness. It is very scary, difficult and painful if there is no one nearby who you can rely on in difficult situations.

Is a relationship necessary? The answer to this question can be the results of research conducted by specialists. They provide compelling evidence that human relationships are just as important to us as exercise or good nutrition.

Does a person need a relationship? After all, he comes into this world alone and leaves it the same way. But people cannot live without relationships. No matter how self-sufficient a person is, without long-term and strong relationships he will never feel complete. And he simply will have no one to share the joy of his achievements and success with. Is it possible in this case to talk about the meaning of life?

Do people need relationships? Asking a question like this is like asking about the need for food, water or air. And, despite the fact that single people often say that they are quite comfortable without a relationship, their behavior proves the opposite.


At the initial stage, the couple usually develops a pleasant and easy relationship. And only over time, perhaps both, or maybe one of the two, begins to desire more. And then a transition to a serious relationship is quite likely. What is meant by this concept? Every couple perceives the seriousness of their relationship differently. So, for some, in this case, sex is an important indicator. For others it means absolutely nothing. Sometimes men literally shower a woman with flowers, compliments and gifts. However, they do not have any long-term plans.

That is why we can say that the seriousness of a relationship cannot be judged by any external signs, because a vigorous display of attention can be just a game.

In what cases can we say that partners are ready for a serious relationship? In order to determine this, you should use the recommendations of psychologists. Experts say that a mature relationship represents a person’s willingness to accept someone with all his shortcomings, his desire to make plans for the future with him and have the inner determination to link his destiny only with this partner. In addition, there must be a commonality of views. It is also necessary to strive to become a support for your loved one in the future.

When building serious relationships, some people try to find security and comfort for themselves, while others value sincerity and trust between a woman and a man. In the case where a couple has a common history, interests and jokes, psychologists give a favorable prognosis. These people are quite capable of creating a good and strong family. The seriousness of the relationship will also be indicated by the person’s desire to introduce the chosen one to friends and relatives. And, of course, to your parents.

Character traits

It all depends on the abilities and character of a particular person. Even children can either assemble construction sets on their own or make sand cakes, or gather in groups and play hide and seek and other similar fun.

The choice between being single or having a strong need for a mate may come down to how well a person can spend time without the company of other people. This is a special skill that not everyone has. Experts say that people who have tried being alone, felt comfortable and know how to satisfy their own psychological needs, are more likely to not feel uncomfortable if their other half is not around.

Signs of a serious relationship

Sometimes people ask the question: “How do I know if I need this relationship?” Anyone who is trying to determine the seriousness of his partner's intentions should carefully observe his behavior. A certain indicator can be considered the attitude a person will show towards his significant other in the circle of friends and in front of strangers. Sometimes a man or woman prefers to remain at a certain distance or treats their partner with disdain. In this case, you should seriously think about whether you need to continue your relationship with this person. It doesn’t matter what he says in those moments when the couple is alone.

The seriousness of a relationship should also be considered by taking into account the absence or presence of feelings. If love has arisen, then it is accompanied by an indispensable desire to always be near this person. Such a feeling serves as the first step towards a long-term connection.

Does a person need a relationship if he is not loved? Hardly. After all, another criterion of their seriousness is the desire of both parties to be together. Only in this case will both the woman and the man be absolutely confident in the choice they have made.

Is a relationship with a girl necessary if a guy just spends time with her? At the same time, despite the fact that they feel good together, he has no plans to live together. Psychologists say that in this case the young man continues to search for his destiny. The same can happen on the girl’s part. Of course, such relationships can last for years, but this does not mean they are serious.

Another indicator of this criterion is the construction of joint plans. Sometimes there are no common views on the future in already established families. For example, people live for years, but do not have children. The reason for this is not a lack of love for children, but a reluctance to raise them with their significant other. And there may be quite good reasons for this.

Another striking example of a lack of seriousness in a relationship is the reluctance to build a joint home, because this will create responsibilities that will need to be fulfilled together and over a significant period of time. At the same time, the spouses are simply not sure that they will live with each other for so long.

As you can see, the seriousness of a relationship is a fairly broad concept. In many ways, it depends on the qualities and mental state of each of the partners, their moral and ethical principles, as well as their willingness to coexist together not only to satisfy their own needs.

Sign 2: You want revenge

Taking revenge on your ex or anyone else, using for these purposes anyone who does not suspect it, is dishonest and ugly. Firstly, it’s difficult to even call it a relationship. And secondly, this is very disgusting towards a person who may have real feelings for you.

Way out of the situation: the best revenge is success. Achieve success in another area: get a promotion at work, find a more promising job, or become a master of your creativity. At worst, you can go to the gym and get the body of a fashion model in a couple of months of hard work. The object of your revenge, seeing you, will eat his hat out of frustration.

Talk about the future

What to do if there are no signs of seriousness in a relationship? In order to clarify the situation, psychologists advise talking to your partner about your desires. At the same time, it is worth pointing out that the currently existing relationships are not at all sufficient. The guy or girl who started such a conversation should not be afraid to express their wishes and explain their own position.

Is it necessary to maintain the relationship in the future? This will become clear from your partner’s reaction. He may answer that he is simply not ready for more. Sometimes people prefer to laugh it off or move the conversation to another topic. But it is worth keeping in mind that the longer the decision on the need to continue communication with this person is postponed, the faster discontent will accumulate in the soul.

Some people ask the question: “How do I know if I need this relationship?” But at the same time they are afraid to start a conversation with their partner. In this case, psychologists advise writing him a letter. Just take a piece of paper or sit down at the computer and express all your thoughts. You need to write in detail, expressing your feelings and thoughts. You definitely need to tell us about your wishes for the future. Such a letter should be handed to your partner and given the opportunity to read it alone. After some time, you should ask the person what he thinks about what was written, making sure to bring the matter to the end.

What to do

Okay, if we are talking about what, in fact, should you do if you are in a relationship that does not satisfy you?

And men don't do anything. They just endure it, sometimes they try to talk. It doesn't get any better. Well, it seems fine. It won't be normal. She will leave you. In all the scenarios that we have listed, separation is a matter of time.

What should I do? It is not possible to immediately say what to do. It’s like going to the gym and saying: “Coach, how can I get pumped up quickly, in a month?” “Well, we can start planning a training program, nutrition and a lot of other things, but you also need to learn the technique of doing exercises and implement many other tasks. And not just one piece of advice." It's the same story here. Well, my advice won't help you. That is, if you want to dive into this topic, write, contact us, and we will do the work.

If we're talking about ending a relationship, is it worth it? In many situations, absolutely. But the man doesn’t have the soul to end this relationship. Let's be honest. Will not be enough. With rare, rare exceptions.

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Break in relationship

Sometimes a couple needs to separate. Of course, this process is very painful. So is a relationship break necessary? Psychologists say yes. After all, sometimes people whose relationships cannot get off the ground simply need to break up. This will allow, for example, to understand that they simply cannot live without each other. Does a man or a woman need a relationship? Each of them will decide for themselves. But in any case, loneliness will allow the partner to understand that he has lost something important in his life or, on the contrary, has gained freedom.

Do you need a break from your relationship? Temporary separation may be necessary when disputes, quarrels and conflicts between partners become more frequent. In this case, a break can save confused people and their sinking feelings.

Is a pause in a relationship necessary if you are dissatisfied with your partner? In this case, a break for a while will put your thoughts in order and allow you to adequately assess the situation.

Sometimes a person complains of boredom, and he has a need to communicate with other people. Is a pause in the relationship necessary in this case? Of course, anyone who is trying to correct the situation, but does not observe any response from their partner, must do so. Breaking up will allow you to realize the error of your own opinion or help your partner recognize and correct existing shortcomings.

Is a relationship with a girl or a guy necessary if it is too controlled? And in this case, it is recommended to take a break, which will allow you to sort out your feelings.

Whether it is necessary to return the relationship after such a pause, everyone must decide for themselves. But in any case, this is just a break for now. Therefore, the couple still has a chance to restore their communication.

The trip to the registry office is canceled6

Strange as it may seem, this aspect applies not only to young, not yet fully fledged young men who simply believe that it is too early for them to go to the registry office. In this case, guys consider it more expedient to first graduate from college, then make a career and move into their own apartment, and only then start a family and, accordingly, a serious relationship.

In some cases, when a young man grew up next to an authoritarian and domineering mother, he may simply follow her lead and not build a serious relationship just because the mother does not approve of it. This is only in romantic melodramas, in such cases the guy, slamming the door, goes with his beloved to “live in a hut.” In life, unfortunately, things often happen completely differently.

But these are relatively young people. As for fully grown and accomplished men, they do not want to go to the registry office for completely different reasons. Some of them are afraid that a woman will “raise her claws” solely on their condition. Others, being inveterate womanizers, do not want to start a serious relationship just so as not to be tied hand and foot.

Such men like the “wherever I want to turn it” situation much more.

Relationships and friends

Often the reason for partners' quarrels is the other half's comrades. Do you need friends in a relationship? Or maybe they only provoke the couple’s separation?

The fact that a person has friends is his big advantage. But at the same time, such a circumstance seriously undermines existing love relationships. After all, for example, a guy will have to devote time not to his girlfriend, but to spend it with friends. Quarrels with your soulmate in this case are inevitable. After all, a person shares his opinions, experiences and emotions not with his partner, but with friends.

Is it necessary to sort things out in such cases? If a guy values ​​a girl, then he should introduce her to his friends. This will allow them to come to meetings with their comrades together. Another way out of this situation can be found. So, friends can be given time when the other half has gone to work, left or is busy with other things.

It should be understood that for a future life together, a person needs to maintain a good relationship with his partner. Friends should remain friends. Moreover, they also create their own love affairs, in which only two are present.


“More than 50% of American adults are single these days; 31 million people... live alone. <…> …[In] Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland - countries[s] with one of the highest standards of living... about 40% of households consist of only one person. <…> ...Worldwide, the number of people living alone has increased sharply - from 153 million in 1996 to 201 million in 2006, that is, in 10 years the number of such people has increased by 33%.”

According to the results of the latest population census, in Russia 40% of the population have single status - they have never been married (registered or so-called civil), widowed or divorced. At the same time, according to a survey by VTsIOM, 79% of Russians do not feel lonely at all, and 54% of respondents are not afraid of the absence of a partner.

Maintaining Relationships

At the initial stage of dating, a man and a woman are in a certain euphoria. During the candy-bouquet period, the question does not arise at all about whether they need to start a relationship? At this time, each of them tries to show themselves only from the best side, in order to win over the person they like. And this does not mean that people are wearing masks. They only demonstrate their strengths, leaving their weaknesses in the shadows.

But some time passes, and the fact becomes clear that the lover’s heart has already been won. And then people begin to relax and show their entire character. This is often the main cause of quarrels and misunderstandings. Is a serious relationship necessary in this case? There is no need to be afraid of the end of the candy-bouquet period. After all, there are no relationships in which there would be no disagreements. The main thing is that partners can cope with the situation and listen to each other, expressing their own point of view as clearly as possible.

Does a woman need a relationship if her partner did something wrong, failing to guess the thoughts of his other half? You shouldn't blame him for this. Psychologists advise women to talk in more detail about their desires, because it is unlikely that a lady’s lover is a telepath. If disagreements arise on certain issues, each party must first of all speak out on this issue. Quarrels most often arise precisely because of misunderstandings.


Your relationship is just beginning, a month, two, three have passed, and you can no longer share anything. This is an extremely negative sign. Because the first few months are a bouquet-and-candy period, when problems, in principle, do not arise, you have nothing to share, you have just met. If during this period of time difficulties and problems already arise, the relationship simply has no future. If conflicts begin to occur after a year, two, five years, this needs to be sorted out. The root cause needs to be established. As a result, a similar story arose. Here again there are two options.

Option #1. There may be a situation where it is a failed balance of significance. I have already voiced this. Now I’ll throw in a link about turning points in relationships, take a look, it’s very interesting. That is, she started a new job, the balance of importance went down, a conflict situation. She liked someone else, she started earning more, there are a lot of situations where this can manifest itself. That is, we find the root cause and make a decision for ourselves - whether we will change it or not at all.

Option #2. When a man took an extremely strong position initially, at the very beginning of the relationship. And a year, two, three years pass, there seem to be conflicts, but they are resolved very simply. But the woman’s character is complex. What will happen next? Just give her the opportunity to bite you, let her feel that you are in a vulnerable position, she will devour you. This can happen at any stage of the relationship. And this is again a quality of her personality that we should have identified from the very beginning.

Finding compromises

How to understand whether a man or a woman needs a relationship if disagreements often arise between partners?

You should not rush to conclusions, since it is quite difficult to meet absolutely identical people. Each of the partners is an adult, already established personality, with their own principles and views. Nevertheless, if they want to have a serious relationship, people should try to find something in common that would suit both of them. And this is very important when making any serious decision. In such matters, the opinions of both sides must be taken into account.

This does not oblige you to anything2

Dating without any obligations is great for people who do not want to be responsible for someone else's life. And in a serious relationship it is simply impossible to do without it.

Therefore, some people refuse them because they are simply afraid to take responsibility, and some because they simply do not know how and do not want to take care of others. In both cases, this scenario offers obvious advantages:

  • Independence
  • No material waste
  • Disclaimer
  • No fear of being ringed

Accepting your partner for who he is

Does a man or woman need a serious relationship if their partner has any shortcomings? It is worth understanding that everyone has negative sides. And in order to create and maintain a strong relationship, the beloved must be accepted entirely. Psychologists recommend trying to look at your partner’s shortcomings from the other side and try to find something good in them. For example, if a man does not want to eat what a woman likes, she has to prepare dishes separately for him and for herself. Of course, this is not entirely convenient. What to do in this case? A woman should study the properties of her favorite products. Or maybe they harm the body? In this case, you should think about switching to the food that your partner prefers. After all, it turns out that he is not capricious at all, but cares about his health.

Sign 5: You are looking for benefits

He has not yet had time to approach you, and you have already calculated how much he earns per month and how much interest he is willing to spend on you, you choose what you want to receive from him as a gift.
Starting a relationship out of commercialism is not the case when you need to look for it.

Way out of the situation: a convulsive search for a status male is some kind of unhealthy nonsense. Perhaps you should get rid of it as soon as possible, and this can be done with the help of a psychologist and active self-development.

Try to experiment

Is a relationship necessary if certain problems arise between partners? For example, your significant other constantly forgets to take out the trash. And this begins to irritate and anger. The result of such forgetfulness is a scandal. Psychologists advise using a different method of solving the problem. You should talk to your partner calmly and without raising your tone. It’s good if there is humor in such a conversation. Do not forget that the carrot, as a rule, is more effective than the stick. And this applies to any situation.

Love? What is this? The story of Anna from Moscow

Anna Okushko is a beautiful 33-year-old actress originally from St. Petersburg. Spectacular photos on social networks, gentle voice, pleasant smile. The girl looks like the wife of an ideal husband. But he's not there. And the guy too. Anna made a conscious choice: life alone.

From personal archive

The girl experienced all the feelings in her life, except one - great love for a man. Like Albina, she is unfamiliar with shaking knees, red cheeks and a numb tongue. A few years ago she started dating a guy. He says more out of curiosity. The couple had an open relationship.

I didn’t report where I was going, I didn’t know where he was. We lived together for short periods. But it always bothered me. I like to sleep alone, when I come home, mind my own business. Instead of cooking and washing. But here I had to, although no one seemed to force me ,” says Anna.

Four years ago the couple separated. Anna calls life after a relationship “the coolest period in her life.” She was completely convinced of her choice. I remembered that from early childhood I was a special lady.

Recently I was looking at my childhood drawings. I drew princesses with dogs, a house, castles, but there was no prince nearby. “Always alone in the pictures ,” says the actress.

The children of Anna's friends are already going to school. The girl has no maternal instinct. When she sees the child, she feels nothing but indifference. Anna does not see any realization in family life. When friends ask if she will get married, she breaks out in a cold sweat. The very thought makes you want to run away.

As a reflective person, Anna spent a long time “digging within herself” to find the reason for her unusual outlook on life. Perhaps it played a role that my father drank and my mother divorced him. The girl had to grow up early. When her peers went to parties, she worked.

At the age of 13, I began working part-time in the market, helping my mother. She is a music worker by training, but the salary was not enough; she had to sell glasses at the market in any weather. At the age of 17, I got a job as a salesperson in a bookstore and supported myself completely ,” says the girl.

Since then she has changed many jobs. She was an administrator and a salesperson. Then she graduated from acting school and began acting in films. Anna's life is in full swing, but there is no place for a man in it.

If partners are not nearby

Is a long distance relationship necessary? Today people often ask this question. The fact is that modern life is very dynamic. People leave for other cities and countries, being separated from their loved one for a long time. This happens quite often. For example, a person leaves his city for work or finds his soulmate who lives in another country using the Internet. Is a long distance relationship necessary? Do they have a chance to exist?

Psychologists cannot give a definite answer. After all, such relationships have both positive and negative sides. It is not a good idea to maintain such connections for the following reasons:

  1. Social pressure. Having partners at a distance leads to constant questions for those around you. They try to figure out when their lovers will meet, or express uncertainty about their fidelity. Such attempts to get into someone else's soul are often simply unsettling.
  2. Feeling lonely. On the one hand, a person is given freedom of action. He can go where he wants and do his favorite thing at any time convenient for him. However, he always comes to all events alone. But you really want to see your loved one next to you and hold his hand!
  3. Lack of tactile contact. Lovers who are at a considerable distance from each other lack not only the joys of intimate life, but also ordinary affection. Everyone has to cope with this problem in their own way. As a rule, such couples try to meet more often. In between time spent together, lovers try to throw out their energy in sports or work.
  4. Differences in graphs. If a couple lives in different time zones, then one of the partners will have to get less sleep. After all, if it is midday in Moscow, then it is deep night in New York. Sometimes a difference of a couple of hours creates inconvenience if lovers work or study. In this case, you will need to adapt for meetings. For example, take a vacation at the same time. By the way, in this case there is another disadvantage that long-distance relationships have. It involves the need for constant travel and flights.

In addition to the disadvantages, long-distance relationships also have their advantages. What are they?

  1. In more communication. It sounds quite strange, but it's true. A woman and a man living together gradually come to the point that all their conversations are limited to exchanging news over dinner. This happens due to the fact that over time, close people only need a glance or a half-word from their other half to understand her thoughts. After all, you don’t need words to realize that your spouse is upset about something. It’s quite simple to calm a loved one down without saying a word. To do this, you just need to go up to him and hug him. But those couples who are at a distance have to express all their feelings in words. That is why they constantly send each other messages and pour out their souls on Skype for hours.
  2. In freedom. People who live together have to restrain their selfishness and respect their partner's hobbies. At the same time, sometimes lovers are forced to look for a common hobby, because not everyone loves active recreation or theaters.
  3. In the absence of domestic quarrels. People starting to live together have to hear constant reproaches. Your significant other may be dissatisfied with things scattered around the house or the garbage not being taken out. For some partners, the period of such grinding ends happily, while for others, everyday life reduces all feelings to nothing. If lovers live in different cities or countries, then they don’t have to argue about who should wash the dishes today.
  4. In trust. Long-distance couples keep feelings of jealousy under control. Otherwise, they simply won’t succeed. In the absence of trust and constant suspicion and reproaches, the relationship will be doomed.
  5. In attention to each other. People who are far apart greatly value the time they spend together. When meeting, lovers pay maximum attention to their other half. They prepare surprises for each other and leave work, friends and everyday life in the background. In such a relationship, quarrels over trifles simply do not happen.

Love for one night. The story of Albina from Moscow

Albina first felt different from everyone else in the eighth grade of high school. Girlfriends actively fell in love, became friends, walked hand in hand with boys. She looked at it as a funny performance. Of all the guys around, no one aroused trembling feelings in her. My heart didn’t beat, my cheeks didn’t burn, my palms didn’t sweat. The male part of the class was divided into two camps: “you can talk” or “you shouldn’t talk.” At the same time, the schoolgirl was not an outcast and a black sheep in the team. She was considered sociable, the life of the party. But a romantic story never happened in Albina’s school life. She politely rejected everyone who showed interest.

The girl had her first sexual contact in her third year at university. She and her classmates went to St. Petersburg during the summer holidays. Albina met a guy at the club. She liked the young man in appearance. He looked like Stanislav Kostyushkin from the group “Tea for Two”. They spent the next night together. During the day we walked around the city. After this, Albina and her friends returned to Moscow. The guy stayed in the city on the Neva.

For the first two weeks, they actively communicated by phone and instant messengers. Then Albina stopped answering the phone and answering messages. She explained to her friends: well, she lives in another city, what’s the point. The girl admits: although there was sex, she again did not feel anything described in the novels. No butterflies in the stomach, no elation. And once again she decided that a love relationship was not for her.

Albina graduated from university and became a marketer. The girl led a busy life: traveling abroad, studying Spanish, visiting museums and hanging out in clubs. Friends began to get married and have children. Albina rejoiced, danced at weddings and baptized babies. Her personal life remained at the level of “slept after the club, never saw each other again.” If the man wanted to continue, Albina simply stopped picking up the phone. She says: she doesn’t want a constant presence of a stranger in her life.

This May the girl will turn 34 years old. She still lives alone. Life is scheduled minute by minute - work, Spanish, dancing, manicure, spa, get-togethers with friends. There is no room for personal life in a busy schedule.

When I look at families with children, I am glad that I don’t have one. I don’t see myself as a wife, much less a mother. I used to think: the time hasn’t come yet. But now it’s already 34 years old, it’s obvious that it will never come ,” the girl told

Albina grew up in a complete family; her mother and father doted on their daughter. They still have a good relationship. The girl claims that there was no psychological trauma that would have affected her relationships with the opposite sex.


Relationships between people are an ambiguous and complex concept. This is why separation is sometimes very painful and unexpected. For those who are frightened by the possibility of a breakup and expect only the worst, psychologists recommend not to be tormented by painful thoughts. You should thoroughly analyze the current situation and determine whether your partner needs the relationship. Perhaps the fears that have come are unfounded.

There are a large number of signs that signal the fading of feelings. The most common of them are:

  1. One of the partners takes everything from the relationship, but does not want to give of himself. Love, as a rule, is impossible without sacrifice. If people love each other, then each of them will strive to give their soul mate all the best. And he will do this absolutely free of charge. However, if one of the partners begins to pull the blanket on himself, then such behavior can ultimately lead to separation. A person who finds himself in a disadvantageous position eventually becomes tired of the responsibilities assigned to him and ceases to believe in the sincerity of his other half, feeling offended.
  2. Constant negativity and irritation. If one or both spouses are in a consistently bad mood, we can talk about an impending breakup. Moreover, the exact reason for people’s irritation is not realized. Each of them only focuses attention on the shortcomings that the chosen one has, his habits, interests, friends and tastes. A similar phenomenon occurs when the expectations and fantasies of people who, at the initial stage of a relationship, idealized the image of a partner are destroyed. They endowed him with non-existent but desired positive qualities. However, over time, any illusion gradually dissipates, and each spouse sees the essence of his other half. That is why it is so important, already at the initial stage of a relationship, to separate your dreams from the existing reality and accept your partner with all his advantages and disadvantages.
  3. Painful quarrels. Absolutely all couples periodically begin to sort things out. However, this can be done in different ways. If, after splashing out negative emotions, spouses stop communicating with each other for a long period, then the likelihood of a breakdown in the relationship between them is very high. Is it necessary to restore the relationship if one of the partners allows himself to make rude remarks about his other half in a public place? It is unlikely that a union can be strong if people are unable to control their negative emotions. Such quarrels humiliate a person and violate his dignity. Scandals in the presence of strangers are mainly aimed at manipulation and suppression of the individual. Sometimes they are arranged on purpose, thereby showing that further relationships are impossible.
  4. Lack of care. This phenomenon is also a sign of dying love. Partners always look after each other. They care about the appearance of their loved one and their health. Most men strive to create all the conditions for their beloved to make her happy, giving her the best. Showing care is a need for loving people. If one of them shows coldness in the relationship and does not care what his partner looks like, whether he feels good, etc., then all this indicates the likelihood of separation.
  5. Alienation. What does it mean that separation is approaching? For example, while people are together, one of them withdraws into himself. Parting is not far off for those partners who increasingly decide to vacation separately. This is considered a bad sign. However, sometimes such behavior of a partner is caused by problems that have arisen in him, which for certain reasons are difficult for him to tell about. In such situations, you should be tactful, unobtrusively calling your significant other for a frank conversation. If the chosen one really needs help, then he will definitely explain his behavior. If he refuses to communicate, we can talk about his desire to break off the union.
  6. Lack of physical contact. People who are in love with each other always want to touch their partner. Such tactile contacts are a classic manifestation of sincere and deep feelings. If a partner avoids this, and even more so refuses intimate life under various pretexts, then this may indicate the fading of his love. But you should be attentive to your significant other, because sometimes a lack of sexual desire is a sign of disturbances in the functioning of the genitourinary, hormonal or immune systems.
  7. Lack of joint plans. People who want to be together always dream about the future. If there are no common goals, you should be wary. It is unlikely that anyone needs a relationship in which one of the partners thinks out loud about how he will save money for a new apartment and buy a car, but does not mention his chosen one. All this will confirm that such a person is not yet ready for a serious manifestation of feelings or believes that he has not yet found his true love.
  8. Mistrust. Partners who truly love each other are ready to entrust their soulmate with everything they have, even their own lives. If a person is not ready to build a serious relationship, then he is in constant internal tension, mentally preparing for the fact that he will become a victim of betrayal. As a rule, trust leaves a person after deception, betrayal and outbursts of jealousy. Sometimes in a relationship it is absent from the very beginning. This is influenced by negative experiences gained in the past and the fear of experiencing pain again. In this case, the person can make an attempt to restore trust. However, psychologists say that this is not always a reasonable way out of the situation. Sometimes it’s better to just turn around and leave than to live in anticipation of being stabbed in the back.
  9. Constant dissatisfaction and complaints. Some people daily complain about their fate, showing dissatisfaction with their partner. At the same time, such couples do not observe any positive changes in communication and in life. This fact should alert you and make you think about whether a relationship that brings complete disappointment is necessary. You can try to find out from your partner what exactly does not suit him. If nothing can be changed, then separation is the only way out of the situation, because our life is pleasant only when people enjoy it.

There are no normal ones. The story of Vladimir from Novosibirsk

By temperament, Vladimir from the Siberian metropolis is a typical phlegmatic person. The man is calm, taciturn, and slow to move. At school, he preferred to look at girls from the outside. The ladies showed no particular interest in the silent man. He goes to them too. My first love happened at the age of 20. I found Christina on a dating site. They started dating, and then living together. Vladimir still remembers that girl with warmth. He is convinced that she is the best of all the women he has ever had. It all ended sadly. The young man had a fleeting affair with her friend. “The demon got me wrong,” he admits. His beloved found out about this, and he never saw her again.

Since then, Vladimir’s personal life has not gone well. The man has never fallen in love. His entire interest in women was based solely on sex. Like the previous heroine, he is 34 years old. I have a stable job and my own apartment. Vladimir lives alone. The women he meets for some reason turn out to be like the frivolous friend of his ex-girlfriend.

They come in the evening for a drink, then sex, then home. You call, he doesn’t answer. Then after two weeks she draws herself. Everything is according to the old scheme. He says there is no need for a relationship. Just show off and that’s it ,” the man says.

Vladimir does not believe in the existence of “normal girls”. A couple of years ago, he realized that living alone is, in fact, a real thrill. The man works a lot, plays computer games on weekends, and does not report to anyone. Finds girls for fleeting relationships on the Internet. A typical meeting starts in the evening and ends in the morning. He sees many of them for the first and last time. If the presence of a lady on his territory suddenly drags on, Vladimir gets nervous. A man loves solitude and peace.

Sergey Bulkin/

Not everyone is the same

It is necessary to clearly distinguish between people for whom loneliness is a conscious choice, and those who cannot arrange their personal life due to psychological problems, Mikhail Khors draws attention. People from the first category “always existed,” but they were forced to start families by circumstances. Now life has become different and you can survive alone.

Relationships are a matter of security from the very beginning. If you are alone, you will not be able to raise your offspring, and there will be no one to take care of you in your old age. For a woman, a man is protection, just as a woman is for a man. Now you can buy a lot for money, but security itself does not depend on having a partner ,” argues Mikhail Khors.

Some people choose loneliness consciously. They are whole, self-sufficient and do not need a second half. They put all their energy into work, creativity, have animals, and have many friends. Some famous people lived their entire lives without a partner, for example Faina Ranevskaya, Coco Chanel, Keanu Reeves, Mikhail Prokhorov.

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