Talk to me, honey: why men pay little attention to their wives

Aug 07

Thirst for attention and praise: why is it not as harmless as it seems from the outside?

Author: , posted in: BLOG.

Humans are by nature emotional and social, and therefore it is quite normal that we want attention and care, praise and approval from others and, especially, close people.

However, for some individuals, the desire to earn approval turns into a kind of cult, the most important goal in life. They study, work, build relationships based solely on what others think of them, how their work will be appreciated by someone, and “what people will say.”

Needless to say, this approach can cause serious harm, because here the thirst for attention and praise goes beyond the usual, and becoming a goal, interferes with a healthy attitude towards criticism, interaction with others, and building a life.

Lack of attention - a fictitious or real problem?

A person's greatest need for attention is between the ages of 3 and 5. It is during this period that adults not only provide food and warmth, but also fulfill many other whims of the child. Yes, a small person can manipulate. This is normal for child psychology: the child does not yet know how he can get what he wants.

However, it is strange to see a teenager who continues to beg for sweets or toys from his mother in the supermarket, gradually moving from “buy, please” to a hysterical “give.” This is exactly what happens with neurotics - they try in every possible way to “fish out” a share of attention, but if this fails, then they do not shy away from provocation or manipulation.

“It seems to a person that he does not have enough attention, no one appreciates him. He deeply experiences this state of uselessness. However, in fact, he is in a kind of shell created by himself.”

How to understand that a person craves too much attention

The DSM-5 Manual of Mental Disorders describes the following signs that a person may have histrionic personality disorder.

He is self-centered

It is constantly important for him to be in the center of attention - without it a person begins to become frustrated. Where sweet and friendly communication does not help, he can provoke quarrels and scandals.

For example, if we are talking about an employee and he wants to stand out from his colleagues, he can deliberately loudly emphasize the shortcomings of his colleagues.

He shows himself too brightly

In the struggle for attention, active gestures, a dramatic and catchy image, and the habit of speaking loudly are used. Sometimes a person can resort to overly expressed sex appeal: he does this in order to get attention from the opposite sex.

Seeks approval at all costs

The gistronic is only happy when he is praised. If he is not noticed or criticized (even if we are talking about a constructive conversation), he can cause a scandal, ruin the relationship with the interlocutor and leave, slamming the door.

His mood changes quickly

A person with this disorder may suddenly burst into tears if someone does not wash their mug, and then a minute later laugh like the last time after seeing a funny meme. Emotions control the histronic so strongly that they ultimately exhaust not only those around him, but also himself.

He has difficulty analyzing what is happening

It is believed that histronics take everything on faith, trusting the authority of the source or being inspired by the thought. They rarely analyze and fact-check, which leads to additional problems.

His life is rapidly deteriorating

The hysteric may not notice how people turn away from him - few people can interact with the king of drama for too long, and in the end the person with the disorder is left alone. Sometimes it happens that in pursuit of attention, he ends up in unpleasant situations.

Gistronics, especially those who are not used to analyzing what is happening, rarely learn from mistakes and step on the same rake for a long time.

Lack of attention or fear of new things?

A person can deny everything, claiming that he is just experiencing a lack of attention. He even firmly believes in his uselessness. In fact, he himself is closed to everything new, and in particular he is greatly offended by any criticism, disapproval or even a hint of condemnation. Both approval and praise become indicators, indicators of the correctness of a person’s very personality. In the opposite case, if someone criticizes a neurotic, he receives a similar response.

Obviously, attention deficit syndrome has something in common with the fear of learning new things. A person can actively and enthusiastically study theory, but never get to practice, because practice is where we often get into trouble and are forced to face difficulties and problems in communicating with other people who are not always loyal to us.

In this situation, neurotics are afraid of reality; it is easiest for them to stay in a familiar place, avoiding criticism and disagreement. The thirst for attention and praise can result in a serious problem that will require contacting a psychologist, since it will increasingly become a wall in the path of healthy relationships.

Why do people experience hysterical disorder?

People often think that flamboyance and drama are characteristic of people with high self-esteem, but this is not true. A person with a healthy self-perception understands what he really is and does not squeeze out grains of attention through behavior or clothing - he does not need it. Therefore, it is worth noting that the problem is typical for people with low self-esteem.

In addition to this, the following factors influence the appearance of the disease.

Childhood trauma

Often, unhealthy cravings for attention develop at an early age. For example, a child was bullied at school because of his appearance - in adulthood he may decide that he needs to work on his image in order to be accepted and approved.

Sometimes the craving for attention is influenced by the coldness of parents - in such cases, a person will do everything to be noticed: go to dozens of clubs, speak loudly, piss off elders.

In the future, if a person has not worked through childhood traumas, he transfers the old model of behavior into relationships with people, be it colleagues, partners or friends. Even if he is accepted and loved by those around him, it will seem to him that this is not so, because increased attention disappears over time, but the need for it remains.

Success Orientation

It manifests itself especially strongly in social networks - often bloggers, especially those with millions of subscribers, go to great lengths to remain famous. True, sometimes this ends in severe loneliness.

A case in point is the case of Love Island contestant Jamie Jewitt. Before getting on set, the British model suffered from depression: he had a lot of followers, and he himself seemed to be a successful man, but life didn’t seem to be going well.

Once on the show, he had to give up his phone and stop using social networks. There were no televisions or computers at the site, and participants had to talk only about what really bothered them. Thus Jamie was healed of his illness.

Gender socialization

Although problems with craving attention are most often identified in women, it is worth noting that gender attitudes often influence this. Thus, men are less likely to be seen by doctors, especially by psychotherapists - it is not customary for them to admit their weaknesses. Women are more often forgiven for their emotionality and focus on appearance, which is why disorders like hysterical disorder progress much faster in them.

Read on topic:Bibliotherapy: how books help in the treatment of mental disorders

Is it possible to live with attention deficit disorder?

Of course, but the quality of life decreases, because people do not know how to be alone with themselves, without the need to feed their significance and importance. They cannot evaluate their work without external evaluation. They will not start a new relationship until they hear approval from friends or parents. They won’t agree to an interesting proposal until they get acquainted with the public’s opinion.

Thus, the true attitude to what is happening is overshadowed by the imposed one. And this will certainly result in neuroses, anxiety and dissatisfaction with life that comes from out of nowhere.

Requests for help Write your story Hello, my name is Arthur, it took me a long time to decide to share my story. I am 25 years old and the last 3 years of my life have been the most depressing. My problem is girls, at the age of 25 I have never had sex, but what kind of sex is there, I have never even kissed. It’s so humiliating and painful, I can’t even look people in the eye. I’m certainly not handsome, but I have a fairly normal appearance, the advantages are height and muscles, I’ve been doing karate since childhood, when I train I forget about all my problems, but as soon as I come home and realize that there’s no one to share a mug of tea with, I immediately start thinking about the bad. I trained as a translator and after graduating from university, I had the opportunity to go to the USA for an internship, since I know English well and by some miracle I won a grant. My eyes lit up, I began to prepare, even the fact that during my studies all the girls refused me no longer seemed such a big problem, it hurt, but I tried not to think about it and focus on this unique opportunity. All my friends have had girlfriends for a long time, they are starting to make fun of me for being gay, as a joke of course. I put on different masks, try to smile, but in my soul there is an ocean of tears. Of course I didn't share this with anyone. I packed my suitcase and flew to Los Angeles, started studying, met a girl, a Mexican, I was simply crazy about her. We started hanging out as friends, but when I wanted more, she refused me, saying that she liked someone else. And here my truly dark streak began, I closed myself off, stopped going to classes, spent my days in my room, and began to avoid everyone, especially her. Realizing that I was ruining my future, I became so confused in myself, I left everything and returned to Russia. My parents were shocked, my mother didn’t know what to do with herself, I understood that they were very disappointed in me, but they didn’t know what was going on in my soul, that every day when I woke up, I didn’t want to get out of bed, I just didn’t see the reason. A summons arrives and I go into the army. At the moment, the depression was so strong that even if I was taken to prison, it wouldn’t matter. Going into the army without a girlfriend is terrible, when no one sees you off, and then you keep thinking about the fact that no one will meet you on demobilization, no one will call you and tell you that she is waiting for you, for me it was terrible. I served, returned home, a lot has changed. I have a friend like me without a girlfriend, we have always been close, but now he has a soulmate, he moved, I help transport things. Watching how a person builds his personal life while you are alone is very painful. Of course, I was sincerely happy for him, I found a good girl, yesterday I called and asked her to come help me assemble the closet, of course I didn’t refuse. We sat and drank tea, I went to the bathroom to wash my hands and I could hear them kissing and whispering about something in the kitchen. I understand that I miss this so much, tears come to my eyes, I go out, apologize, say that I feel bad and I’d better go home. Now I try not to see them, because it hurts a lot. I really want love and go to the movies with someone. When I see couples walking on the streets, I want to collapse on the spot. He also stopped answering my parents’ calls, then my mother comes and asks what’s the matter, I told her everything, asked her not to tell my father, of course she told me. Mom, of course, said that this was not a problem and that people live without arms and legs. Although my parents are supportive, I see that their attitude towards me has changed. Yesterday I swallowed some pills, but obviously not enough, because I just threw up and that’s all. I don’t know why I’m so deprived of attention from women, I don’t have any diseases or disabilities, I don’t smoke, I don’t drink. But every redneck still has girlfriends, I just don’t understand why girls even hang out with such people. Now I’m 25 and the thought that I’ll be alone at 30 makes me break out in a cold sweat. This is the most terrible thing in the world, to be alone, not illness, nor financial problems, it is when you are alone and you have no one to solve these problems with, this is the real trouble. When I hear songs about love or something on TV, I immediately switch it up. In general, I don’t know how to live on, it’s better to die in agony from cut veins than to be lonely when you wake up in the morning and hug only a pillow. Now I’m going to move to another city, but I don’t think anything will change. Thank you if you read to the end.

Arthur, age: 25 / 06/12/2017


Hello, dear Arthur! What a beautiful and rare name you have! And you are a wonderful person! I ask you, don’t be upset because you don’t have a girlfriend. I’m also 25 years old, and I’ve also never had a man and I’ve never been kissed either. Arthur, believe me, it’s not nearly as bad as you think. You don’t need to get hung up on it, you don’t need to put relationships above all else. By the way, you’re such a good guy for studying to be a translator, this shows that that you are a purposeful and capable guy. Don’t be discouraged and don’t despair. Discover new talents and abilities. Meet people, communicate, and make friends. Live for your parents. After all, they really want to see you happy. Forget about negative thoughts. And the girl you will meet again. Worthy. All the best to you. I sincerely wish that everything goes well with you. Hugs.

Irina, age: 25 / 06/12/2017

Arthur, you are still too young to give up on yourself. If the only one hasn’t come, then it’s not time. Do not rush things. For some reason you need to be alone. This is God's providence - to give love. Do not rush. What is destined for you by fate will not pass by. And you don’t need to exchange money for everyone. But you will give your one and only all your unsplashed love. And of course there is your soul mate! And everything will still be wonderful for you. You need to really want and think only about good things. No depression or bad thoughts! Thoughts are material! Remember. Whatever you ask from heaven, they will give you. Don't get discouraged ahead of time! I know for sure - you will still meet your love and be happy! Everything will happen unexpectedly for you. But definitely! Do good, love people, help animals and all the weak... your time has not come yet. Good luck!

Tasya, age: 43 / 06/12/2017

Arthur, haven’t you tried to just let go of these thoughts about girls and accept the existing state of affairs? I think that you are much happier than thousands of people who, by your age, have already managed to start families and get divorced, and are now forced, for example, to raise children alone and deal with the consequences of their once wrong, thoughtless choice. One of my mom's friends remained a virgin until she was 40! All her life she was looking for “HER” man, and ultimately found him! And now she is happy! Over all these years, she traveled half the world, learned to make good money, and made many friends. For me, for example, this woman is an inimitable example. My life turned out completely differently. I've lived through the full gamut of my early, rash choices and I can tell you that it's not fun. Take your time. Get back on your feet. And who knows exactly where and at what stage of your life’s journey you will meet HER? Follow your own path. Yours is unique. It’s always easy to do something stupid, but the chances of building a successful career become less and less as the years go by. Let go of the situation. You are already a complete person. Develop while you have the opportunity! People who do not have a family can achieve much more than those who are tied hand and foot by obligations and are forced to look for any way to earn money in order to feed their children. Get on your feet and move forward along your path! Everything will come at the right time! Good luck!!!

Rina, age: 31 / 06/12/2017

Hello Arthur! I decided to write you a response. Such a cry from the soul that I simply could not pass by. I think everything is ahead of you, you are only 25 years old. Meet a girl who will really love and appreciate you. And the fact that others have couples is not worth focusing on. Each person is individual. There is no need to focus on your personal life, think about your career, you have the opportunity to build your future. And girls usually like successful men) And think about your parents. After all, they love you and worry about you. I think everything will be fine for you. Do not despair

Sakura, age: 35 / 06/12/2017

Hello Arthur. You know, I understand you. I, too, was alone for a long time. Although I am a realist, in life everyone has a chance for love. Wait not long, don’t think about age and time, but rather do something, something so that you will be noticed .The recipe is simple - do good! And don’t cry because the girl you love is not around, it’s much worse when you lose. In general, get your act together, everything will work out if you act. Good luck brother.

Andrey, age: 25 / 06/12/2017

You are not right. The absence of a girlfriend in this sense does not mean that you have problems, but that modern youth are increasingly degrading (I’m talking about my gender). Let me give you an example: my dad just tried to get a kiss from my mom for half a year. And they got married after 3 years of courtship (without intimacy). Don't look at the spinner. Search for the soul. And you will have a happy life. And whatever you want. Believe in yourself.

pacific, age: 32 / 06/12/2017

Hello Arthur. You know how to write. I’m so upset about something, I can’t. I even shed a tear. But in general, I am always in favor of taking some decisive steps. We must act, act! Don't shed tears. Try dating sites. In addition, involve your friends, acquaintances, girls of your acquaintances in your problem! They will organize everything for you in one fell swoop. After all, your friend’s girlfriend probably has an unmarried friend. You can try and contact. Do not be afraid. Just say it like this: You can’t find a good, sweet friend for life and love. I think they will help you. Besides, you have excellent data. You're just out of luck yet. You see, this happens. But I'm sure everything will be fine for you. You know, when I was looking for a husband for myself, I really wanted my boyfriend to be tall, but as luck would have it, I didn’t come across anyone like him at all. So don't worry, take your destiny into your own hands. You will find yourself a girlfriend. Don't doubt it!

Fotina, age: 35 / 06/12/2017

Hi Arthur, I'm 23 and I have exactly the same situation as you. But don’t despair so much, stop with these pills and other nonsense, don’t even think about it. For example, I envy you very much, I have always dreamed of visiting the USA and generally traveling, but my financial capabilities and level of English are unlikely to allow me to do this) And so many opportunities are open to you in terms of self-realization and work, so if you just want to, you can become quite successful and in this case you will have girls anyway, I’m sure, you just need patience. Yes, I know how difficult it is when everyone has the same disappointments, negative emotions, you don’t want to do absolutely anything, you don’t want to just exist. But we have to. One must also believe in the best, hope and strive. Through strength, through tears, for yourself, if you don’t want to, for yourself, for your parents and for whom you are dear. We will all die someday, but why now, it won’t make it any easier for anyone and it won’t make you any easier. Look for yourself in this life, try going to church, don’t give up sports under any circumstances, find an interesting job, travel, expand your horizons and social circle, do good, maybe get yourself a dog or another pet. I believe everything will be fine with you, just please don’t focus on one problem. All the best) I apologize for the clutter and spelling of my message.

Human, age: 23/06/13/2017

Arthur, your story is very close to me. The cause of your condition could be due to different things. Perhaps you want to receive heat more than give it away, but you yourself don’t admit it. Perhaps you are trying to hide behind a relationship from some fears. It's very hard, but try to find something you like and do it. Be friends with girls, don't demand love from them. and learn to accept refusals, turn them into jokes. then you won’t have to run away :) just mentally thank the girl that she didn’t agree, almost accidentally taking the place of your other half)

liooli, age: 26 / 06/13/2017

Hello. Arthur, it's just not the right time. Perhaps study, internship, career should have been the START to happiness for you, that is, starting this path not with relationships, but with self-development and success. You push yourself too hard and have a complex because of the lack of a girlfriend, although this is definitely not a vice. Take a look at Orthodox dating sites, chat, meet, look for a person to start a family. Good luck!

Irina, age: 29 / 06/13/2017

Hello Arthur! Go to the Orthodox dating site “ABC of Fidelity”, there are many wonderful girls there who want to start a family.

Agata, age: ... / 06/13/2017

Arthur, I’ll just tell you the story of my friend, and you draw your own conclusions. I have a friend, let's call her Anna, she is 24 years old, she is a beautiful, kind girl who suffers because she has not yet met a guy. There is no love, no relationship... Don’t despair, your soul mate will meet you, but until it appears, spend your time usefully, pursue a career and improve yourself!

Ekaterina, age: 29 / 06/16/2017

Hello Arthur! I get the feeling that you attach too much importance to relationships with girls. As a result, you forget those areas in which you are strong. Be yourself whenever possible. You can work out the problem with a psychologist. You have qualities that are enviable. This is enthusiasm, perseverance, a certain love of life. It's strange that girls ignore you. Perhaps you came across immature girls before your development. Or the problem is purely technical. Maybe you are just scaring them off with your ardor?) In any case, this is far from a reason for irreparable matters.

Stas, age: 24 / 06/16/2017

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What to do if you don't have enough attention?

If you feel that others are indifferent to you and do not appreciate what you do, think about the possible reasons for this. It is very easy for a neurotic to be around those who do not offend him, do not provoke him and encourage him in every possible way. However, a constant thirst for attention and praise is not a normal need for an adult.

A mature man or woman is called upon not only to receive, but also to give attention to those in need: their children, elderly parents, work colleagues, friends.

It is impossible to change a neurotic person if he does not want it himself. And until he sees the problem, any attempts to prove that an excessive thirst for attention and praise interferes with the life of not only him, but also those around him will be useless. For any changes in life, a person must be open to new things, and not hide behind the wall of his own beliefs.

Reason No. 1. Emotional and physical exhaustion

Our sexual attractiveness is directly related to how we feel. An emotionally devastated person (of any gender), uninterested in anything, or tired, even with initially good external data, will be perceived by others as an asexual object. This is because libido and sexual attractiveness are characteristics that are entirely based on a person’s psychobiological reserve.

Moreover, the feeling of fatigue, uncertainty, and complexes is automatically reflected in one’s appearance. As a result, we get a stoop, mournful, downturned corners of the mouth and clothes under which it is difficult to see the woman. Subconsciously, these representatives of the fairer sex behave in such a way as not to be noticed. On the one hand, they really want a relationship, on the other hand, they do not have any emotional strength for this.

Since life has not only an intimate sphere, but also a social one, against the background of all other issues that a woman is forced to deal with, she pushes her personal life into the background.

The first indicator of sexuality is your energy level today. This is the most common cause of “invisibility syndrome”, because there are a lot of people in society who have certain signs of emotional and physical exhaustion.

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Attention deficit disorder or how you are manipulated

“Neurotics who lack recognition, gratitude and praise are usually pleasant, polite interlocutors. They are easy to talk to, polite and have good manners. Especially during the first communication.”

However, the purpose of their communication is not always to receive joy. They use their interlocutor to stir up interest in their personality, to manipulate and receive another dose of praise and admiration. Of course, this cannot be done without fables, fictitious stories and far-fetched details.

Among representatives of these types of people, there are often so-called energy vampires, whose goal is to achieve attention and praise from their interlocutor by any means necessary.

Let's talk a little about quarrels

Interesting fact: arguing is a way to attract attention. Marvelous? But psychologists have more than once encountered the fact that quarrels between spouses often arise due to a woman’s desire to attract the attention of a man.

How does this happen? First, the woman asks the man for attention, is dissatisfied, and cries. If all her attempts to get a man to finally spend time with her in a good way remain in vain, then she may intuitively start to make trouble with him. As they say, even a bad attitude is already at least some attention. If a woman does not get hers in an amicable way, then she will quarrel with a man over trifles in order to get at least some attention to her person.

When a person lacks attention, he begins to wage a guerrilla war

If for some period of time a neurotic does not receive respect and recognition of his own importance, then he begins to be upset, angry, offended, and experience a feeling of uselessness, a feeling that he is being neglected.

In such cases, a person can either decide to open up to new things and stop being dependent on the next dose of praise, or turn to a specialist for help.

“A person suffering from attention deficit disorder will sooner or later give you a “bill.” This is especially unpleasant to realize if you have lived with such a person for years, have joint property and even children.”

Reason No. 3. Distorted vision of reality

Another reason that many women sin is behavior that does not meet expectations. They take a position that can be called “princess in the tower”: I am all so closed, mysterious, waiting for a handsome prince who will strive for me, overcome dangers and win my heart. But modern men are very frustrated and think differently. They are spoiled by the great availability of women, easy sex without obligations, and sincerely see no reason to “hit on” the Snow Queen. They will choose the one that is initially favorable and will take the initiative. And the “princess” will remain sitting in her tower. Lonely, but wearing a crown.

It’s absurd, but this line of behavior is popular among women. This is facilitated by numerous trainings, pumping up femininity, online marathons, which promise that in three days you will marry the best and most wonderful man in the world. There, ideas of female dignity are propagated, which are often completely distorted and placed on the heads of the fair sex like a “crown,” leaving everyone in the illusion that they are incredible and men should be crushed into pieces for their sake.

The task of any such “crown” is to hide the truth that the other person, for some reason, simply may not like you. She seems to whisper to you: “He realized that you are too good for him and deserve more.” Or, for example, makes you doubt his sexual orientation. Do you agree that it’s more pleasant to think this way than to realize that you are not interesting?

A modern man does not have the goal of grooming, nurturing, protecting, providing financially, indulging whims, or fully satisfying the social and physical needs of a woman who simply allows this to be done. When such a concept is promoted in trainings, no matter how attractive it may look, it is a utopia.

The truth is that the only relationship model that works in the modern world is partnership. It doesn’t happen that you take all the power for yourself and push all the responsibility onto another person. If a man takes away responsibility, then along with it he will take away power too, and will begin to dictate how you live, with whom to communicate, what to wear. And not everyone will like this option.

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Why do women need a lot of attention?

Many men do not understand why women are so pathologically waiting for attention to their person. But here everything is very simple: attention = love! And here's how it can be explained.

If you remember yourself, dear men, at the beginning of a relationship, then you pay a lot of attention to the women you like. We can say that women bask in your desire to be with them when you first met and want to conquer them.

If a man pays a lot of attention to a woman, she thinks that he is interested in her and loves her. And this is true, since a man runs around and cares only for the woman he is in love with. Herein lies the answer to why women cannot receive less attention over time: if men do not spend time with them, they feel that they have stopped loving them.

Attention = love. At the beginning of a relationship, a woman determines a man’s feelings by how much attention he pays to her. If over time the attention becomes less, then the woman begins to understand that the man is no longer interested in her. And, perhaps, this is also true: over time, a man really loses the interest and passion that he had at the beginning, when he was just getting to know and conquering a woman.

Share your husband's interests

Any representative of the stronger sex is pleased when his interests are valued and respected. But a man is delighted with those ladies who share his interests. Be that special. Is your husband not paying attention to you? Show interest in your husband's hobbies. Then a man will not be able to ignore your person. Learn the basics of the hobby on your own, but don’t bother with advice, just show interest.

Over dinner, you can ask how your husband is going with the project, and thanks to your knowledge, you will be able to ask intelligent questions. Men love calm and reasonable dialogues. They like to have long conversations. Not all women agree to listen to long lectures given by men. If you do not agree to devote time to a man, do not be surprised that he will not pay attention to you either.

How to understand that your husband has fallen out of love? A man who does not pay attention to his wife and does not feel tenderness for her is at the stage of gradual withdrawal. But the situation can still be saved. If you don't like your husband's hobby, find something you both enjoy. Spending time together will help you establish productive communication first, and then bring back your former passion.

Stop throwing tantrums

A person must be able to control his emotions. People who fail to do this are doomed to loneliness and misunderstanding. Husband doesn't pay attention? Think, is this his fault? If a girl throws scandals and hysterics at a man every day, after a while the stronger sex will begin to ignore his wife. He will stop reacting sharply to scandals, but at the same time he will stop perceiving his wife as a woman.

Learn to keep your feelings in check. Has there been a domestic conflict? Don't start shouting. Calm down and continue the conversation with a sober mind. When a person is overwhelmed by emotions, he cannot reason. He will only become more irritated and think about how to hit his opponent more painfully. Such people need to change their way of thinking. Otherwise, the person will very soon be left alone.

How to make yourself noticed again: useful tips

Every woman deserves attention, but few of them really do everything for it. To get your husband to pay attention to you again, you need to work on yourself.

Psychologists give several recommendations that will really help:

  • pay more attention to yourself;
  • workout;
  • find a hobby you like;
  • take care of facial beauty and hair;
  • communicate with friends;
  • always be active.

Only confident and self-sufficient women will never be limited by male attention. Work on your relationships and they will always evoke only positive emotions.

Be interesting

How to understand that your husband has fallen out of love? A man who has lost interest in his woman stops showing tender feelings towards her and talks to her less. The lady becomes uninteresting to him. Think about how you can transform yourself. Look at yourself from the outside and find your flaws. But judge objectively and unbiasedly. Are you a boring person who is not interested in anything? Then take care of your education. People are interested in talking with people who can carry on the conversation.

“Why doesn’t my husband pay attention to me?” - a stupid girl with whom there is nothing to talk about might say. A lady who wants to hold the attention of her husband must be savvy in various fields of knowledge and have at least a superficial understanding of history, art, music, cinema and psychology.

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